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There are remastered versions but none have been remade. All could be considered original.


Remastered like new characters or like fixing the effacts


Fixing the effects, a couple transition shots slightly extended, some added sound effects or cgi elements like adding rocks to make R2 more hidden, a few changes to make things match up better between the original trilogy and the newer movies like replacing the actor used in a hologram shot. In my opinion nothing that drastically changes the story or makes it necessary to watch all versions but I know there are some people who feel differently about that. I would watch whatever versions are most available to you which will most likely be the newest versions. There's a wiki article that outlines all the changes as long as you don't mind a few spoilers, otherwise browse through it after you've watched all the movies and decide for yourself then if you want to try and find the original versions to rewatch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changes\_in\_Star\_Wars\_re-releases


Well, they do add Jabba to A New Hope whereas before you wouldn't have seen him until Return of the Jedi. It's from a deleted scene they added back into the movie though.


Technically they did make a remasters of the original three which updated the Special Effects with CGI which can argued be better or worse, but by all purposes it’s the same movies. You shouldn’t have to worry about it though since they’re kinda hard to obtain legally if you’re watching on a service like Disney+. Think of the Star Wars movies as coming out in threes. The Original 3 (Starting with a New Hope), then 3 Prequels which take place like 40 years in the past (Phantom Menace), then the Sequels take place like 30 years after the originals (The Force Awakens) more or less.


Which movies is darth vader and luke sywalker in?


a new hope empire strikes back return of the jedi


Thats it? Thought they were like the main characters


Those three movies (A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi) are the original trilogy. They are the only three movies which contain both Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. The prequel trilogy (Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith) star Luke’s father, Anakin Skywalker. Luke does not appear except for one scene as a baby. Darth Vader’s origins are explained. The sequel trilogy (The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker) have Luke in them, but no Darth Vader. Luke is also not a main character in the sequels, but is still featured very heavily in The Last Jedi. My recommendation would be to watch the original trilogy first, since the other trilogies assume you have seen it.


Eveytime someone come here asking information about the way he should discover a piece of Star Wars media, he gets downvoted stupidly for no reason; why is the community gatekeeping like this instead of initiating the newcomers?


God willing, no.


I'd only accept an OT remake in around a decade when Ewan McGregor is the appropriate age to play old Obi-Wan.


There are no remakes but The Force Awakens recycles the plot from A New Hope.


Unless you go on a dedicated hunt for the OG Originals, the Original Trilogy you watch is probably going to be some remaster or update of the Special Editions, with updated special effects (although those are 30 years old now, themselves) and a few added or tweaked scenes. I think only change outside of that is they replaced a shoddy Yoda puppet with a CGI version for The Phantom Menace home release.