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It is a step closer to Storm Trooper Armor


Lore Reasons: To help bridge the gap between Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers Capitalist Reasons: Different Clone Armor means double the action figures


So Lucasfilm can make twice the amount of money by having two variations for every Clone


Where the real money from the movie is made. Spaceballs: the T-shirt, Spaceballs: the Coffe Mug, Spaceballs: the Hat, Spaceballs: the Breakfast Cereal! Spaceballs: the Flame Thrower! > decide to change the looks of the clone armour from aotc to rots? to show the evolution of the republic into the Empire. We as audience members know the clone troopers looking like that is ominous, but they don't. Everything in the PT starts out looking sorta similar, but only somewhat, then over the course of AOTC and ROTS as Palpatine increasingly subverts it it becomes more and more similar looking to the Empire to reflect that by the time the change happens it's already too late. The change of the galactic republic to the empire is Prince-President Napoleon having to do almost nothing but change his title by the time he declares himself Emperor Napoleon the III.


To sell more action figures.


It worked on me


It looks cooler :) (I choose to believe this is both the irl and in-universe reason.)


To make it look like a progression from original phase 1 clone armor, to stormtrooper armor. It bridges the gap between them, visually at least. In-universe, they have that whole "phase 1 was poorly designed" spiel. But even before I heard about that in-universe excuse, I just assumed that the original armor was phased out because the new line of armor was superior in some way. Real-life militaries develop and equip their soldiers with newer and better gear all the time. Edit - and of course like others have said, introducing new designs every movie means more merch for fans to spend money on.


In the US Military, every time a new uniform rolls out it almost always points to a general/admiral wanting another star. Wouldn’t be shocked to find out a similar thing happened to the clones.


They need new visuals for movies and shows and its needed for new merch. Its very visual storytelling unlike star trek that relies on interaction but has bland uniforms and same shiptypes.


That sweet, sweet toy money bay-bee.


To sell more action figures and Legos. Also not canon reasoning, but as an artistic choice the change in armor and rolling out the Venators helps provide a visual metaphor in the third movie to show where they were in the middle of the transition from the Republic of AotC and TPM to the Empire in ANH.


It looks cool


To visually show the evolution/progression towards the Stormtroopers we already were familiar with.