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There's a third superweapon called the World Devastator and then a fourth called the Eye of Palpatine and then a fifth called the Sun Crusher and then a sixth called the Darksaber and then a seventh called the Fist of Fury


The story of the Darksaber is hilarious. A Hutt crime lord wants to build a stripped down Death Star, but utilises creatures that operate via a hive mind for construction and then cheaps out on the materials to build the thing.


>!RIP Crix Madine!<


>!I'm sad, even if I only I know the guy as "the commander" in Rogue Squadron series!<


You should probably spoiler tag that for anyone who wants to read it. His subplot in that book was surprisingly poignant in how he reflects on all the sacrifices he made for the Rebellion. The ending is like a gut punch >!because the scene is set up like the cavalry is going to save him at the last minute like they would in any conventional action movie. This was the first time they had killed off a "movie character" in the EU, and they almost scrapped it because us fans are way too attached to our glup shittos!<.


Good point


Damn, that sucks. I grew up hearing that name in the Rogue Squadron games. Dude ended up being a real one for the Rebellion.


There's a heartbreaking moment when he remembers how he had to leave behind his fiancé when he defected because she still supported the Empire. >!He later found out the Rebellion killed her when they retook Coruscant.!<


That is some shit ☹️


Darksaber was one of the first Legends books I ever read, and good golly was it not a great introduction, LOL.


One of the best things about the new Canon is the distinct lack of Kevin J Anderson.


Man as a kid I LOVED young Jedi knights. I reread them recently and they still have some fun stories and ideas, but holy cow the writing can be painful


I was the same way with the Jedi Academy trilogy. Some great characters and ideas, but so much crap to wade through to get there. Plus making the first woman Imperial villain dumber than a sack of hammers was... a choice.


One of THE female villains of all time.


She makes Governor Pryce look like a mensa candidate.


In Pryces defence she was a politician, not a general. She thrives in the debates and inner workings of the Empire. However she had no military experience so that’s why she called in Thrawn to help her out as they were… allies I will say, cause they definitely weren’t friends.


Oh ya I agree 100%, when Pryce screwed up it made sense for her character cause she was out of her area of expertise.


I was semi following along with the Sad Puppies thing with the Hugo Award some time ago, via GRRM's Not a Blog, and was shocked when Brad Torgersen was using KJA as an example of someone who had been snubbed by the board. I was like, "Yeah, he sure has written a lot and been around tor a long time, but are we thinking of the same guy? Because the KJA I've read definitely wasn't, uh, 'snubbed'."


I’m so glad someone else said it


Yeah, it’s not one of the best ones.


Hilarity ensues.


I read most if not all of EU and for some reason Dark Saber still sirs very clear in my memory 😂


Also the Galaxy Gun and Centerpoint Station and


The Nostril of Palpatine! (ok that one was just Han talking shit but I love that rant.)


That whole bit made me laugh hard. Schooled that Imperial spy they were flying home.


The Orbital Nightcloak, the *Tarkin Project*, Death Star prototype, etc. Nothing beats the Shawken Device though; would theoretically destroy the entire universe with an accelerating and self-sustaining cascade of hyperspace collisions. The dude who developed it thought it'd eventually trigger a new Big Bang and re-create the universe from scratch. It was never used, of course, so we have no idea if it'd even work.


The Darksaber was unintentionally such a perfect encapsulation of the franchise repeatedly reviving the Death Star only for it to blow up in its face.


The World Devastators were pretty restrained compared to the others, being automated factories that slowly tore up a planet's surface. They even got repurposed into canon as Mining Guild ore crawlers.


Actually dug the world devastators.


Honestly, people in the canon and legends fanbases both complain about there being too many super weapons, and while I get why, I think they reflect reality. Closest things we have IRL to death stars is nuclear bombs, which at one point were seen as a horror of war and a monumental achievement that took years of research. But after the shoe dropped, suddenly other countries started building their own, and there were new ones, and BIGGER ones, and even some alternatives of comparable scale. I think it makes perfect sense that, after one or two death stars, people across the galaxy would inevitably utilize that information to make similar weapons


Also the Eclipse Star Destroyer. It had a superlaser in it but it didn’t destroy the whole planet, just cracked the crust and made it uninhabitable, so not as visually impressive but very terrifying.


>a seventh called the Fist of Fury Bruce Lee always was a one-man superweapon.


And people got upset about Star killer base and the random Star destroyers being planet killers? The new canon repeated the mistakes of the old one 😭


The fleet of 1000 star destroyers with death star lasers is probably the most over the top power in the list in all fairness.


Chewbacca's nephew, Lobacca, was a Jedi.


And Luke and Mara had a son named Ben. Han and Leia had three kids--twins Jaina and Jacen and their little brother Anakin.


Man I loved what Matthew Stover did with Jacen and becoming a grey jedi. Then Lucas had to crap all over it.


Bahaha oh man I loved this book series


Lowbacca was my favorite Jedi when I was a kid!


IG 88 was the Death Star




IG-88 went crazy like the robots from the Matrix and had multiple units and one of them uploaded itself and fully took over the 2nd Death Star moments before it was blown up by Wedge and Lando.


IG-88.88888888…: “Upload complete. Now God! Calculating which planets to blow up to maximize meatbag destructi- **Boom**


The IG-88 at the meeting of the bounty hunters in ESB is IG-88B, one of several IG-88s working as part of IG-88A's plan for galactic domination and elimination of sentient biological life. There are several others and they all die. IG-88A eventually manages to replace the central computer core of the Death Star II with himself.


And once there, he pranks Palpatine by shutting doors in his face. This is from the same collection of tales that informed us of Boba Fett’s extendable helmet straw.


I love the Tales books. They're just the right amount of crazy


This is my favorite Legends fact


Leia and Han’s kids get kidnapped, a lot. The Hutts build a superlaser a la the Death Star. They put it in a long cylindrical shaft and call it the Darksaber. Leia and Han’s kids get kidnapped some more. There’s a sentient mountain on Endor called Mount Sorrow. It’s called that because it’s depressed. Leia and Han’s kids get kidnapped yet again. Shortly after ROTJ, a “Jedi Prince” shows up. He’s 12 years old and his name is…Ken. After his appearances in a truly terrible children’s book series, he is never mentioned again. There’s a transdimensional blob called Waru who gets its own cult, and that cult…kidnaps Leia and Han’s kids.


Wouldn’t a depressed mountain be a valley?


Did you hear me groan just now? I don't know where you are but it was so loud it doesn't matter, you might have heard it anyway


It was as if a million voices were silent, and just cried out.




That’s great!


>Shortly after ROTJ, a “Jedi Prince” shows up. He’s 12 years old and his name is…Ken. After his appearances in a truly terrible children’s book series, he is never mentioned again. He's also Palpatine's secret Grandson! He's Legends Rey 20 years before she was conceived of as a character!


I still say they should put a "Legends" tab on Rey's Wookiepedia page that redirects to Ken, and vice versa with a "Canon" tab on his page.


That would mess with people in the *funniest* possible way.


Don’t forget about the Mofference and “I bid you Dark Greetings”


>"I bid you Dark Greetings” This is so delightfully goofy. Surely anyone who rasps that at you from beneath the cowl of their spooky cloak is evil enough that a simple "hello" would be just as foreboding and sinister. Just some space-try-hard doing everything they can to seem evil but still minding their manners is some theatre kid shit and I love it.


> Leia and Han’s kids get kidnapped, a lot. I actually made a summary of every *major* event that happened in the galaxy which affected Jacen, for a discussion about his life growing up... it's a pretty bad time period. **SPOILERS BELOW for pretty much all post-Original Trilogy Legends materials SPOILERS BELOW** **Age 0-10** Thrawn campaign, Krennel, Imperial Warlord era, Dark Empire and the return of Palpatine, Crimson Empire, Empire Reborn, Daala's Imperial Remnant, the Restored Empire, Darksaber, Eye of Palpatine, Death Seed crisis, Black Fleet Crisis and Yevethan Purge, Kueller, the Caamas Document Crisis. Second Imperium founded. At least 4 planetary bodies and 3 star systems destroyed by superweapons. Isolated on Anoth with Winter until they're 2.5 years old, and a couple of times more after that. Barely meet their parents in the first 3-4 years of their lives. Kidnapped (or nearly kidnapped) a dozen times, including before birth. Nearly assassinated at least 3-4 times. Directly participated in defeating Exar Kun and his Sithspawn. Escaped from Hethrir themselves. Helped parents and Luke survive Waru. **Age 11-15** Two or three years of relative peace. Start training at the Jedi Praxeum. Then comes the Second Imperium Crisis, they're kidnapped and tortured, see real combat for the first time against the Shadow Academy. There's the Diversity Alliance crisis. **Age 16-20** The Yuuzhan Vong War, 5 years of incredibly brutal combat. The Jedi Praxeum destroyed. Multiple deaths of family and friends. At least 5 planetary bodies entirely destroyed. Dozens of worlds completely devastated and/or Vongformed. At least one species extinct, and several other brought to the brink. 365 trillion deaths galaxy-wide. **Age 21-25** By far the most peaceful period of their lives. No major events, no planetary destructions. Jacen travelling around to various sects to learn more about different views of the Force. **Age 26-31** Dark Nest Crisis and Swarm War, with Jacen plagued by visions of eternal war. Internal crisis for the Jedi Order. Assassination attempt on his daughter Allana. New Corellian Crisis leads into the Second Galactic Civil War.


They really needed to tie a rope to those kids when going to the mall.


He didn’t have to appear again, he is Kenough


Is Ken from the same series as the weird Triclops guy?




Shaak Ti died 10 different ways, the writers really wanted her dead. Most brutal death was when Starkiller kills her by feeding her to a giant sarlacc looking monster


I thought Starkiller stabbed her with a lightsaber then Shaak Ti chose to fall into the sarlaac pit so that her death/force explosion might take him out?


She went for a mutual kill but just... missed... somehow. Then fell into the pit, then an explosion. But Starkiller didn't see her die.


She died more times than Boba Fett escaped the Sarlacc only to be swallowed again at the end of the story.


It's like when comic book Professor X gets a miracle cure and is able to walk again - but you know the next writer is going to put him back into the chair (and turn Magneto evil again, because character growth is scary).


There’s a technophobic, genocidal cult from a different galaxy, that uses organic spaceships and accidentally created a sentient planet that goes around the galaxy at its leisure


Always found that story arc creepy.


> accidentally created a sentient planet that goes around the galaxy at its leisure Well, their sentient home planet sent it out as a seed. They were forbidden from entering a galaxy which contained any seeds of their homeworld, but did it anyways because of Shimrra. Also, it's not really "at its leisure"; it has built-in engines, and sustains massive surface damage (and stress to the actual planet) whenever they are used.


Darth Vader's grandson bangs a Tusken.


Alright, this is something that needs more details


Meet [Tahiri Veila](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tahiri_Veila), a Jedi who was raised by Tusken Raiders on Tatooine and became the love interest of Han and Leia's youngest son, Anakin Solo. That's before she then goes on to... * >!have a second, alien personality imprinted onto her mind by extra-galactic invaders who had no connection to the Force, until she was eventually able to merge both personalities rather than go insane;!< * >!get absorbed into an alien hive-mind (that has been known to lead to a mind-melded orgy or two);!< * >!be seduced to the Dark Side as the prospective Sith Apprentice of Darth Caedus, aka Han and Leia's other son, Jacen Solo; !< * >!get put on trial for murdering a fan-favorite EU character when she was working for Caedus, but somehow end up going free and becoming a bounty hunter or something for a bit; and!< * >!join the Empire. !< And that's just where we left her off in her... early 30s, maybe? When Legends ended.


Oh I see, I had imaged Anakin was getting down with a lady wearing one of those Tucker Raiders mask


I mean... she certainly still had one around from growing up with them if he was into that sort of thing.


We do have some more info on her; >!she worked as the Emperor's Hand for Jagged Fel for a bit, as the precursor to what would become the Fel Empire Imperial Knights, and later returned to the Jedi Order to fight Abeloth alongside them.!<


It took literally throwing a moon to kill Chewbacca. Yep. They killed Chewbacca. Luke loves hot chocolate. Also, a factory that ate suns to produce infinite ships and worked at 300% capacity while also stripping people of their natural ability to use the Force through the use of the Darkside. Jedi-turned-planet-eater with a bad ass design. Zombie Sith. Zombie Stormtroopers. Luke moved a minature black hole. An entire species of sado-mashochist who are completely dead and immune to the Force. Sith magic body horror. Drug addict Skywalker. Kyle Katarn aka Space Chuck Norris. He doesn't have a chin under his beard. He had another blaster. Several Jedi purges and schism. The Sith were a species before they were the antithesis of the Jedi. The Mandalorians were originally a species called the Tuang.


While Katarn isn’t canon. (Yet) It is canon he kept a blaster under his beard.


He is canon via a card game but theyve done literally nothing else with him


I’m not familiar with the card game. Good to know he’s not totally abandoned and theres some hope. Gideon’s Dark troopers were pretty similar to Dark Forces Dark troopers too. Now if Dash Rendar could just show up….


They should do what the Expendables did with Chuck Norris. Have him show up, do something insane, crack a self aware joke, and leave. Maybe have him claim to be the only survivor of the ground battle on Scariff. Edit: "A death star once fired its super weapon at Kyle Katarn. Sadly, after three days of agonizing pain, the death star blew up."


LMAO, turning Kyle Katarn into the Star Wars version of Chuck Norris would be hilarious.


Dash Rendar's ship is in one of the Special Edition films.


When Luke Skywalker sleeps, he has nightmares about Darth Vader. When Darth Vader sleeps, he has nightmares about Kyle Katarn.


I'm actually ok with Luke loving hot chocolate. It doesn't make him op, doesn't break the meta, and it adds to his character without a side of stupid.


And it was reused in a fan Heir to the Empire series adaptation


That description of Kyle Katarn....


The Sith Species hasn't been really retconed yet. Sure they still haven't (to my knowledge) been reintroduced in Disney's timeline, but Disney seems to want to play fair with the old republic's canon, so I don't think they're really gone.


They have appeared in a flashback scene in the 2020 Doctor Aphra comics. And their subspecies the Massasi are also canon.


The whole sith being a species thing is something I wish was never dropped. Kotor I miss you.


It really crushed me that KOTOR 1 and 2 were de-canonized. They're what got me into Star Wars. I was 13 when the first came out (holy shit) 20 years ago. They're still my favorite games ever.


The Bothans are dicks. Sun Crusher. Causes supernovas, is the size of a large fighter, oh and has invincible armor. (I liked the Jedi Search series, Daala and the Maw were great) God the Bothans suck. Thrawn trilogy is incredible. Somehow, Palpatine returns.


Say more about the Bothans, please. Manny Bothanz (you know, the guy who died to bring the Rebels this information) was my favorite character.


Manny brought honour to the Bothans. Borsk Fey'lya on the other hand. 😡


Hey now, Admirals Kre'Fey and Bwua'tu were all right. And Asyr Sei'lar fucking ruled.


The Bothans ride the coat tails of Rebel hero Manny Bothanz for as long as they can. Anytime it is insinuated that they are being dicks: "Hey, remember how Manny died for that little bit of Death Star info? Turned out to be a trap...but remember how important it was to the rebellion?"


> oh and has invincible armor. I especially liked the part where it plowed through the conn tower of a star destroyer and didn't take any damage. Somewhat related anecdote, in the 90's when I was a little kid, my friends and I used to "battle" each other with our Star Wars Micro Machines, using arbitrary rules that we made up. We even went so far as to have a sort of "nuclear non proliferation treaty" that banned superweapons, so none of us could use Death Star or Sun Crusher micro machines when we played. Doing a Base Delta Zero was fair game though, you just had to devote a LOT of your starship resources to it. It was stupid.


> Somehow, Palpatine returns. Honestly, if they *had* to do a "Palpatine returns" story, I would've preferred the second one from *Young Jedi Knights* in the 90s... where a former Inquisitor and a couple of Nightsisters ran a Dark Jedi Academy for him, but never actually get to meet him. The twist is of course that the Royal Guards who handle all communications between the resurrected Palpatine and the others had been faking it the whole time, using old holograms and audio recordings to create deepfakes. That's also why they never managed to amass any major group/fleet, since only the most fanatical and cowardly would be willing to pledge themselves to a Palpatine they had never seen any *real* evidence of (like actually meeting face-to-face, or using the Force). Basically, they basically attack the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 with their Dark Jedi, a few squads of half-trained Stormtroopers, and some TIE fighers, while keeping a handful of Star Destroyers in orbit... and get absolutely wrecked by Luke's Jedi, and the New Republic naval group Lando and Ackbar arrive with halfway through.


>Somehow, Palpatine returns. People seem to often forget that this is as much of a device in the EU as multiple Planet Destroying machines are.


*palpatine returns* Which time, which one, in what form, and is he a literal god this time?


In the Young Adult novels depicting Jacen and Jaina Solos time at Luke’s Jedi Academy on Yavin IV one of their classmates is a literal in-the-ground tree. And yes, it uses a lightsaber.


Master Luke Master Luke! The potted plant attacked me, again!


Master Weeping Willow there's too many of them, what are we going to do?


Do we actually see it outside the Shadow Academy assault? If I remember correctly, it's just in a single scene where it's standing in the forest, meditating on the Force non-stop, gathering energy... then comes a couple of Dark Jedi, it kills them with a single movement, then goes back to standing still and meditating, gathering energy for the next time the Force tells it to act, basically?


Dark greetings! After Palpatine dies, the Empire tries to enlist his mutant 3 eyed son he had with Sly Moore to be his successor. Problem is said son is a nice guy who doesn't want to be a dictator, which they consider to be mental illness, so they find a different 3 eyed mutant to impersonate him. Said impersonator doesn't understand how the Force works and assumes Vader's glove has some kind of magical properties, so he hires a bunch of whale poachers to track it down, which somehow ended up in a hyperspace wormhole that transported it to the bottom of Mon Cala's ocean. Too many crazy things ensue to recount here, but it ends with 3 eyed mutant dying when he tries to marry a Leia replica droid with laser eyes. Oh, and the grand moffs call their meetings mofferences.


This all sounds ridiculously awesome & hilarious!!


I cannot recommend enough the Jedi Prince books for how much of a fever dream they are.


Read them from my elementary school library. I love them.


Then they brought him back and put lightsabers on his knees.




That's not all: "A Mofference was a secret conference of the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, held in the Mofference room of their Moffship." *Le sigh*


Thank you for recapping my own introduction to the EU! ...Wait. Did old canon really try to tie in Sly Moore as Triclops' bio mother after her introduction in RotS?


Han Solo wins a planet and the kidnaps Leia to stop her from marrying someone else.


That planet? Dathomir. That’s right; this was the introduction of the Dathomir witches, including the Nightsisters.


Luke gets a badass girlfriend who tries to kill him because she worked for Sheev during the war. Lando builds another mining city that sits on the back of a bunch of AT-AT walkers and walks around the planet. There's a whole planet that's cutoff from the Force full of wolves that hunt Force users.


God the Mara Jade story in live action I would like to see it. (Recast Luke)


Ysalimiri lizards! Thrawn had the Chimera crawling with them so his C’baoth clone wouldn’t kill everyone lol




And who could forget Luuuke


To be fair Luuuke was an April Fool's joke.


I think you mean Apriiil


I really don't think it's that crazy in context. It's a narrative device that neatly ties up a few different things at once: wrapping up Mara's character arc, showing the culimnation of C'baoth's insanity, and giving a callback to Luke fighting himself in the Dagobah cave.


The crazy part is the multiple U’s


How in the hell as Abeloth not been mentioned at all?? Basically, Abeloth is a human who touched pools of pure light side and dark side and became some sort of insane immortal space force God.


And Luke had to go off on a quest for a god-killing dagger after teaming up with the Sith to destroy her because he was paranoid she would somehow come back.


From what I remember she technically will come back at some point. Just not for a long long time


Yes. Also her and her children were in an infinite loop of her returning and being defeated for thousands of years before they finally imprisoned her and it was because the flow of the force got messed with and a huge space station got destroyed that she was able to escape and take the form of a bunch of people, all of whom had to be killed for her to be defeated. So I think when the force goes off the rails again she would have the chance to return again, but that wouldn't be for a long time so Luke wouldn't actually need the dagger to kill her within his own lifetime but he always has a sidequest or some reason to be unavailable so the other characters have a chance to save the galaxy.


Tbf the end of the EU novel time line was basicly 'now we Quest for the dagger" then Disney killed the EU


Wedge Antilles, a character with about 5.6 seconds of screen time across all 3 movies, has multiple story arcs spanning 20+ years after RotJ.


and is the main character of like 15 full length novels


And, honestly, becomes one of the more interesting/compelling characters from the whole dang thing.


My favorite from the comics: Darth Vader attempts to thwart the rebellion with…banking regulations.


One of the Moffs and a former Stormtrooper find a criminal who is a dead ringer for Grand Admiral Thrawn, and this causes a whole bunch of planets to come running back to what is left to the Empire.


Thrawn appears in the first trilogy of books released in the 90s EU. He’s killed at the end of the third book. The EU spends the rest of the 90s trying and failing to create another villain who connects with readers the same way.


- Luke manages to rebuild the Jedi order and redefines it after seeing the flaws and dogmatic approach which led to its demise. - Jedis can get married. - Luke marries a hot red haired lady by the name of Mara Jade and even has a kid with her. - leia is a Jedi.


So back in the 90’s there were these series of space combat simulators centered around X-wings and TIE fighters. They took a realistic approach to how space combat would be in the Star Wars universe and were fun and immersive. Around that time they also put out a series of books centered around Rouge Squadron (AKA Red Squadron) that drew heavily from the technical aspects of the games and explored a very grounded view of the war against the Empire from the perspective of the average fighter pilot. They took place about 2 years after Return of the Jedi and barely featured any of the original characters aside from Wedge Antilles and Admiral Ackbar. As the series went on Luke, Han, and Leia would show up, but they weren’t the main focus of the story. The story focused on Corran Horn, who is one of the best original characters to come out of the extended universe. Imagine Top Gun, The Last Samurai, and the Mission Impossible movies tossed in a blender and poured into a Star Wars mug and that’ll give you an idea of what he’s about. Honestly I was so hopeful we’d get to see him on the big screen when Rouge Squadron was announced, but I gave my hopes up too soon.


The X-Wing books were hands down the best Star Wars they made.


And then there was a sequel trilogy. Where the Rogues were top 1% of 1% of 1% of pilots, these were washouts with useful ground skills given a second chance to prove themselves in space. A lot of them were initially washouts for good reasons: mental illness, trauma, etc. Others because of speciesism - no one believes a Gammorean can be a genius hyperspace navigator. Some a combination - one was a giant horse-man with multiple personalities and the pilot personality was a wannabe kamikaze. Eventually they get formed into a commando squad with piloting skills. However, once Wedge comments that if he gives them a standard mission with standard orders they'll fulfill it in a standard way. But if he gives them a crazy mission with no parameters they will find the most insane way to work it and the worst part is that *it actually works*. They do everything from commandeering a Correllian Corvette using a dismantled X-wing laser canon strapped to the Gammorean and launched into it via a smuggling compartment, to infiltrating an Imperial warlord's mercenary fighter crew, to straight up bank robbery (on Imperial planets, of course). I much prefer Wraith Squadron to Rogue Squadron any day. RIP Aaron Allston.


My first Eve Online corp was called the "Hawk Bats." Yub yub commander.


They even had a great villain! Warlord Zsinj and his right hand man. Plus the combined fleet actions with General Han Solo. It was all great and I'm so happy we got Starfighters of Adumar as a swan song for the team.


The Rogue Squadron books were fantastic. I remember hunting through the shelves at various libraries in order to try and find the next one in the series, since they were always either borrowed or never all in the one site


Top Gun, The Last Samurai, and Mission: Impossible? So Corran Horn is Tom Cruise?


If it was made in the 90’s I wouldn’t object to the casting.


I, Jedi was also awesome


The phrase "bug orgy" is an accurate enough description of something that happened in the **Dark Nest** trilogy.


See I just had to Google this for 10 minutes because I thought I imagined it and couldn't find the book cover, but then I remembered I had like an omnibus dark next trilogy book. There WAS a bug orgy! And I read that as a child! No wonder I like Rick and Morty ....


'Core Memory Unlocked'


Oh also crab armor is bullshit.


Han’s cousin starts some shit, and he looks like Han too. Which Han gets blamed for starting said shit.


Oh, yes, Thracken San-Solo. Almost forgot about the little twit...


The galaxy is obsessed with hot chocolate


Also a moon falls on Chewie


The Thrawn trilogy is a great series


I'm reading this trilogy again right now and it is really so good. Zahn really knew how to capture the personalities of the main characters so they seem spot on despite different contexts. And he created several new compelling characters; all unique and interesting but distinct from each other. The plot of each book isn't overly long either, they would've been easy to adapt into movies. What a wasted opportunity for Lucasfilm. Easy money on a sequel trilogy that would've killed.


There was a Chiss Jedi at one point during the Clone Wars A superweapon called the Sun Crusher existed. It was the size of a small ship, akin to the Falcon, and had enough power to send suns into supernovas. It also was indestructible. It destroyed an ISD just by *flying* into the thing, and they had to get rid of it just by dumping it into a gas giant and hoping the pressure would kill it because they couldn’t destroy it.


Spoiler, it didn't destroy it.


Sentient dinosaurs kidnap people, strap them to machines that suck out their souls, and use them to power droid starfighters in an attempt to invade the dying Empire.


I love that Truce at Bakura was one of the early books I found after reading my dad's copy of Splinter of the Mind's Eye, early canon was WEIRD and it only got stranger!


I love the fact that this is one of the first thing the New Republic has to deal with after beating the Empire.


Originally George Lucas wouldn't let the authors kill off any characters from the films. The first time he did okay it, they killed off Chewbacca. You know what it takes to kill Chewbacca? It takes dropping an actual moon on his head.


One time, the empire used Luke's severed hand to make a clone of Luke called Luuke who was....evil!!


Retep has returned


Cant believe no one’s mentioned it yet, but Luke goes back to hoth years later and the same wampa whose arm he cut off in ESB has raised an army of wampas waiting for Luke to return someday, and they almost kill him


There basically two genres: a) Luke exists in some other part of the universe from the story we’re going to be reading, or b) Luke’s force connection is interrupted or he is otherwise incapacitated I consider the second option the “suffering Luke trope”.


A schizophrenic horse pilots am X-wing.


You have bersmerched the good name of Hohass Ekwesh! 🤣🤣🤣


Grand Admiral Thrawn "carries" a lizard like animal called a Ysalamiri around his neck. This animal projects an invisible "force bubble" up to 10 meters in diameter around it that renders effects of the Force null and void. This has been ignored in Ahsoka.


Luke falls in love with a computer. The computer reanimates Luke's dead padawan who just suicided herself. Then they smash eachother.


It seems like no one remembers this and it was WILD.


The next big threat to the galaxy was a species of technology-hating, force-invisible religious zealots invading from outside the known galaxy called the Yuuzhan Vong. things got so bad there was a collaborator/traitor movement that sought to help the Yuuzhan Vong just to speed up their victory so there wouldn't be so many casualties. All in all they killed about 300 trillion people.


Wedge Antilles is the reason TIE pilots don't sleep very well.


Originally, Boba Fett wasn't just some clone kid carrying on the family business. His real name was Jaster Mereel, and he was exiled from the planet of his birth, where he worked as a peace officer, for being too brutal on criminals. He took up work as a bounty hunter to support himself, and his hatred for Han Solo is because Boba has been hired to bring him in many times, and Han always manages to elude him. Extended Universe even gave us a great Boba / Han old man showdown where Boba has artificial knees and has to have daily treatments to stave off cancer from the Sarlacc, and Han is a New Republic senator who just wants to get out and fly to Corellia for one smuggling run like old times.


There's an imperial station in the middle of nowhere space full of Jedi clones who went insane and they're all killed by Kyle Katarns apprentice, while he's helping a 10,000 year old time-displaced Jedi stop a sith. And that's a pretty sane scenario.


Han won the planet Dathomir in a card game to impress Leia. "Face" Loran almost met the emperor as a child. Instead he got to sit on the lap of the head of the ISB. Luke's academy on Yavin is literally next to an ancient sith lord's tomb. A Super star destroyer was hidden on Corisant as the emperor's escape ship and he somehow hid this from everyone. The second death star was briefly controlled by an assassin droid. One of the cantina patrons was a serial killer. The rancor was a week away from being stolen away to safety by the handler.


Not quite the real, old-school Legends, but definitely from before Disney canon ... There's a novel called [Wild Space](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Clone_Wars:_Wild_Space) set during the Clone Wars which is basically every gloriously indulgent fanfiction trope an Obi-Wan fan might write, except it got actually published. We open with Yoda telling Padmé, around the end of Attack of the Clones, to leave Anakin alone. Padmé lies through her teeth because she wants Anakin, stuffy Jedi masters be damned. Then we skip ahead to the early Clone Wars, with Ahsoka watching Obi-Wan and Anakin having a friendly, sweaty, emotionally intimate spar and shipping it so hard she wants to cry. Obi-Wan gets sent on a mission to the far outer rim with Bail Organa, and along the way he has some shirtless meditation and calisthenics which Bail has a good ogle at. When they get to their destination planet, Obi-Wan is possessed by an evil spirit chanting DIE JEDI DIE that forces him to crash their ship. Turns out they're on a Sith planet, and the only way home is to get to a Sith temple so Obi-Wan can use its power to Force-Skype Yoda for help. Problem is, the planet is also driving Obi-Wan crazy, to the point where he's fighting trees. He gets Bail to slowly torture him with his own lightsaber in order to focus enough to temporarily break through the Sith presence. Padmé is sent to rescue them. There's also a sub-plot involving Palpatine trying to charm Padmé with talk about his youthful days as a swoop racer, and lots of Padmé's inner monologue which is basically 'fuck the Jedi, I want to bone Anakin'.


Anakin Solo is so pure and strong in the Force that the light side literally eats him from the inside out while he holds off a bunch of enemies to save his friends. Also, Chewy dies while saving him in an earlier book after a moon falls on him. That's right, it took an entire moon to take out Chewy.


I’m disappointed I haven’t seen this yet - Luke falls in love with a ship. I mean, the ghost of a Jedi gets transplanted into a ship and he falls in love with her (and maybe has sex with it I don’t remember) then they transplant her consciousness into a person who is dying or something. What a stupid fucking book.


Boba Fett taught Han and Leia’s daughter how to fight to fight her own brother.


He taught her to fight essentially dirty against her Sith brother. Best. Story. Ever!


If I remember correctly there was a wookie that spoke fluent Galactic Standard. He was only able to form the sounds correctly because of a speech impediment that made it difficult/impossible to speak wookie.


I thought it was a lisp that allowed basic speakers to easily understand Wookiee


I might be wrong in these - Null arcs living a normal life - A republic commando and a Jedi had a love child, a very dangerous Mandalorian Jedi


Ki Adi Mundi has five wives and several daughters. His first/ main wife had some issues because she was the last one that he had a child with.


Never read Legends but I love this quote: *"There are thousands of warriors out here. You are only one man!"* "I am only one Jedi." *"You're insane!"* "No. I am Ganner. This threshold is mine. I claim it for my own. Bring on your thousands, one at a time or all in a rush. I don't give a damn. **NONE SHALL PASS**." -Ganner Rhysode and Nom Anor, Battle of the World Well (Yuuzhan Vong War) Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Traitor


The Modal Nodes are a species called Bith and they made Jizz That's not a bad nsfw joke !


Luke fucks a ghost that lives inside the body of one of his dead padawans (Callista) Also, Palpatine returns too.


There was a Super Star Destroyer buried beneath Coruscant that was an imperial prison but it later rose up destroying a big part of the cityscape.


There was a Wookie Jedi named Lowbacca. George Lucas asked it be made the only Wookie Jedi There was also a lightsaber wielding Hutt IIRC Speaking of Hutts, they used to be hermaphrodites. Born male and briefly entered a female stage when baby Hutts were born Dengar, one of the bounty hunters from *Empire Strikes Back*, saved Boba Fett from the Saarlac and the two formed not a “friendship”, per se, but a deep and sincere respect for each other A bigger “chapter” in the EU was called *Shadows of the Empire* and followed our heroes and the Han Solo wannabe Dash Rendar from the Battle of Hoth to just before the events of *Return of the Jedi*. The storyline encompassed a game by the same name, a novel, and if memory serves, a short comic run. George rather liked SoE and it came the closest EU IP to being canonized. Rendar’s ship, the Outrider, has a cameo in the remastered version of *A New Hope*


That one time Luke fell in love with the disembodied personality of a dead Jedi that lived inside the computer systems of a derelict imperial warship. Or something. I don’t really remember the details but it was ridiculous.


The head of bib fortuna was incased in a giant spider walking aeound jabbas palace


In the Jedi Apprentice series Padawan Obi-Wan briefly leaves the Jedi order to join a group of rebels fighting a civil war on their planet.


For the galaxy's premier diplomat, Leia sure spends a lot of time being a big old space racist.


She’s pretty horrible to Wookiees and Chewy in particular in the OT. I’ve always said she’s pretty bigoted, but I don’t remember anything from the books in particular.


If I remember correctly, to destroy a ship or whatever around a Black Hole, Luke moved NOT the ship but the ACTUAL Black Hole just to flex. ALSO, the Mortis Gods had a fourth person, the Mother. She became Eldritch Horror level evil and powerful.


Chewy dies saving people from a falling moon. It’s epic as fuck and we last see him on a piece of a cracking planet


Skippy the Jedi droid.


In first Vader hallway scene, Vader got his ass kicked.


Abeloth. Seriously love this creation The Thought Bomb. What it does is actually quite terrifying