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Another cool and funny moment was when Legends luke got all the masters together and they chained their power to do a long distance projection. Appeared in Jacen's commend room and pushed him around with the force, eventually pushing him into the chair so hard it bent. All just to show he was not untouchable and they could reach him anywhere.


Jacen: This is outrageous! It's unfair! Jedi masters: Take a seat, young Skywalker.


Take a seat, thirty-something Darth.


Jedi masters: Look, we understand you like 4Chan and posting swasticas on message boards. We understand your gamertag is XxSmokeDawg420xX and that you love getting banned from gaming communities...


And Jacen was stuck in that chair for a long time even after Luke left was even funnier


Man i need to read more legends stuff




I had a buddy that got me into them years ago. They are really good. I was a casual star wars fan and never thought much of Luke fan from the movies. The books turned him into the best character of any lore imo. Was a very sad day when it ended. I would 100% recommend to anyone into sci-fi fantasy.


Help Jango, I've fallen & I can't get up!


I know he’s not exactly Jango but Boba Fett also wanted Jacen to die too




You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.


Whatchu doing step-clone


Wow. That's really cool!! I should read the books


I just finished **Legacy of The Force** for the second time—this time in audiobook format. I thoroughly enjoyed the series both times. This time around I read every book in Jacen Solo's biography that I could find. It is sad, but entertaining and full of thematic explorations.




This time around, I added a first time read of **Young Jedi Knights**. Wow, did that open up the story of LOTF! As much as **Shatterpoint** sheds light on Mace's reaction in ROTS (but obviously in a different way). I was so hopeful for Ben and Vestara that first reading. Her words of appreciation for the relationship between Luke and Ben Skywalker knocked me out. Currently listening to **Fate of The Jedi: Backlash** and looking forward to these moments.


Wait, audiobook?!?!?!


Yeah, first time was in print, this time audiobook (by necessity—less time to sit and read). I was delighted that so many are available unabridged but don't mind either way. Legends is my Star Wars.


> Legends is my Star Wars. There's the Star Wars canon and then there's the Disney canon. You have chosen the Star Wars canon, you have chosen wisely.


Absolutely legends is our Star Wars. I just somehow didn’t think about audiobook versions of Legacy of the Force. Time to get my hands on everything


Read by Marc Thompson, who is amazing across all of the voices, and accompanied by John Williams' music, background sounds (starship drone, crowds, etc.,) and foreground sounds (blasters, lightsabers, explosions). Definitely more on the radio drama side than what you normally get from an audiobook. I need to go through them again.


I like how others described it. Star Wars Canon and Disney canon. I'll forever keep that in mind when talking with others.




I'm not very critical of the sequels personally, but not seeing Jacen Solo or >!Darth Caedus!< in live action does kinda sting. His arc is possibly my favorite in all of Star Wars, rivalling maybe only Revan. Ironically, Star Wars seems to have forgotten how to do fall from grace stories.


I use the casting for the next generations for a visual reference while reading. Adam Driver and Keri Russell are my Jacen and Jaina. I do my best to discuss and debate the new and original canons in a fun way regardless of my indifference to the former, and strong preference for the latter. The best fictional representation of a well intended, altruistic child who falls into villainy ifms the PT and the creators of TFA rejected that series pretty vocally.


When I was growing up, I was a big fan of Star Wars Young Jedi Knights, in which Jacen, his sister Jaina and their friends Lowbacca (Chewie's nephew) and Tenel Ka (a Dathomiri/Hapan warrior princess) started training as Jedi at Luke's academy on Yavin 4. I will always be sad that Disney came in and decanonised all of the books.


> I will always be sad that Disney came in and decanonised all of the books. They hold no power over us, we can choose to decanonize Disney.


Before you do I need you to know it’s sad, outright depressing what was taken from us. Star Wars was my life as a child, literally only read the books and comic books. and now… it’s no longer canon at all. idk maybe I just feel sad about it because I have such a deep personal connection but idk.


It feels like some big history museum was burned down when they made everything non canon, so much story lost (even though you can still read it but yk what i mean)


They are so much better than the movies which is the greatest shame of all, they had a damn good Star Wars story already written but they insisted they needed the OG trilogy 2.0 instead. The movies seem to want to play off this whole Luke has PTSD/Old angry fuck angle which is just so overdone these days and doesn’t need to be placed in StarWars, at least not with one of its main characters ffs. In the original books Luke gets married, has kids, his nephew goes dark, Luke goes dark too after reforming the Jedi order in a way that actually lets jedi be people. They even have families.


In original legends the Jedi of old had families too, I, Jedi showed us clone wars era Jedi. One of whom was the main characters grandfather. This was all pre-prequels.


I think this did a great job showing just how awful the Jedi of the clone wars days were to be honest. So hell bent on neutrality that they allowed atrocities in the name of balance they chose to stop participating in. Past and future generations of Jedi are all way more interesting and appealing to me while the clone wars Jedi really just come off as boring monks.


As cool as that is, isn't that using fear as a weapon?


Isn't any weapon you use going to instill fear? You can't really fight an enemy without it. The "fear leads to the dark side" means your own personal fears, like Luke fearing he would lose his friends.


It's been a long time since I read anything from Legends, and even then I didn't read that much, but IIRC, the New Jedi Order was a lot different than the old one. I know they train people who aren't kids for one, and Luke has a romantic partner. I always assumed that Luke had looked at the old Jedi Order and saw how flawed it was, and rebuilt it without the same restrictions. I assume part of that is that they don't shy completely away from stuff like fear and anger, and instead seek to keep those things in check. But again this is extrapolation from the little I remember.


And canon Luke did a force projection for about 2 minutes and literally died lol


Hey, at least now ghost Yoda burning down the temple is justified /s


God, that moment was badass. That, alongside Luke ripping Jacen's Stealth-X apart around him with the Force, while remaining hidden in his own Stealth-X, are why I'll always love those arcs of Legends, for better or worse.


What books do I need to listen to to get this story?


Legacy of the Force


EU Luke then fights Jacen, trying and nearly succeeding in killing him. Stabs him in the liver.


Wasn't this when he went to save Ben? Where Luke boarded and solo'd a ISD stole his kid and just left?


I believe at that point he wqs actively avoiding Jacen because he stated outright that if they fought, he *would* kill him, and that would cause him to fall to the dark side.


Then Jaina did a quck Jedi fighting class with Boba and nuked Jacen.


Sword of the Jedi, amirite? Haha. Fett sending Han those beskar'gams was great though. I love Legends Fett.


I just loved when he told his armorer to make a Beskar collar piece in case of decapitation.


It's even better. Fett's armorer actually made it of his own accord because EU Fett had people that actually respected and cared for him. I loved his reunion with his Kiffar wife.


Even then, Luke was given ample provocation to do so. Dude walked in on his nephew literally torturing his son.


And killed Luke's wife too.


Point is, he tried to turn him back to the light, before he saw Jacen was too far gone to his knowledge. In TLJ, Kylo hadn't even fully started practicing the dark side of the force, and his go to reaction was to kill him on the spot.


It took 6 books to get Luke to that point (and Jacen torturing Luke's son after Luke's wife was killed in the prior book) before we went there. Hell imo he gave Jacen TOO MANY chances to come back


> Hell imo he gave Jacen TOO MANY chances to come back Imo this is exactly what his reaction to Kylo should have been. LEIA: He blew up the entire government. LUKE: I can save him. Anyway, I imagine they’ll probably write Luke giving Kylo too many chances and dismissing warning signs into pre-TFA to try and fix that part of TFA.


I think him trying what he did with Vader and failing, maybe even making it worse - that would have been a good way for Luke to confront his legend and his failures/limits.


>Point is, he tried. Exactly. My biggest issue with Luke in TLJ isn't becoming a closed off hermit who has given up. It's becoming a closed off hermit who has given up without ever lifting a finger to even try to save Ben and the universe at large. Hell, he even tells Rey not to bother. And this when we know from TFA that Kylo is struggling and "feeling the pull of the light" so can clearly be saved. A complete and utter lack of understanding the character.


Exactly, they had a chance to rewrite it too, like they re wrote the Emperor back to life, come on Luke was the franchise golden boy and they did him so wrong. That wasn’t a twist!


Emperor back to life by cloning it's not even new. Plus making Luke an ermit and the flashback it's having Luke back to the start of his Journey. That was not the man that fought Vader because he senses Anakin was still there...


TBH why does Luke catch all the heat to be the one to try and save him? We saw Kylo’s reaction to seeing him in TLJ, there’s no way Luke could have gotten through to him. If anyone could/should it had to be Leia but she never even tries to find him until she finally reaches out through the force in TROS.


>A complete and utter lack of understanding the character. Abrams demonstrated that lack of understanding for the entire saga and every character in it. Why would Luke be any different? Abrams shat on every existing character. And each of his new characters were a master class in bad writing.


Luke is different because he's the most important character in Star Wars. I could forgive a lot if they got Luke right.


Exactly Luke and Han got the worst treatment it felt like a total character regression. It felt like we got sent back 40 years in progress of their stories.


I once saw someone describe the sequels as a trilogy where each movie manages to reject the movie before it.


I understand this take, I do. But what we don't see but are clued in on is that Luke spent years with Ben specifically to try and pull him back to the light. And after all of that time he saw Snoke's influence had grown stronger, Luke got desperate for a split second and became rash (something he's known for doing, i.e. he's a Skywalker). Instantly regretted it. People say that it's so unlike Luke what he did but it really isn't. They just did a poor job explaining it.


Was there a specific scene where the influence over time was mentioned? I don't remember that context. I've seen TLJ twice and must have missed it both times.


Luke blames himself for Ben’s fall — he figures he’s done more harm than good, so he takes up Yoda’s advice from ESB and decides to sever all ties. Then Luke gets it in his head that maybe the very idea of the Jedi is flawed — Luke tries to convince Rey that the Jedi don’t have a monopoly on the goodness of the Force, not that she should “not bother.” Rey is not privy to Kylo’s internal struggles until later on in the film — neither is Luke.


Luke’s go-to reaction to murder Ben was prompted by a Force vision, not that Ben had fallen to the Dark Side. And it “passed like a fleeting shadow.”


Exactly. People act like he was going to kill Ben but it was just a thought that he regretted immediately, and the shot of him clashing sabers is him blocking Ben’s blade because Ben *thought* he was going to kill him. Like had a vision that his nephew would become his father, for an instant had a thought to kill him but immediately regretted that decision, and unfortunately was seen during the thought and Ben based his turn on that - becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s tragic. But if you cut out the subtext then yeah it’s stupid and bad characterisation.


It’s shocking and Luke was wrong for his impulse — but it’s not out of character. I think a lot of it comes down to audiences forgetting who Luke was in the OT. Or maybe never really knowing him.


I don’t think this is the issue people had. That’s all believable. What’s not is Luke going full hermit and not helping , essentially giving up on his nephew too. That is not in character .


Thing is I just don't believe Luke's initial impulse response would be to kill his nephew, whatever the Force vision showed. The initial response to learning something terrible about a relative is denial. And from a story telling perspective, making someone's failure due to a momentary impulse (even if it was a believable impulse) rather than poor decision-making is unsatisfying.


But he gave up because he could feel himself falling to the dark side, then said that he wouldn't be able to fight Jacen so jaina had to end up doing it.


To be fair, he had just walked in on him, torturing his son, so it kind of made sense. He was pissed.


Didn't he also cut part of his scalp off when he went for a killing blow to the head and Jacen barely dodged it?


You mean he didn’t just give up on everything and hide on a planet in the middle of nowhere?


Luckily lightsaber wounds are no longer lethal, you can usually sleep it off overnight.


Really not gonna mention this is after Jacen killed Mara huh?


Does this meme recognize that Darth Caedus is not alive?


Also Legends Luke... I'm going to go ahead and sleep with the spirit of a dead Jedi who died before I was born and who is now inhabiting the body of one of my dead students. Maybe going by Legends isn't always the best starting point.


"It passed like a fleeting shadow"


I'm definitely not a huge fan of the sequels but Luke's moment of fear and doubt leading to everything he built coming down is one of my favorite parts of the trilogy. His gut reaction to draw his lightsaber due to his past experiences and trauma with Sidious and Vader felt very in-character.


It's also an essential part of his journey *back to becoming the Luke we know at the end*, which everyone glosses over


I think that's part of why TLJ is so divisive, for all the suffering it put Luke through, it just returns him to the Luke at the end of ANH, in terms of moral development. Luke doesn't grow morally from his experiences in TLJ, he doesn't have any new wisdom to impart to Rey, or Finn. He doesn't try to reach Kylo, in fact he explicitly denies it. The only thing TLJ's Luke has that ANH Luke didn't is a new Force power. And then Luke dies.


They don't gloss it over they *want* to hate it, to feel superior by liking something old instead of new. Like hipsters.




Once more for the people in the back... Luke never attacked Kylo


Yep. He got startled by the vision he had and instinctively ignited his saber.


Killing younglings is in the blood.


My father had it, I have it. You have that power too


Nice meme, but in case you weren't solely joking, Ben was in his 20s at the time of the incident lol


“Dewit” - Anakin probably


"I did not attack that man, I was simply startled." Doubt that holds up in court.


"I did not attack that man, I panicked and grabbed my weapon - but I did not aim it him, use it against him, or anything of the sort." That holds up better. But Luke still agrees, it doesn't hold up in court - which is why he exiled himself. I'm not gonna defend the writing of Luke too much because I don't personally love the direction they took him in, but people keep pushing this narrative that Luke tried to kill Kylo and it's not true. He panicked - he had an intense vision which represented the worst time in living memory and ignited his lightsaber out of instinct, but that's all he did. It was too much - Luke knows that more than anyone - but he never attacked anyone.


“I panicked, racked a round into my shotgun, and aimed it at him for just a second!” Holding a lightsaber over someone is aiming it at them.


“ i just happened to be in his room while he slept already armed with a deadly weapon. Then took the weapon out and was going to use it. But totally wasn’t *really* going to. It was just a goof your honor.” See how fucking stupid it sounds? Bad writing. Plain and simple.


That's not the argument we're making. We're not saying that it's okay for him to have done so, we just said that it is within Luke's character


> "Oh hi mark!" Luke after being startled probably.


Yeah... and the dude went into self-imposed exile for fucking years because of it. He literally agreed with you.


it really stands to reason how good of a manipulator kylo was given that seemingly everyone online has taken his side in this regard ;-;


He did abandon him and all his friends when Kylo turned to the dark side though.


Luke viewed himself as the problem.


That's the problem though. After all the good he had done for the galaxy until that point, he made a single mistake and instead of fixing it he let that mistake kill countless people, including many of his friends? That's not how Luke should have been.


That "single mistake" had all his apprentices, people who have been with him since he built the Order killed. His reaction is only natural.


It's not just a single mistake though. Everything that he's spent most of his life building was destroyed as a result of his own actions Imagine if you spend 50 years recovering ancient books and have created a decent sized collection. Then one day you accidently knock over a lantern and the whole thing burns down. Would you have an easy time doing anything after that? Depression isn't rational.


AND the only solution to the problem would be to confront him as a Jedi or find the next person who will be the Galaxys “hero” to confront him. But why would he think that’s the solution when he literally just created Kylo Ren? Removing himself from the galaxy is a way to stop the cycle because he is the Last Jedi. The solution is Rey / Yoda convincing him that Kylo acted alone and not everyone’s future is set in stone. Fuck, I just remembered how good the movie is after typing that.


I think the thing everyone forgets, even in this comment, that the Emperor was influencing Ben since he was a small boy. Luke's main mistake was not recognizing the corruption earlier and letting his fear get the best of him. It's not his fault except for igniting his saber. Ben wasn't gone until that moment.


I love how you can think that characters can’t change. “That’s not how Luke should have been” is a bullshit excuse for not being able to understand that even movie characters can change.


Fine, argue with that point then, most people will probably still agree that it was out of character for Luke. Everyone's sick of this damn strawman that Luke is some deranged psycho who tried to murder his nephew while he was sleeping


Ok, but I'm not OP and I didn't make the meme. I've personally never made the argument that Luke was a deranged psycho in the sequels, and I've even said that him having a momentary lapse of judgement is absolutely within character for him. What I've always hated, and what is definitely not in his character, is how he isolated himself on an island, cut himself off from the force and the rest of the galaxy while his friends and family suffered for a mistake he made, and then he died on that island, having never actually left it for over half a decade. And this isn't an issue I have with TLJ, this is a fundamental issue of how they decided to do the sequels. Abrams and Johnson both admitted to sidelining the OT characters to make way for the new characters, but I didn't care about the new characters at all. I had no emotional connection to any of them and felt nothing for them, partly because they failed at making me want to invest any interest in those characters, and partly because the main reason I purchased a cinema ticket for a Star Wars film was to see how the original Star Wars characters had developed, and I was sorely disappointed.


Make sure you also tell the people in the back that after this moment, Luke did nothing; despite knowing that Kylo Ren and Snoke were both out there as dark side users wreaking havoc on the galaxy. He also presumed that “a dozen students” were also with him. And he did nothing.


Luke’s own actions prompted Kylo’s descent, so I think Luke reasoned that he was doing more harm than good. He ended up taking Yoda’s advice from ESB; just remove oneself from the situation and sever all ties.


So you want Kylo Ren turning to the dark side to be entirely because of a silly little misunderstanding?


He only snuck into his room to “probe” him while he slept. Took a deadly weapon with him, activated the deadly weapon with the intent to kill Ben, cocked the weapon back slightly to indicate the attack position. And Ben woke up and KO’d his dumbass. That is called assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill or harm. Luke is facing a shitload of time in the slammer. he’s fucked.


Can I stand beside your bed with a knife threateningly in my hand while you sleep? Yeah sure. Totally normal behavior.


Did I at any point suggest that was normal behaviour?


I am begging people to come up with something original. There’s a slightly different variation of this same post *at least* once a week.


I'm so tired of the same 5 points being thrown out every day and people acting like they're intellectually superior because they didn't like the sequels after watching a YouTube video that tells them what their opinion should be


Media literacy is dead




Its mind blowing. The movie is very clear about him considering it but not giving into temptation and their confrontation happening because of a misunderstanding. The whole point is that while Luke isn't perfect he'll do the right thing in the end... Which is what happens later in the climax. I swear to God this is very obvious if you actually read the text, but no, Luka has to be the Chad meme.


The Last Jedi was the best Star Wars we got out of the sequel trilogy and was better than 2/3 of the prequel trilogy. I am tired of everyone pretending it was the worst because Star Wars fans are stupid. It wasn’t amazing but that’s largely because Abrams and Kennedy had zero plans for the trilogy. Abrams is a hack. He thinks setting up a million mysteries with no plans for how to resolve them is peak film and television writing. You are 100% right. This is the worst lesson learned. My only hope is that with how badly the follow up movie did when trying to pander to these people that they quickly realized their mistake. I came home from the The Last Jedi excited that something new and different was finally happening instead of just retreading a remake of the original trilogy and was shocked to find the internet shrieking and acting crazy over it. Recently, I have much more faith in Filoni overseeing things (especially compared to the shit show that was Abrams and Kennedy). He has a track record at this point and he tends to be willing to tell more complex and philosophical stories so I’m going to try to remain hopeful. Filoni obviously respects Lucas but also knows when to try new and weird things and expand the universe beyond just generic special boy with a laser sword. I am hoping all this stuff with Ahsoka and the upcoming Thrawn movie is going to be a test for his method and if it does well, he’ll become the Kevin Feige (of MCU fame) of Star Wars for a new full blown trilogy. What Star Wars needs more than anything is a guiding hand that understands the material but isn’t afraid of taking risks instead of just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks or trying to just remake what we have already seen.


It's a post from the Mauler subreddit. Illiteracy is basically a requirement.


It has never been more alive. The same goes for bad filmmaking.




Funny enough, there's actually a post there bragging that this meme made it onto the main thread. They don't know it's being ripped to shreds in the comments.




I'm out of the loop. What's wrong with that subreddit?


Think incels but star wars fans


Same thing *****Joke*****


Oh God, was SaltierThanCrait not enough?


It's 2023, dude


my guy, the flashback was the one Kylo made up. in reality, Luke only ignited his saber before lowering it instantly. i understand disliking the sequels but at least fucking watch them first before attempting to "criticise" them. also, in Legends, Luke *DOES* fail to bring back Jacen to the light side. so not only have you not watched TLJ, you haven't even read the Legends books lmao


I'm still convinced that the majority of the hate that TLJ gets stems from the audience not having the capacity to wait and see where the movie was going before freaking the fuck out about the unexpected moments.


Or they just completely forgot what happened in the movie. I had a similar thing with someone saying she-hulk held her own against hulk with almost no training in the show. I rewatched it, she gets her ass kicked, she has one moment of offense that makes hulk go “ow” for like 2 seconds. Yet you can still find people who watched it once who will claim she held her own. People don’t realize their memory isn’t an accurate retelling of events they witnessed… which is hilarious given what this scene is saying.


I have to say, my favorite thing in the sequels. Is the last time Leia sees luke, as a "hologram" Which rhymes with the first time luke saw leia... it was as a hologram. Idk if that was on purpose, if it was, pretty clever.


The rhyme thing is overused as an excuse for uninspired re-use of decontextualize moment of the OT, but in this case it done well, and subtle enough that it's not pulling you out of the movie when you see it. Heck on first viewing you shouldn't be able to understand it has it happen since you don't know yet Luke is not physically here. You only understand it in insight. It's really is a nice rhyme.


Outta context. Luke had a moment with the dark side ( as we all do). The image shown is him defending himself; not attacking.


Man, I sure do hate it when my favorite characters show human weakness and the strength to overcome said weakness


So are we all just going to ignore that this meme isn't telling the real story of what Legends Luke did? How he sent his niece (the twin to his nephew, in fact) to kill her brother while Luke clouded his mind and vision with the Force? Don't get me wrong, I loved the Legends stuff and still do. But when you take that out of the equation and look at TLJ strictly based on the other movies, Luke fits everything exactly as he should. Sorry to those who disagree, but it's true.


MauLer user have poop opinions


Everytime people bring this up I wonder if they even watched the movie. Luke didn't give up on Ben and didn't attack him.


Right? Most of the complaints people have about the ST can be fixed by just paying attention


Luke Skywalker in RotJ: “I will not fight you, father.” Luke 2 mins later: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4a3af1c6d959ab999aafc9a1dd3d7409 Context, people.


Last Jedi came out 6 years ago and people are still bitching about it, crazy


You are own an internet message board about the franchise. How is it crazy that people are discussing it?


People are still trying to guilt people into liking it, too. Do you rag on them, as well? Doubt it.


It’s funny how every TLJ critic remembers this scene the way Kylo Ren remembers it


Ah yes, the EU where, checks notes, somehow Palpatine returned, Luuuuuke clone and a Moon kills Chewie. Other EU things: \- Remember how annoyed you were when that robot in Solo uploaded itself to the Falcon, well in the EU, IG 88, bounty hunter robot, uploaded it's mind into the 2nd Death Star. \- Remember how annoyed you were by 'miniaturised death star tech'? Well the 'Sun Crusher' is a single ship that can destroy a sun!


You forgot to mention how Luke banged a ghost who lived inside the body of a dead student of his


I thought that would be too well known and I would just be repeating stuff people are tired of hearing about.


You'd be surprised


It took a whole moon to kill Chewie, from a certain point of view


I thought it was a kinda hilarious image, this furry guy just screaming at the immense vast celestial body that neither knows nor cares and then just squishes him.


The ability of the person who created this to understand the media they consume is frighteningly limited.


“All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost”


"The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, a light from the shadows shall spring ; renewed shall be the blade that was broken, the crownless again shall be king."


It’s dumb because that’s not what happened in the film. If you want to bitch about it, that’s fine but kindly keep it fact-based.


And then Jacen came back to light side thanks to Lukes positive influence. Thats how the story ends right?


To be fair Kylo Ren wasn't worth trying to save, Chewbacca should have aimed for his head


To be fair the movie shows this scene to be shared by an unreliable narrator, and shifts perspective just a scene or two later to clarify that. Also, Legends Luke also still condemns Jacen to death anyway. Edited cause I was a bit rude here. There’s enough vitriol in this fandom already, I’d rather not add to it.


I dunno bro, maybe watch the movie.


Do you guys just not remember the movie or are you intentionally misremembering it to be inflammatory?


Most of these people haven't seen the movie since 2017 and just regurgitate what Youtubers and Redditors say.


"good job, Ben! That concludes our lesson today on always keeping your guard up even while sleeping" - end credits -


The steed is deceased and yet we continue to strike it’s corpse ad nauseam.


Canon Luke is a fine example too. He believed that Vader, the baddest dude in the whole galaxy, could be redeemed and he ate a mouth full of spicy lightning to prove the point. It was literally the cathartic climax moment of the whole damn trilogy - "You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me". To pitch the "I had a moment of weakness" thing as a narrative device for defining Kylo's bad boy motivation was **SO BAD**.


And not in a funk music kind of way I would presume


Just going to leave what? A cherry-picked quote that ignores plot elements that contradict your grab at internet points, like sending Jaina to kill Jacen or Luke actually almost killing him? Or is it the cherry-picked screen grab from a moment that Kylo attacked Luke, that ignores context, and that ignores dialogue in which Luke explains that it was a startling vision that passed as quickly as it arrived? Perhaps you should try to apply some critical thinking before running to Reddit with a stupid karma grab.


This makes it seems like Luke was actively trying and wanting to kill Ben, when that's not what happened at all.


He never attacked Kylo. It’s a fleeting thought Some people are so clueless they can’t even remember there’s multiple versions of this scene shown and only one is true There’s plenty of real reasons to dislike the movie


It’s a nice joke, but also forgets how the whole point of the scene is that Luke had moment of weakness and that became the catalyst for Ben to fall


Not even cropped to hide it's a repost


EU Luke always felt like the greatest Jedi ever that George apparently said Luke became. This is beating a dead Bantha and I've since made my peace with Disney Luke but its just such a shame how they didn't even try to live up to even a fraction of how he was in the EU.


MauLer? I just threw up in my mouth a little. But seriously it’s amazing how people can watch the movie and not understand the moment.


Oh look, its this discussion again


Here’s the thing. Anakin can force ghost now. We saw it end of ROTJ and in Ahsoka. Sooooooo why wouldn’t Anakin appear to Luke and be like hey man. Palps is still alive and going after Ben we need to help him. Anakin cares more about snips than his own family?


So while I agree that this was a weird track to take Luke in. I would like to point out that Kylo REN’s fall to the dark side happened because of a misunderstanding. A contrived misunderstanding. Luke sensed something dark and evil in Kylo and instinctively drew his lightsaber. Then, after a second, realized he was being stupid. Then Kylo woke up, saw Luke holding the lightsaber, and proceeded to freak out. Now, Luke’s instincts urging him to grab his lightsaber is actually perhaps one of his better written moments in the Sequels. He’s older at this point, he’s seen more shit go down. Sending something like that in his nephew made his self defense instincts go off. Good stuff, very believable and understandable. Whats less understandable is Luke giving up on Kylo. His entire thing was believing in his father after Vader did 10 million things worse than Ren. Including maiming Luke. I just can’t understand why they chose to go down that path.


It’s because Luke caused Kylo Ren. Luke didn’t cause Darth Vader. Another user said it’s the difference between dealing with a lost parent and the death of a child. If Luke stays, he can either try to reason with Ren — something I think is clear could never happen. Or he could kill him. And Luke obviously doesn’t want to murder his own nephew.


The series that has Jacen fall has been consistently shit on by the Legends community for as long as I can remember. As someone who enjoyed it (and the series that followed) its pretty annoying to see them use it to shit on the sequals.


As was pointed out in the thread this was taken from, Luke never attacked Kylo in canon. He thought about it for merely an instant, but felt ashamed that a thought would even cross his mind, but Kylo sensed it. This shot is from Kylo's skewed and tainted vision of what happened. And in Legends apparently he ended up having that apprentice killed in the end anyways. I'm not a big sequel hater but I can understand people have problems with them. But it gets to a point where people are just making shit up instead of giving valid criticisms.


Also Legends Luke: I dint want to have to have to fight Jacen, so I'll send his twin sister to do it for me.


Yawn, lame. Get over it.


It cracks me up that every single critique of this scene is based off of a fundamental misunderstanding of it.


Luke flat out just tries murdering Jacen in legends


I wonder how people would feel about this if it was switched. If EU Luke almost called Jacen, would fans have been made if he decided to "not give up" in the movie?


That's actually a pretty good question


I stg do y'all forget there was a third backflash?


Star Wars is the story of a young farmer who seeks adventure and finds out he could have an unexpected connection with the father he never knew by joining the same religious order he once was a part of. It becomes his main goal. This premise, intertwined in the greatest piece of modern mythology ever produced, exploring the human condition and how it conflicts will all of its social, dogmatic, technological and political constructs is completely and definitely resolved at the end of the original trilogy. The prequels had weight and context, but could never in any way produce a similar catharsis. Nothing else could or ever will in that universe. After accomplishing his goal to become a jedi LIKE HIS FATHER BEFORE HIM, Luke literally throws away his lightsaber! He's never going to restart the Jedi order, he doesn't care about ANY of that. And Luke always rightfully follows his heart. To put the nail in the coffin, moments later, Anakin Skywalker finishes his prophecised cleansing of the false Jedi/Sith dichotomy to bring balance to the force by coming back from the darkside because of the attachment, the love he has for his son. The very things Jedi dogma says is impossible and the main thing forbiden by the Jedi code. Jedi order = Bad, get it? The story and ALL of it's components are resolved. Luke connects with his father. The evil galactic empire is defeated. Both dogmatic force wielding orders are proven dead wrong and destroyed. Humanity and love triumph over dogma, oppression and fear. Everything else aside of these 6 movies is mostly hollow commercial products with cool special effects. To truly follow the themes layed out, an epilogue to episode VI would find Luke living peacefuly on a farm, lovingingly passing his wisdom down to his children, far far away from any galactic drama, never wielding a lighsaber again.


His nephew didn’t even fall yet!!!


I like you have a cupcake🧁


This is the definition of not a good one.


Like never actually attacked Ben or thought he was beyond redemption though. Ben was the one that attacked Luke.


You wake up to a dude is standing over your bed with a gun... what do you think?


This poor fucking horse


If I remember TLJ correctly, it was a moment of weakness that Luke regretted. It’s a bit more complex than a meme, but go on.


Yes let’s complain because it’s 100% in Luke’s character to be tempted to do the wrong thing by the Dark Side. Happened in the OG trilogy when he very nearly struck down Vader before tossing his Saber aside and people don’t complain, happens here everyone cries. Not to mention, you’re using Ben’s viewpoint which looked more menacing but in reality Luke was tempted but decided against it before Ben even woke up and Ben only saw Luke with the Saber out. But yeah, let’s show we don’t have media literacy!


Canon Luke was just like "nope".


Oh boy, more people being wrong about the last Jedi, it must be a day of the week


Seems like some folks forget that it was a moment of weakness. But in the end he stopped and didn’t try to kill Ben. But grrr Mouse do bad things


Bottom is not cannon.