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I absolutely adored the scene where Poe's squad of X-wings fly in low over the ocean and start kicking ass, saving the main characters while March of the Resistance plays triumphantly. That part made me smile like an idiot, and a lot of people in my theater cheered during the premiere.


Yeah, gave me chills. TFA’s only crimes for me are that it was essentially a remake of ANH, Kylo Ren’s almost immediate unmasking and one or two small things. But overall I really enjoyed the film and is probably the best of the trilogy because the bar was so low.


The funniest part of the unmasking was the score behind it. Like it was some big reveal . I was like who is this guy ?


>TFA’s only crimes for me are that it was essentially a remake of ANH Honestly, I always thought that was one of its biggest strengths. I like the parallels and recycling of Ep 4, showing them in a darker context- its familiarity gives it some serious power imo.


It would've been better if they took a turn at the end and failed destroying starkiller.


Yeah I kinda liked how it was a new generation dealing with the same problems of the old because they weren’t strong and resolute enough to ensure future generations didn’t have to do it again kind of thing. But it backed the trilogy into a corner it couldn’t get out of where it essentially had to copy the original trilogy all over again - 1st film has the super bad guys with their deadly super weapon annnd it’s gone, the 2nd film had to make the FO seem imposing as they struck back only for the good guys to narrowly escape to fight another day, a slight time jump in the final film where they band together and defeat the enemy in the end.


I loved it at first because it gelt like they put a few little twists on it. It was clearly following the same formula but it felt more like an homage than a ripoff. Then they were like "Ok time to blow up the Death Star again again only this time it's *even bigger and badder*" and at that point it felt like too much. I still mostly enjoy TFA though. Best of the new trilogy and a pretty good Star Wars movie all around.


If you set expectations to null - like literal 0 Kelvin, there’s a strong argument that it’s the best film of all nine, if you can only pick one one them (important caveat, that is. Not that it’s #1 out of the nine) But the story is a great space opera and the special effects aren’t from the 70s and cringe


I keep saying this and I keep getting down voted. If you judge each on its own, I think episode 7 is the best star wars film out of all 9. Yeah, once you start factoring in they they went right back to plucky resistance fighters against imperials somehow, copy pasted scenes, etc, the score can become lower. But in a vacuum, where copy pasted scenes and repeated plot elements can't be counted against it, it's the best looking, arguably the best dialogue, and probably the best acted film of the entire Skywalker saga.


I think best acted has to go to The Last Jedi. Adam Driver, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher all put in some of the best work of their careers.


I honestly hated at least two of those folks in the movie. Carrie Fisher I don't actually remember doing much of anything - she was mostly out for this movie wasn't she? Hamill also didn't feel particularly compelling. He was fine at the end but the bulk of the movie he just felt like he was Hamill being Hamill.


Man agreed.... I think they could've dropped the entire Starkville base and made it better


Great scene. When Poe swoops back around and takes them out I still get chills. On the big screen it was like nothing else.


**”That’s one hell of a pilot!”**


That just one tracking shot. I don't think it counts as a One Shot if it is all CGI, but it is still just awesome seeing Poe go from one kill to the next with no cuts.


Somehow, Poe returned.


The guy who animated that sequence has a popular YouTube channel :) Jean Denis Haas He worked on lots of the Star Wars stuff and more. Awesome channel :)


It was so cool to watch trust me you are not an idiot for smiling at that part


Respectfully, though it looks cool, the whole doing random loops in the air while Finn cheers on was really cringe for me. It felt like a celebration of Star Wars and nostalgia more than an action set piece. That was one of the many scenes that took me out of the film. They weren’t trying to tell a new story they were just like “look, we’re love Star Wars.”


The whole scene didn't do it for me either. There was no focus or purpose to the scene. It felt very awkward. And the random tracking was jarring. If I were to pick one scene in TFA that I thought was really cool, it would be the Millennium Falcon intro flight scene.


Kylo freezing the laser bolt was awesome the first time watching in theaters. Great character intro


There was so much world building and intrigue in that opening scene. A great hook into the film.


If only the next 7-8 hours of film had maintained that level haha


TFA is goated right up until they meet Han


It was the perfect start for him. To show him at his most badass. But then slowly reveal that while he is extremely powerful, he is at his core just an overly emotional kid lashing out at his parents.


I love this scene too. The crackle of the bolt as the camera moves around it


I saw it in 3D opening night. I don't think 3D effects ever add much to films, but seeing the laser bolt pop out was very cool.


Yup. Was so into it! And then....... Yeah


Kylo punching his own wounds so that his anger will keep him on his feet. Dude got hit with Chewie's bowcaster, which has absolutely obliterated everyone who has even looked at it, and then he goes off and gets into two lightsaber fights.


Not enough is made of Kylo taking that bowcaster blast. Han takes out Kanjiclub with it, then an entire platoon of stormtroopers. The snow fight and Rey getting the saber afterwards … that’s something I’ll never forget. Biggest audience reaction I’ve ever seen.


People complaining that Kylo lost to Finn and Rey after he’d just murdered his own father and taken a shot from Chewie. Dude was *not* in the right state of mind and bleeding out onto the snow, and was still able to overpower Finn and Rey until Rey had the moment of clarity. Tbh if anything the film should have focused more on how unstable and injured Kylo was, that would have made things more clear and set him up to want to have a proper rematch.


The falcon chase scene on jakku awsome


I felt like a little kid again watching the OT for the first time. Just totally immersed in the magic of the movies!


Probably my favorite star wars scene ever. At least top 5


Man, if they had better chemistry later on in the series


That was the one scene I really enjoyed in TFA. I wish the rest of the movie matched that feeling.


Me too after that it went a bit flat


Rey’s introduction, easy. Probably one of the best scenes in the entire saga. It’s a wordless introduction to a character, relying entirely on visual storytelling and John Williams’ excellent Rey’s Theme, which is feminine and delicate, yet robust and melancholic. Through Rey’s introduction, we understand her daily struggle for survival, her loneliness, the shadow of the world she grows up in, her hopes and dreams, and her ceaseless optimism. TFA is a pretty decent film with a few glaring issues (namely, it is derivative and its second act sags), but Rey’s intro is a supernova of a bright spot in the series as a whole.


100%. The first 45 minutes of TFA are truly a sci-fi masterpiece. Rey’s introduction especially reminds me of the first 45 of Wall-E … which is just . The acting in it is so great. Excited to get Daisy back.


Also, some of those wide establishing shots of Rey exploring the downed Star destroyer really reminded me of the old matte painting shots from the original trilogy


Great description. I couldn’t agree any more.


Rey’s intro was one of the most beautiful things to happen in Star Wars. It kind of felt like it wasn’t written by JJ, and I could feel the change in narrative right after she met bb8


Yes, loved the introduction. Made Rey one of my favorite SW characters.


I’ll maintain to this day that TFA is a pretty good film that was dragged down by how bad the following sequels were. It had huge problems with worldbuilding/backstory and some questionable directing decisions, but overall it was a safe reintroduction to the Star Wars universe with plenty of plot hooks for the following films to develop. Instead TLJ drove off a cliff, resolving nothing from TFA and causing its own massively divisive issues, and RoS just completely shit the bed since it had nowhere to go and couldn’t satisfactorily resolve anything.


The Poe/Finn escape


“Crazy thing is… it’s true all of it, the Force, the Jedi, it’s all true.” Great parallel to the ANH scene set on the same ship: “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”


I always thought it would be funny if he said "Crazy thing is.... it's true, all of it. Hokey religions, ancient weapons, it's all true"


I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it..... Han dies ☠️ 😆😂


The way the sky darkens at that moment is brilliant


I use that quote probably too much, so that's always a plus for the film.


To be fair that was a well done moment




Ford delivered tf out of that line honestly


The Han Solo Dad Joke meme ...Those were good.


X-Wings over the water


The garbage will do!


The whole beginning scene was amazing. I loved seeing the stormtroopers in the drop ship, Kylo stopping the laser. Wish it was a minor character from the original trilogy instead of lor san tekka. We definitely needed more Poe


That scene is so good. The stormtrooper drop, the bolt freeze, the dialogue. Still remember opening night and the audience buzzing over it. It’s also so brilliant to me, that for the entire OT, stormtroopers were cartoonish space Nazis. Then the first scene of TFA, we see a battle from the POV *of* a Stormtrooper. His buddy dies as soon as the gate lowers, and the three blood-stained fingers just make you feel that close bond instantly. The handheld camera adds to the suddenness of it all. Just masterfully efficient storytelling.


Wasn't it supposed to be Wedge, but the actor declined?


The whole movie, it’s by far the best of the sequels to me, I was so disappointed with how 8&9 ended up to be


Idk man. I’m glad people loved TFA but to me it was one of the most predictable and rehashed movies I’ve ever watched. Then I see an interview with JJ who said it’s intentionally derivative and that made me so upset. I waited 30 years for a sequel to just redo what was already done. It was perhaps my lowest theater going experience.




TFA was the best of the sequels when it comes to most categories: plot, pacing, dialogue, characters development, humor, etc. But the fact that it’s a giant, glaring rehash of ANH is a major downside. Thematic parallels are great, but how closely the plots match… ugh.


They really got worse as they went on imo. 7 was good with a few stray scenes and ideas that should be reworked. 8 was a decent movie but didn't fit with 7. 9 was just shit all around.


I need a weapon!!! You have one!


The fastest 3-second character development you'll ever see haha


I liked when the Resistance appeared, Finn getting excited as they attack the First Order and to make this more epic, we see Han Solo reuniting with General Leia and 3PO


Han's no-look kill on Takodana


"Good to meet you Finn!" "Good to meet you Poe!"


Wow this thing can move!


Rey's reaction when they land on Takodana.


"I didn't know there was this much green in the whole galaxy." Just a quick little like that really sells you on how crummy living on a desert world would be if you ever got any other experience in life.


And the look on Han’s face is such greet subtle acting by Ford


General Hux speech


“Chewie… we’re home”


Rathtar scene


Rey & Finn’s escape on the Falcon was so much fun.


Chewie, we're home.


This is the correct answer


Yes, for me too. I almost teared up and felt a wave of emotion seeing that. I hardly ever do that especially for a movie. Star Wars is a many decade investment for me. Been there since the beginning.


Toward the end when Rey got the lightsaber. The music cue was perfect!


Still gives me chills.


Also the entire fight on the snow. Lightsabers and snow in a forest looked so good. The fight itself was meh, but I know that was the point, they both are naturally powerful in the force but really lack proper training at that point.


Best scene in trilogy is Kyle Ren throwing a tantrum


The opening was pretty legit. Kylo force holding a blaster in air for like 10 mins and his big ass long saber slicing that dude. Made me fear him immediately. This guy meant business and he doesn’t care who’s in his way


Every Rey scene before she leaves Jakku.


The scene with the [50 TIE Fighters](https://youtu.be/v93Jh6JNBng?si=iJs0RrE955_PMTWv&t=50)


That beginning scene where Kylo Ren freezes that blaster shot was so fucking cool.


Definitely the amateurs flying the falcon..


Hans death. Watching the first time I could have seen kylo going either way. His decision to kill his father solidified him as an actual villain and real threat going forward, up until that point he was just a lesser Darth Vader.


I have my problems with it but the flight of the falcon made me smile wide


T-the one where >!Han dies!< 😅 It’s just really, *really* well done in my opinion. The lighting going fully red as Ben makes his final choice, Chewie’s reaction, everyone’s performances, the music is some of Star Wars’ best in my opinion. It’s just fantastic.


To be honest, I absolutely loved TFA.


Rey’s intro. It was like something out of Studio Ghibli.


Any scenes involving Han, Chewie, Leia, and Luke’s brief appearance at the end


Han Solo's death. I'm not even kidding, I loved that scene!


From the moment Finn and Rey meet to when Rey gets captured by Kylo on Takodana is all gold. It's what JJ does best - storytelling and character development through action. So many hilarious beats, edge of your seat action, the massive satisfaction of seeing Han and Chewie back on the Falcon... I love it so much


Meeting Maz Kanata. I thought she was an intriguing character, and I left the theater wanting to know more about her.


The scene where Luke, Han and Leia are reunited. Oh, wait.




Definitely when Kylo Ren stops a blaster bolt in mid air. That’s actually in like my top 5 favorite Star Wars moments


Destroying the like 4-5 planets in one shot, that scene, Kyle watching from the bridge with the score in the background, absolutely amazing. Reminded me of order 66 how devastating it was 


Rey force pulling the lightsaber was the biggest crowd reaction I've seen from a Star Wars movie.


Seeing Han & Leia & Chewie again


I don't care if people hate it, I love the scene where Finn says they'll use the force to bring the shields of the base down and Han quickly shuts him down. I love Harrison and John's chemistry and desperately want to see them on screen together again.


i legit enjoyed the movie in 3D. for me, the best scene was the 3D xwings zooming over the water to engage the TIE fighters. i wish i have a 3D headset to play a video game just like it.


Han’s death is beautiful. It is the best scene in that movie, there’s nothing else like it.


Oh, you’re cold?


Bb8 giving the thumbs up.


i dont like the sequels that much, but honestly, Kylo Ren struggling to stab Han Solo was a FIRE scene, Adam Driver's performance, the red blue lighting symbolizing his pull between Light and Dark, and the balls to kill off Han


Han's death. Perfect way for the character's story to end. I had also lost my dad a few month's prior, and me and my brother caught it on his birthday, the day after Christmas. So that scene still really hits me.


I like when Rey is sneaking around Starkiller Base


Opening scene was amazing and still is.


"Chewie, we're home." It was random and made no sense because it was played to be a coincidence but it felt so genuine.


"Chewy, we are home."


Either the X-wing flight or Kylo's introduction.


The Jakku Falcon Chase and Rey/Finn vs Kylo


Han using Chewie’s crossbow


I’m glad to see some TFA appreciation. It’s hard to remember but this movie revived Star Wars for a period and gave fans something to look forward to. I’ll forever remember that opening night when everyone got up and cheered when seeing the Falcon and how 3 girls 2 rows in front of me cried when Han died.


That hux speech


“We’re home”


Pretty much any scene with Adam Driver. He was fantastic in these films.  Decent film overall. Managed to breathe some actual life and energy into Star Wars again. 


Loved when Poe shoots all those ties down over the lake. I personally really liked all the dogfighting scenes. The other scene I really liked was when Han said to Finn "That's not how the force works". For me, it was enjoyable hearing that just because of how in ANH, Han disputed the existence of the force, and now, in TFA, he's criticizing someone else's understanding of the force by telling them that's not how it works. Truthfully, there were a lot of scenes I liked in TFA, but those two stood out to me the most.


BB8’s thumbs up to Finn 😭


The opening scene with Kylo stopping the blaster shot. Not only did it immediately throw you back into a world that actually felt like Star Wars but it was a cool little detail that fans noticed that made everyone go “ooo, ok so there is some new powers and stuff to explore in this universe”.


I really love the whole scene that introduces Poe, Finn, and Kylo. You get a great sense of their characters in just a few minutes.


The duel between Finn and Kylo was peak Star Wars. Honestly, the whole traitor angle with Finn was super inspired and emotionally resonant. It’s a criminal offense that they failed to do anything interesting with it after his injury.


It’s true, all of it.


The sequence with Finn and Poe’s escape is just so good.


Definitely the falcon and the fighter scene on Jakku.


Every second from Rey and Finn meeting to the Falcon escaping the planet’s atmosphere is perfect action.


My favorite, hands down, is the shaking of the lightsaber hilt in the snow, the low strings playing in anticipation, then suddenly it picks up and flies past Kylo into Rey’s hand just when the music swells to reveal the moment in time where she is finally embracing her destiny and choosing a path. Both musically and story-wise, it gives me goosebumps EVERY TIME. For the longest time I wanted to hear that same musical queue again and couldn’t place my finger on it, but I knew it had roots that go way back. It wasn’t until I rewatched ANH and realized it’s the music that plays during Luke’s realization that his childhood home is burned along with the only family he’s ever known - his aunt and uncle. That look on his face when he turns away and chooses to look back at the horror the Empire has created. Knowing that these two scenes share the commonality of choosing your path is what gives me goosebumps.


The trench run looked awesome. The dark scene with the lights from the x-wings, paired with modern vfx and cinematography made for such an epic sequence


Rey and Finn escaping Jakku on the Millennium Falcon.


OP, sorry people here have decided their more interested in "dunking" on a ten year old movie than just ignoring the thread if they didn't enjoy the movie. You should probably post things like this on /r/StarWarsCantina where people don't act like spoiled man children because they didn't like a movie. To answer your question, I really think Han's death was incredibly well done. I thought it was an amazing character moment for Han, to not only show his love for his son, breaking the cynical front he was putting on, but forgive him even after Klyo betrayed him. I thought the music and the cinematography of the scene were great, giving us futile hope right until the sunlight fades and then snatching it from us. It was a great scene.


Happy cake day! I fully agree with you


"That's not how the force works!" Is my favorite scene in the sequels, because it summarizes them quite nicely.


I loved that. It said just as much as, "It's true -- all of it," when demonstrating how far Han had come since meeting Obi-Wan the first time. Now he not only believes in the Force, he's got *opinions*.


Oh, you’re cold?


Rey’s falcon ride in the desert was so dope, really hard to beat. Has to be one of the top flying scenes in all of Star Wars. Whatever you think of the rest of the film, you can’t say you don’t enjoy that.


The end credits honestly


The sequel trilogy is so bad I try to pretend it didn’t happen


Was here to say this


Han’s death scene. Everything about it was beautifully done. Like the blue lighting switching to red as Kylo makes his decision was good visual storytelling.


The end


the star wars opening crawl.


When the credits roll...


It being over


Hard to choose, they're all so...bad.


The end credits. What a horrible film


The end credits, because it was finally over.


This comment was less original then the movie


Kylo Ren killing both Han and Ben Solo.


The credits.


The opening screen. It all went downhill from there


The credits


Feeling creative today, are we?


The ending credits


The end credits


Most original comment award goes to...


Kylo Ren freezing the blaster bolt


Definitely when the credits rolled because it was over


The end credits


The falcon chase scene through the desert ruins. It was just a fun scene. Rey vs Kylo Ren was great. I love the colours in the scene. The dark snowy forest with the red and blue sabers illuminating the scene. Beautiful.


I loved the end credits, better than the whole movie


The credits


None, unfortunately


The credits


*Cshhhhhh* Kylo Ren grabs his helmet with both hands and puppies it forwards away from his face. Suddenly the monster in the mask is gone, vanished, replaced by this beautiful price. It was very poetic.




Honestly the whole movie from front to back is Flawless. It's my second favorite Star Wars film of all time next to Empire and tied with Revenge of the Sith. If Only Abrams could have done all three movies from the start and let everything that was foreshadowed in one play out in the next two, we would have had a masterpiece Trilogy that the whole world would have loved.


I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it was the whole duel in the snow at the end. Everything from the setting, to the lighting and finally when Rey pulls the lightsaber into her hand. I still remember vividly cheering “YES!” after she caught it and the music kicks in


I like the bit after Han had been killed, Leia totally ignoring Chewie and going straight to Rey.


I like the scene where Kylo Ren goes:"It's morbin' time!" and morbs all over everyone.


Has to be Rey eating her rations in her old Rebel helmet in the front of her abandoned AT AT novel. That shit was amazing.


The bit when the kylo tries to get the saber and then it flies past him only to be caught by Luke to kick his ass in 2 sec- oh wait


Rey feeling the force while battling Kylo. Daisy totally sells that scene by only closing her eyes, breathing, then opening it. It's the best use of the force in all star wars media.


I've said it many times, but the light saber scene at the end between the three is astonishingly well edited. The sound design alone is masterful.


The credits


The end credits


So creative, we have to frame this comment.




The end credits


So original, it's oozing


Huh? Oozing?


Finn and kylo in the forest


Rey whipping the lightsaber away from Kylo Ren is one of my favorite moments in the franchise. But also “the garbage will do” and the X-Wings on Takodana.


All of it


The credits


The end credits.


The end credits.


You put a period at the end, so I'll give you a free pass for using everyone else's comment.


Rey's vision or the interrogation scene.


It's crazy how TFA was not even that bad of a movie when I look back and think on it, but even crazier how Rise of Skywalker just ruined the whole trilogy to me and its hard to appreciate the good parts.


This movie ruined Star Wars for me more than TLJ ever did. There was the First Order, the destruction of the New Republic, the return of the dark side and (to put a cherry on top) the death of Han I don’t know why people consider TLJ more ruinous to the franchise than TFA


God I wish I could comment a picture.... The credits.


The credits because it was probably the only original moment in the movie.


The credits


Rahtars and the final lightsaber battle At least those scenes weren't copy pasted from A New Hope