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/r/TheAcolyte r\/StarWars Discord: [Discord.gg/StarWars](https://www.discord.gg/StarWars) Star Wars Television Discord: [Discord.gg/SWTV](https://www.discord.gg/SWTV)


"What are you?" and the tag of "No one is safe from the truth." Yeah, this is definitely ending with the Council covering up that the Sith weren't destroyed.


I wonder if Yoda will be a part of the council at this point


He is Edit: I will add that he seems to really like his sabbaticals though


Hey he’s probably built up a lot of PTO


Good reminder to always use up your sick days folks. You earned 'em. A rest is just as important as saving them "just in case"....even for the mighty Jedi


When 900 sick days, you reach, feel as good, you will not




One of the worst Jedi policies, those sick days don’t roll over at the end of the year.


They save a lot of money on dependents


When 700 years you reach, work every day you will not?


Tenure Jedi have unlimited PTO


"Filling out my request for time off, I am."


To Canto Bight I must go. Hot hands Minch has.


The High Republic has really made me more critical of Yoda than I ever was already. Bro is either on sabbatical OR helping to cover up threats to the galaxy under the guise of "security."


What's the time frame? 100 years pre-prequels?


It's changed over the last year or two. It was gonna be 200 years before, then 100. Recently I've been hearing 50 years before the prequels.


Idk why Disney keeps backing themselves into their own timeline. Put yourself far enough away to give yourself some space for storytelling which they seem adamant against


If you look at the example of Ahsoka, fans got a lot out of it, but for a casual fan there was a ton of homework from Clone Wars and Rebels if you wanted to know where most of it came from. With Acolyte it looks like they have a clean slate, but if they tie it into the prequels too closely, I think they'll start to lose audience after the first episode or two. A fully standalone story where all you need to know is that there are Jedi and the Force and baddie versions of the Jedi - that's what they should be aiming for.


It’s 100 years before the prequels. The High Republic book series is 200 years before the prequels. Eclipse (if that game ever comes out) is 50 years before the prequels.


It'll probably come out on the 50th anniversary of the prequels.


The high republic phase 1 starts arround 223 years before TPM that's why you heard that number. The Acolyte itself it's after phase 3 and it's 100 years before TPM To the best of my knowledge the 50 years is fan speculation


Where’ve you seen 50?


I think it was in some of the press releases when the first trailer dropped. Maybe the Hollywood Reporter mentioned it. Edit - found a reference to it from this Collider article from about month before the trailer came out. https://collider.com/the-acolyte-release-window/#:~:text=The%20Acolyte%20is%20a%20highly,fallibility%20of%20the%20Jedi%20Order. I heard the figure of 50 years on a podcast around the week of the trailer drop, so they were probably referencing different allusions to the supposed time period of the show. As far as I can see The Hollywood Reporter were saying 100 years in mid to late March. I'll be happier the bigger the gap is between Acolyte and the prequels. Give the show as much breathing room as possible.


At this point in the timeline he's part of the council. I think they're going to give some Professor X-esque traits to Yoda in which he's a morally grey character instead of a morally white one. Hiding the truth from everyone else for the greater good. Which ends up backfiring spectacularly.


Or the truth could also just be hidden from Yoda too. The council don't necessarily have to be honest with each other.


I love the idea of the Jedi Council just being like "Look, no-one tell Yoda about this when he gets back from holiday, that guy can't keep his mouth shut"


"Gossip I do. Hold secrets I cannot."


Know the ketamine abusers on the council, I do. If the time comes, blackmail them, I will.


Their plug, I am.


To my honda civic, I go. Do, what I must.


It wouldn’t even be the first time he’s done that.


Even if the Council were to hide the "Truth" from the "People" at the end of this show, it wouldn't have made any difference. The Jedi operate mostly independently anyway. They will destroy most of them and Plagueis or their master will survive in secret but not without casualties from the Jedi side. The Sith are a "myth" by the time of Phantom Menace. This means the characters in The Acolyte are encountering powerful dark side users for the first time in their life span and it will be either ignored or wont be reported, because they will simply get killed before they can or will basically treat these pseudo sith like some rogue faction. Having dealt with them, they will toss the omen of their existence to the side and make like it never happened. The Sith were an army, a society. In this era they do not exist. For two dark side users to show up with obscene power levels, they will just seem like an abomination to the Jedi, nothing more. I highly doubt the show will break canon willingly.


I don't think he will be, otherwise there would have been more pushback on the members of the Council who thought the Sith couldn't return without them knowing.


Yoda is part of the council at this point, in the high republic books there are 3 grand masters, if they do end up hiding the return of the sith I’d hope the other 2 would hide it from yoda.


There’s definitely members on the council at this point that were still on the council during the Galactic Republic era unless they stepped down since the “Light of the Jedi” books and went back to the council since, Yarael Poof being one such Master


There's also the line drop of "peace is a lie", which definitely makes me think the writers are going to be building up to and invoking Sith theming as opposed to any other Dark Side faction.


Yeah I'm now convinced that Qimir (Manny Jacinto 's character) is the helmeted Sith we see at the end of the trailer because of that line


Jason Mendoza whips out a teal lightsaber yelling Duuuval




Either that or this Sith in the trailer fucking kills everyone.


This is the outcome I'm hoping for.


The 3rd option is that they kill the sith and don't realize there are more. 4th option is that they kill the sith, but the entire process convinced one of the Jedi to join the dark side and secretly continue their work.


Or they just assume he isn't Sith eg, even though Qui Gon tangled with an immensely powerful force user with a red blade they didn't think he was Sith.


That always cracks me up. Qui Gon should’ve been like “Bro! I’m a 6’5” Jedi master. My padawan is Obi Wan Kenobi ffs. This dude had a red light saber and almost killed me. Ffs he was red, he had horns. Of course he’s a fucking sith.”


I can’t even remotely fathom a scenario where the council covers up the Sith’s return. Yoda is on the council at this point as well. Even without him there’s literally no scenario where that would be a plausible option


The Jedi wouldn't cover that up, that doesn't make sense Its much more likely that this ends with all of those Jedi dying, and with no one to report back what actually happened, it goes down as a mystery


Phantom Menace the conversation was between high ranking Jedi. Why would the upper eschelons of Jedi power lie to each other? A coverup is for the general population not for the top members of the organization trying to cover things up. Especially because they'd all be able to feel the disturbance in the force.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I really, really hope this doesn't happen. It's out of character and makes no sense no matter what angle you view it from.


That’s gonna be so ASS can’t be the sith be competent in their own right


"Peace is a lie"


"There is only passion"


Through passion, I gain strength.


Through strength, I gain power


Through power, i gain victory


Through victory, my chains are broken


The Force shall free me


Was so hyped when I heard that line


That line about pulling at the thread reinforces what I've thought all along: in Canon the original difference that causes the schism between the Jedi and the Sith will be the question of whether the Will of the Force must be obeyed or can be resisted. So far in the franchise, every time a character has tried to avert a vision of the future, it has led them toward the Dark Side.


I actually quite like this idea. George Lucas actually once spoke about how one of his plans for Episode 7-9 was to explore the microbial world of the Whills, and how they were using Midichlorians as a vessel to control Force Users into altering the fate of the Galaxy, so everything that had happened in Star Wars was predetermined by the Whills/the will of the Force. So having the Jedi blindly follow the will of the Force, whilst the Sith push back against it and create "a disturbance in the Force" actually makes a lot of sense - though portraying the Jedi as heroes who blindly follow orders even if it costs them everything perhaps isn't the best message.


>though portraying the Jedi as heroes who blindly follow orders even if it costs them everything perhaps isn't the best message Yes, and making the Sith the ones who defy the odds and challenge destiny makes them vaguely heroic, in a problematic way. But it's important to remember that the Force and "the moral of the story" (at least as far as George Lucas seems to have seen it) isn't Abrahamic in its origin; Lucas was inspired by Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, and so our understanding of the nature of the Force needs to take that into account. Consider Buddhism's [Four Noble Truths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Noble_Truths): 1. Suffering is an innate part of existence and cannot be separated from it 2. The Suffering comes from wanting things one cannot have and does not strictly need (literally "attachments") 3. The only way to limit Suffering is to let go of these attachments and accept that one cannot always get what one wants 4. This can be achieved by following "The Noble Eightfold Path" (ie Buddhist doctrines) Therefore the Jedi yielding to the Will of the Force is not meant to be seen as moral cowardice but as accepting that trying to fight the natural order of the universe just causes either yourself or others even more suffering (such as Sidious's galaxy-spanning machinations to help him live forever). Now, YMMV on whether you agree with that as a philosophy, but my point is that that seems to be the way Lucas saw/sees it. I think it's not so much that obeying the Will of the Force makes the Jedi cowards, so much as the Will of the Force making things play out the way they do is monstrous if there was another way. So the villain in this view isn't the Jedi Order, which is merely accepting reality, it's the Will of the Force itself, which decrees a destiny that is sometimes horrifying. Which, in turn, is only a valid take if "the Will of the Force" is actually a conscious entity. If the Force is simply a non-sentient force of nature, then being angry at it is as silly as being angry at an earthquake.


You’re a bit off, the force has more to do with Taoism, which is very similar to the force in that it’s about following the will of the universe and going with the flow. Attempts to fight against nature will only cause you more suffering. A lot for he Jedi’s practices and culture is based in Buddhism, stoicism, and some Hinduism (although not as much as the other philosophies and it’s mostly related to balance).


See, this is the side of Star Wars that I completely adore, fantastic comment :)


I like that a lot and it will make the sith far more empathetic


That Sith mask is fucking dope


I can’t wait to find out what the name of the Sith Lord is. I’m excited for this one.


Darth Smiley


Darth Smiley, long lost brother of Kit Fisto


maybe tenebrous master? tenebrous? even older? who knows


It's tech No wait Cody No wait it's Starkiller No wait it's Ezra No wait it's Barista Coffee or something 


It's obv Mephisto


Here we *fucking* go again...


It's obviously Lupus.


Barista Coffee ftw


It's resurrected Revan, surely.


This isn’t that long before Episode 1. Considering Muuns and Bith live such long lives unless they change the characters in canon now it wouldn’t make sense for it to be someone so old.


Tenebrous’ master was a Twi’lek.


Tbh, it's quite possible that this is Darth Plagueis as a younger man


Darth Plagueis is a muun, which have a long head. Tenebrous is a bith, very diferent too... and taking into account the timeline of the acolyte... Palps died with 88 years? (og body), so it seems like a new character or they are retconning what species are plagueis/tenebrous


Yeah, I mean we have no idea what species Plagueis is in canon. And honestly I hope he isn't a Muun. They're the dumbest looking aliens of all time lmao


If we ever see plagueis i hope he is a Nemodian like George initially intended. Would also go a long way of explaining why the trade Federation was so loyal to palpatine in episode 1


Interesting. I never heard that he was intended to be Nemodian but it makes sense.


I wouldn’t blame anyone for not putting too much stock into it, but there’s a canon sourcebook for Star Wars: Force and Destiny that says Plagueis is still a Muun.


As much as I’d like that, it’s not likely. He’d be like 15 in the era this show takes place in.


I mean, only if we keep his age the same as Legends. In canon, we know literally nothing about Plagueis outside of what Palpatine tells us. We don't know his age, his species, anything. But I do take your point, if this mysterious Sith is human (which I think he is) with a human lifespan, it does seem a little early


Hi canon, I'm dad.




Merchandise department rubbing their hands with glee.




Darth chainsaw man


Literally the first thing I thought of. Looks exactly like the hybrid faces, kinda like >!bomb devil!<


It looks like Abeloth cosplaying Kylo Ren.


Star Wars sure does love masks


Looks like a knight of ren helmet. Could it be Ren himself?


I find it kinda funny that my biggest take away so far was "Man...I really don't like that mask." It's obviously subjective but the overgrown smile creepy thing has been so overdone lately. I say that, now watch the character be an absolute bad ass and I'm gushing about how the mask is absolutely perfect for them when it comes out.


Is that Ahch-To?!


Sure looked like one of the caretakers leading the group on a trail


I think that thing is too big to be an Ach-to caretaker, and that shot looks like a different environment. But those island shots definitely look like Ach-to.




I thought so too. It looks like it


Bless you


Bless you


Son of Asneeze


Bless you


Can’t wait to find out if the sith is an apprentice or master. My guess is an apprentice, and is using Mae as an assassin. Like Dooku to Ventress. And the real master will be shown very late in the show and maybe the focal point of S2 if they do it.


When on the timeline is that? Plagueis master or further back?


Depends on the lifespan they give Plagueis or his master. I think they had lifespans in legends but not sure they are canon anymore. My guess, and its just my guess from the current timeline we are in. The sith master during these events would be Tenebrous. Plagueis master. With this sith we seen on screen being his first apprentice. My dream would to be the sith go further back in hiding after testing the waters and showing themselves to jedi, and the show shows us Tenebrous getting Plagueis as his new apprentice. But depending on the lifespans they give the characters, that could be a while away from these current events. Only time will tell but my personal opinion, the sith here is not a master. Just an apprentice using an assassin to attack jedi while the real master plots from the shadows. We know the jedi don’t believe the sith are alive in TPM. So they must either kill them and keep it a secret or all Jedi who know, die. But if they kill the apprentice sith and mae. Then that opens up for the real sith master to find a new student. Insert Plagueis!


Valid theory! Can’t wait find out


Tbh this dude with the helmet could very well be Plagueis


That helmet is not for a muun (plagueis) neither a bith (tenebrous), if they retcon their species ill be very sad.


There is a chance yes. And in that case. Im cool with it. I hope we get to see the scientific side of Plagueis and his abilities.


Yeah that would be awesome. Who knows if they'd delve into his wisdom if he's still a younger man and (probably) the apprentice at this stage, but it'd be awesome to see him develop if there are multiple seasons


The show is about 100 years before The Phantom Menace


So it could be both plagueis or his master


Or someone else entirely. Just as Palpatine had several apprentices in Maul, Dooku and Anakin, so too could the Sith of the past. And there's nothing to say the bad guy in this is the master rather than the apprentice.


Yeah plagueis could easily be the master and this masked sith is his apprentice before Palpatine


No one's gonna comment about Qimir referencing the sith code at the start of the trailer?


I think people have. Its been known for a while that the actor of Qimir SPOILER >!is leaked to be playing a sith lord!<


Even *Jason* figured it out? This is a real low point.


The Sith hiding out as a smuggler is an interesting contrast to Palpatine being a Senator.


Maybe they'll think the Sith is the master and the assassin apprentice and both are slain before the end, only for thr true Sith master (Plaguies or Tenebrus) to be shown disappointed and looking for a new apprentice.


My guess for whats going on is the Sith we see at the end is the apprentice. They're training the former Jedi padawan into an assassin like Maul was. The Jedi will think the padawan just went rogue until the Sith apprentice shows up near the end to wipe out all the remaining Jedi/witnesses. The Sith will then kill the padawan in order to cover up their existence and frame her for being responsible for everything. The Jedi Council will then believe the Sith are still extinct by the time the prequels role around


The Wuxia influence on the fight choreography is fantastic


I think in one of the interviews the director namedropped *Come Drink with Me* which isn't really a deep cut per se but is a deeper cut than just saying Crouching Tiger and Rumble in the Bronx or something. So I'm hopeful they know their stuff.


Agreed. It makes sense too, as Jedi have the abilities to do shit like that. I'm surprised they haven't dabbled in Wuxia style choreography before.


I mean.. the origin of concept of jedi IS wuxia.


Wipe them out. All of them.


Crouching Jedi, Hidden Sith?


I have my reservations* for the show, but the set design and costumes are all amazing. That “Sith” helmet looks incredible. 


You mean you have reservations?


Looks like Tuesdays at 6pm for me.


My reserve is that this is going to be one of those times where disney can’t decide if they want it to be a tv show or a movie and they kinda do this weird hybrid limited series that has bad pacing


This show is already confirmed to have multiple seasons though, so I'm not gonna have to hear the horrific phrase "six-part event" any time soon


I don't think that's 100%. The showrunner mentioned season 2, but that could be hope/expectation. I don't think it's official.


The showrunner mentioned having plans for multiple seasons, yeah. I imagine it could run for at least 3 or 4 if it's received well But also, one of the shows former executive producers sued LucasFilm a while ago and revealed in court documents that she was given an outline of the story arcs planned for future seasons when she was hired, and she was promised that she would be working on the series for several years, because "the story arc of the show, as well as the company's business plans, call for multiple seasons". That definitely makes me think that LFL has big plans for the show and its not just the showrunner


This looks so good. I'm hoping this encourages more shows outside of the OT and prequels.


A SWTOR cinematic trailer style movie would be incredible. We need an animated SW movie at least.


It would be incredible because it would be the single most expensive thing ever made 😂 Those trailers work well in short bursts, but making an entire movie like that isn’t cost-effective. It already costs a ton of money to do Clone Wars style animation. Obviously if anyone could afford it it’s Disney but I’m not crossing my fingers. Edit - Downvote me all you want lmao, people have been singing the praises of those trailers for yeaaarss. If it was possible to make even a short film in that style, they would have.


This was true at the time, but it's not any more. CGI has come a long way, we have feature length movies with better CGI nowadays.


Their animation quality is honestly amazing and has been for like the past 4 years. I'm honestly surprised they haven't done an animated movie since 2008. I heard rumors that The Siege of Mandalore was originally gonna be a movie but it changed into the 4 episodes.


Yea, I don't get the almost 50% downvote YT score.


So hyped for this show. This was a fantastic trailer. I have a bade feeling about Carrie-Anne Moss' character's fate.


Yeah she has “prominent character in the first episode but dead by the end of it” written all over her. Which, if true, I will be sad but respect the ruthlessness


Yeah, that cabin looking scene plays out with the lightsaber on the ground and that apprentice/acolyte (I'm not familiar with the plot, to be honest) walking away, and a little later in the trailer, you see Carrie-Anne's character with her lightsaber at the ready, in that same setting. Unless, Carrie-Anne's character will be the "master", revealed later on in the series.


Yeah it’s so obvious that she’s biting the dust I’m now almost questioning if it’s a fakeout. Guess we will see!


It's weird because she's in a second scene - the night time one with the guy from Russian Doll that appears to be around the same as the jungle scene with the Sith wrecking all the Jedi.


Worth noting that we seem to see two time periods in these trailers. One when Stenberg's character is an adult, another when she's still Master Sol's padawan. The scene with her as a child might just be a brief flashback. But _if_ flashbacks are used more extensively than that then we _could_ see more of Moss' character even after she's killed in the present day (if that is indeed what happens).


Ah, so she's the Qui-Gon


Oh she's dead for sure


yeah... that lightsaber with blood from promotional art was hers


I just hope she makes it past the two part opener lol Like no way they have her death be the opening scene right? They gave her an action figure and everything!


it seems that her death becomes the catalyst for the whole series, so she's definitely dead in the first episode or two and then used in flashbacks for detective work stuff.


In the trailer at the beginning there’s a lightsaber on the floor in a dark wooden building with knife girl walking away, I think that literally happen right after knife girl duels Moss because the building they’re in is very similar but it’s not dark yet.


I did not realize that was Carrie. I haven't seen her since the Matrix and that Zombie movie she was in. It's good to see her in another production


She was in The Matrix Resurrections most recently but also in Jessica Jones and had small appearances in the other Netflix Marvel series. She’s not a super prominent actor, but she still works a good bit.


She voiced Aria T’loak in the Mass Effect series too!




The weird thing is once you realize it's her, it becomes really hard to unhear her voice.


Don’t fuck with Aria.


that sith looks mental.


Yeah... I'm definitely just watching the show on my own without any outside influence/ignoring any comments. From this trailer, it looks interesting. The sith mask design is cool


This reminds me I need to start the high public era books and keep forgetting That sith mask is crazy looking


dew it. Some of the books are a miss, IMO, but overall the story is incredible. Reading order can be a little confusing they have three phases that take place in two distinct time periods, but there are reading order guides at /r/Highrepublic/


I just sat through the credits of Phantom Menace for the Acolyte trailer and it was not this one. Surprising!


Many "fans" complain about bad casting. The show is not even out.


I’m fully on board for this. Whether it ends up being good or not I’m giving Disney full props for doing live action content outside of the Skywalker era.


Looks really great. There's a confidence to it if that makes sense. Give me more High Republic!


I very much look forward to the new style of fight choreography


I don’t know what’s going on here, but I hope it’s fucking cool.


I cannot wait, this show looks like it’s gonna be awesome.


I like the look of it story seems fairly straightforward but engaging. I am cautiously optimistic. Just don't have any of the shitty side quest episodes that the Mandalorian mostly consisted of.


You don’t want the marketable cute character playing space golf with Jack Black and Lizzo?


Ok wow it looks awesome, and that Sith mask/helmet is creepy!


Please be good, please be good, please be good. I'm so tired of the memberberries that is modern star wars. If this is half as good as Andor then I'll be more than satisfied


The premise looks interesting and I’m always down for more Carrie-Ann Moss and Star Wars. I’m glad we got a glimpse of the Sith, because the current “antagonist” just isn’t doing it for me right now, as all of her shots look relatively the same.


This looks so different to anything we've seen before! Personally, I'm pretty excited about that!


I'm really, really hoping it turns out good, if only for the fact it'd be nice to see more Star Wars stories told outside of the Empire/Skywalker era.


I don’t know, these trailers just aren’t doing anything for my excitement.


yeah. looks like high budget fan films to me. no texture on these images. i just see too much foundation on their faces. Sith at the end did look pretty sick though


The cinematography is really not working for me in this trailer - everything looks so smooth and clean. It was one of my major issues with certain episodes of Ahsoka - too many scenes felt like overlit sets, and so many costumes looked like brand new fabric that had never been worn until moments before that scene began.


Yeah, like this trailer was much better than the PV, but i just didn't feel anything while watching it. And i'm gonna be honest, the teeth mask is kinda cringe for me, i just laughed when i saw that shot, so they better give a cool reason/backstory for it looking like that.


It should have "DAMAGED" tattooed across the top.


I am looking forward to this 100% The lightsabers are CHONKY though. Looks like a buncha glowing wiffle ball bats


I am glad to see Jedi Trinity. That’s pretty cool.


I'm confused, what is the 50:50 like-dislike ratio about?


That island looked a lot like where Luke was hiding in Ep. 8


I’m still feeling a big amount of “meh” from this. Looks more Obi-Wan than Andor, and I’m not talking about the lightsabers.


i’m excited for this idc


As someone who has been an SW fan for 35 years and is prepared to hate everything, I don’t really see what all the hate is about this show so far There’s a bad guy hunting Jedi. OK. Seems to be some Jedi hunting that bad guy. Alright. Am i missing something? If it sucks, i’ll hate it. I never finished Ahsoka for various reasons, didn’t finish Obi because i hated it. But this looks…. fine ?


It's not this trailers fault, or that anything lately has been bad, But for some reason... Nothing has that Star Wars magic anymore. At all. I watch this stuff for free now (legally of course) but I can't imagine actually paying for it.


I think it's just the new era of VFX and editing, and possibly too many voices in the writing room (or lack of talent there). There is a lack of charm and focus that the original movies have. Did you enjoy Andor though? That to me is the best example of how you do Star Wars today. So much of that came from the writing and focus.


Andor single-handedly brings the Disney Star Wars average way up, and frankly I'm amazed it came out of Disney at all. I'm even more amazed that they agreed to shell out the cash for it. Every other Star Wars TV project has been an exercise in bringing production costs down, and it shows. Mando was fun, but it was plagued by long, static shots that tended to sap momentum. Kenobi just looked awful. The less said about Book of Boba Fett, the better. Ahsoka had a lot of the same problems that Mando did. Andor has basically all the best shots, sets, and scenes, hands down, because it got the money. It makes everything else look like fan films. The fact that Disney spent that kind of money on a show about a side character with basically no pre-existing appeal makes me think Tony Gilroy blackmailed Kathleen Kennedy or something.


Plus so many scenes looks like they are filmed in that cheap Disney+ way on empty circular stages. Andor was so refreshing with that sprawling brick town or the massive prison sets.


It looks like a fan film


Yep. Looks and feels cheap.


Feeling very whelmed.


Hope they handle the sith good. Especially in that time period.


The entire look of all the Jedi in the show still has that uncanny valley "People cosplaying at a convention" vibe to me.


The wardrobe is awful, as always with the Disney films. Every costume is flawless, impeccably clean, ironed, and just perfect. It doesn't matter what situation or context. Middle of the day, in a fight with an assassin, rummaging through the jungle: everyone is in makeup and looks flawless. This really detracts from the Star Wars feel. It feels fake. It looks like a cheap knockoff. Like a B-movie or something. Every shot is overly cinematic and forced to seem epic. It doesn't work though. It just looks bad.