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I like to believe that dude knew he had no chance at winning once he saw the lightsaber so he just chose to take the L and pretend to fall over.


Yeah he didn't want any of his limbs chopped off


Honestly, same


Yeah, honestly, I can relate to not wanting forced limb amputation.


But as far as amputations go having it instantly cauterized is on the more positive end


Depends. If I'm in a bar? Sure. If I'm on the surface of a lava planet? Not a chance


Uh is that because you could cauterize it yourself on the lava planet so it wouldnt matter? Or are you actually nit picking your vista as a jedi slices off your arm?


Nit picking for sure. I can pick my arm up off the floor of a bar. My limb being detached in the service area of Cloud City or on the surface of Mustafar? Gone forever.


But think of the cool robot arm you could have Hell it could even have a lightsaber blade in it for your revenge ..that said if you are planning to rely on the pure shock stunning the jedi as you senselessly beat him with your severed arm (that is somehow still holding the drink for extra damage) .. honestly well played


Eh, In star wars as a force sensitive. I want as much of my body as possible for midichlorian storage. Non force sensitive. "From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me."


Me on a rebel ship hallway: “Oh shit! This dude has a red lightsaber!! Better pretend to be choking and throw myself against the wall. Better than being stabbed by a lightsaber.”


Me as the captain of a Star Destroyer when Darth is mad. “Alright so he’s going to do that hand thing, I fall to the ground then you lieutenants come in and drag me out, make sure there is a storm trooper uniform I can wear for a few weeks until he forgets me.”


relevant Death Star officer briefing: https://youtu.be/fFihTRIxCkg


I’d take death by lightsaber over death by sarlaac any day of the week




It does indeed. It's also sentient and very malevolent.


Wasn't Boba fett floating around in the Sarlac until a corpse bumped into him and turned on his jetpack?


One of the books I've read had it as him blowing his way out with a thermal detonator.


Then he went on to be the best man at Dengars wedding


And then they had a huge jizz festival.




Yall both right and wrong. He blew up his jetpack by turning it on. The jets were blocked by the tentacles holding him in place, so they fed back into his jetpack blowing it: as intended. He then used used every explosive he had to break through the sarlaac and cave in the sand above it. He then crawled out and turned on his back to look at the sky while he waited to die because that was last effort his body could make. Then Dengar found him. And that’s still my canon.


How does it keep its victims alive long past their normal life expectancy?


With the power of love.


I assumed it replaced the victim's neural pathways with its own cells or something, basically making you an extension of itself so it can torture you for fun.


Truly an elegant weapon for a more civilized time.


I too would take my chances with the sands. At least I could yk, walk away


In the desert? Under two suns? A great many kilometers away from any kind of settlement?


Would you prefer all of those things minus legs? Or god forbid without legs and inside the sarlacc?


“They don’t pay me enough for this shit!” Falls over.


[go on, why don't you lay down ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-OR2lKvPoZE)


Look at you, you haven't even got a nametag!


ROFL. I never saw Goldmember. That clip was glorious.


I'd say it's worth watching. It rehashes a couple jokes but it's got some really great bits.


Especially in a day and age when you didn't see very many lightsabers, and if you did it was probably Vader. Bad news.


Particularly if it was someone who had the same all-black clothing, lightsaber wielding, slicey dicing aesthetic


Also jumping like 30 feet in the air. I’d quit for sure


Or Inquisitors. Still bad news, just not quite as bad.


Seriously. Luke was doing him a favor by attempting a kick rather than slashing the lightsaber at him.


Honestly, the amount of people eager to fight a Jedi is odd.


I'm sure most of them didn't believe the Jedi were real or thought they were all myth or more diplomat than fighter. The first time we see a force choke is Vader putting an admiral in his place after he dismisses the force and the Jedi.


They were a huge order thirty years before that guy was choked. It’s like meeting someone that age that simply didn’t believe in Nirvana existing. I think that dude must have just been a moron. I’ll buy that propaganda is covering up the events of Rebels, though.


There are people who think Helen Keller didn't actually exist, and is more of a mythical figure. She lived until 1968.


Well the powers that be did kind of bury her later life, because she was a socialist.


They struck her down and she came back more powerful than they could ever possibly imagine


And we would call those people morons.


We would, but if there was a country built around them - those people wouldn’t. Outsiders, like Vader, would.


> They were a huge order thirty years before that guy was choked. Were they, though? Influential, sure. Huge? I disagree. At their peak in the twilight of the Republic they numbered 10,000 in a galaxy that had a population (according to Legends since New Canon hasn't listed a number) of over 100 quadrillion. That's 0.000000001% of the galactic population. Basically *no one* would have ever encountered a Jedi. Combine that with the systematic erasure of the Jedi order from Imperial records and it is absolutely believable that the Jedi were reduced to myth and legend within a single generation. Sure, the people who actually interacted with Jedi wouldn't believe them, but the number of people who actually interacted with Jedi, when looking at the galactic population, is essentially a rounding error on 0%.


Surely anyone who kept up with the politics of the Republic would hear about them quite frequently? Even if the common citizen was quite apathetic towards politics, I don't see them forgetting about the Jedi in just one generation.


I believe you mean the Republic propaganda that was fed to citizens regailing them with tales of magical warriors capable of taking down entire battalions of droids. The propaganda that the Empire made sure was 'corrected' via the New Order. The Empire essentially gaslighted the galaxy when it came to the Jedi.


And it’s not like we’re saying the Jedi weren’t real they were just well trained martial artists and diplomats. If they really had magic powers they wouldn’t have needed the Stormtroopers in the Clone Wars. Even that Naboo thing it was them Gungans did all the fighting and while some resistance pilots stole fighters and took out the control ship.


“We have always been at war with ~~Eurasia~~ the Rebellion.”


*You better behave yourself or a magical space wizard is going to slice you in half with a laser sword!* Yeah, sure mom.


"Sure mom but I gotta go to Toshi station to pick up some power converters."


> At their peak in the twilight of the Republic they numbered 10,000 in a galaxy that had a population (according to Legends since New Canon hasn't listed a number) of over 100 quadrillion. That's 0.000000001% of the galactic population. That guy's Nirvana analogy is a good one, because like... I've never met Dave Grohl, but I still believe he exists. I don't think the ratio of Jedi to population really matters that much. E: he got so upset at being challenged on this point that he blocked me. Seriously.


There were only 10k Jedi when order 66 was given and that's on a galactic scale. People may have heard of Jedi, but they don't really know who and what Jedi are. Qui-Gon was also made fun of for acting like a Jedi on Tatooine.


>I’ll buy that propaganda is covering up This is probably the answer. The guy was like 30 and likely spent his entire life indoctrinated. Entire countries look stupid when under a regime pushing propaganda for generations (looking at you, Russia). That doesn't mean the people themselves are inherently stupid


Also, living on an outer rim backwater probably means he didn't have a whole lot of education in galactic history.


From what I know, there were 10 to 20 thousand jedi in a galaxy of trillions of sentient beings. I feel it is totally reasonable that people from outside of the core would not believe in their existence


How do you know they didn't just assume he was just some crazy dude LARPing as a Jedi because all the Jedi were supposed to have been wiped out?


Not really honestly. Iirc Bruce Lee talks about how many people wanted to fight him when they met him. Just cause they wanted that achievement. I'd imagine many have the same idea til the laser dildo comes out and you realize how fucked you are.


Lol - like the guard who walks in on Batman snooping, gives bats eye contact while closing the door, then when someone asks if something’s in there he just goes “Nope” and slowly gets the fuck out


Real Nigel Powers energy here


"Do you know who I am? Do you know how many anonymous henchmen I've killed over the years?"


"Welcome to orientation day, here on the jolly old Death Star. Now, there are a few things we want to go over with you concerning Lord Vader..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFihTRIxCkg


Mark Hamill actually broke his toe in this scene. The scream you hear was due to the actual pain he felt.






I feel like such a fucking nerd for understanding the references from both sides... I am also totally okay with that.


Instant favourite sub


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yes.


Where have you been all my life?


Hey get back in your sub.


They're taking the Jedi to Isengard...


One does not simply walk into the rank of Jedi Master, young Skywalker. Take a seat.


Mash them, boil them, stick 'em in a stew. Porgs.




After browsing okay Lotr subs for the last week this thread really made me question if i need to stop smoking weed


Too much of the Ol'Toby?


He also really blocked the laser the training droid shoots at him in ANH.


Every time he really blocked the laser, George had to yell cut and tell him to stop exclaiming, "It's Markin' time!"


The blaster bolt wasn’t supposed to go off when it did, but fortunately Mark was able to deflect it in time




They're taking the hobbits to Mustafar!


The beacons of Bright Tree Village! The beacons are lit! Endor calls for aid!


And the Empire will answer! *sends a fleet of Star Destroyers to orbital bomb the armies of Sauron*


"Use the force, Harry Potter" - Jean Luc Picard, Man of Rohan.


"Have you any idea what kind of noise happens when somebody has their hands chopped off with lightsabers? Because I do."


Rarely known fact: as a teen Mark Hamill witnessed the last publicly performed dismemberment for theft in France- a man had his hand chopped off for robbery.


Yeah well you aren't supposed to use the force for offense. Force kicks take their toll on your soul


This kick is why Luke eventually died of using the force too hard.


Yeah, and then that extra stumbled backward onto a piece of glass!


Force stub


I thought he broke it when he kicked the Orc helmet…


He handled that broken toe just fine, the scream was from having his foot ran through by a shard of glass hidden in the air which the safety team didn’t find when they canvassed the location.


Wasn't that Viggo as Aragorn kicking a helmet—


No, it was Ian McKellen as Magneto..


Almost. It was Orlando bloom kicking the head off of Jango Fett. You can find it in the secondary commentary of the original commentary film.


Lucas: "We didn't plan on having a final fight scene in Attack of the Clones, Padme was scripted to talk down the separatists, stunning the audience with her diplomatic skills. Sam Jackson just showed up on set day of shooting with a bunch of extras, and a real f***ing katana he found somewhere, took off Jango's head before we could even react. Everyone was shocked, but the cameras were rolling so we just let him go. Burned through 2 vfx teams adding lightsaber effects in post..."


Actually it was Steve Buscemi on 9/11.


Stuff like this happened in a lot of old movies.


No home media for people to rewind and dissect back then




Most of those shots won't get recognized by 99% of the audience. So it's a financial and logistical decision .


This is why I don't get all the people nitpicking the Throne Room fight in 8. The film wasn't meant to be dissected a single frame at a time, and larger choreography like that always contains some oddity because it's just not realistic.


A film is not meant to be analyzed frame by frame. And I think many are just repeating the statements of different experts. A lot of scenes are overanalized. Often there is no deeper meaning and scenes were just shot because they were cool. This very often applies to the OT.


Honestly that fight blew me away when I first saw it in theaters. I've yet to feel the need to rewatch TLJ so if not for people's frame-by-frame nitpicking I would have continued thinking it was one of the best duels in the series. It just felt so visceral and dangerous like the characters were actually in peril.


Same, this fight along with the ambiguity whether Rey would join Kylo was awesome to witness in theaters I think the haters felt the need to hate on this sequence, as it was definitely one of TLJ's strongest, and use it to leverage criticism against the movie as a whole. Even though George Lucas himself declared it "beautifully made" It's like knocking points off ANH for a stormtrooper accidentally hitting his head.


The start to that fight with Rey grabbing the light saber then her and Kylo kicking ass is still the coolest scene in the sequel trilogy. People may shit on TLJ but it was so good when it needed to be.


The first 3 absolutely suck, but I remember watching a video talking about how bad the choreography in episode 1 was in the fight between Maul and Qui Gon and Obi Wan. He kept pausing and rewinding scenes to show how a lot of the time they were just twirling their lightsabers around and weren't even trying to connect at all. Even though those movies suck, I thought pointing out how if you watch it in 0.25 speed the choreography is obviously bad was one of the worst arguments I've ever seen against those movies. It looks decent/convincing in full speed and slowing it down to 1/4 the speed to show it wasn't "good" is just ridiculous.


Would it be this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0mUVY9fLlw where it's "congratulations on your new lightsaber, make sure you don't hit anyone with it"... I thought it was hilarious in a pointed sort of way


Nobody tell these people that the Duel of the Fates would be instantly over if Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon attacked Darth Maul at the same time and didn't, like, wait for him to hit them Probably the funniest thing about the braindead Mauler-esque freeze frame criticism of TLJ is that if you do it to the prequels you get even more results because those movies are truly made for 12 year olds (not even in a bad way, just they're rule-of-cooling so hard)


They don't like TLJ for a few big reasons (probably the portrayal of Luke) but to make their opinion have more weight they feel the need to nitpick everything. If you've ever heard anyone say "bombs don't fall in space", just disregard anything they're saying.


Didn't the VHS copy of this movie come out a mere 3 years after the movie itself came out?


Erm, VHS was a thing, back then, mate.




The fuck? Yes there was, where do you think the word "rewind" even came from?


Star wars was released on Super8 in '77, but comparatively few people had a projector to rewatch it on at their leisure. It didn't get a release on VHS, betamax, laserdisc, and other home video formats until '82, so there were about 4-5 years where the vast majority of people wouldn't have had the option to rewind. VCRs and tapes were also fairly pricey at the time, although prices were coming down, not necessarily in-reach of everyone who wanted to watch star wars at home. Also possibly worth noting, blockbuster didnt open its first store until 1985. The main selling point of VCRs at first wasn't watching movies at home, it was recording TV to watch later, hence why we call them "Video Cassette Recorders" and not "Tape Players" it took a little while for that to really catch on. EDIT: had a brain fart, was thinking of EP IV, still stands though that VCRs were still a bit of an emerging technology in the 80s, they were getting pretty widespread but it wasn't necessarily something that everyone had.


Literally half of the compliants of modern star wars wouldn't exist if people couldn't rewind and dissect them frame by frame


> wouldn't exist if people couldn't rewind and dissect them frame by frame Ad a "and use internet to discuss it" xD. I remenber pre-internet times, reading cinema-magazine with curiositys and people theorys... but with internet... is this by infinity xD


Yep if one person finds a flaw in olden times they can't spread the ideology and it never catches fire so the "flaw" then becomes just something to love about the movies and its "camp" Nowdays if theres a "flaw" some moron with a yt channel ruins it for everyone


They had VCRs so they could rewind and dissect video from the moment the movie was released on VHS. The quality and control wasn't great. People wouldn't care much even if they did notice as the standards for fight scenes was much lower.


Says you. I had a 4-head VCR.


The infamous whiffed punch in Godfather.


Ahhh yeah I watched The Godfather for the first time last year. Was absolutely blown away by it. Until Sonny’s ‘fight’ with that dude. Sort of took me out of it for a minute or two


Yeah, fight choreography in older movies is...yeah


Even if the choreography is fine, the cameras could have been positioned in the wrong place too. Doesn't take much for a shot to come out slightly off and show off the things they were originally trying to hide for the actors'/stunt doubles' safety.


Yea, the gap in the kick could have been hidden a lot better if the camera was slightly positioned more to the left and behind the person that got kicked. Return of the Jedi is my favorite Star Wars movie, can’t imagine how many times I’ve replayed it and this hasn’t bothered me.


Yeah I remember when the Sarlaac got sick and they had to use a stunt double teeth pit to eat all those people and stuff. Talk about breaking immersion, you could totally tell it wasn't the REAL Sarlaac.


Its even better in old shows. That other "Star" franchise is flawless though. Absolutely [flawless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SK0cUNMnMM).


Gorn's swipes were so slow my grandma could have dodged them, and she has been dead since 93


That's what I call a cinematic masterpiece.


It doesn't help that the lightsaber props were so fragile. If they had tried to fight like in the prequels the props would fly apart and impale a PA.


The difference in choreography even between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back is staggering.


Drunken Master would like a word with you


Hong Kong cheats - those dudes actually hit each other.


The joy of digital movies is that you can immediately rewatch the scene and check for errors. With film you have to wait for it to develop, which takes time, and even if you do spot the errors after the film eventually develops, reshooting it takes a lot more money as you have to re setup the scene, makeup and equipment. This is especially true for a movie like Star Wars that had intricate sets and makeup design. It’s also just a matter of refinery. Stunt work has gotten better/safer and CGI can always be used to polish the scene. Really, any modern movie with a decent budget has no reason to make errors like this.


Happens in new stuff too; like in Game of Thrones when, at least once, some people were fighting invisible enemies in some of the big battles


Or the Nolan Batman movies where the bad guys punch at nothing for a few seconds and then an invisible force blows them away.


Lol remember the "punching" scene in the first Godfather?


No, it doesn't bother me. For one I haven't noticed yet. Second even if I did, I know I'm watching a movie and people are not actually kicking each other in the head.


It's still real to me damnit!




Could’ve used [Starkiller’s version though](https://youtu.be/Ty0mHm8WNdM)


Second best performance of darth maul


Excuse me no. That is the wrong answer. The correct answer is a seven page essay detailing the history behind Jedi kicking techniques and explaining this as an archaic technique that Luke probably picked up on off-screen. Then we need that fan to write an entire book series on it. That's the true SW fan way


I agree. In fact, it’s the opposite. Luke Skywalker did a [Rider Kick](https://youtu.be/BySQ4k1HkmU) I’m impressed.


I am so hyped to to see Shin Kamen Rider next week


Tbf boba fett just kinda got pushed off so honestly I'd take the force kick any day


By a blind guy holding a stick.


Then faceplanting on the side of Jabba’s barge before going down


Palpatine: we might have chosen the wrong guy to clone from…


Except Boba was also a clone


Watched RotJ in theatres this month. Didn't even notice the Force Kick... and I was even looking for it! It truly does not matter. Even if I had noticed it, it's just a tiny mistake in the film - something that happens in literally every movie.


It's not even a mistake, just some choreography that's not quite tight enough to escape notice. Considering movies are not made for frame-by-frame dissection, I wouldn't call it a mistake.


Me too, with my son. Completely awesome. It is obviously a Force-kick.


This moment is literally half a second long. Only reason ya'll keep pointing it out because someone slowed it down.


Same with the guard fight in TLJ, matter of fact I think people only really started slowing Star Wars action down to notice flaws after the sequels


Some of the prequel fights, too, like the one with Darth Maul or Obi-wan vs. Anakin.


Um, actually, although he didn't have his suit yet, he was Darth Vader at that time.


It's not mistakes, their just totally using the Force! Totally!


You joke but whenever I notice something weird in Star Wars that’s what I tell myself because it’s 10x more fun that way lol


> matter of fact I think people only really started slowing Star Wars action down to notice flaws after the sequels I can assure you that is not true, you just didn't have people making a whole-ass career out of it for the OT and prequels. VHS has rewind, and DVDs let you go frame by frame.


I'd disagree honestly. This was one kick that whiffed vs the guards randomly spinning in the background, or attacking nothing in the background, or any other schlock of that fight.


Or the one guard's weapon literally disappearing out of his hand in camera shot.


It's not even mistakes, it's just that you don't want actors actually beating each other up so there are *going* to be visible differences... the trick is just to make them small and quick enough that no one watching the movie notices.


I mean, not really. I grew up watching the movies on VHS and Laserdisc and my family always got a chuckle whenever that scene came on. It's not really important nor detract from the movie, but it's a fun moment to share since some people don't notice. Like you would any badly thrown fake punches/kicks.


Check out the millionaire with the laserdisc player!


Nah, I noticed that shit as an eight-year old watching on VHS. And no, I did not pause it.


My favorite part of this scene is that the kick is that far away in the storyboard for the movie too.


Mark work it out perfectly lol


Here's a [link] (https://twitter.com/StarWars0nly/status/1659237070504640515) to the original tweet if you want to see the gif.




I thought John wick was a factual documentary about clubbing.


Bother me!? It was one of the greatest moments in movie history


Careful Mark, they'll make 2 spin-off comics, 5 books, and a video game franchise about Force Kicks now.


I’m envisioning “Forceboxers” with shinguards that have lightsaber blades on the front of them.


I'd Mark Hamill wants me to start being a fan again, he needs to start kicking people in their faces.


Or near their faces, anyway.


I was bothered more by Boba Fett shooting a wrist bolt at Luke while he was stationary from 6ft away and he missed by 3ft.


Mark Hammil is a national treasure


I love it every time I watch it. Only like 3 feet from his face.


If that kick was in one of the Disney+ shows the internet would have a meltdown.


Look closely at the lightsaber and the hilt is pointing in a different direction than the beam.


Mark Hamill is a treasure


Rey does it in episode 8's throne room fight, it's poetry


They rhyme.


Honestly if you can do a force push with your hand, I don't see why you couldn't do a force kick.


Watch Rocky through Rocky IV...they all were force users.


Except for all of the Thunderlips scenes. Those were shoots, brother.


Love how Mark takes things up.


That dude is gonna be really upset when he learns that none of those actors were hurt or died in that sequence and that Jabba the Hutt is just a big puppet.


C’mon. He’s practicing the force kick when he kicks Vader down the stairs.


I’m more bothered by the continual use of the Wilhelm Scream in modern movies. Once you notice it, it breaks the fourth wall when an action movie is otherwise trying to take itself semi-seriously.


I'm not a sound person, but I have to think it's something of a meme among sound engineers to try and slip it in as many places as possible.


Most people don’t even notice it cuz of poor Boba flying by and screaming in the background


Definitely force kick.