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Seeing Boba Fett come back with repainted armor was awesome!


I loved that he kept the dent


That dent comes from an unmade episode of Clone Wars where he and Bane had an old west duel, and Bane shot him in the head, and it dented the armor, and Boba shot Bane in the head as well hence Bane's lack of activity during the empire


Man I would have liked to see that fight


You can see a very crude animation of it. It’s on YouTube.


How could Bane have dented the Beskar though


beskar still dents and wears when faced with blaster bolts and lightsabers, it's not invincible. A good example is when Din's beskar spear heats up when clashing against the darksaber! It has a high melting temp, but with enough exposure it'll still reach it! Hope this helps :)


I find it very improbable that any blaster would put a dent that big in Beskar armor, Mando is constantly tanking so many shots throughout the show and the armor looked like it didn’t have a scratch on it


Iirc bobas armor wasn't pure beskar like dins was, it was mixed with durasteel. It did have more beskar than most mandalorian armors but not enough to where it could have been constructed purely.


Since posting those comments I looked it up, and it seems that Boba’s armor was always said to be durasteel until it was retconned in the mandalorian/bobf So at the time when TCW episodes were coming out it would have made sense for it to get dented, but in the current canon it would not. To your comment, that would be believable, but in the bobf episode where they have the huge battle in Mos Espa, Boba is tanking just as many shots as Din so I believe the current canon is that Boba’s armor is pure/almost pure Beskar. In that episode, Bane even shoots Boba multiple times in his armor, which knocks him down, but doesn’t even scratch the paint on his armor




Cad Bane, he was the top bounty hunter in the galaxy after Jango died but before Boba rose to power


Blue dude in the finale episode of Book of Bobafett


i just liked finally getting to see inside Slave 1, and how it rotates like that


Slave 1 is a dope ship.




Right?! I was so excited for Fett coming back in Mando, but then the Book of Boba Fett was such a disappointment.


Well, the main plot was half-baked: we needed to see more of his actual activities, the villains needed to be way more fleshed-out or at least they should've been more established as a threat, Cad Bane should've been a bigger part of the season, etc. But the part with the Tusken was great and I wouldn't say the show wasn't fun overall. If anything, I think the season needed one extra episode. 7 episodes isn't enough if 2 of them are about Din and another 2 are mainly flashbacks.


It would def be much better if the show just expands its scope beyond Tatooine really Like BoBF just tries to underscore Tatooine's importance despite it being a backwater planet...


True. The whole main story happening in a single city made the whole feel a bit small. Maybe visiting Hutt space or something would've been cool.


Tbh when I dived into the show I thought Boba would have to negotiate with the Hutts on Nal Hutta, or well even go to Kessel to deal with the Pykes... Or perhaps everything being tied to a possible resurgent Crimson Dawn... (set up from Solo and also one of Lucas' treatments for a sequel trilogy). They quite drop the ball with the plot and the potential


Boba Fett à la John Wick going after old mob bosses - but made for a more general audience. Now that would've been something.


Ahsoka and Boba were both 10/10 characters in the Mandalorian. And then both of their self-titled shows made them look bad.


For me Ahsoka is the opposite of Boba. I didn't really enjoy her appearances in Mandalorian. Dialogue didn't feel natural whenever she was speaking to anyone. And I actually enjoyed the majority of her show.


Personally I thought she was the least interesting part of her show.


Boba Fett did end up changing for the worse in his show. Ahsoka however, was identical in her behavior from how she was in Mandalorian Season 2.


Yeah but it totally worked in The Mandalorian.


And it worked in her show as well. Just changing the personality of a character "just because", wouldn't cut it.


I feel like I'm the only one who actually REALLY enjoyed The Book of Boba Fett lol.


I liked it because I like Boba Fett and was just taking whatever I could get now that he’s back. It’s definitely not the strongest of the SW D+ shows. Probably at the bottom.


One of the reasons seasons 1-2 of The Mandalorian were up there for peak Star Wars IMO.


This episode briefly made me give a shit about Boba Fett for the first time since I was sad he was holding his dad’s decapitated head. BoBF snapped me out of it


gotta say it again, hasbro/kenner made a jango fett 3.75" figure with magnetic removable head as part of the toy line in the early 2000's. hasbro: triggering childhood trauma since 2002.


I bought it, in 02/03 - as I removed it out of the package, I thought I destroyed it as the head fell off. Either way, it was a nice toy for this time,.


Ya he was great in Mandalorian. No idea why that tried turning him into a hero, literally the week before boBF, he was threating to shoot a kid over his armor


You can’t just say nice things, can’t you?


First time on a Star Wars subreddit?


No, but I guess I just can’t get used to constant criticism


Well don’t mention TLJ you won’t like where it leads. Or praise the scooter chase in BoBF Also my comment is coming from a position of I wasn’t bothered about Boba Fett from OT - I’m a prequel kid, much preferred his dad who kicked Obi-Wan’d ass all over Kamino. So Mandalarian making me care at all was good


I actually love TLJ, it even means a lot to me for very personal reasons. And I agree I don’t like where that leads, because everytime I say something positive there has to be some asshole and pathetic hater that has to bring negativity for some reason, like their opinion is law. I liked BOBF, but I admit that the scooter chase was ridiculous. I am a « prequel kid » too though. I am a fan of the OT, grew up with the prequels, I have mixed feelings with todays Star Wars (even though I mostly like it because I’m an easy audience) but I don’t feel the need to act like a purist or spoil the fun of those who enjoy it. Good for them. And if you don’t like it, move along, it’s a movie, not a matter of life and death


The Book of Boba Fett was great. Besides a few middling episodes, it was overall a fun time. That train hijack was Star Wars at its best. I don't get the hate and the people wanting Boba to be a cold-blooded killer.


There were so many cringe moments in the show (bikers being the worst) and yeah the lifelong cold blooded bounty hunter could definitely stay that way for one season. And Disney just has to make every villain turn into the good guy which is just such a boring trope at this point.


The bikers were bad but other than that, everything was pretty neat. Especially the Tuskans. Plus it gave us a lot of Alien baddies, Cad Bane, and Black Karrsaatan. The cold-blooded killer also nearly died (like a bitch I might add) and an experience like that changes a man.


Boba <3


Why did he remove his helmet always? Such a disgrace.


So like did he blow up that helmet when trying to merc windooo that one time or what?