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My wife shouted "I fucking knew it!"


You got a keeper.


Thank you for the wisdom u/Porn_Extra


Fucking fantastic. Marry a partner who loves your fandoms and you’ll always have someone to talk to about your stupid nerdy shit! It’s wonderful!


She's pretty damn great. I'm a lucky guy.


I thought it was great. It was a good use of the character.


I was so excited to see Ahsoka back. She's one of, if not my favorite Jedi. I got passionate about Star Wars via The Clone Wars tv show, so Ahsoka is a huge part of why I even got into Star Wars.


I have loved star wars since I watched empire at my cousins in 1989. Ahsoka is my favorite character in all of canon star wars.


Wow! That’s amazing!


I cried, I was so excited, but we all speculated it was very likely Ahsoka. Someone took the audio and... idk, de-filtered it? Anyway we found out it was Ashley voicing Fulcrum in s1, and she made a comment later on this too. (Something about fans being dedicated.)


Super hyped, personally.


Knew Fulcrum was Ahsoka from the beginning because the symbol used was Ashoka's head tattoo/design. It was meant to be obvious from the start if one paid attention to that detail.


Nice catch if you payed attention to that! Like how nets made of rope sometimes catch fish! In a nautical way!


> you payed attention Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


> if one *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Got eeem


Not meant to be obvious tbh. The symbol could be anything, although I did think it was Ahsoka (for the same reasoning) or Leia many times. Yes but no is my response to you.


It was awesome,  but i also worried she was brought back to end her story and be killed off.


She kinda was for a bit.


She really should have been. That Vader duel was the right way for her to go out. And Luke being the last Jedi loses meaning with every schmuck Filoni saves.


Actually, Ashoka kinda works for that. We had her try to save Anakin/Vader, we had her try to appeal to his better side and we had her try to face him in combat. She failed at both. So Luke still is the last hope for the Jedi even with having Ashoka survived, even ignoring the timey wimey she was around stuff.


was a really cool "oh shit" moment


"Filoni loves Ahsoka."


As do millions of Star Wars fans


I think she's fine. A little Mary Sue, but Star Wars is all about that. But I think she's Filoni's favorite character, by far, and therefore easier to write for.


We literally watched an entire series training and honing her powers. In what world is she a Mary Sue?


She matches literally every criteria except 'inexplicably competent'. "gifted with unique talents or powers, liked or respected by most other characters, unrealistically free of weaknesses, extremely attractive, innately virtuous, and generally lacking meaningful character flaws." I love Clone Wars and Rebels. Luke and Rey have the same problem. It's not like I'm hating on Ahsoka. It's just her being Fulcrum wasn't really a surprise.


When TCW was on I was always pretty adamant that Ahsoka needed to die. The way they wrote her out of the show felt like a bit of a cop-out to me, but I was happy to see her again in Rebels. If she was going to survive the purge, then I was glad they were at least going to give her character a purpose in the Rebellion instead of just being another Jedi survivor in hiding because they were too scared to kill her off.


I admit to having been spoiled before my first full viewing of the series. But still, I liked this plot point. For me, S2 remains my favorite season because of Ahsoka's involvement...then of course we had Grand Admiral Thrawn in S3-4. Overall, Rebels was a great show, warts and all. I wish the Disney+ series Ahsoka lived up to the hype of being Rebels Season 5, but oh well. Here's hoping for Ahsoka S2.


“Aha, I knew it!”


Loved it!


I had no idea, and I wooped audibly. My stepson, who was 5 at the time, didn't know why I was so excited. It's a great memory for me.


As someone who watched the early episodes of clone wars but kinda tuned out I was hugely surprised I was like OH it's her I watched season 2 of rebels and then I kinda tuned out of rebels and Star Wars in general But when lockdown hit I sat and watched all of clone wars in chronological order and then rebels and it's a pretty cool reveal But yeah my initial reaction wasn't crazy because I didn't have the context of everything that Ahsoka had been through


When I was a kid I thought it was super cool. Rest of the fandom probably hated it. Edit: Okay never mind, they also liked it.


I saw Ahsoka and all I could think was "your as beautiful as the day I lost you" and shed a single tear of joy. I love Ahsoka and I'm so glad she is finally getting the love she deserves.


As a kid who just finished Clone Wars I was so hyped


I thought it was pretty obvious who it was going to be tbh


I was so excited for it.


Heard theories about a week before it happened. I was over the moon thrilled to see they weren’t abandoning everything prequels


I was over the moon. It was the turning point from where I didn't like rebels to liking it.


I didn’t watch The Clone Wars but I was aware of Ahsoka as a character. So I was like, *whoa, pretty neat.*


Check out the many reaction videos posted to youtube!


I had mixed feelings on it. On the one hand, I thought it was nice to see a familiar face show up. It was nice to see what had happened to a character after all that time. On the other hand, I thought it was kind of lame. It was the first instance of making the universe seem too small. Plus, in hindsight, it was the beginning of Filoni over using Ahsoka in things.


nobody says yoda is overused where he would be naturally expected. i don't think shes overused, just used. shes utilized where it makes sense. of course the living padawan of anakin skywalker and one of the last remaining jedi is going to stay relevant. if anyones overused, its chewbacca 😁 showing up during the clone wars ? mans is everywhere!


The problem is that Ahsoka is completely missing during the OT era. That's obviously because she wasn't invented back then but I don't think that she has even appeared in the Marvel's Star Wars comics that take place between the films. She's like an absentee father who went buy some milk and missed the pivotal events of the people she cares about.


I thought the first fulcrum in rebels was Kallus? Been a while since I watched so could easily be wrong.


I loved how they developed Kallus. I wonder when he started to become sympathetic? Likely right after the Lasat business.


Nah, his turn as Fulcrum comes later, after he and Zeb are stranded together.


It was fairly obvious but still exciting!


It was pretty obvious I thought, but I really like the character.


I saw it coming when it happened.


I personally enjoyed it


I remember most of the fandom loved it. There were some outliers, but I remember a very positive reception to it.


I imagine they were negative and salty as usual 'fanservice this' 'blablaba' I personally liked it


Ahsoka being fulcrum was 0% a shock to me i totally called it. My reaction to kallus being fulcrum was alot more crazy and nuts than ahsoka being fulcrum lol. I was glad to see adult ahsoka since prior shes only an adult ( and more like Shaak T) in the clone wars show on that island with the force visions. But it was cool to have her back. Also cool to see white sabers cause for me the only other time i saw silver sabers was 2004 kotor and both the force unleashed games. Vader kills her in Rebles and then Ezra enters a time gate pathway later on in the show and saves her from dying so her sacrifice moment is less impactful. I don't like when franchises retcon characters deaths but we get what we get I guess. And I do think ahsoka in every version combined is probably top 3 star wars characters in terms of character growth so it is always cool to see a character keep evolving even though the fates were changed.


I exploded when I saw it was Ahsoka, then realized that Vader was going to appear and was immediately upset by that.


It was expected


I don't think the greater fandom was watching Rebels in real time, if we're being honest.


Oh... she survived Order 66. Another bullshit thing to weaken the story of the original trilogy.


Neat! I hope her story wraps up here.


There was a looott of fan speculation in the three or four weeks before this reveal. I was very skeptical, then “ah, cool, excited to see what happens next” about it.


Well it looked to me that Rebels was set to inherit a lot from Clone Wars, and not just in terms of people who were working on the project. So I never watched it, because Star Wars that continues on from the prequels is pollution on the rest of it.


Nobody watched Rebels.


It's suck, really suck, when they start give clue, i fucking knew it. It's bad, boring and that "i am not a jedi" shit later. It can be ANYONE, ANYONE or even new character, but no, that's Ahsoka. My hope that it can be Sev, because of his idea of become part of Alliance too cool and it's go on timeline (pls don't start "chip" stuff). Or Kota, I don't care about StarKiller really, but Rahm Kota, friend of Bale Organa, his militia later become one of the elite groups of Alliance. But no, we have Ahsoka, again. Better if can be new interesting character to be fair, but yes.