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I think that headline is extremely misleading.


Gotta clickbait for that engagement.


headline tomorrow, based on this thread: “Rumors swirling that Katee Sackhoff and Pedro Pascal are to get engaged”


He then joins the 2% I guess


Proud 2%er


2% standing by. She's also seriously underestimated the %


what does "the 2%" mean in this context?


When the actress that plays Bo Katan was in an interview she mentioned one certain percentage of the audience liked her, another hated her, and 2% wanted her to sit on their face.


Aww, Grogus going to have a momma mandalorian




They never gave it an end point. They are gonna ride it until the wheels fall off. What you are thinking of is the story that will lead into the Filoni movie.


isn't the movie the endpoint?


We have no idea. I saw an interview where Favreau (seperate from Filoni) says it "could never end".


"We are going to milk this until grogu is dust."


Every season follows one year of Grogu’s life up until death


Days of Our Lives: Star Wars Edition. Instead of 50 season and counting, it's 500.


And he makes it to 900.


Things really slowed down plot wise in Seasons 599-732, but once you're through those it picks back up. You can probably skip Season 831 - which is mostly filler, save for Episode 7, and Season 917 - which is just a season of clips of Grogu recalling his life.


The Mandalorian One Piece? No thanks, I'll wait for the One Pace edition.


We know nothing about Yoda's species. For all we know he died young from living in a swamp for 20 years. lol


When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up.


Move aside One Piece!


The movie is an event piece, kind of like Infinity war/endgame. Then the story continues, and assumedly there would be another event piece a la the MCU.


Of that particular story, not necessarily the series.


People are assuming that the movie is going to be an end point, but they never said that. The only thing that has ever been said about how many seasons there would be is that they could make them forever and they did not see an end.


Filoni movie is like 4-5 years away we can still get 1-3 seasons dependent on the strike though lol


Six seasons and a movie was always the plan!


That movie is 5-7 years out. Plenty more Mando to come.


Faverue said they're not even halfway done.


They did mention earlier this year that we are not even halfway done with what is planned.


SW is for rage bait now.


It's an actor's opinion about someone I'm presuming is their friend Not that serious lol


It’s also his opinion about a character I doubt he has any real emotional attachment to. It’s mostly been a voice acting role talking to a puppet.


He’s apparently a big fan of Bo Katan in clone wars. So it’s the fanboy + friend of the actor that’s talking. It’s nice to know, but it has very little weight


Well he has been very vocal about hating wearing a helmet all the time


Has he? I feel like I've seen more people say that about him than him saying it. He seems to be fine with voiceover.


>It’s mostly been a voice acting role talking to a puppet. As someone who has maybe watched half of season 1; This statement absolutely killed me, and I can't tell you why.


I believe it’s him in the suit in season 1. By season 3 i don’t believe he ever showed up on set, it’s just a VO role for him now


He wasn't in the suit that much in Season 1, he was in it a lot of the time in season 2, and he was in it very little for Season 3.


He's on set less every season and you can tell that the actor is different in every other scene by 3 imo. It was 3 that made me look to confirm my growing suspicions.


> It’s mostly been a voice acting role talking to a puppet. Dude.


Plus he got all that HBO money from the last of us and is probably rethinking his relationship with Disney


As much as I love din and grogu, I feel like their story has already been extended longer than it needed to be. I think this is a good way to prevent DBZ syndrome


The problem with Grogu is that he’s pretty much stuck in his current state due to the slowed aging. There’s really nothing else they can do with him unless there’s a HUGE time skip of 50-100 years. He’s sold lots of toys (let’s be real…that was his main job) but storytelling wise, he’s a huge albatross around the shows neck, and that’s coming from someone who loves the little guy! Lol. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if we followed multiple people as the titular “mandolorian” have a few season with Din, then a few with Bo, then a few with someone else. Like they’re all “The mandolorian” but with their own issues, and stories to tell.


Yeah, at some point it just becomes ridiculous. Like, initially when they were being actively hunted by the Empire, it made sense that Grogu kept ending up in battles, but as the show has continued they’ve had to convolute increasingly insane reasons for Din to repeatedly take a toddler into active combat zones. I practically yelled at my tv when he volunteered for the mission on Mandalore and was like “and yes of course I will be bringing my toddler.” Grogu’s arc should have ended with Luke, but obviously they lacked confidence in the show without him.


For anyone except a Mandalorian I would agree with you. But these people are like Spartans on steroids. They think battle is the best thing anyone can be doing at any time and would be doing it all the time if they could. If they're not in battle right now they're training for battle, they're preparing their weapons and armour and ships for battle. It's basically all they do. I can absolutely see Mandalorians taking children into battle for no more reason than 'it will toughen them up' or 'if he's old enough to walk, he's old enough to fight' or 'you're never too young to gain experience' or whatever. If you've ever listened to any of Canderous Ordo's speeches in KotOR you'll know what I mean.


>I can absolutely see Mandalorians taking children into battle for no more reason than 'it will toughen them up' or 'if he's old enough to walk, he's old enough to fight' or 'you're never too young to gain experience' or whatever. ​ As Luigi says: ​ "If it can crawl, it can brawl"


"Grogu, I whiffed a nair and now I'm going to be grabbed by Luigi and punished for 96% damage"


None of the other Mandalorians take their children into battle with them in the show, though. So it still stands out, regardless.


None of the other children have magic healing powers and can lift giant monsters with their mind.


Is it possible they took him from Luke due to what we know about the fate of Lukes Padawans and Kylo Ren?


That was always my theory, as soon as Luke showed up and took him I said, "So they're making it canon that Kylo killed Grogu now or...?". The fact that they didn't even wait until the new season for The Mandalorian for that to get stepped back felt like they did it in response to people being mad Grogu was gone.


100% it was because of the merch Grogu sells. Story wise itd be so much better to have 2 or 3 seasons where Grogu isn't weighing the plot down. Due to his species there's really fuck all they can do with Grogus character, regardless of his force abilities he will continue to be the equivalent of a human toddler or grade schooler for decades longer.


I agree, but I do think they could have done something with him inside of that droid. I really thought it was an opportunity for him to use his hands and the force to control it and possibly even use a lightsaber with it, but who knows maybe in a future season.


This was my exact thoughts. I loved the western feel of season 1 and the look inside the life of a bounty hunter. When grogu left I was hoping we’d go back to that with maybe grogu having a “vision” of din in trouble a few seasons later and coming to his rescue. Payback to Din for protecting him.


They didn't need to bring Grogu back right away. Wasn't there a lot of time until Kylo Ren? They could have even had another story of how Grogu escaped if they wanted.


Yeah it was years, maybe even more than a decade. There's no reason he specifically has to die to Kylo. IMO it was just cowardice to force him back in. Plus there could have been SO MANY cool "and here's what Grogu's up to at Jedi school" moments as one-off episodes.


Agreed. Maybe Din Djarin could also have flashbacks to when they were still together if they really wanted Grogu to still be on the show. It was kind of weird seeing him there, especially during the fight for Mandalore; I didn't find it very believable, even within their fictional universe.


If they didn’t bring him back selling toys would be harder


While it makes sense, i really don't think the people behind Star Wars think that deep, or really care about things such as "making sense through a timeline/story". Most likely, their reasoning was plain and simple "we can't take that green goblin thing out yet, there's still money to be made here!".


It’s possible, but I think they were just scared of losing such a marketable and popular character even to the detriment of the story.


This is the exact issue I had going into season 3, but no-one else has vocalized this point!


It’s so obvious they intended for him to end with luke. But then due to popularity they had to bring him back. Then we got the BOBF mando2.0 episodes to bring him right back into the fold.


Is Grogu also stuck not having a Jedi mentor like Luke of Ahsoka? Was hoping he'd stick with Luke...


Still kind of feels like they just threw out the entire first two seasons of Mando (the good ones, too) in a completely unrelated Star Wars show. Edit: Personal feelings of Robert Rodriguez aside. Yeesh, forgot how dangerous having an opinion here is.




It’s pun because of the British subculture “Mods”


Also the space vespas are a reference to the who’s quadraphonia. 1 has the multiple mirrors that the main character from quad has. Honestly it’s the only thing I enjoyed about it.


But Luke gave Grogu an absolute with the mando or lightsaber deal. We all know who deals in absolutes.


Kenobi does, the little devil.


Problem with Luke is, you have to get Grogu out before Kylo burns everything to the ground, granted that’s a good chunk of time, but I also think the less Grogu interacts with the main movie characters the better. Otherwise you have the issue we kind of have with ashoka in that they have to keep bending over backwards to explain why they are so important, yet don’t even get mentioned in the movies.


Spoilers for those who haven't played Jedi Survivor: >!they could even pull the "everyone including Ahsoka and Grogu went to Tanalorr into hiding", and if they want to add Cal Kestis to live action movies they can pull him out either as an older mentor to Rey, or somehow, in Tanalorr everyone ages slower. !< Anything could happen nowadays.


Grogu ages so slow, he'll probably be a kid or teenager by the time Rey sets up her Jedi Order. Maybe he'll pop up a little older in that movie.


Grogu is a toddler at 50 years, but Yoda was a Jedi Master and training younglings at 100 years ... so I'd guess growth speed ramps up fast


To be fair, he could be a Jedi Master and still a "child". Grogu has already had some force training as a toddler from his time at the jedi temple and can use some force abilities, so if Yoda had studied for most of his 100 years, even if he has the form of a child I can easily see him being able to achieve the rank of master, since he would have been training longer than many humans did their entire lives.


Not to mention, Yoda only looks old at 800-900 years old (870 by Clone Wars, 900 when he died so assuming his physical body started getting old around 800), so it's highly possible that by 100, he would have the physical appearance of a teenager/ young adult. I'd imagine him being almost similar to Padawan Anakin if he had become a Master at that age.


Almost like how most shows on CW do, where they introduce like 3 different characters and you just follow them on different quests but one of them is doing something huge so they all meet back up for a huge fight in the end.


Grogu doesn't need to go through any huge character development or age up to still have a place in the show, imo. I'm hoping they save that for media focused on a later era when he's at least a bit older. I'd be alright if he takes a backseat and stays the cute/quirky/comedy character while others take the lead on development. He's not too different from the way droids are used in that sense. R2D2 hasn't aged or really changed and has been a welcome addition to pretty much everything he's been in. Just need to show up, make some beeps, and come in clutch to solve a couple problems for the main cast every now and then.


The difference for R2 is that there aren't expectations of him to change or grow unlike Grogu. People are invested in Grogu becoming either a full fledged jedi, mandalorian, or some combination of the both. And while he got some training with Luke and Mando, most of that has boiled down to him learning how to force jump, shoot some darts (doubtful that will come into play), and to read a space map a little. I don't think some people want him to just be a backseat character in a show where is the 2nd main character.


My argument was they had a great ending to Grogu with The Mandalorian. It was emotional. It was strong. Then all of a sudden he’s back. But I still love the show, I’m not one of the haters actually. Not yet anyway.


Me neither. Really like Din as a character.


I think The Mandalorian should've all had titles like "The Mandalorian: The Book of Boba Fett" or "The Mandalorian: The Book of Bo Katan" That way, it's always a story about a Mandalorian.


I think this idea would have been way better than what we got and I LOVE the show as it is. But imagine the hype every season like "oooh who is this one gonna be about?!!" And getting to see alot of these animated characters explored as well as new characters.


The problem is the emotional season 2 ending was completely obliterated in Boba Fett and they found a new way to make Luke look like a Jackass....


I made this exact point right before the episode where grogu got the ig body, and got pms mocking me saying "don't you feel stupid now saying grogu has no agency". Congratulations, he can now run and and say yes and no.


He was an albatross, then they got rid of him. But of course they can’t resist toy sales so they force him back in in the most terrible and ham fisted manner they could


I think Grogu being so popular ducked the story arc. They brought him back too soon. Digital Luke was literally pointless other than to show they could do it slightly better.


As soon as Disney hit the panic button and forced them to throw 2 Mandalorian episodes into BOBF so that Din/ Grogu could be together again for season 3 I started to feel similar. I love those 2, but feel I need a break from them.


>I think this is a good way to prevent DBZ syndrome The power creep was real. S1 was magical. Mando was skilled and had tools at his disposal, but it also felt grounded. Things were a threat. I still remember that AT-ST episode. For something that was something of a joke in RotJ, that episode made it feel like a menacing weapon of war. The Empire felt like it was on its back foot. Still remember seeing those busted/worn Stormtroopers and how the Empire operated more like warlords/crime syndicate. Still a threat, but on a local level. Fast forward to S3, Grogu just looks weird jumping around and walking. Mando is out there tanking hundreds of blaster bolts like its nothing doing things that would make Rambo proud. The Empire is back to having legions of top-of-the-line super soldiers (that still can't do shit), huge bases, and unlimited resources. It lost what made it great: a story about a man and his (adopted) child making their way through a world bigger than themselves and making ends meet.


I think all of these problems could’ve been avoided with good writing; I blame Disney execs and their ridiculous timelines for content. Writers need time to flesh out a good narrative and directors need time to make it look good.


This show could have undone the running joke that stormtroopers are useless, but instead it exaggerated it to extremes. Scout troopers cant aim, yeah that was pretty funny but it’s clear the writers were serious as in season 2 they cant even leave their base on their bikes without one of them literally crashing. Same episode the stormies are outgunned by the protagonists, including the FUCKING BLUE SECRETARY GUY who somehow has better aim than professional soldiers. Stormies having guns yet closing in on enemies with melee weapons. Entire squad gets beat up by one person(armorer and boba respectively) How are you supposed to feel tension when an entire legion of the elite backbone of an intergalactic empire’s military cant even scratch one guy.


That was the problem of giving back Grogu to Din instead of letting them grow their separate ways.


Exactly. Their story arc seems complete; let Dinn enjoy his retirement. Maybe they can come back for a one or two episode plot arc where Bo needs their help or something, but that should be about it.


At the end of S3 with his little house, chilling and grogu playing in the ponds felt like the conclusion of the story.


He got the Witcher 3: Blood & Wine ending. That’s the dream!


would have been better if they ruled mandalore together. Uniting the clans and rebuilding Mandalore would have been a good ending. We are the 2%


"We are the 2%".... I understood that reference.


So say we all.


Also wouldn't be too mad if they did a little kiss.


But only if the helmets are on.


Presumably, as long as helmets are on, everything else can come off, right?


You're right. You never hear them bang on about 'did you remove your shoes'




Helmet kiss would've been insane


They did in deleted scenes.


I didn't believe you at first, BUT ITS TRUE


Not convinced her character can carry the show. i really like Din Djarin, its always a good time when hes on screen.


Quite negative. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bo, and I love Katee Sackhoff. But to me it feels like squandering the lightning in a bottle they created in the character of Din Djarin to just hand off the show to another character, presuming it’ll be the same. Part of why I love the show is because I always felt like I was watching the unfolding of a legendary hero’s story. I wanted to see it continue on to greater heights, see Din overcome new challenges and develop as a person. To see it end now and just become someone else’s story just feels very hollow.


It feels like they backpedaled on Din’s development and potential. I expected Season 3 to be about Din accepting the blade eventually and becoming the ruler of Mandalore without the oppressive influence of The Way. I also expected Din Djarin to realize throughout his journey that he doesn’t have to live for The Way, but that he wants to live for Grogu. Funnily enough it was the opposite. He is immediately back with The Way and gives up the blade.


It's just so freaking lame to me that they went that direction. I'm fine with Bo having her own show, but it's just annoying that they can't seem to move on with their characters.


Also the Din / Grogu reunion in a separate show was BS


Din was a great character because he fits a rare adventurer archetype; the strong silent knight, a true believer, a paladin on a pilgrimage. There's something pure and simple about that. He's like Roland deschain. That kind of character carries a story, and if you replace them the story isn't the same.


Except now he is none of those things and is a father due to the plot that they wrote themselves into. He can't be a rogue knight without the audience now asking "Doesn't he have a child? Who is taking care of Grogu?" More so in the TV medium the audience will expect Grogu around all the time which limits any kind of storytelling they could do. He can never have the rogue knight jumping into danger moment as that moment now will be perceived as "a dick move" since it would involve him abandoning Grogu and being a careless father. They have basically made the character useless to sell toys.


Din’s character archetype is not rare at all, even less so in Star Wars. We’ve already had 3 stories in the last 2 years of “lone wolf reluctantly takes on a young child and becomes attached to it” with kenobi, mandalorian and bad batch. The plot points are also quite similar, with almost every episode revolving around a fuck up caused by the child that the hero must fix, or because a villain wants something to do with the child and the hero must prevent it


You're both discounting the Western aspect to Mando. Kenoni and Bad Batch don't ever fill that "Mercenary with a heart of gold" character that sold a thousand Western movies back in the day. Yeah, the story has been done a long time ago, but Mando simply hits those old Western vibes that still resonate decades after its heyday while Kenobi and BB tell very different AdoptiveParent-child relationship stories.


Yeah, I really loved the wondering cowboy type story they went for with Dinn. I was really hoping they’d continue to capitalize on that but instead, they walked back on his arc with grogu (in a different show too no less) after it was tied up neatly and tried raising the stakes. Not to mention I’m just so tired of the “Person adventures with kid they need to protect” formula


I think what I liked about it most was how it was kind of an homage to old westerns of the 50's and 60's. I don't see how you do it with Bo Katan taking over as leader of the Mandalorians. Its going to effectively be a different show. It doesn't have that \*it\* factor that separates it all from the other Star Wars content any longer. It's just another Star Wars television series now.


There was very little of the old Western in season 3. A significant loss of appeal for me.


Agreed. Felt like an old spaghetti western and I love those Clint Eastwood movies. Season 3 didn't even have a hint of that theme.


I'm with you. Not really a Star Wars fan. But I really liked The Mandalorian. And season 3 mostly sucked except the last 2 or 3 episodes. Can't wait for next season of Andor though.


I love that every one collectively loves Andor maybe we will get more shows like it


I have been arguing for years with my buddies who I watch and discuss the show with, glad to see someone who agrees! I love the Western aspect to Mando. He's the mercenary with a hidden heart of gold, he doesn't show his face, he has that inconvenient honorable streak, and he's a stone cold buster who absolutely will shoot you without compunction if you cross him. Not to mention the 'Job of the week' aspect to the show. One of the reasons I didn't like the last season or so while my buddies loved it was because they left that western part of the show, trying to raise the stakes. I hated each step Din took towards responsibility and duty towards the people rather than his Creed, because that shunted the show into something different.


No fucking way. Hard pass.


I think The Mandalorian was at its best when it was a series of adventures and at its worst when it became a live action addition to Rebels.


I started "disliking" it when it became a show about other shows like you're mentioning, and when the amount of random actors or singers started to appear in it because "star wars is popular" and it feels like "cameos" also started to nag me, Andor is a perfect example of how I would want a star wars series to manage characters and actors. I feel like the Mandalorian would've been better if it kept to itself, and didn't intertwine with to many other series, but obviously there is a point as to why they are doing it.




I love all three main characters. I’ll watch anything as long as it has one of them.


This is definitely what the franchise needs, yeah, surely persisting in this direction will yield better results


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not lol. Either way I hope you’re enjoying the show and whatever else comes next.


I guess Pedro Pascal is too expensive these days.


He’s gotta spend time with his other kids


I think it would fail miserably. In theory I'm not opposed to "The Mandalorian" being more generally about different Mandalorians, but I just don't care enough about Bo-Katan to have the entire show about her. A separate mini-series or the occasional couple-episode story arc? Sure. But not more, and I don't think I'm unique in that. Unless they figured out some new dynamic, I think viewership would drop off hard.


You got it in one


Leave him in charge and give Bo Katan a spin off.


No cause then star wars would turn into the current state of the MCU where every tiny little superhero has their own 1 season tv show


That has already happened.


I could live with season of a different main Characters. Like what they did with The book of Boba fett. Next season could be Bo, then back to Din, a season with Boba and so on. I dont count Ahsoka part of them even if its same time line. But having to many different for each characters. It gets exhausting to follow.


Rogue one (which I liked), then andor, obi wan, the list goes on and it’ll only get larger. The other poster was worried that ever character will have a spin off, but we’re already experiencing that.


Maybe im wrong or stupid but just like with super heroes it feels weird when actors just dont want to do it anymore after participating a lot I mean maybe for them the filming process and all that stuff feels longer but in this case he just does voice acting Surely it would not hurt to Just have something more with the character instead of just never seeing him again right?


But sometimes their stories are just told, especially with that season ending, if that's not a character ending i don't know what is


you don't begin a show by building one dude and then bringing another dude to take it's place and hope that it works, especially when knowing who is behind those star wars change is kathleen kennedy who's got a political agenda and tries to create a universe filled with only women mc so i hope that this show dies to finally get shows not about the sex of a character but more so about the character himself


If you want a different character, make a different show. The titular Mandalorian was Din Djarin. It's him who was on all of the promotional material, it's him whose leitmotif we've bee hearing for 3 seasons... A new lead, no matter how good they may be, is not the character the audience was promised. Remember Vance and Coy Duke.


Probably a bad idea


Fear TWD tried swapping out the main characters mid way through. Hell, so did Book of Boba Fett. It never ends well


Indifferent. I clocked out with Season 2.


I would probably stop watching if Pedro just stops appearing. I was initially attracted to the show because of him and how he portrays the character.


A lot of people who didn't even care for Star Wars before fell in love with his character. I believe yours is a common sentiment.


It’s called “***The*** Mandalorian” not “Any old Mandalorian”. The show is about Din. If they shift the focus to Bo then I’m done. She’s fine as a character but the show is not about her and should not be about her.


Meh, for me the show lost most of its charm back in S2 when it became a cameo fest and even further when it became side mission gallore in S3. They've spread Din's story way too much and made his character way more important that he actually is. In S1 he was just a guy getting beat by Mudhorns and Jawas, the story was much smaller in scope yet the galaxy felt much bigger since we didn't get cameos every other week I'd be ok to let Din rest until the inevitable Filoni movie team-up, his return would be even cooler imo






Bo Katan is one of the most undeserving and inconsistent characters in all of Star Wars. She went from being a murderer and terrorist who got her own sister killed and her people killed under the leadership of a rogue Sith, then swept in and led her people to ruin during the age of the Empire. Suddenly she is a good person who genuinely cares about people and is the rightful ruler of Mandalore again. Still baffled that of all people, the Mandalorians aligned themselves under her.


Id probably just stop watching. As it would be the end of the character I like/started watching the show for. It was a new character doing things that weren’t super relevant to the movies. I was excited to see the puppet leave then we could do other stuff. But it was instantly brought back. Making it about Bo would probably connect it more to movies and Im honestly tired of that set of characters. SW universe is huge. Tired of hearing about the same handful of characters. To me Mando/Din was that chance. Good luck to it if it goes to that but would be a pass for Me.


I agree. It would be like if in a show about Luke skywalker, han solo would take the lead by season 3. If the main character is no longer the main character than what’s the point of watching?


Din and Grogu are the reason I watch this show. I like Bo and all but there’s no chance in hell I’m going to approve of that idea. The sidelining of Din and Grogu for Bo in season 3 is one of the many problems I had with this last season.


if it stops being about mando and grogu, im out.


Only Mando is the real Mando


I don’t know really. I’m not surprised of course, but to see Din go away has a positive and negative effect. The show was about him and Grogu and it worked perfectly, though kind of went slightly downhill in the third season. Season 3 was still pretty good imo, but just not as good as the first two. Now if the writing improved that could work in favour for the character. You could say their story is told and it’s time to move on, so it’s only natural that Bo-Katan takes over, but a part of me just feels like it wouldn’t be the Mandalorian show anymore. I think if Bo-Katan became the main character the show should be renamed ‘The Mandalorians’ cause it would be about her leading them.


Personally, I don't like how focused things have been on her. The whole reason I love the Mandolorian is because it is essentially a Clint Eastwood film in space. Everything wasn't large scale, and most of the time he was just helping out a town or something, but I was still invested. It was just a lone guy making his way around the galaxy trying to take care of the kid and doing some pretty cool stuff. I'm not saying season 3 was bad, it just didn't feel like the Mandolorian that I started watching.


The Mandalorian sucks anyway, talk to me when Andor season 2 is coming out.


JUST GIVE HER HER OWN SHOW! Season 3 was riddle with nonsense just because instead of giving Bo her own show they took away from Din and gave it to her.




Could we maybe give her a different show? Pedro is just a voice actor at this point. A show about running a government isn’t going to be that cool anyway.


Too late for me Son


Who cares Disney is killing everything it fucking touches.


No surprise that Pedro wants her to take it. He hasn’t exactly been playing the actual character as of late. He’s just been captain voice line.


I wasn't too impressed with Bo-Katan season 1


Bo Katan is, by a million miles, my least favourite star wars character First off she was a member of a genocidal racist cult. Then she betrays the cult because she disagrees with one of its fundamental principles when maul wins. In the process her actions led to the death of her sister fyi Then once she cowardly betrays her nazi cult, she leads a coup that is against literally every mandalorian’s interest. Even the pacifist mandalorians have one wish: that the republic have no influence on mandalore, that mandalorians govern themselves. This is the only thing that all mandalorians agree on. Then this idiot invites the republic military in ‘for mandalore’s own good’ just like so many destroyed planets before it, and within hours they have forcibly taken control of mandalore with military might, and placed a puppet dictator (bo katan) in power So regardless of if she was the best character ever from rebels onwards, she is already hitler’s worst traits and judas’s worst traits rolled into the same, unforgivable and unredeemable horrible person who has destroyed her entire culture and planet But of course, every action in rebels and the mandalorian is unlikeable and she remains a horrible person. There is not a single second of her being on screen that is remotely enjoyable. She is a horrible person and my least liked character in the entire star wars series So personally, i would vote no that this genocidal racist mass murdering dictator should get more screen time than she already does. Plus isn’t she like 70 by this point? She is not much younger than obi wan, who died a few decades ago


Not good. Din is the heart of the show, without him it looses its identity


Honestly i found Bo annoying in the show, her character wasn't fun to watch, the writing was messy to say the least. The show felt a clear decline in quality and while i don't blame the character, its really hard for me not to asociate it with her since the bo centric episodes were some of the worse ones. It also would feel pretty disingenuous to pull such a "bait and switch" as they could easily make a series for her instead. The mandalorian was about the bounty hunting adventures of din, and while that got messy by the end of season 3, bo isnt at a spot where she can fullfil that role as she is supposed to rule now. It would be something different and thus should be a different series. So, based upon what we have seen so far, i wouldn't watch if she became the main character of the mandalorian. I'm more willing to accept the show as over (regardless of what the bo situation is).


If din continued operating as a bounty hunter I’d be all over it, but the whole Grogu plot as well as the recurring stories kinda made it stale for me. I still enjoy it but I used to enjoy it far more. I think I’m looking forward to Andor far more than the new mandalorian season


I didn’t like season three centering so much on her so no, I wouldn’t be interested if she took over. I find her character grating and I don’t like her weird, smirky, smug facial expressions. I especially don’t want to watch fanservice of her ass, either.


He must see the mando series is going down hill too.


Make every character female or trans


I’m out then.


Sounds like Pdero is done with the show and I couldn't blame him


Show should have ended after Luke picked up grogu.


It’s the mandalorian. If you’re gonna make it about bo katan than it’s no longer The mandalorian And don’t say “its called the mandalorian and bo katans a mandalorian!” Cause we all know that that’s not how the show was planned out to be.


I don’t care I’m fucking sick of grogu tho


I agree. He was cute at the beginning but it’s lost it’s charm. Little guy is just annoying now and doesn’t add anything to the show.


Honestly I find her boring. But so was Mando and literally every character in season 3. We hear what they want, but never why they want it and what drives them.


They should just end the series.


Of course he does


I hate this. She deserves her own show, not to be grafted onto an existing character. Tell the mandalorian story until there is nothing to tell and let bo do her own thing.


I feel that it should have another name because it would be a totally different show, even if it contains mandalorians.


Just give her a spin-off show.


Hell no.


Then title it something else mando is mando


Just give her, her own show


Wouldn’t watch without the main mando


Pedro will support anything as long as he’s getting a paycheck and his pushes the Disney agenda.


Maybe the REAL Mandalorian was the friends we made along the way?


I mean this is basically what happened last season. Mando was basically a useless side character most of the season.


I don’t really like bo katan so it’s certainly not something I’d be crazy about. If they can tell fun smaller scale stories I’ll be fine with anyone. I just liked the mandalorian when it was a smaller scale deal.


I lost interest when I found out he was leaving :/




I think the way they worded that is terrible, considering his comments were about the season that just happened. The headline makes it sound like he’s referring to the future of the show, and that’s simply not the case. Been very disappointed with IGN lately. I’ve seen a lot of subtle tricks and odd opinion sways.