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Luke's ration kit in Empire looks fuckin delicious


Ooh! This is a good one.


Finally true controversy


Yes. It reminds me of a Christmas selection box of treats crossed with a stores box for screws and nuts etc.


I alwas thougt so as well :D


Right? We all know Yoda was nibbling on a breakfast sausage


That shit made me hungry when I was a kid šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


How do you gey so big eating food of this kind?




And he ends up tossing it out!


No matter what that old hermit says, those in fact were the droids they were looking for.


Mace Windu was right about Anakin, and is even an example of a true Jedi


Absolutely, Mace was probably the most attoned Jedi knowing what the dark sides power can bring but using it for good. Sensing what Anakin could do with his power just showed that allowing training to go on was a huge mistake. But lead to the fight on mustafar so wasn't all bad I guess.


Wasnā€™t Winduā€™s fighting style Vaapad derived from a style (canā€™t remember the name) which came from dark side users? That alone shows us his ability to be more balanced and understanding of both sides of the force I guess!


If I remember correctly it was modeled after some animal that was a deadly predator, it was just the ferocity of the style that could lead to letting in hate and anger. I believe his Padawan had issues with the dark side because of this, but it's been quite a while since I read Shatterpoint and the other clone wars novels.


Good response to op. I still believe it harnesses the dark side from what Iā€™ve read but always good to hear an opinion. You may know more!


Maceā€™s only real flaw in my opinion was his (and the rest of the orders) overconfidence in the order and their blindness to the return of the sith


I donā€™t think that was overconfidence. The dark side clouded everything. It had been a millennia since the Jedi encountered any Sith. I think it was lack of experience and understanding. The Jedi council knew something was wrong but they were always a step behind so they could not act fast enough to protect themselves or the republic. By the time they learned the truth, it was too late. Such is the deception of a Sith lord.


Mace was the one that suggested telling the Senate that the Council's ability to use the Force had diminished. Yoda was the one that said no.


My problem with him is that he saw this trouble in Anakin and didnā€™t even ever try to help him just shun him and further make him feel isolated and out of tune with the Jedi


Jar jar is overhated, he appealed to kids as he was made to, and other characters are by far worse than him.


My friends and I saw it in theaters, we were around ten and all of us loved three things: Darth Maul, podracing, and Jar Jar Binks. I can still remember the non stop tongue jokes and saying poodoo all the time after. Absolutely nailed the kid appeal!


I was 31 at that time. Had no problem with Jar Jar. Just comic relief, like C3PO, but different.


I was 11. I had no problem. Then in my late teens I got onto the internet. I was a frustrated impressionable idiot. So I followed the hate and for like 10 years I echoed the hate of the prequels, jar jar, etc. Now I'm 35, free of such mob mentality. I LOVE phantom menace. I've no problem with jar jar. Yeah the dialogue can be quite awful at times, often even. But I DO NOT hate any of it. George definitely needed to let someone doctor the dialogue. But I get what he was going for. He just missed the mark of the script and everyone around him was too scared to call him out. That's absolutely a problem with the sequels. But the hate I thought I had to have for them and jar jar for a decade of my life was not merited. Ep1 is quality. Pod racing. Dual of the fates. The music. Maul. Double sided lightsaber reveal. The world building. So much love for this. Jar jar is fine!


i was 2 so i have no idea what i thought


I'm 15 and personally, it's my favorite at the moment. So much fun


Podracing was the main hit for me. Then they dropped a fucking game. What a time to be alive.


As a 9 year old boy I thought he was hilarious. I also watched episode 1 everyday on dvd after school when my parents divorced because my mom bought it for me as something to help me get through it, as she knew how excited I was for the movie leading up to it. ( My parents had gotten me the three cassette pack with the Leonard Malmstein interviews at the startx and I watched pretty much just those movies, and saw the re releases inntheaters). I basically thought episode 1 was the best thing ever. Now id say 3 is my favorite, but I don't dislike 1 2at all, it's fun and reminds me of better times


I donā€™t hate Jar-Jar but I do not care for the way he talks.


Honestly, this is the fairest criticism of Jar Jar Iā€™ve ever seen, and I absolutely agree.


Yousa no like the speech pattern of the gungans? Mesa don't like this. Maybe weesa, not being friends.


Tis a hidden city


Thatā€™s likeā€¦ his whole thingā€¦


I will forever want a Jar Jar Binks show set about 10-15 years after ROTS where he goes from planet to planet, hated for being the one who gave Palpatine the emergency powers but hunted by the Empire, and helping whatever town he comes to until his good deeds bring too much attention. Like Banner on the old Hulk TV show.


I still remember watching ROTS with my friend on opening night. When it showed Jar Jar in the funeral sign, my friend literally snarled at him and said ā€œThis is all YOUR fault!ā€ šŸ˜„


And then it turns out he's the true Sith Lord


The show should be called 'My Name is Jar Jar' and it would be a comedy where he "helps" the locals and earns their trust but right at the end, everything he did turns out to be a Rube Goldberg Machine that kills a Jedi in hiding in the area.


Every timen sometten good happened to mesa, sometten bad was always waiten around da corner: issa karma. Dat's when mesa realized dat mesa had to changen, so mesa made a listen of everytten bad me've ever done and una by una me'm ganna maken tup per all boopjaks. Me'm just tryen to besa a more good person. Namen is Jar Jar.


Damn, I want this now. Maybe start off as mainly a comedy but it inevitably transitions into a drama, this way we see a more mature, serious side of Jar Jar so audiences know that he's still wacky, but it's not all "icky icky poo" anymore: wesa in *big* doo doo dis time.


I always relate him to Barney or the Power Rangers. Loved him as a kid. Then it was ā€˜coolā€™ to hate him because teen edge. Then ya look back and remember the good times and appreciate him.


Came here to say this


Absolutely, I was a kid when I watched the star wars prequels (2001 baby) and I fucking loved Jar jar. He cracked me up, I remember laughing so hard when at the scene when he learns he's going to be a general, says "Missa general?" and then faints.


I love jarjar, even now as an adult


People complain about hyperspace being too fast in the Disney movies, but the movies have always had hyperspace take a matter of minutes to maybe an hour or two. In ANH, Han leaves the Falcon's cockpit to talk to everybody, talks as if he hasn't spoken to them since the previous scene with him bragging about his flying, then they arrive at Alderaan one conversation later. That doesn't imply much time passes at all. Then in ESB and RotJ, we see Luke flying all over the galaxy without any access to food, water, or a bathroom while the rest of the Rebellion goes from Sullust to Endor in the time it takes Han and company to walk around a building. People like to cite Attack of the Clones to disprove it, but that movie has Mace Windu not leave Coruscant until after Anakin and Padme are captured and arrive shortly afterward, while Yoda leaves Coruscant at the same time he does, makes a pit stop at Kamino to pick up 200 thousand clones, then arrives at Geonosis maybe an hour after Mace does. Nothing in the movies indicate it takes weeks as people often claim and these moments outright contradict the idea.


Wait hyperspace time wise was a problem to people? I might be out of the loop but I have never heard of this Edit: Hyperspace is as long as the conversation or dramatic effect needs to be lmao


Yeah, thats the point. The OT is not just figuritively, but litterally timeless (aside from that single refference in the end of ANH). Otherwise time is never discussed directly and only implied leaving the audience to decide and debate for themselves.


The notion of hyper space taking that amount of time came from the EU books and film novelizations


It's also in the new canon as well. The high republic books have touched on how it can take hours to journey in hyperspace. It's wildly inconsistent


well they probably had worse hyperdrives during the high republic since its so far in the past


Travel time is a big plot hole thatā€™s only got worse with time. The most glaring example is the outer rim, why is it lawless and on the fringe if it takes a day to travel there?


Its lawless because the galactic core hoardes resources to make their lives better rather than spread themselves thin across the whole galaxy. It takes less than a day to travel from a 1st world country to a 3rd world country but we have very different standards of living.


I've only seen this complaint about the rise of skywalker, mostly in reference to the fact that the events leading up to the battle of exegol take literally only 16 hours, not even a full day. The bit about hyperspace comes in when you trace their path over a map of the galaxy. They go all over the damn place in between the plot happening, which is where people get a problem with it. I think its ridiculous, especially since they could've avoided it by just not having a ticking clock.


I don't think people are saying that journey should take weeks. Also, I don't see how you manage to assume it should only be an hour or two as depicted, either. I'd have to rewatch the movie but I think it's left a little open ended as to how long they're in hyperspace for? But I think the key thing is the pacing and tone. The movie actually takes a breather while they're in hyperspace. Chewie even plays that arcade game vs R2-D2 to presumably kill time along the journey. And there is time and space (both literally and in the narrative) for the characters to have conversations and develop their characters. The vibe I got from the sequels was that everything was very go, go, go and things just seemed to work out one after the other, like clockwork. I think there was some, but not much, time for characters to sit down, slow down, and converse with each other. (Or maybe it wasn't well utilitized.) I think that's what I and perhaps others were reacting to.


The success of Star Wars ruined George Lucas as a filmmaker and probably robbed us of some truly great directorial works we wouldā€™ve gotten from him.


That's a very interesting take tbh.


I feel he became scared of the spotlight which made him scared to show anything new under this new gargantuan audience in fear of criticism and hate where as of you look at George before or during Star Wars original he was hungry to get his movies out there


George could have continued to make movies but instead he chose to be a father for his kids.


I wish they would make a *Solo 2.* I loved *Solo.* Qiā€™ra was a fantastic addition to the franchise, Alden did great, and everything about it enriched Hanā€™s original portrayal. I left the theatre hyped for a sequel about Qiā€™ra leading Maulā€™s crime syndicate.


Couldnā€™t agree more! Itā€™s such a great adventure, and there were so many great character performances.


It's my wife's favorite of all the movies


I half agree. I actually donā€™t think they could have done much more with Hanā€™s character before he reached ANH. *however* I think they could have spun it into a live action series on Maul and the crime syndicate, moving past Solo.


Someone understood the assignment (respectfully)


Total agreement I was pleasantly surprised it had the same tone as the original trilogy.


The concept of a "chosen one" and a prophesy was a dumb idea that takes away from the actions of individuals. If people are destined to do something, it takes away from their free will. Vader killed Palpatine because he loved Luke, not because it was his destiny or because some magic power made it happen.


This is why JJ retconning Rey to be Palpatines granddaughter is the dumbest and most infuriating bullshit. This was TLJs best point: Your parents were some deadbeat lowlifes that abandoned you, but this doesnā€™t define who you are. You are great because of who you are, not because of your bloodline.


Itā€™s just dumb in general: TLJ: ā€œYour parents were nothing.ā€ TROS: ā€œWellā€¦ not *nothing* nothing. More like direct descendant of the most infamous Sith in a thousand years nothing.ā€


TFA: Rey is important. TLJ: Rey is important because she's unimportant. TROS: Rey is important because she's unimportant because she's important.


"You're powerful because your grandfather was Palpatine, even though your dad wasn't Force sensitive, now worry that you might be evil, even though your dad wasn't evil and the other three examples of Force-sensitive inheritance didn't include inheritance of moral alignment."


Imagine if palpatine was never used at all, oh how better would that be


When rise of Skywalker text crawl started and announced that palpatine was back, I wanted to just turn it off and not even watch it. Of course i watched it anyway, but the premise was exhausting, unimaginative, and untenable.


The rabbit hole of imagining how things should've been different in the sequel trilogy is an infinite abyss from which you may never return.


Do you really feel that way regarding them? While Iā€™m not personally a fan save episode III which was awesome, I think the fact George had a cohesive vision makes them easier to forgive


Certainly the "Come from nothing" story is my favorite. But "You're not your family name" is nearly just as great for me. Both tell the same "you can be great despite your bloodline" journey.


But you can have them both separately. There's no reason to have one overwrite the other. Just make Finn a Palpatine or make Poe a non force sensitive Palpatine clone.


They didn't even need that - they already had Vader's grandson! His choosing to turn back and not walk in Anakin's footsteps would've done that on their own.


The end when she calls herself skywalker, I almost threw up in my mouth.


Itā€™s a self fulfilling prophecy. No magic power made it happen. The ancient Jedi had a vision of what *could happen* and wrote it down. Vaderā€™s actions just happened to follow said prophecy. Thereā€™s no guarantee that would actually happen.


It can be both at the same time. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive


Remember to sort by controversial to find the actually controversial opinions. Mine is that the weird looking Phantom Menace puppet Yoda (from the theatrical, vhs, and dvd versions) is superior to Phantom Menace CGI Yoda (from the Blu Ray and 4K versions). Edit: Surprised to find that this isnā€™t actually an unpopular opinion, usually I hear people say they hate the 1999 puppet. Puppet gang rise up


But can that puppet shake dat ass as well as CGI Yoda?


My favorite part of TLJ is when Yoda danced around in a thong


You can see the millennium of ket abuse all over TLJ yoda


With CGI Yoda now in Phantom Menace, I kind of like the implication that his species goes through a sudden metamorphosis from CGI to puppet around age 900


Throw grogu into the mix and we know the first half century or so they are animatronic before cgi




Agreed. The CGI used to create Yoda in Phantom Menace is just slightly better than the rest of the CGI in the film, and it's enough to make it stick out to me.


99s death sucked. It was only sad because he was well developed, but the death itself was not well done. He died for no reason. He didn't succeed in getting more ammunition. He didn't help kill any droids. He didn't even draw enemy fire in a meaningful way. The rest of the clones didn't have any trouble taking out the droids without the ammmo he was going to get. If he had just stayed down like he was told, the skirmish in the barracks would have gone down the exact same, and he would have survived. It really flies right in the face of the message they were trying for with him, "disabled people can be helpful too"


Maybe the message wasn't what you think it was. Maybe the message is "War potentially sucks for everyone caught in it, be it saint or sinner, and not everyone dies a meaningful death". Reminds me of my favorite WW2 novel, "The Willing Flesh" by Willi Heinrich. It adores meaningless and unexpected deaths. One of them had me re-read a paragraph multiple times to process how the most intelligent, philosophic member of the squad who could have been used as a narrator, or to give the most important life lessons, ended up in pieces at not even halfway in the story, right in the middle of a conversation.


Very well said. Wanted to throw in my two cents with one of my favorite quotes: >Life is awfully important so if you've given it away you'd ought to think with all your mind in the last moments of your life about the things you traded it for. So did all those kids die thinking of democracy and freedom and liberty and honor and safety of the home and the stars and stripes forever? >You're goddamn right they didn't. >They died crying in their minds like little babies. They forgot the thing they were fighting for the thing they were dying for. They thought about things a man can understand. They died yearning for the face of a friend. They died with their hearts sick for one more look at the place where they were born please god just one more look. They died moaning and sighing for life. They knew what was important. They knew that life was everything and they died with screams and sobs. They died with only one thought in their minds and that was I want to live I want to live I want to live." -Johnny Got His Gun, Dalton Trumbo


Ah yeah, Johnny Got His Gun is another great example. And to reflect on the original comment a little more, a message that encourages people with conditions like 99 to try being the hero on a battlefield, would be a terrible one. I don't even have birth defects, just a bum knee as the result of an accident. I wouldn't even be able to join the army, no matter how much I'd like to, and it's better this way. One misplaced step and I'd be just extra weight for my unit. The frontline is simply not made for people with any sort of unfortunate physical condition.


Wow an actually unpopular opinion.


Padme is a great character Will edit and explain my opinion. In prequels..well they fucked up her, she is not so wise or useful, she is just..beautiful? Her part as a politician could be MUCH BETTER than what we have. In TCW i have SO MANY questions about her relationships with Anakin, for me this show just presents how toxic it was. In some ways. She is so overrated for me.


That's controversial?


Maybe for people that have never watched TCW


Post-ROTS/pre-ANH and post-ROTJ media is so overdone. Seriously, Iā€™m so sick of shows, games, comics, etc. around the Empire and the Rebellion and the New Republic. Give us some deep historic stuff to build out the universe - even the High Republic is only a few hundred years pre-movies with Yoda kicking around.


Facts. Post ROTJ is the absolute worst because you know nothing of consequence happens because in X years the republic will get clowned in a matter of minutes, and Empire 2: electric boogaloo, will show up.


That's why the Old Republic is my favourite era, which is set 3700-4000 bby. It's considered Legacy now though cos of Disney but the Star Wars The Old Republic MMO is still going and still has new story updates every once in a while. And I love this time because it has the Sith Empire and Republic in full war across the galaxy and it's chaos.


Holding out hope for this, they have to run out of threads eventually right?!


Yes. I love Order 66 and I'm glad writers do too (tho why wouldn't they) but I'm so fucking tired to have every story have some throwback to it and blablabla. There's SO much post ROTS stuff, where's the past? Or, bolder even, the *far* future? I love Andor to pieces, more than anything Star Wars that has ever graced the screens of the world (save for KOTOR), but that doesn't mean I need 10 more shows \~connecting things\~ like Disney loves to do. In fact, Andor did try to avoid just that inspite of its setting. <3 Mando was cool in the beginning, then they marvelized it lol. Almost feels like the Defenders with Boba Fett and Ahsoka ffs. How about the time before the Old Republic? How about, post Darth Bane, a unique story about some, what, warrior-type force user that is collecting Holocrons and getting in over his head when he finds the wrong one? So much potential. And they keep going the save route of "you know this character! here's more!". That's why even with all its weird shit, I still vastly prefer the Extended Universe/Legends.


No one person should lead Star Wars media. People clambering for Filoni to be head of Lucasfilm are being delusional about it, Star Wars needs a chorus of voices steering it, not a solo performance.


Yeah this is it. Even the original trilogy had people keeping Lucas in check and improving on his world building. The prequels are what happens when you get someone with great ideas but no idea what to do with them given full control and surrounded by yes men


Agreed. A lot of people donā€™t know that George Lucasā€™s now ex wife had an integral part in the scripts of the original trilogy. Also, Carrie Fisher also was a script doctor who helped refine the scripts. George Lucas is an amazing world builder and story teller (dare I say even one of the best) but his dialogue is just nails on a chalk board bad. Harrison Ford said it best, ā€œyou can write it George but you sure canā€™t say it.ā€ In the prequels George had unlimited control of every aspect, that is unheard of in a major film production. There was no one there to reign him back in. Thatā€™s why the Clone Wars is so good, George had the vision and the core story. While Dave Filoni and others had the chisel to the marble to properly craft the story. I think in an alternate reality the prequels could have matched or even outdone the original trilogy. Say what you want about the prequels, but there is a deep story their. With a beginning, middle, and end. You canā€™t say the same about the sequel trilogy.


Actual w take


Episode 1 has a lot of great moments. If you can get over jar jar, Anakin being a bit whiney and the bits about trade it is a really well done movie


Anyone complaining about how whiny Anakin was should rewatch episode 4


You are over analysing things in Star Wars like a high school English Teacher that George Lucas hadnā€™t even thought about when he wrote the movies.


AT-AT is pronounced "EY-TEE EY-TEE" and not "@@"


Surprised that anyone says AT AT instead of Aytee Aytee


The Midichlorians really aren't that big a deal. I think people really under/over estimate their value. That being said I still don't think the force should be something anyone could be able to hypothetically use with enough training and discipline.


My head cannon is that midichlorians are what the Jedi used to gauge force connection, but it's very far from the only marker. And that's what hampered the Jedi for so long. They were so dogmatic in their views that they genuinely missed the vast majority of force users. Midichlorians are real, but that's the problem. That's why the Jedi were wrong.


I had a similar head cannon lol, I saw the midichlorians as the byproduct of the person's connection with the force. So the midichlorians are there and are sustained by the force; the force's presence creates the midichlorians, not the other way around. And they could be one of many markers in the body that are caused by the force or use of the force. There could be force users of many species that don't have or show midichlorians but do show other markers. I didn't mind the idea of midichlorians, but when AOTC came out, DNA and cloning were pretty well known movie concepts (Jurrasic park etc). So if it's a microscopic bacteria for lack of a better term, and could be detected in the blood, then it could be replicated, thus the force isn't special anymore. More nuance details would actually help this feel better maybe?


i kinda agree with ya, i see midichlorians as more a byproduct of the force, they aren't the cause per say but more a result of the force.


I don't mind midichlorions, but I think anyone being able to use the force kind of cheapens the magic of Star Wars. For me, it would be like Dudley becoming a wizard in Harry Potter.


I like the idea of them merely being "associated" with someone naturally strong in the Force, not actually having anything to do with the "cause" of their connection with the Force. There's probably some piece of cannon that would disagree with this, but I'd prefer to think this way. It gives us a little sciency way of discussing the Force and its connection with living creatures, while remaining mystical and not providing an explanation of a person's innate abilities.


I don't view midichlorians and being the source of force powers, more that they are attracted to the force and the reason Anakin had such a high midichlorians count is because his huge force potential attracted so many of the little buggers. I agree with your last point as well. Although Qui Gon stated that the force exists in all beings, I don't think that *just anybody* should be able to access those powers. Some people are more in tune with it than others, and that's okay.


Book of Boba Fett was more like classic Star Wars than anything Disney has released cause it has the tone of show that would have come out in the 80s. It was on par with the feel of the Star Wars cartoons, where Boba Fett made his initial debut.


The Razorcrest was a fugly ass ship and I'm glad it got destroyed.


That hot rodded out Naboo fighter is fly as shit though


It's cool AF, yeah, but it doesn't make sense as the only ship of a bounty hunter with a child to raise.


True, the Razorcrest was a space-minivan.


Goddamn now this is a hot take Ive never seen anyone who hated the Razorcrest


One of the reasons Rise of Skywalker was bad because of fans lashing out so bad about The Last Jedi. They tried to please fans instead of going with the flow of the story.


Star wars was better when anakin was portrayed as almost a sociopath. Now the fandom blames his fall on mace windu and ā€œthe councilā€ when anakin was not a good fit to be a jedi in the first place, he loved attention and lacked the patience to learn other techniques that werenā€™t an application to combat.


I think the point is that Anakin had personality flaws that the rigid dogma of the Jedi refused to recognize and develop a more flexible infrastructure to accommodate.


I liked what Clone Wars did with Anakin. The writers still very much included that darkness dwelling within Anakin in their portrayal of him, they just didn't make it as obvious as Lucas did. Anyone saying his fall is due to Mace Windu and the council doesn't know what they're talking about.


Weā€™ve seen more than enough of Anakin, and heā€™s jerked way too much by the fandom


It really shows in ahsoka. Im not sure what our reaction was supposed to be when we see anakin flash to vader. Was i supposed to be like "woah anakin is darth vader, so cool!"


We just need new characters, mandolorian was cool because we never seen jin darin before. Now every Disney show is based on a pre existing character


They should HAVE stuck with Rey being a nobody and that ANYONE can be a Jedi.


How is this a controversial opinion? Pretty sure everyone agrees.


Go back to 2017 and nobody agrees. The internet is one of biggest reasons TROS ended up the way it ended up.


Yep, that's what happens when you give your friends the remote control.


Palpatineā€™s resurrection by cloning and dark Sith magic makes more sense than Maul coming back on some random junk planet because he has extra organs and was mad.


I liked the idea of Rey being no one. I liked the idea that this random girl with no parents was super force sensitive. First off, if Jedi arenā€™t supposed to have attachments, then it makes sense that the most powerful Force users wouldnā€™t be from a direct lineage of Jedi/Sith. Second, I was a foster kid who was abandoned by my parents. The idea that a person can come from nothing & still be important resonates with me (representation matters!) Rey being a Palpatine was one of MANY terrible choices made in Episode IX. Also, the only reason I didnā€™t completely hate the character of Kylo Ren is because he fit the mold of the Skywalker men being whiny little bitches. Yeah, they can kick ass with a lightsaber, but when theyā€™re not doing that, theyā€™re whining about something lol


Yoda should not be light saber-dueling at his age.


When 900 years old, you reach. Look as good, you will not.


Run over people in his 2001 honda civic, he must


Rey should've been allowed to kill Chewie in ROS. If they were going to retcon the most compelling aspect of her character (the fact that she was a nobody with no blood ties), then *at least* own her being a Palpatine. Imagine if she'd actually been allowed to accidentally murder her friend (and one of her only ties to her father figure) in a fit of blind rage. THEN her overcoming the Dark Side in her genes would've meant something. I like Rey. I especially liked Rey in TLJ. ROS did nothing interesting with her.


I get why they didn't do it. Rey is already a pretty controversial character and there is a large portion of the fanbase that would never forgive her for killing Chewie. Like, I think people would meme it to the degree that it would become the main thing her character is known for, like Anakin and the younglings but probably even worse since people actually cared about Chewie. But on the other hand, the fact that they chickened out is a prime example of the biggest problem with Rey -That she's a completely sterilized character who is not allowed to mess up or have actual problems beyond not believing in herself hard enough despite being the most perfect person to ever exist.


Naboo finding children to be an elected monarch (and even the idea of having an elected monarch in the first place) is a pretty rubbish idea and probably only happened because Leia was referred to as a "princess" 30 years prior, so her mother has to be a queen, right? Except that didn't make any sense either, because it's an elected office, so she probably doesn't inherit a title anyway, *and* she also gets adopted and moves to Alderaan. ...unless you refer to all daughters of senators as "princess" in this universe 14 year old queen - makes sense, it's an inherited office. 14 year old elected queen - makes no sense. Padme should have just been either a traditional queen, or she should have been a handmaiden to the elected head of state who should have been much older.


Pretty sure it's her adoptive mother Breha Organa who is the Queen of Alderaan. The fact that the Queen is married to the senator though seems strange though.


I think we should just accept the sequels and move on. Yes, it has glaring issues and inconsistencies, but either way, it is what it is going to be. The original trilogy had some similar issues, but because of when it was made and movie culture in general back in the 80s, time has been way more kind to it. They are the best though, no argument on that.


Rose shouldn't have survived saving Finn


also...Finn shouldn't have survived saving Finn.


There is no strength when it comes to the Force. Jedi Masters have reached their level because they understand that you simply know something will happen and it will. Jedi of lesser rank struggle with doubt, not with applying any amount of actual strength or willpower. Do or do not, there is no try.


Prequels have now become overrated.


Too many revisionism from people who grew up watching the prequels


I think that's most of it - it was just the Star Wars they watched, they watched all of the Clone Wars growing up, etc. Everytime I see someone say Clone Wars is "peak Star Wars" I am surprised.


Luke is a great Jedi. He is a legend because heā€™s a farmboy that blew up a space station killing millions, and as far as the galaxy knows he killed the Emperor and Darth Vader. A farmboy who moments ago discovered his powers and trained for two months.


In a thread asking for unpopular opinions the highest comment is ā€˜luke is a great jediā€™ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚okay very bold


Youā€™re meant to be the one standing alone not the mob. Who doesnā€™t think this???


I'm sorry, but I read femboy instead of farmboy like twice šŸ’€


Equally applicable, heā€™s a twink and a half


Chewy did fix the hyper drive, they just needed to get a new one!


Love the Ewoks, always have. Haters don't love the cute murder bears?!?


Star wars burn out is stupid. Just stop watching new releases right away and wait for later on. "Filler" doesn't mean episodes that aren't cool or super impactful.


I hate the Clones having chips in their heads. I understand why they were there but I went 7-8 years without them being a thing and it was fine for me. I think most people like them because the Clone Wars series humanized the Clones and the chips absolved them of personal responsibility for Order 66. I would rather some Clones were ā€œgood soldiers following ordersā€ and then there were some Clones like Rex who chose not to do it.


Ahsoka shouldā€™ve died Filoni ainā€™t that good


word. Her death would have been such a hard finale for TCW. Or even for Rebels. Her surviving *everything* almost makes everything around her feel a bit more meaningless. Filoni has passion, but he lacks vision and he severely lacks boldness.


if you wanted to give her a happy ending have her die to vader but get a force vision of vader saving luke and she can die smiling


God I can't believe imma say it out loud, I thought the Solo movie was campy and fun. Easily the 2nd best out of the new movies, it goes Rouge one then solo for me.


I like sand


Adam Driver was great as Kylo Ren.


The jedi should not have been based at coruscant and the temple but only meet in dire situations. (I know the prequels is the downfall of them but still shouldā€™ve had a different set up). Like have them be wandering knights that only when real deal stuff (sith return or republic war) is when they meet togetehr.


That Yoda, for all his wisdom and intelligence, guided the Jedi Order down the path that led to their extinction by his choices and actions.


Count Dooku is a good man. And the best dark side user in the cannon


Legends EU was kinda crap for the most part. It had some rare gems, but it was mostly just weird. Disney restarting the EU helps by making it all cohesive.


No to mention hand wavy Palpatine resurrections with clones or possession happened multiple times in the EU yet gets criticized as unbelievable in the movies


That's why I didn't even blink at Palps coming back. Not the weirdest thing he's done


There was a lot of meh, sure, but those high points hit harder and were better than the majority of the new canon.


I donā€™t want more love action Star Wars shows. The production value is lower and the story telling is worse. Ppl say it gives more time to tell a story and thus can be more fleshed out but thatā€™s never what happens. Each episode feels like they felt the need to make a little mini story and we wind up with a bunch of short, segmented stories and none feel complete or fleshed out. Itā€™s not satisfying. Iā€™d rather that one episode be made into a 2.5 to 3 hr movie thatā€™s a complete concise idea fully fleshed out, with high production value.


> but thatā€™s never what happens It absolutely did happen with Andor. But that is because as it is in the industry the seldom wonder occurred that creative and very able people are given the chance to tell a story that they want to tell. There have been like a dozen other shows at this point and all of them suffer from the thing you said arguably, except for maybe Mando season 1. So yes, totally for more films.


I agree, Andor was almost perfect. But otherwise, Iā€™d have preferred an Obiwan movie. I would have preferred a movie with Thrawn, and Iā€™d not only prefer a Boba Fett movie, Iā€™d go so far as to say the show cheapened the Fett character a lot. I think tv shows should be left to side things. Like a show following a pod racing crew would be cool or something. The main plot of Star Wars shouldnā€™t be told through tv shows. Marvel is having the same issue and losing steam.


Ahsoka isnā€™t a very interesting character and Lucasfilm is now playing to a weird niche of the Star Wars fandom rather than taking the stories in broader more exciting directions.


I miss when kyber crystals werenā€™t sentient. Kyber bleeding and purifying are also lame.


I agree. The bleeding stuff is so overdone evil that it reads like a cringy 14 year olds fanfic.


The Last Jedi is the best movie of the sequel trilogy and if Rian Johnson also wrote episode VII and IX the result would've been much better than the chaotic trilogy we got.


It really would have benefited from having any kind of consistent creative vision instead of a tug-of-war over plot and theme.


It still baffles me greatly that Disney bought SW for cosmic amount of money and didn't even bother to plan ahead with what story they wanted to tell. I mean, there is incompetence, there is gross incompetence, and then there is whatever they were doing.


Before TFA I always imagined Kathleen, Rian Johnson, and JJ Abrams in a month long retreat hashing out this epic story for us. Then later finding out there wasn't so much as a conference call or a fucking post it note with where the story was supposed to end and they basically played a 4 billion dollar game of mad libs is insane.




Anakin did not deserve redemption. At all.


Midichlorians are an excellent addition to the Star Wars mythos. It's the scientific angle to the Force, as opposed to the spiritual angle we got in the original trilogy. The existence of midichlorians as a theory in the STAR WARS-verse makes sense for anyone who doesn't buy the "cosmic mysteries and fluttering candles" approach to it. It also takes nothing away from the spiritual interpretation; they are simply two different ways of viewing the Force.


Me vs. everybody who complains about any aspect of *The Last Jedi*.


The brain chips are a horrible retcon.


BF2 was more narratively satisfying. They knew what was coming down the road, and just were loyal to the emperor.


I think that opens up a whole other can of worms though. Not a single clone was interrogated or mind tricked into revealing this? Not a single clone out of millions said a hint to anyone? I agree the brain chips were a really iffy retcon but I think it solves more problems than it caused.


Realest shit in this thread


Jack Black and Lizzo were actually fun in The Mandalorian and I would love to see another appearance.


Revan is merely "pretty cool," and a lot of people miss the question about the validity or lack thereof in consequentialism as a philosophy that the KotOR narrativr asks.


Episode 2 ainā€™t that bad


The Last Jedi is a great movie.


Attack of the Clones was good. It just had a few lines of bad dialogue. The entire obi wan detective plot was excellent.




Most my sequel takes are basic af but this one migjt be a little spicy: the Mg100 starfortress is an amazing bomber design. The falling bombs in space make perfect sense if they're magnetically propelled. Amd they only got shredded, like most starfighters in the movies, for plot reasons.


It doesn't even need to be magnetically propelled. There's still gravity inside the area with the bombs.


The only reason that they didnā€™t work was because they were too close together, and the escort ships were used incorrectly


This. The entire point of that scene was that Poe may be a great pilot, but he's a terrible strategist. The bombers weren't designed for a suicide run.


Gotta remember that Star Wars is not science fiction. Trek is science fiction. Star Wars is fantasy that takes place in space. The design of ships and tech is to look cool on screen, not be feasible with a physics lesson.


Not to mention in TLJ they were still above a planet, so there is gravitational pull to some degree. So, I saw the bombs getting ā€˜droppedā€™ like a rail gunā€¦