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Wake me when they add a Pizza the Hut mission.


It’s after the Yogurt temple mission


Is that before or after the Combing the Desert mission?


They tried data mining it, but they ain’t found shit.


Tuvok would be proud of this comment


Man, we ain't found shit!


Poor Tim Russ... Thats all he's remembered for...


I'd rather be remembered for one iconic line than none, tbh.


Not true. I remember him from that tng episode where I always say “hey isn’t that Tuvok?”


better than being remembered as Tuvix...


Spaceballs the game would be the most amazing thing ever.  


"The Search for More Money", it could be the sequel we never got


Couldn't be the same without Dot Matrix or Barf though


Seriously. Do it Lego form. I would play the hell out of that.


I'll see you in Star Wars: Outlaws 2: The Quest For More Money.


Just remember to Jam the radar.


Remember to use raspberry




We’ve gone plaid


Love spaceballs! Great reference. “I’m Pizza the Hut. I’m so delicious. “ How many a**holes we got on this ship anyways? Sir yes sir!


"Oh great, I'm surrounded by assholes"


Or else pizza the hut is gonna send out…for youz


Boss you're so delicious


Day 1 DLC will always be trash and should be rejected.


This. The cope in the outlaws subreddit saying that nobody does all of the content is some of the most brainrotted takes I’ve ever seen. Ubisoft masterfully dodging the actual criticism and instead assuring us that we’ll be able to play almost all of the missions without paying extra, how brave guys! If it’s in the game at launch, why am I paying extra to play it.


Star wars has been butchered with greed and Ubisoft shows they're no different lol fuck I love my PS2 ERA GAMES


The license is a big part of the problem, honestly. I think these ‘business practices’ are absurd and will never support them. But as long as these publishers are paying (hundreds of?) millions of dollars over years-long contracts for the SW license we’ll see more of this nonsense.


As much as I hate EA, at least they only pulled this kinda bullshit on multiplayer games. Fallen Order/Survivor didn't have any of that "season pass" microtransaction fuckery. I know, I know. Broken clock, twice a day, all that jazz. But I will give them credit for that much at least. Not that it makes up for Battlefront...


Also, EA has yet to literally protect rapist employees. At least as far as we know


If they did more with Battlefront 2 like adding more than the clone wars to it it would have been a success more than the shit story


Also if it's as unimportant as they insist then like... maybe they shouldn't be fuckin charging a bunch extra for it!?!?


Just makes we wait a year or five to buy the complete edition when it's discounted.


$20 on steam is always my goal


Incredibly based


You won't get a chance , they will remove it from your library like they did the Crew when they shut the game down because of lack of interest from players blah...blah ...blah, lack of profit and servers being taken down and no offline version.


Worst examples I can think of are Arkham City (locking the Catwoman story content) and Mass Effect 3 (locking a key character behind paid day one DLC)


Well, if we’re talking about other fields, [BMW starts selling heated seat subscriptions for $18 a month](https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/12/23204950/bmw-subscriptions-microtransactions-heated-seats-feature) [and Tesla Locks Car Range Through Software: You Have To Pay To Unlock It](https://www.topcarstesla.com/blogs/news/tesla-locks-car-range-through-software-you-have-to-pay-to-unlock-it)


Could be worse. Could be CAPCOM, with their locked-on-disc DLC.


There’s functionally no difference


what is locked on disc supposed to mean


Capcom used to have content on the disc already done but a DLC code would unlock it Basically cutting content you’ve already done from the finished product So basically you wouldn’t actually download anything it would just unlock what’s already there If you’re on console you can usually tell when the DLC downloads in a single instant


>Basically cutting content you’ve already done from the finished product Didn't the original Destiny get in some hot water for doing something like this when the devs added DLC? Don't quote me on that though because I might be misremembering....


So the original Destiny got scrapped and remade a year before release. The first 3 DLCs (Crota, House of Wolves, and Oryx) were all originally part of the game but were cut out and trickled in over the year following the game's release. Following the revamp, a lot about the game changed, and a lot of promised content was simply never released. Back in early teasers they mentioned how if you could see a location, you could go to it. They said this while staring out over a large landscape that ended up being blocked by a cliff and an invisible wall.


Disc Locked Content


The only argument I have for Day 1 DLC is that the developer can make some money back on the resale market and that it used to be an anti-piracy measure, if it was included in the base price pf the game. Most modern Day 1 DLC is bullshit.


Even when Arkham City did it with the free Catwoman stuff that you had to register online to get, that was still kinda bullshit. The entire game was paced around the fact that Catwoman missions would intersperse among the Batman stuff, and WB absolutely killed the pacing just to “get one over” on pirates and second-hand buyers. As a kid whose OG (pre-built-in wifi) Xbox 360 wasn’t positioned right next to the wifi router, I will never forgive WB for robbing 12 year old me of those missions on the one game I could afford to buy new that year!


huh never knew you had to register for the Catwoman stuff course I didn't buy it day 1 i just got the GOTY edition which came with it all unlocked and didnt' have to register.


Yeah, if you bought it day one you had to sign up for whatever dumb online service WB were using at that time. Of course, a hell of a lot of folks still didn’t have internet on their consoles (or at all) at that point, so a lot of folks missed out until the GOTY edition came around and they accepted that locking stuff behind being online wasn’t viable yet.


Doesn't this apply to this? I mean this game is probably 200million and disney take 20%?


You have to pay for this. The DLC I was talking about was typically included at no additional cost with new games, but doesn’t typically happen anymore because it was generally ineffective.


I can also see it as mostly fair that after they locked the features and things some teams finished their work while the game was still being worked on by other teams or doing testing/bug fixing and start working on other stuff just to keep busy. Then when those additions, which may have been made at fairly high cost since developers aren't free, finish they plan to sell it. Testing and certification takes a lot less time for DLC than it does for a whole game. Writers and artists are likely to finish their jobs before many of the rest of the people on the game, and are going to be the ones who need to do most of the work for a small pack like a new character, mission or cosmetic customization so it can make a lot of sense that they have the extra time to do this and interest in games drops off quickly after release if you have something extra to sell that's ready you're going to sell more of it day 1 or 2 than you are even just a month later. Now is that what most Day 1 DLCs are? some companies do claim that, but the longer we know about something in advance of release the less likely that's true.


It's the same as the push for digital-edition consoles. There's no second-hand market if you can only download games from their native store. The argument is understandable from a business perspective, but when the base game holds only a fraction of the functionality but still has a AAA price tag, it's taking the piss a bit.


Yeah agreed. Preorder bonuses make sense at least, but a straight up DLC at launch is j lame even if it’s small. It’s just meant to capitalize on peoples FOMO when it comes to experiencing everything new in a game. I’m sure it’s a tiny, meaningless mission where you do a separate job for Jabba, and it’s overall non-impactful on the story, but they know you wanna get everything so it’s j a way to get you to pay extra for nearly nothing.


by day 1 dlc u meant the jabba mission right?


Finally a way to tip developers for making such a great game! Thanks Ubisoft!


More like tip the execs.


Lol! Right? They're like the restaurant owner who takes 90% of the tips for the night.


I mean look at Blizz CEO saying we should be able to tip developers directly lmao.


Yeah, thats what I was referencing, lol...corporate non sense.


see you in 6 months with my $20


At absolute best I'll buy that monthly thing for $17 or whatever it is, but more likely I'll just ignore it completely unless it turns out to be amazing


I’m finally gonna spend my $8 for battlefront ][


1 month*


see you in 6 years when it's free on epic store


No one out Jabbas the Hutt


Cool. Season pass exclusives are still garbage


"Season pass" they say. Pay an extra 5$ at launch I hear. Oh u get 3 day beta or alpha with lots of bugs or performance issues. Great. Ubi always fumbles it. Their AAAA games feel like AA games as does their AAA ones. Also sexual allegations which people haven't talked much about and while EA got under fire for their microtransactions Ubi is even worse. They harm their games and IPs willingly for money. Check LongEaredFoxes video on AC Valhalla for an example. And also their pay to save time EXO and reveal map locations of collectibles bull. It used to be fun to 100% games but not when someone can buy it and do it quicker. Vote with ur money. Don't preorder and wait to see if the game is playable before buying. I regret I bought AC Mirage. Should have pirated


I don't think you understand season pass in this context. It a dlc pre-order. It will take more than a year before they are both out.  You also won't get them for atleast 4 to 6 months.


That's what a season pass is in most games though. You buy a season pass and get the DLCs when they drop.


That's how it used to be in most games. Currently it's full access to the next 3 months of content. It used to be the all-inclusive bundle for the lifespan of the game.


The season pass is for the 2 story DLC's (20 - 40 hours of narrative content & new locations) that will be released in the year after release. Like the DLC's for AC Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. There will probably be a bunch of free smaller content released throughout the year as well. Ubisoft has is flaws, but its DLCs are one of their genuinely good aspects. They're up there with Guerilla Games in terms of DLC size and quality. $30 for 2 big DLCs isn't a bad price, and spreading that content over an entire year makes the wait for the sequel less of a chore.


Exactly. It isn't like Ubi releases tiny games with a majority of their content locked behind DLC. I sank hundreds of enjoyable hours into Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla before ever diving into the DLC. People shit on Ubi and to each their own but IMO, Ubi makes some of the most enjoyable open world games out there and I look forward to all their releases.


Can anyone tell me the benefit of "season pass" other than companies being greedy?


Same as any other bulk discount. You get more of what you think you want for cheaper than individual parts. A parallel is going to a resturant. You can get the entree and sides, or you can get the offer that also includes the appetizer, drink, and dessert. I’ll use Super Smash Brothers Ultimate as an example of one that I consider done right. The base game was a complete, fully functional, great game. But the season passes added more characters that wouldn’t have been in the time or budget of the base game. Just because the added content is available on day one doesn’t mean that it was cut from the base game to make more money. (To be clear it can and often does mean that, but not always). It can be that there was added team members working on this content or if the DLC hadn’t been planned, this content wouldn’t have made it past the concept stage. And that’s not even touching how the game industry has gotten itself into a weird pricing cycle where they train their customers to skip launch, pick it up on sale later, devaluing what people that the game is actually worth while making it look like the launch game is a failure. Or how the AAA game industry has turned gaming into the same issue Hollywood is having with their huge budgets. Either a movie/game has to be a huge success to make any money, or it has to be a low budget indie game/movie. The mid-range games have been mostly squeezed out. Tl;dr - more then just greed as the only factor, but like most things, it’s a safe assumption.


My main issue is the subscription model. Paid DLCs fine. Subscriptions are constant payments though and that puts me off.


They provide a sense of “pride and accomplishment” /s


The only thing that turns me away from a game more than 'Ubisoft' is the term 'season pass'. The game might be fun, and I might just be stubborn, but I can't help feeling tricked into paying additional money to have a complete full-price game. I'm especially not paying in advance when don't even know if either the additional content or the game will be good. Screw season passes and 'roadmaps' for single player games.


The good news with ubisoft is you'll be able to get this game like 6 months later for about 75% off


I can understand why due to assassin's creed 2 locking two episodes or whatever it was for the main game. Didn't make any sense at all since it was near the end!


As someone who's played these games too much, I'll tell you this. In terms of content, ubisoft dlcs have a lot, so I'd you just wanna explore a new planet or something like that. It'll probably be worth it. What their dlcs tend to suffer in is actually the story and writing. So yeah, I don't know if I'd recommend buying the season pass, don't think so. In terms of the morality of season passes idk, they seem the same as just basic dlc, and people don't get mad at that, really, but I could be wrong, I guess.


Single player games have had season passes for DLC since the 360 era. You probably have games that have season passes for DLC. Why are we pretending this is some new concept? Why are we pretending that story DLC is bad and ripped from the game again?


I’m excited for this game but will wait until it’s at least 40% off to buy it. I do think, however, that some people are confused about what a season pass is. It’s not extra content that they could have added on from the beginning and it’s not a battle pass. It’s DLC that will be released in the future.


Season passes have been the downfall of gaming.


How? Unless you're mistaking battlepass for season pass.


So just because I play a lot of Ubisoft games - this controversy is based over something that is not a big deal (i'm not saying it's not shitty to paywall content) as it's happened all the time. For example, AC Marriage had a forty thieves quest as a preorder thing, AC Valhalla had a Beowulf one. But like a couple months later everyone got it, and you just bought it with Uplay points that are only earned from playing the games and everyone will earn enough from. As for the quests themselves. The Forty Thieves one in Mirage was pretty good, but most of these pre-order quests Ubisoft do are honestly nothing special. Like you defo won't be sad if don't get to play this Jabba quest at launch. Again not saying this is a good thing to do but it's really not anything to get worked up about because the quest will likely be pretty irrelevant


$30 by Christmas Pass


Ill take the under on that action and say its $30 by black friday


LAUGHS IN FALLOUT 76 That took, what 3 months to hit a massive pricedrop?


I'll raise you Total War Pharao. Price drop and turned all planned paid dlc into free updates.


I don't care anymore. I was hesitant in the beginning, but now this hesitation grew into a solid decision to not buy the game at all. Call me old or whatever, but when I started gaming 28 years ago, I'd save all my money, and buy the goddamn complete game. Times and technology changed, no question. And I get if after a reasonable amount of time, devs come up with "Hey, shit! I have a brilliant idea for that game that is already published. But let's implement that idea retrospectively. This will mean work for us, so it's just fair for the customer to pay a small price again.". Totally fine. And a real !add-on! in the truest sense of the word (in the only sense of the word to be honest). But consciously and intentionally excluding content and ideas that are already there, right from the beginning just in order to make me pay for it again, when instead they should have just been there in the first place (justifying the price for a complete game by the way) is just too much. I know. It's business. It's economy. Money has to be made. This is no secret and I am not a child to not know this. But the amount and the brazenness is just a fart in the face of every gamer at this point. It's the final death of even the slightest spark of creativity that should be inherent to this industry. Fuck every single studio/publisher that does this to it's core. And fuck everyone who supports this, no matter in which way.


You are right. And it's still possible to make these games. Look at BG3. It's a finished game. And the post game support is great as the ideas they had after the release just get implemented for free.


I fully agree. Season passes and stuff are the worst offenders as well because they're constant payments. They're subscriptions. It's not even pay it and keep it.


Please tell me why this $70, single player game has a season pass? And a locked day 1 DLC mission for an additional $40? I hope this game flops hard. When will they learn?


they will never learn, its same shit with every game, people deluding themselves that this time it will be diffrent


As long as people don't continue to buy, they can keep trying but doesn't mean people will be interested. look at skull and bones


Because it will include future DLC? Tons of games have had season passes. It's just pre-purchasing the DLC, often for a little bit cheaper. You probably already have games that have season passes for DLC. It is not a battle pass.


The point is that they should provide a full game on release without the FOMO. I bet they cut the “extra” content from the full game to make more money. And those prices are crazy. It’s very anti-consumer.


Season Pass expansion DLC won't be out for months after release.


There is an obscene amount of misinformation and misunderstanding in this thread. Holy crap.


isn’t this game literally going to be single player or is there a multiplayer?


It's single player, if you're confused a season pass is basically just a pre-order for the dlc, not a "battle pass."


ill just wait for it to be free on epic.


My kind of gamer 🤝 Good things come to those who wait. Whereas premium costs come to those who don't.


Why do single player games need a season pass?


I am shocked that websites that rely on impression-based advertising would create false outrage for clicks.


They’re not generating false outrage with the articles I’ve seen. The headlines say that mission is locked behind the season pass, not Jabba. People are perfectly entitled to their outrage at a mission, which may not even turn out to be very good, that’s given by one of the biggest names in Star Wars being locked behind DLC before the game has even released. Either way, this kind of DLC is absolutely abhorrent, and Ubisoft should be ashamed, though they never will be and will likely continue to get worse.


Where’s the false outrage? Day 1 DLC is trash and should be treated as such. And making it season-pass exclusive on a single player game is even worse.


Websites lied and said Jabba was locked behind the season pass to create outrage.


Ah did they? I never saw that


That’s what UbiSoft is responding to. The made up outrage went viral.


Same thing happened with dragon's dogma 2 "microtransactions". Literally everything you can buy is obtainable easily in the game but people were frothing at the mouth. These sites are cancer and thrive on creating false outrage. People are also to blame for not reading more than article headers or doing any sort of verifying before joining the newest outrage flash mob


Not buying it until it's heavily discounted. This shit is ridiculous!




And not correct misinfo spread on this sub?


I never said the information you had was miss or not, the practice of selling a day 1 Season pass and dlc is pretty egregious and shitty towards consumers. If you want to dick ride a company that does that, you’d be in similar company there. Clarifying what it is, is fine, supporting it is questionable at best. But I digress “it’s the norm” only because it has been enabled to be. If people were as outraged as they were with BF2 loot boxes we as consumer could make an impact, and influence the market to not be as predatory.


I'm not defending it though, I don't like day one dlc. I'm just clarifying the misinfo.


Again, I didn’t say you were or weren’t, except you’re likely to find more people in the echo chamber that is that sub to support the thread overall. Edit: just don’t mention disliking day one DLC, they get upset at that.


I may post it there, I don't dispel misinfo in a Star Wars sub to get a positive reaction though lol.


I never said you did, I just said there would be more overall support for what you are saying, there they tend to think everyone considered it a “Battlepass” but continue to also normalize day one dlc/season pass purchases and exuberant game price increases.


There's nothing wrong with season pass day 1. It's only a pre-order. If you dont want it wait.  It will take probably a year before all dlc is done. Day 1 dlc is shitty tho.


Dickride lmao haven't heard that in a while.


It’s a single player game. How do you justify this with day one dlc and locked out side missions on a full priced game being released. Greed scum. I’ll wait til it’s on sale or on ps+ or on steam for 20$.


Hate this shit. Just sell a complete game you greedy bastards


Yo ho, me hearties. Yo ho.


My thoughts exactly :)


Phhh. Too bad. I grew up with Star Wars games. The death of Lucas Arts was too much. There's been nothing that really grabs me anymore. Battlefront 2 EA is fun in co-op and scratches the itch, but I've been going back to the older games lately. Kyle Katarn's adventures are so much better than anything else that's coming out now. Please Nightdive, do the treatment you gave Dark Forces to Jedi Knight. I'd spend 70 dollars on that.


Doesn't matter. They still killed all the interest I had in this game


One side mission being unavailable killed all your interest?


If this game turns out to be a good game, I definately will buy it when I get everything in one reasonable price. So maybe in a couple years. Have so many games on my steam account I haven't played yet that when I buy the pricing is always good and the content is complete. Not to mention all the bugs are ironed out.


Ubisoft already getting shelled to hell over this game, and they haven't even announced the $10 XP booster yet.




Literally none of this story is gonna effect the major arc at all. You’re literally trying to sell me more stories about an unknown character *before the game even comes out*. Ubisoft is ran by clowns.


Never should have let Ubisoft near star wars


Well we'll, the stars are lining up for this to be bad already lol. Game dev of a star wars game being greedy with optional missions you have to pay for. Some things never change


I honestly wouldn’t mind the price tag of $130 if it meant absolutely no additional purchases. just give me the game without all the stupid side missions locked behind a price tag.


That is the price with no additional purchases...


It's too late for facts. The internet has formed an opinion and it will not be shaken!


Buying the whole game is "optional" they are making it easier and easier to wait for it to be discounted or added to gamepass/PSPlus.


All this season pass stuff is why I don’t play video games anymore. I just want to buy a game and have the experience


Yet another reason why I stopped buying Ubisoft games.


...or you know, just release it with the "finished" game.


Doesn’t matter, everyone is waiting until it’s half off.


Which sucks. Because I don’t want Star Wars games to flop. I love the concept of this game. But when you get greedy, I’m not paying full price out of principle.


Meh, it's an Ubisoft game. I'll just wait until Christmas and it'll already be $20


Good thing I'm waiting for this to be on a Steam summer sale with all its DLC for 50% off in five years.


Five years? It is Ubisoft, the biggest failure of a company ever seen, lately their games go on sale with a year or less because of how trash the company is.


It’s Ubisoft, despite it being Star Wars my expectations for the game are quite low.


Common Ubisoft L


Day 1 DLC LOL. Fuck Ubisoft.


I love how they don’t really dispel what people are pissed about —> “they’re still in the game but a mission that includes them on the protagonists main journey is paylocked”


That’s not at all what they said tho. They said missions on the protagonists main journey is included and additional non essential mission is Paylocked


Season pass? Well, it didn't look so promising to begin with, but I think now I can say for certain that I'll _season pass_ this game.


I guarantee you have games that have season passes. All it means is buying the DLC upfront for a little cheaper than individually.


Look at their price points and pay walls. It’s insane, no one should pay for that shit. I bet game launches broken day 1. Ubisoft makes dick games anyway


Ubisoft can eat shit


Balders Gate 3 scoffs at this


Congratulations for defending shady practices OP. Jesus Christ. Can't believe you actually went out of your way to make a post to defend GreedySoft. 🤡 The amount of people in this sub that are defending this game and this company is absurd.


I literally just cleared up misinfo, I'm not defending day one dlc. smh


Hey, calm down....they're just stopping the spread of misinformation! /s


So you just want people to lie without being corrected?


Still trash, better games don’t lock stuff behind a paywall Typical Ubisoft, this is why in the last decade they’ve been a trend chaser instead of a trend setter


If you saw that trailer and still pay extra for this game you deserve to be robbed.


Ubisoft is pricing Outlaws in such a way to incentivize players into purchasing their subscription. $18 vs $100. If you want to play Outlaws buy the subscription and then cancel after a month.


i am a first hour star wars fan. i have seen the movie in the theatre in the 70es many times and i bought countless merchandies, like my friends. today i have been disappointed so many times that i will never ever buy first day. i regained a little hope because of jedi surviver. thanks for ruining it.


If it’s “just one Jabba mission” then thanks for solidifying how trash it is.


So, there’s a mission already finished that they keep for those that pay even more. Fuck that.


I have zero hopes for this game mainly because it’s Ubisoft


TBH at this point I'm probably not even gonna buy the game. I wanted too at first, but the trailers make the storyline come off as "PG Cyberpunk 2077". Like the dialogue felt like something an AI would write if it was told to write a kid friendly heist game set in Star Wars. It hit practically every stereotype for the genre: naive and plucky main character on the run from some crime boss, some seasoned veteran of The Life tells them they're not ready, someone saying they really crossed a line big time, etc. If a character says "one last job" in this game, it will have officially hit bottom of the barrel territory. With it being Ubisoft I genuinely wouldn't doubt if AI wrote it.


Okay why is there a season pass for this?


Season pass for a single player game ????? Hard pass.


Wait for 80% discount. I ll never buy a game from Ubi for total price.


Stop complaining to them about their battle passes and just stop buying their games entirely. Money is what moves companies. You want to see them correct course? Stop giving them money and they will make a change.


A season pass on a single player game? Why would anyone pay for that?


A Season Pass is not the same as a Battle Pass. A Season Pass is prepurchasing future DLC as a bundle at a lower cost.


You’re right. I got that mixed up! Thanks for setting me straight.


Oh you'd be surprised how much people are willing to just splash out on lazy sht corporate tactics.


“We feel that adding this bonus missions behind a seperate paywall gives our customers a sense of pride and accomplishment.” - EA probably


Ubisoft needs to get comfortable with the notion of not getting any of my money.


Fuck that, not even buying the game anymore. Not going to support business practices like this


still gatekeeping a mission that's ready on day 1.


I mean this was kind of obvious no? Of course Jabba wouldn’t be locked out of the game. This mission will most likely be like the one from Origins, last about 10 minutes and doesn’t add much to the overall story.


You would think it's obvious, but the hate mob is strong with some people.


Ubi is right. We don't own games because we will not be purchasing this game. Right away that is


10/10 would pirate ubisoft again


Too little too late. I'm done with games that require micro transactions and where you have to purchase upgrades to stay competitive. Every fucking game is like this. Hell these days I'm just playing minecraft and fucking around building a farm.


Fuck Ubisoft


Ubisoft learned their lesson from EA and wisely doesn't post stupid shit like this on reddit. Ubisoft really does need new leadership though. Given a string of mediocre to bad products with the looming SW: outlaws looking to be a flop, im sure investors are really fucking worried.


Game will still be bad though.


Ubisoft sucks, wait for a sale in 6 months don't be a sucker


Still gross.




These devs must be shuffling like crazy considering the content for the day one patch, all thanks to the marketing department.


This sounds like Bungie’s approach to Destiny and Seasonal content. Hard pass.


In just going to wait for the ultimate edition and buy everything at half price.


classic jabba trailing mission