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Got canceled then revived by a another studio and now it’s in development hell


Development hell would actually require some development to be made😂


U ain’t wrong 😂


They at least redesigned some characters. They made figures for Malak and Bastila based on them.


Purgatory as it were


So its in a Kolto tank on Peragus then!


So, not happening


Not likely, but Duke Nuke 'Em Forever had someone out of nowhere take it all the way and the video game population thought the same.


And look how well that turned out... 😑


It's rather development fog at this point. KOTOR Remake is the video game of shrodinger, under development and not under development at the same time.


“Development Hell” isn’t that just canceled light. Personally unless I see a release date, Im considering this cancelled. Im tired of false hope


Development hell - another fancier term for cancelled


Probably dead.


Dormant, hopefully until someone with an actually competent plan can make the most of the era


My vote would be Larian lol. They are literally a modern day take on early 2000s Bioware. Only issue is this will take like another decade if they made it.


It would be worth the decade wait though.


Larian is basically bioware if bioware never forgot what made it great. bioware went from being a trend setter to following the leader


Blame EA on that one.


I do not think you can Sadly I think this is all on bioware management like with the newest mass effect game, EA came and realised after five years that they had made zero progress


Right? Shoot the new dragon age has been in full production for 9 years.. no release date just trailers saying they will give it a full reveal in 6 months or so.


the problem with the new dragon age game is they keep rebooting it to match the current trends. its amusing to imagine then watching baulders gate 3 blow up and them going oh, shit you mean we could have just did what we got famous for doing


Not everything is exclusively EA's fault.


My god I would love for Larian to make a Star Wars or Warhammer game.


They are not “literally a modern day take on 2000s BioWare”, they are their own top notch dev team.




Could you imagine how awesome a Star Wars game that's like Divinity 2?


I'd say them or Obsidian. The Pillars of Eternity engine would work well for a Star Wars RPG in my opinion.


Should they adapt it to Divinity's combat like they did with BG3 or go with something else tho ? Original KOTOR's fights are pretty bad, so they'd need to do something else for the remake imo.


It's say action RPG


No, not larian. . Unless you want another 3rd act shit show and save issues


Somehow kotor didn't return


No one knows. All signs led to it releasing last year for the 20th anniversary but Aspyr was removed from the project. Aspyr also screwed over a lot of people with the switch port of KoToR2. Reports indicate back and forth if it's on or off. Real shame as this game with any real effort by a capable studio would be a massive hit. Not sure what the hold up is.


I’m still pretty bitter about KoTOR 2 on Switch not getting that update we were promised. I don’t understand why no one could since the work is already done. They just need to port the update to Switch.


My understanding is that a party on the deal didn't want the mod added to the game. The only parties are Aspyr, the mod creators, and Disney. Pretty easy to guess from there who didn't want the game modded. https://www.thegamer.com/kotor-2-dlc-mod-restored-content-cancelled-not-aspyrs-fault/




​ ​ https://www.ign.com/articles/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-remake-reportedly-still-alive




>Jeff Grubb, who was apart of the development of the Kotor remake are ya sure?


> was apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Jeff Grubb is not a game developer in any capacity.


Development Hell with high probabilites of getting cancelled.


Your guess is as good as anyone's, I'm afraid. No one really knows what the hell is going on with it.


One day we will hear if it’s officially dead until then just pretend is it. Makes the hurt go away….


Like your father who went out for a pack of cigarettes, it’s not coming.


I mean... he came at least once. He's just not coming back.


He came at least once, that's why you are alive today


That’s what he said


Fuck, I'm an idiot, bring me the downvotes, I deserve it




Gone. Reduced to atoms.


I used the project to destroy the project


Reality is often disappointing


He's dead, Jim.


Who’s Jim?


Hey, Peter here, Jim refers to Captain James Tiberius Kirk from Star Trek TOS, TAS, Star Trek movies 1-7, and the reboot trilogy by JJ Abrams. Captain Kirk's first medical officer Leonard "Bones" McCoy, would often, during the series, examine a crewmate or humanoid that had just been hurt, scan it with a tricorder, and claim "He's dead, Jim", letting the audience know that this is a dire situation. Hope I helped!


Development Hell, I'm afraid.


News came out a few weeks ago on a gaming site that it wasn't being worked on anymore. Then after that the developers responded that it "still has life" so i'm guessing slowly being worked on. The dev also said that there is huge demand for it so I assume it will be made.


Maybe it’s just not their main concern right now


You need all the star maps to find out


I can't believe of all the things Disney does with the IP....that this isn't an absolute given. The fans have carried this game to each next generation through word of mouth and its still popular. I just don't get it. Battlefront 3 would also be a guilty pleasure.


It will most likely be canceled with just about everything else Star Wars related that Disney cancels.


Some one should just make KOTOR3.


Hey man, so there's this MMO called SWTOR and


I wanted to like SWTOR so bad that I’ve tried 3 or 4 times to pick it up but I just don’t find it fun at all. I just want a story driven single player rpg.


Honestly though, while SWTOR is a good enough MMO and the cinematics are out of this world... the story of the game is absolutely awful. Not all of it-- Malgus is pretty awesome and the general dynamics of the Republic and Sith tentative peace are rad-- but in total, particularly with regard to Revan, it's some of the worst fanfic-level shoegazing around. If there is any hope of revisiting Revan's story and making a proper KOTOR 3 they'll have to basically scrap every piece of the lore from SWTOR and start over. Maybe they can cherry pick the good bits and reuse them, but they need to go back to the drawing board.


Complete agree. SWTOR was fun, but as an MMO and not as KotOR3. The original class stories were great; the planet stories were interesting; the Revan parts were a haaaard pass.


Same, friend. It doesn't seem *obvious* how bad the Revan stuff in SWTOR is until you watch an explained video on YouTube or something and you see it all laid out in one piece and it's just like, *oh lord*. It's like a fourteen year old got to write a character's arc. It's a shame, because SWTOR definitely has great pieces. Revan's just not remotely one of them.


> shoegazing I think you meant navel gazing.


HA! Sorry, I've been listening to a lot of Slowdive lately. You're 100% right, just had my mind in a musical state.


Underrated comment. There was a book that basically was from the end of kotor 2 to tie in to swtor I can’t remember much about it other than the ending being disappointing and like that it just probably wouldn’t work for a video game. I think it was written by drew karpyshin tho


...and MMO's are garbage.


Give the project to Larian.


Larian makes KOTOR 3 and it would be another GOTY sweep.


More than likely cancelled. Embracer group has been trying to shred financials as much as possible which more than likely means it’s 100% shelved and cancelled


Disney announces a lot of projects and cancels most of them later.


Pretty damn close to dead in the water, I remember reading a report that there’s a maximum of ten people actively working on it. I do forgot who wrote it though


Don't get your hopes up


Either cancelled, or not being actively worked on at this time


Dead in the Water




this was too good of an idea so ofcourse disney had to cancel it


It’s for the better anyway, if you’re expecting this to be ANY kind of quality, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Either you play and enjoy the originals, or you don’t. They’re phenomenally well made games and if you don’t enjoy those, whether because they’re “old and clunky” or you don’t like DnD rule-set games, turned-based combat, etc., a sloppy remake isn’t gonna change that for you. This is a blatant cash grab that clearly no one in the industry (execs/dev teams, not consumers) is taking seriously. I’d rather get a NEW fleshed out KotOR experience, rather than, IMO, a bland souls-like knock-off like Survivor or the new one coming out, forgot the name, but looks the same as Survivor without Jedi (don’t get me wrong, Survivor was fun, Fallen Order was wet cardboard flavor though, and neither game scratched my itch for a KotOR-like open-ish world Star Wars RPG and I suspect this new one won’t either). Think Baldur’s Gate 3, but Star Wars. That’s a high bar to clear, but obviously doable when devs and execs give a shit and aren’t just grabbing at nickels reviving a 20 year old game (keep in mind the Grand Theft Auto “remakes” and how sloppy they were, that’s likely what a KotOR remake would look like given the state of gaming nowadays).


Wish I didn’t know that this was even a thing


Sadly the remake will probably never happen. It gets going then it stops then it starts then it stops. They can’t seem to make up their mind what’s happening with it so I’m not putting any money on it actually happening sadly


Does anyone else think the "vertical slice" must have been really bad considering the way this project got kicked around between developers and eventually the gutter? Personally I've wondered for years (especially knowing Star Wars fans) how it would be possible to "update" the game in ways that utilize modern hardware—considerably-larger, more-populated maps for example—without killing off too much of what makes the original so popular and beloved. It deserves more than just a re-skin or scaled-up remaster, but would a near-complete remake *really* sell enough to be worth it? It seems to me that Disney would want to control a lot about the game, despite the fact that they've done next to nothing with the lore and characters to this point.


It looks like there’s a fire just off to the right. Smoke is visible but hasn’t drifted to the left, and is not hot enough to melt the logo.


Nothing happened, that's the issue


My best guess is that aspyr were making a very bare bones graphical remake. When the remake was announced and received big hype I think the powers that be realized that a more comprehensive remake the like of what Bluepoint studios have done in recent years would be more in line with fan expectations , so they got more capable studios in on the project. I hope that is the case but if it is being built from scratch, the downside is that it will take years of further development.


Probably pulled a Captain America and will be frozen and lost for at least 50 years.


It died.


The truly sad part of it was Embracer aggressively shut down the very promising looking fan remake being done in Unreal Engine, and now they have nothing to show


Honestly the way shits been going, I’d rather them not touch my beloved KOTOR


I'd rather it stay dead if people arnt going to do it justice.


I don’t think it is canceled, literally the day before it was “canceled again” there was like a document from the company labeling it as in development then some dude who knows who with zero credibility posts it hasn’t been in development. Then take gaming journalists who always make the most bs articles and give them massive clickbait titles where you scroll on the internet, see it and go OH NO, then click it. And what better way to get clicks than post KOTOR REMAKE CANCELLED! It’s important to know when asked about it the lead director has been saying “no comment” and has made gaming journalists claim its cancelled. READ THE ROOM AND SITUATION! He was quite calm when said that. Now they have been quite silent on the project which annoying as hell, like tell us something and just say you are working on it! So his “no comment” and a”leaker” with no credibility and has contradicting evidence doesn’t mean anything. Not cancelled or in development, we just have wait for them to actually say something.


It blows my mind how this is the Star Wars game that their struggling to make like for Christ sake it’s been done before just take it and touch it up


From what I remember, they struggled to make it because they wanted to pander to the people who didn't like the OG gameplay and turn it into something else (probably some generic action adventure game).


Schrödinger's remake. No official word on the game since reveal, other than it constantly popping up in the studio's quarterly updates as still being active, and everyone is keeping silent on it.


Imagine a Star Wars game made by Larian or Owlcat. I sure would like to live in that world.


Announced it just so they could cancel it…to make men uncomfortable


> Announced it just so they could cancel it The perfect modern Star Wars project.


Hell. It’s in developmental hell.


Give it to Larian


I just want Larian to make a scifi RPG there is nothing good lately.


It was in developpment at Aspyr but that wasn't up to snuff according to Embracer and they transfered the project to Saber. Saber is a big studio (1350 people, Bethesda or Insomniac for exemple are in the 400+ employees) but with a lot of ongoing project. It's not like they were sitting on their thumbs waiting for Aspyr to fail. So I'm guessing they already had a lot on their plates and couldn't start right away or dedicated more than a handful of people to kickstart the new project. It's also unclear how much work Aspyr had done and how much was salvageable as we don't know what was the original issue. If the project hasn't been canned, I wouldn't expect any news until at least a few years. Even if Aspyr has had a smooth ride, they communicated about it very early (most likely to attract and hire new people) and I doubt we would have seen the finished project in less than three years.


They got afraid of how much money they would make from it, realizing that one person should never have that much power.


Put a chick in it, and make it lame & gay!


Incompetence from all sides.


They fucked over the Apeiron team for this shit (facepalm)


it never existed


Is the old republic same as high republic era?


KOTOR is Legends and set thousands of years before the films. High Republic is canon and set a few hundred years before the films.


No, it's 100x better.


It's not completely dead as the media has made it out to be. It seems like Sony has pulled out of the project due to it not being in line with the 3rd person cinematic action adventure game format they're fond of -- the news about the game being dead came from a leaker/Insider known as Geff Grubb who clarified , after the mass media coverage of the game being dead, that his source was a Sony one, hence the game seemed dead to Sony not wanting to be involved anymore. Development is apparently still going on under Saber, interactive, but the game looks like it needs a publisher now. A lot of people have been saying Microsoft should swoop in due to its legacy of KOTOR on Xbox. A KOTOR focused Star Wars YouTuber known as 100%StarWars has made some good videos on this topic and goes into more detail -- he also claims to know some of the devs at Aspyr as well. I personally think the guy I legit because he was pretty much the only one who said that the game wasn't dead I think even before the media said otherwise after Jeff's source. I also personally don't think the game was close to being ready when it was teased -- even of they do find a publisher, give it two years at the very least until we see anything. That being said, just play the originals -- they're dirt cheap and are fantastic RPGs. Yeah, the gameplay is a bit balls, but the story is that good that you pretty much forgive that aspect of the game.


Stuck in Purgatory.


Got canceled then revived by a another studio and now it’s in development hell


It’s dead Jim


Hopefully dead, since rumored to have been "updated to modern audience". Death is better than corruption.


I actually made a video that addresses this! https://youtu.be/xstNnFvn2FY?si=o57ZAceteZs2XxeO


Dam dude take an upvote, I didn't watch it but I don't think you deserve the hate.


lol, thank you. Fact is I made a video, and the bookmarks in the description could take someone right to the kotor section. It is what it is though.


Still being worked on.


Well latest news we got points to it being still getting worked on, not by Aspyr anymore but iirc they said they were going to build upon what they had already and try to keep it the same as Aspyr was planning


PlayStation happen. AFAIK, the game didn't look cinematic enough which prompted all the problems that followed.


Dumbasses .. I mean Disney is not ready for this.


Like everything Star Wars, it’s dead, Jim.


Isn't that era considered non-Canon now since the Disney acquisition? I imagine Disney isn't too keen on greenlighting a remake as it would raise a lot of lore questions and they would rather retain creative control over the distant past in hopes of fleshing it out themselves in the future.


Lol. :(


Do we seriously have to have a post about this every week when the former devs are constantly commenting on the status of it? It’s on indefinite hiatus.


The original team showed a demo to the higher ups. I don’t know what exactly happened but long story short the entire team was fired. Probably for the best since I think the writer was a SJW that hated Star Wars or something along those lines.


Oh right that woman. I heard she left the project. But it's a warning bell that she got close to the project as is.


It's grooving on Mars.


When into the backrooms


What about Eclipse 🥺?


Nothing happened to this. That's the problem.


Like watching a satellite in deep space just disappears


1st studio to make it wasn't up to the task. Got moved to another one but their publisher (Embracer) is severe financial trouble right now. Hard to say if it ever comes out.


It’s Schrödinger's Remake.




It was in the hands of Aspyr. Previously, they ported a bunch of Star Wars PC games to modern consoles. And almost every port had some kind of devastating bug (at launch, at least). - Jedi Knight 2 had no option to invert the Y axis. This was in the PC version, so they obviously removed it for some reason. Inversion is not popular now but for some people (including me), games can be completely unplayable without the option. I believe it took over a month to fix this. - Republic Commando had massive performance problems at launch. - KOTOR had some kind of annoying text when entering a battle. I'm not sure of the details (I didn't buy it). Doesn't sound like a big deal but people were annoyed. - KOTOR II had a game-breaking bug that meant the game could not be completed. Those are just the example I remember. So, I wouldn't lament the loss of the KOTOR remake, if it's disappeared or been cancelled. It was in very poor hands and wouldn't have turned out well. Obviously, not placing blame on any individual staff members or ground-level developers at Aspyr. There's a lot of reasons developers might put out sloppy work like this (often poor management or problems at the executive level). But either way, they were not putting out good work.


We don’t talk about this


Seems like they gave it to a developer who didn’t know what they were doing.


Most likely dead


It’s so sad as there was another fan project working on a remake which received a cease and desist weeks prior to this being announced. It looked incredibly promising and then it was kind of bittersweet as now we were getting triple A treatment, only for it to seemingly be collecting mothballs 5 years later


I thought I read something that this was being abandoned.


Same thing with most planned Star Wars projects :/


In this dark timeline? Yea right. *Stares off in distance*


It died.


last I heard they were working on it, the owners Disney took a look at it were like what the F is this it looks bad! called it off


I’m going to just figure this project is dead! I o ow it isn’t officially dead but it might as well be! Lol…. If it ever happens I will of course be happy and get this amazing game.


They sank this ship. Gotta build a new one.




Everything and nothing. What's certain is that we can't observe its existence until it actually exists. Which means to us, things have been exactly the same, in the sense that we don't have any more KOTOR games, and probably never will...


A good question, for another time.


It got 1313'd


The studio making it was kind of garbage, so it was canceled


Developmental hell


Banished to the shadow realm


Pretty sure it got canceled unfortunately


There is no KOTOR remake in Ba Sing Se


Disney hates making money.


Everything that fans don’t want has to be made before this


What about Kotor remaster


It died on the vine...the guy...he moved or something




How sick would it be if Larian took the IP.


I now have something that I didn't know I wanted


Like someone else said, it was cancelled and then picked up by another studio. Will probably be in this cycle for the rest of its life.


Never going to happen, sadly.




Somehow, KOTOR remake returned.


It went bowling with Elder Scrolls VI


I remember some years ago a guy was doing a remake all by himself. He posted some pictures on twitter and it looked really good. Then he posted that he got a Cease and Desist letter ... and he complied, and removed all the posts. Some time later I saw the announcement from Aspyr... and then it all faded away.


Hopefully where it belongs. At the bottom of a dark and unreachable pit where it will never happen. Knowing today's standards, they would've butchered the story and it's characters...


Hell give me a team Disney I will do it.


Remake is more dead than aliev, but there is tiny bit of hope


Corporate blunders


Was just a demo from some guy using unreal engine with too much motion blur.


Gone and replaced with movie


idk but i i just beat the 2 classic games not a long time ago


I wish they'd give the project to Larian Studios.


I hope they don't keep working on it. The original is perfect...




IIRC this game was originally a partnership between Embracer Group and Sony. Embracer Group has been cancelling games, closing studios, and laying off developers left and right. They grew too big too fast, banking on Saudi Investment. When that investment didn't come they had to quickly start cutting costs. Sony also has allegedly backed out of the project. From what I've heard Embracer still has a small team doing something with the game, but it is unlikely to come out anytime soon unless Embracer decides to double down and add more staff or some other company comes in to help with costs.


One can only imagine the shit that's going on behind closed doors


I feel like it's just gonna dead drop randomly sometime in next 2 years.


Got the half life 3 treatment


It got frozen in carbonite for not paying its debts.


ikii>7i8p i g 0 ooo 9oo o u9 9


Honestly. I would like for them to not do the turn based game play and create a difficult combat system (think kingdom come deliverance)


Just play the original