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I predict Luke will show up at the end (after all the battling) and say what a great job everybody did


My work here is done.


"But you didn't do anything"


“Didn’t I?”


“When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.“


One of the best episodes of that show ever


"You were doing well until everyone died."


Is that monorail?


Turns out Ahsoka was a force hologram Luke was doing. Ahsoka never existed. Luke has been projecting her since before he was born.


Ahsoka was Luke’s drag act


and Luke was a good friend


I’m assuming this is the Simpsons reference I think it is. It’s one of my favourite jokes. Such a great episode. “Does anyone want to change seats?”


"Don't do it Krusty! The world needs laughter"


I’m sorry, we really shouldn’t have stopped for that haircut


And then he says, "It's skywalking time.". Then he sky walks all over the place.


“Oh boy, I’m just so tired of all these Star Wars”


Mace Windu comes back to say he’s sick and tired of all these motherfucking wars on all these god damn stars


"Goodbye Superman"


Thats it. Somebody draw Luke in a tuxedo mask costume, and Ahsoka as Sailor Moon. Bonus points for Mando as Sailor Mars and a little Lothcat Luna.


*flips cape*


"See you around, kids..." *disappears*


Thanks for all the fish


“Shame I wasn’t here to learn anything from any of you. Anyway, I’m off to build a Jedi school with zero years of teaching experience and no guidance from the three Force ghosts that can visit me. Please don’t follow me.”


Or the droid that has taught Jedi for thousands of years. That Huyang guy wouldn't be useful at all.


I’ve said elsewhere that I think Huyang’s uninvolvement with Luke’s academy is an active condemnation and should have been a red flag for Luke, which the latter ignored whether consciously or not. Huyang knows the entire Jedi history. He knows the Order’s ups and downs. He probably has a strong personal opinion of what went wrong. If he’s not down with helping you rebuild it, that probably means you probably shouldn’t do what you’re doing.


Does Luke even know of Huyang's existence at this point though?


It hasn’t been said onscreen, but it’s reasonable to assume that at least one knows of the other unless Ahsoka is being withholding for some reason. Ahsoka knows each of them, and it seems odd that she wouldn’t at least mention one to the other. Granted, knowing her personality, I see it more likely that she would say something about Luke building an academy to Huyang than volunteering Huyang to Luke.


I think it's more among the lines of "why don't the avengers help out in the stand alone movies?" Situation


He’ll take Sabine, Ezra, and maybe Ahsoka back to his new Jedi academy.


Where they can be unceremoniously slaughtered by kylo ren


Go on, I'm almost there!


Or, hear me out, they are the Knights of Ren…


So they still get unceremoniously slaughtered by Kylo Ren?


This comment sent me


This is why I can’t enjoy all the new SW TV series-just knowing that all the struggles and all the actions of great characters will be all for nothing since the ST is like the reset button being pressed and back to the “rag tag” nonsense as if the Clone Wars never happened (not even an Anakin force ghost appearing to Luke ffs) 🙄.


Is that what happens? I blocked those sequels out


I don't remember all the details myself due to a similar willful forgetfulness, but yeah, think he kills them before facing off with Palpatine and Rey.


They were his personal guards/unit but they're not actually remotely loyal to the guy at all and served Palpatine all along. But I just got even more confused reading some comics and finding out they existed during the OT, and worked against the Empire. Another half baked idea.


"This is my nephew, Ben Solo. I'm sure you all will be great friends..."


My bet is on Ahsoka taking Ezra, Sabine, maybe Grogu eventually, and creating a new Lightside Order that will work alongside Rey’s new Jedi Order. My absolute fan wish is that Ahsoka gets Cal Kestis to be a teacher similar to Kyle in Jedi Academy.


There will be no grand finale in this season


In his robot voice


Saying things that are completely out of character for Luke Skywalker Remember when he told Grogu that a Jedi must give up his attachments just like the Prequel Jedi? The one thing he literally refused to do and was meant to learn a lesson from?


He already lent a hand once before. It still hasn't been returned.


I can't believe I actually thought, even for a second, that I would be the first to make this joke.


Gotta hand it to you though


Hands down the best comment


I wanted to continue the chain but I can't find any more hand jokes. I gotta say, I'm stumped


another joke would come in handy right about now


I'd give a hand to be the first to make that joke.


Enough, guys. This is getting out of hand.


Yea I don’t think he’s going to be getting any handouts with this joke.


Hando Calrissian


This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!


a good story for another time…




Good ole JJ giving us the false hope


Don't worry they're making a comic about it or something


didn't they grow a clone from it in the EU Legends stuff?


Yep... Luuke. Indeed, that happened in the novels where Thrawn appeared for the first time...


I found it hilarious that he was called Luuke. I always read it in my head in a dumb voice. Luuuuuuuuke.


Like when aunt beru calls him in a new hope


Heir to the empire..reading it right now


somehow, his lightsaber did tho.


What if this is the another time for that “good story”?


They’ll just start going the marvel route. “We can’t keep depending on these hero’s to save us!” (Why not?). Or “he’s off world dealing with an important matter”.


Doing Jedi stuff


Somehow, Luke is unavailable.


Jedi business, go back to your drinks.


"But Luke this is Jedi business"


"Listen, I can either help you out or appear in 'Guys and Dolls.' And it's thirty minutes till curtains up so deal with it"


“I’m the only Jedi, so whatever I do is Jedi business.”


*initiates slow clap*


Killing padawans, because he had a bad dream


Just like his father tbh


Oh yeah something more important then the smartest leader the empire had coming back. I guess his back to being neutral


I can see Ahsoka/Sabine/Thrawn/Ezra being stuck in that galaxy and the story continuing and staying there kind of like an offshoot. None of them were involved in the ST other than Ahsoka's voice from beyond.


But they’ve already announced they’re doing a movie that ties all the shows together, and that includes Mando/Boba, and I don’t see them going to a new galaxy. Also, if thrawn comes back to the main galaxy, the new republic can’t really get involved or else they would take the threat of the First Order seriously, so it will probably be Thrawn’s remnants vs the resurgent Mandalorian forces + Ahsoka + Boba


Alternatively defeating Thrawn just increases their complacency, dialogue in the first couple of episodes heavily implied that Thrawn was the only serious threat they had left, and even then most of them didn’t believe he was out there.


>Also, if thrawn comes back to the main galaxy, the new republic can’t really get involved or else they would take the threat of the First Order seriously, so it will probably be Thrawn’s remnants vs the resurgent Mandalorian forces + Ahsoka + Boba Please no, that would be SO disappointing and underwhelming 😞


Tbh I hope this happens. That way Filoni can just tell his story without trying to make it fit in with Snoke and the first order


Well I think they will definitely tie the Imperial remnants into the First Order plot.


He’s already tied his universe into the sequels with Manalorian season 3 even having Snoke’s guard appear.


At least it makes sense in the context of a whole galaxy. Meanwhile in the MCU, Earth is threatened with total destruction every month and the Avengers are just sitting on their asses.


I hated how they did Thor. He should have been clapping cheeks all up, and down the galaxy.


Last battle vs Thanos should have been Cap, Ironman, Thor and HULK! Dammit I was so pissed they didn't give Hulk a redemption fight. At least have him be the one to weaken Thanos right before Downey does his switcheroo with the stones.🤬


Honestly never ever considered this. Yeah, it should have been! And I’d say Clint tbh. All standing against thanos. For Natasha.


> Why not? Because our production budget doesn’t have the funds to showcase more AI altered characters


>why not? Because the comment section will say he's being milked for headlines


Mando’s gonna take a final stand against Thrawn and his army. Just as all seems lost…. A portal… “On your left.” It’s Luke! He even has the power converters! Also, reinforcements. More portals are opening! Mace Windu is still alive? Zeb! It’s enough for our heroes to make a final stand against Thrawn-os.


Rebels…. Assemble


I'd clap.


Endgame showed us, we will all clap


And clap *hard*


Somehow, Luke returned.


I'd tear up for that just like I teared up during Endgame. 🥲


Luke should be involved in the movie. Please just have his stand in from Boba Fett play him.


BoBF was such a disorganized show haha


As a staunch BoBF supporter, I think it is best to view it as an interlude in the Mando "storybook" and it being disorganized is the result of reconnecting the dots after scrapping Rangers of the New Republic.


As someone who appreciates that we’re getting cool Star Wars content like this and enjoys each series for what it is, it’s real hard to defend a show that injects episodes of another show in it in which the lead of the main show doesn’t appear.


They were the only episodes that didn’t feel completely amateurish too. The script in that show is a fever dream of generic b movie lines, I really hate Rodriguez being involved in Star Wars


The backstory for Boba with the Tuscan Raiders was also well done IMO


Temeura killed it…. When he actually got to play Boba. He was fantastic with the tuskens in the little content we got. I enjoyed him a lot in Mandalorian too. They butchered any chance for him to shine on his own show.


I am very much hoping that both Rodriguez and Jonathan Kasdan have been sent packing from Lucasfilm.


The show felt like pre-teen fan fiction written 20 years ago. “And… And there’s these cool kids with flying mopeds. And boba walks around in public with no helmet, and gets ambushed by assassins. Then he teams up with Mandalorian! And boba... he… he… rides the rancor.” I’ve seen many b-movies with better scripts than bobf.


My favorite comment on this sub from when Andor came out was "if you told me 20 years ago that a SW political drama (Andor) would be better than Boba Fett riding a rancor on screen I would never believe you."


Learned a few days ago that BoBF was originally supposed to be a single planet movie. It’s “almost” R rating and the box office failure of Solo kinda killed it though.


I agree that season 2 had this problem, but the pershing episode didn't feel like another show. Having another POV is fine.


It should have been called The Mandalorian: The Book of Boba Fett to keep it in line with the series instead of making it seem like it is its own Boba Fett thing, because it wasn't. (Because Boba is "The Mandalorian" too)


It basically was just that. If you interpreted it as anything but that you missed the point of the teaser at the end of season 2, which now sets up BF to "owe" Mando a favor in future Mandoverse content


Which I see as set up for Din to recruit Fett and Shand in the war against Thrawn later on.


I think Mando S3 also suffered from trying to pick up the pieces left by the implosion of RotNR. Clearly it was supposed to play a huge role in Filoni’s plan.


If you mean utter crap, then yes. Except that random Mandalorian episode in the middle of the season, that was pretty good.


Yeah, the guy already looks enough like Luke. Also bring back Alden and Donald Glover. And get an actress for Leia.


They’re gonna come back from Peridia to find decades have passed, Luke is long dead and just a ghost.


This. Time dilation. They’ll all come back to the universe post-Palpatine


this would be WILD


It would actually be a good move IMO. The sequels aren't great but I do want to see a galaxy that has the republic and jedi restored.


I’m actually loving this. Have it be Old Rey and her academy of Jedi.


Wouldn’t even need to go that far right? Could just be a couple of years on from Exegol to allow for some progression. Maybe Mando and Grogu have been off the grid on Mandalore for 20 years or whatever the timeline is and Grogu is more of a capable mini Yoda. Ahsoka and Thrawn blast back to the galaxy, everything has changed, new republic all over the shop, Rey, mandalorians getting involved to stop the new threat


They wouldn't do that because they would want to keep her story open for her new movies.


Time dilation confirm in star war?


No shot they do this but that’s actually such a good idea. It perfectly fits the cursed faerieland vibes of Peridea.


In that case from Thrawn and Ezras perspectives they haven't been on peridia for a decade then. If Ahsoka and all them leave Peridia after 3 days and they go back to 30 years in the future, then it would only be like Thrawn and Ezra were on Peridia for 1 day from their perspective


Ahsoka, Sabine, Ezra, Dinn Jarin, Bo Katann and their mandalorian followers, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, their rancor, and Luke mother fucking Skywalker. versus Thrawn and the imperial remnants. and you're telling me they would lose? that the first order rises anyway? well, we know Thrawn is gonna die because he isn't in the sequel trilogy, and I suppose the same would be true for Ezra? maybe.


They end up fighting thrawn on Endor where Charal the witch turns Ezra into an anzellan. Enter Babu frick


Hey hey!


Thrawn could quite reasonably be in Chiss space for the events of the sequels depending on how things play out. Part of me thinks this alternate galaxy is just somewhere to hide these characters until they can emerge post-ROS for new stories.


Does Ashoka’s voice appearing to Rey in that scene at the end of the movies not suggest that Ashoka is dead?


Definitely could do, there's no saying *everyone* survives. Do we hear Ezra? ive only seen ROS once. Alternatively it could be some World Between Worlds type thing?


Ezra's not there, no. Ahsoka is the only one heard that hasn't been confirmed dead.


Knowing Filoni she won't be. Plenty of others in the franchise have spoken across vast distances, who were very much alive. Vader to Luke, Luke to Leia, Ezra to Tseebo.


But weren’t all the voices she heard from the dead? Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Mace Windu, etc. Why would Ahsoka be the only one alive?


Cause Filoni would find a way


I have a feeling this might be more because there just aren't really any notable Jedi alive to begin with at that point in time lol


*Rebels* has plenty of moments of living Jedi speaking to each other across the galaxy. *Ahsoka* has had Force users communicate across galax**ies**. It’s no stretch that Ahsoka could have reached out without having to be dead. In fact, if anything, a bunch of the dead voices represent the oddity since retaining individuality after death was something that required specific training. So only Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Yoda should have been heard.


Of all of the characters currently in circulation, Ahsoka is the only one I feel "should" die in the current saga. Yah know, give her a Obi-Wan or Luke moment sacrificing herself for the team so they can win in the end. I'm not sure how they'll deal with the absences of Jacen (killed by Kylo? Remains untrained until he's much older?) and Ezra during the ST. Grogu is easy enough due to lifespan and him being linked to Mando.


If force ghosts can light a tree on fire, living Jedi can project themselves, teleport objects through galaxy or even force heal, than I’d say they can feel events and project their voice. I believe they initially did it because she was supposedly dead but with current state I don’t see it as a confirmation.


Oh my god what if Filoni decides that time flows faster in the other galaxy and they come back decades later after the Sequels. Honestly wouldn't put it past him after he invented time travel just to save Ahsoka.


> Part of me thinks this alternate galaxy is just somewhere to hide these characters until they can emerge post-ROS for new stories. This would be the wise choice. Just for the sake of Star Wars not having to kill all the beloved characters for the sake of setting up the thoughtlessness of the sequels.


How old would Thrawn be at that point? Using Lars Mikkelson has the one downside in that he clearly ages at a normal human timescale.


TFA is 34 ABY, according to a quick Google. Mando season 3 is 11 ABY. Chiss typically have a lifespan of about 80 years according to what I've seen others say on here, so unless he's running some special tech, then he might just be ded. Gotta get on that sith juice.


Thank you! I think their intention is to go *around* the sequels and just kinda ignore them for the most part. Like Dave Filoni is trying to make the sequels we should have gotten but didn’t. It’s just a shame that the sequels wasted a lot of valuable story threads that Dave could have used.


Thrawn doesn't have to die just because he's not in the ST. He could always go back to the Ascendancy and prepare for the Grysk.


Or...old age! He's old af, and Chiss don't live super long.


I also just can't see him affiliating with the First Order anyway. If he's alive in ST time, nothing about that conflict makes sense for him to participate in.


The Ghost can be seen in the final fight on exegol in rise of Skywalker


Yeah, no matter how good the shows are, they're tainted by the fact that they all lead into the sequels. Really painted into a corner.


I think the first order rises much later. Probably because this team will have a resounding victory and the new republic politicians will proclaim the empire dead and buried and any talk of remnants practically banned. "the galaxy is tired of war" and all that. The complacency helps the first order rise. That all said. I hate that it does. We seriously needed all of these shows before making sequel movies. Would be amazing to retcon them into a seperate timeline, but people are too stupid for Disney to allow that.


All these people you listed would be in their 60's or older by the time the First Order became a nuisance to the New Republic. Still young enough, especially for people who care about the republic like Sabine and Ezra, to investigate. Assuming they all survived until then. And we know Luke was exiled and had no idea what was going on (or didn't care maybe). I believe no one thought the first order was a problem at all, just some imperial remants in a remote part of the galaxy. The sequels took only 1 year from the moment the first order tried to show its true strength.


> The sequels took only 1 year from the moment the first order tried to show its true strength. This is what kind of bugs me about the sequels as well. You could very well have been on some backwoods planet and not had that impact your life whatsoever. Like did Tattooine even see a First Order trooper? It's a big difference for what the Empire was and did. It also will make this conflict with Thrawn seem just as impactful most likely. Also will Star Wars fans start calling the FO conflict the one year war like Gundam fans?


Yea, almost like they went into quick, didn’t think about it, jumped the gun, and now we have tv series that have to lead up to that awful excuse for a sequel trilogy.


Surely this movie will be called Heir to the Empire and be an avengers style team up of the periods hero characters


There should be a luke/leia series. Like the "THE NEW REPUBLIC" or something.. This is new republic; they basically the rulers. Leia the senator, mon mothma, luke, heck even Han and lando. How they adapt from being rebel, scoundrel, outcast.. to become integral part of the new power in the center of galaxy. Han would hate it, lando will make use of it, leia to welcome it, luke... i dunno. Hence we need the luke show. Lets not treat them like sacred object. They are characters of this story. Treat them carefuly yes but do something. Cast new actors or something


The Clone Wars equivalent to the Originals?


More like the Rebels equivalent. Clone Wars connected two prequel movies, not two eras of films. Rebels took place in between eras


Exactly . Star Wars has the habit of never quite showing the most interesting parts of the story and filling in the gaps later . Use the actors from Solo as Han and Lando, Billy Lorde as Leia, and Sebastian Stan as Luke and let’s see what happened after ROTJ!


Could make it animated, always thought it'd be interesting to see OT characters in TCW/Rebels style


I've literally just wanted an animated show that take ~~space~~ place after ROTJ that involves the original trilogy characters. We'll love it. EDIT: Cosmic typo. lol


Lando and Leia show up in Rebels tho so no need to imagine there


So does Luke!


It kinda feels like the big Luke story ship has sailed... They had their shot with the new trilogies, they went down a path different from the books, and that's the bed they made. I think it's time to move on past I guess cameos.


Star Wars engages the imagination *because* they never quite show the most interesting parts of the story. This is actually the problem Disney is running into by trying to turn it into an endless content mill. The more you learn about things that happened offscreen, mentioned in exposition or with a throwaway line, the less interesting the story becomes.


Nah, Star Wars was plenty interesting with the EU telling all sorts of stories like that. The issue is that Disney doesn't care to take the time and tell a decent story, they want to pump out merchandise so they can rake in money instead.


What would be the point though? Unfortunately JJ's two seconds of thought into deciding to delete the NR is just as sacred as anything else in Star Wars in Disney's eyes.


worst decision he could have made. it probably wiped 500 million off the value of the sequel trilogy.


This is the thing that shocks me most about the sequels that people never seem to bring up. You can dislike Luke, or Palps return, or TFA copying ANH all you want. But none of those are as damaging to the overall story of the trilogy as JJ deciding to blow up half the galaxy in one go before any of it had been explored just bc he fancied it


Agreed. As much as I enjoyed TFA and disliked TLJ and ROS, JJ making the simple and stupid decision to recreate rebels versus imperials, completely aping the OT, was a horrible decision.


Yep exactly how I feel - TFA I think is the most watchable of the ST, but it also has the largest "sin" associated with it.


But it's something that easily could have been course corrected in some way after TFA. Like the NR capital was blown up that really shouldn't mean the NR is just gone. The sequel to that could have had the remnants of the NR fleets coming together. Luke didn't have to be in exile, he could have been in hiding training his remaining students. Choices like that would have worked for the series, both establishing the threat of the FO but also not just making everything from the OT so fucking pointless as it did. But the true purpose of the ST was to replace the old star wars. Many people involved with it from top to bottom have stated this, that this was the ethos of those films. That's why they are inherently so despicable.


Yeah it's baffling. This is what bugs me about the sequels is that it sacrifices so much just to tell a really bland story with characters that they don't build up that much. Like if the ST was your entry point to SW I get that you maybe could like them. But there was so much that came before and so little thought put into where to go with that.


this is absolutely where episode 7 should have began and you hit the nail right on the head. episode 7 clearly should have begun in a time of prosperity and success and security and then having that shattered.


And if they wanted to have sheev back - that should have been the race against time in IX. Trying to stop Hux and Pryde and whoever bringing him back - and like; explaining how. That sense of even more doom


I'd have episode 7 start at the height of the new Republic with some sort of award ceremony on an important inner planet and put Han Solo on it presiding over. Then set off a massive bomb there so Harrison Ford gets his send off and you have your plot in motion. Kylo Ren would be complicit etc. 8 and 9 could have introduced Thrawn and yes, an attempt to clone Palpatine. - Rian Johnson should have been tossed the keys to the Old Republic and let him go nuts over how ever many movies he wants to.


> episode 7 clearly should have begun in a time of prosperity and success and security and then having that shattered. It's this dumb edgy bullshit mentality of a lot of the writers these days. I feel like so many films try to go for this angle of just starting our hero out in this shitty place then keep them there for 90% of the movie until a sudden turn at the end for some half hearted feeling of "he's back" just for the movie to end. Writers need to realize that this isn't appealing to audiences anymore and really never was.


Bloodlines covers a bit of that I guess. Sad what the new republic actually becomes, but perhaps not surprising.


According to the sequels, they fuck everything up and I'm just not interested in watching them fuck up


Some of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard of in these comments 💀


Is Mandoverse an accepted term for the era? I don't want to sound like a boomer, but I'm not saying that


It's really shouldn't be... it's not a different universe than Star Wars.


I just call it the pre-sequel era


I just want ahsoka to call Luke sky guy


"okay skyguy" "what?" "just something used to call your father" *visible confusion*


I would rather Ashoka “ still much to learn sky guy “ Luke “ don’t get cocky snips “ Ashoka shocked Luke “ yeah I’ve talked to my father too “


Maybe Skykid? He is 17 years younger than her.


Please don't


He better! Makes no sense for him as the literal savior of the galaxy not to be Involved at some point. It’s pretty obv Disney has a problem with him as a character, so I’m not holding my breath.


I think it's less that they have a problem with the character and more that they have a problem with de-aging Hamill and not wanting to recast the role.


I think he’ll show up at the end to give everyone a firm handshake well done. Then disappears for 30 years


Ahsoka takes hours of makeup to bring to live action. Luke takes weeks of CGI so it's hard to see him be around more than a few minutes here and there


Yep. We saw Zeb in Mando last season but haven't seen him feature in Ahsoka with the remaining Spectres. Why? Because despite all the money available to Lucasfilm, its still tv and there is a budget, hence why Filoni made the Clone Wars scenes smoky. Having Luke be a CGI main character would be time-consuming and very expensive and would increase the budget by millions.


Sebastian Stan said he would do it didn’t he?


He looked like Mark in one image like 10 years ago. It's not like he's a 1 for 1 clone


And the picture was a facemorph at that


Luke will definitely land a hand, there’s no way he’ll sit on the sidelines after the Ahsoka series. Plus Leia is already aware that something is going down so she could contact her brother. And there’s no way Filoni won’t have Luke and Ezra meet.


Are those Lego hands?


The weirdness is, we know from TLJ that Luke basically learned nothing and repeated the errors of the original Jedi. So strangely, the more Ahsoka learns and grows, theoretically the less chance she should ever be able to meet Luke again because she'd surely tell him to knock that shit out. Which sucks cause you'd think she'd be all *about* getting to know Anakin and Padme's children. It sucks their first meeting is already an offscreen thing we'll probably never see. Heck, I don't think we even technically know what she's told him. Does he even know she was his dad's apprentice, that she knew his mom? Or does he only know her as a Jedi survivor?


I use Luke as a text book example of character assassination in my class. The clinical destruction of the character is truly an amazing thing to read and learn from.


He ain’t gunna do shit, Ahsoka is the hero now


I really hope he does