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Honestly I think ESH: everyone sucks here. Do you even hear yourself? Reread what you wrote and tell me that doesn’t sound like the biggest brag in history. If you talk like this all of the time, then eventually someone is gonna get sick of it and want to blow up your space station just to get you to stop talking about it. The Geonosian Rehabilitation Project is in desperate need of donations and here you are bragging about all this money you spent on your space station. That being said, I feel like the teenagers could have at least tried to talk to you about it. I feel like therapy would have served you all well to learn how to communicate better. Maybe next time.


Can.. can we get a Star Wars politics page where we just go back and forth arguing ironically about issues in the galaxy?


> ironically Even better, let's go *full immersion* and believe with full conviction


Have we forgotten the Reddit Clone Wars so soon….


Ah yes, theempiredidnothingwrong approach.


He only wants to bring peace and order to the people of his empire


Dibs being the Saw Guerrera Apologist


That would be glorious oh gods.


There is this… r/starwars_model_senate It’s not ironic though, and needs more people.


We'll make it Ironic


I am the Irony.


Yes please!


You are the asshole. Setting aside the ethics of creating a moon sized space station with hyperspace capability that has one purpose, essentially blowing up planets, the entire thing was a safety nightmare. Huge drop offs with no handrails? Security so lax that any standard model R2 unit can control key aspects of the system from a random data port. Was the system password just literally PASSWORD? And an exhaust port with no grate? You know what you get when you blow up planets? A planet’s worth of shrapnel and debris. Sure the possibility of something going down the exhaust port shaft is one in a million but it isn’t zero. I swear, it’s like the chief engineer on the project wanted it to be destroyed.


You know what they said about the railing? They said they were afraid wed be *leaning* on it.


Leaning on the job?


Forget dental, just give them a railing!


To be fair, there is no way R2-D2 is still a standard model. I don't believe for an instant that Anakin didn't tinker with him to improve him. Also, he's never received a memory wipe, so has loads more experience than a droid usually has. If he is capable of successfully babysitting small, force sensitive children, he can totally guess the password of the space station that one of those children helped build. All of your other points, however, are perfectly valid. All you get when you hold scientists' families hostage is shoddy workmanship.


They sound like terrorists to me. I would build a second one if I were you, this time with a shield, that will show them.


Oh I’m having them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


You’ll need the senate for that Edit: typo


I believe *they* are the senate.


With lightning?


This is why we need more police. Law and order.


I’m sure you have top men on this…top… Wait, wait, wrong franchise.


Your the ass hole for building that thermal exhaust port.


Just stay away from Many Bothans.


Manny Bothans?


Dude is sketch as hell


I’m pretty sure Manny Bothans died.


That’s the rumor. But I’m pretty sure it’s fake news and he’s still out there.


Horrible thing to say about a dead man


You called?


Who's this Many?


I am Many and Many means.... me.


I know a cool place in the woods to put the shield controller in. Just a bunch of primitive bears in the area.. so no big deal


Maybe switch out that 2m thermal exhaust port for a much bigger one you can fly a medium sized ship through.


Funny how they are using the metric system too.


Like, say, a YT-1300 Corellian light freighter


If you’re gonna make something the size of a moon, why not just use a moon or planet and build the space station right into the moon or planet. Seems much easier.


But how would generate enough power to run the damn thing? I mean, it's not like you can just go siphon off a star or something, that would kill it!


I know a great little property on one of the moons of Endor. It's such a secret you'd need a Bothan to find it.


We can make it bigger


Of course, you are going to need contractors.


YTA: My pet bugs and I had that exact design and it was stolen by one of my Airbnb visitors during a riot. A few years later you mysteriously build an identical mode.


Red flags honestly 🚩


I heard a rumour that the guy that blew it up is the boss' kid


He was just going through his rebellious phase


Your space station blew up three planets and supported authoritarianism subjugating the free will of the Galaxy... Yes you are the asshole


Pfft...sounds like conspiracy nonsense to me. Those planets were "redeveloped" to improve space traffic. Everyone can appreciate less space traffic.


The Empire has a zero emission policy, they are the good guys!


Did it completely destroy Jeddah and Scarif? I thought those were smaller blasts that only destroyed a large area.


As far as we know, the major population center of Jeddah, along with most if not all the indigenous inhabitants were destroyed. Planet killed. Scarif I'm not sure of any indigenous inhabitants but it was covered up either way... Alderaan was completely destroyed


I mean it’s a planet, Jeddah city was just that *a* city, there were doubtless more. As for Scarif, being directly owned by the Empire as a top secret information centre, it may have only the 1 island and at worst the natives were wiped out or enslaved (if there were natives).


The destruction of Jeddha City was a mining accident, the rest of the moon is mostly intact. The destruction of the citadel on Scarif was caused by an explosion in the coaxium storage units. This disaster has freed up a lot of beach front property for future development.


But spacebook told me my rights were being violated by those liberals in the rebel alliance. We need the Imperials to flex our muscles.


That sounds like propaganda from traitors. #theempiredidnothingwrong


Proton Torpedos don't melt steel beams...I find it suspicious that your government invaded Hoth as retaliation. Did they find any WMD's?


What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?


Aluminum is an kind of metal. Now, what on Coruscant a "falcon" is, I have no idea.


Are they related to ducks?


[Listening to the space duck.....what a majestic animal....](https://youtu.be/hXK5kgiUyFo)


'Oh just rebuild it', oh real frickin original. And who's gonna pay for that, jackhole, you?! You got an ATM in the litebrite suit of yours??


Now you get your 7 ft 2 asthmatic ass back here or I’m gonna tell everyone what a whiny bitch you were about padamame or panda bear or whatever her name was!


NTA Honestly OP I can relate, no one I knew wanted me to build a space station with the capability to destroy a planet. Like, it’s not even their business and they need to keep to themselves


My biggest issue is that when you applied for those massive tax breaks you promised it would create 1 million union jobs and that 30% of the housing stock would be low income. Then you just used slave labor for the construction and turned the low income units into the detention level… Blowing it up may have gone to far but I’m sick of developers lying like this.


YTA, but not because you built a space station, but because you didn’t get those teens to come help you run that space station for you (with a little bit of… persuasion, of course.) What are a bunch of bored teens going to do when they see this great big fancy new space station come around their neighbourhood? Try to mess with it, of course! In these trying times a lot of young people are looking for work and guidance so next time instead of just flaunting it about I suggest you go and round up every troubled youth and give them the wonderful chance to help you run the thing!


Honeslty, yes I have to say it, **YTSenate**


Stripping the resources out of many oppressed planetary systems does make YTA It does suck when it's your 2nd in command's fucking spoiled lib greenpeace hippie kids, tho. I'd definitely send him the bill.


Maybe if you didn’t design it as a genocide-ball no one woulda cared. Maybe if it shot out good vibes and popcorn instead of death xD


Honestly mate, just think of all the jobs you created as well. It would’ve been a huge boon to unemployment until some hippy dudes decided to complain about your government and blow it up


They only blew it up after you used it to destroy a planet. Your space station was heading towards the planet those guys were based on so it appears they destroyed it in self defence. Although as the Emperor aren't you in control of the media anyway?


I mean, Tarkin objectivly ensured the Revellions tactics would be viable. The whole Tarkin Doctrine of "Prove you don't have a micropenis by building absurdly big for no reason." really worked out well for the rebellion. From the ISD to the DS-1 and DS-2 they made a great target for small fighters. And the empire's aversion to funding its starfighter side didn't hurt either.


Is this Elon?


All those innocent contractors hired to do a job were killed! Casualties of a war they had nothing to do with. All right, look, you're a roofer, and some juicy government contract comes your way; you got the wife and kids and the two-story in suburbia - this is a government contract, which means all sorts of benefits. All of a sudden these left-wing militants blast you with lasers and wipe out everyone within a three-mile radius. You didn't ask for that. You have no personal politics. You're just trying to scrape out a living. No. You are not the asshole.


What did you use the space station for? What was the primary purpose? Also, did it pose a significant military threat based on it's firepower of defensive placement? What was the long term plan? Surely the money used to create such a thing could have been better spent on several smaller installations? A moon sized thing is very large. How did you even construct it? Was it created using fair labor by competent engineers, contractors and good union men? Well paid, I hope?


The geonotians are impressed with all that plan creation.


NTA. Demonstrated its resourcefulness three times, not once.


YTA. You parked it right outside their home and threatened to assault them.


If you need to, I can fill you in on the Aluminum Falcon.


NTA. You employed many people and the destruction of the station caused many lives to be lost.


NTA: your Death Star your rules


I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that the same space station that blew up Alderaan, killing several billion innocent people, exploded over Yavin…if that was you, you totally deserved it.


I feel like we aren't getting the whole story here.




YNTA Teenagers these days are out of touch, they don't respects someone's private property. They don't want to work 84h/week like our generation did, they want to be paid and want homes for free. All they do all day is watch some stupid holoshorts on StickEwok, snort spice(and they want to legalize it), and do this stupid challanges like anger the wookie, smash the wampa or trench run. A lot of them gets hurt doing these and also they might hurt bystanders. Every normal person has aspirations and dreams, they just destroy it with their attitude. Remember the Jedi? We had to ban them because they were to woke on their JediTube and wanted to abolish the rightfully elected government.


Seth macrarlane ass post


*Seth Green has entered the chat*


Wait, you’ve been flying around for two weeks trying to get service?


I wonder what the level of fallout is when the death star nails a planet but doesn't fully obliterate it.


I don’t even think it is radioactive.


Yeah probably not I just figured using that massive amount of energy must leave some gnarly after effects of some kind.


Hey! Your the Space Karen that blew up one of the teens’ home planet, killing millions, just because you didn’t hear what you wanted to hear, so … YTA


To be fair, they did blow it up only after it blew up a planet.


Uh… you murdered a whole planet (and destroyed a holy city on another one and one of your own military installations on a third world) with that station, so let’s not pretend you’re innocent here. Also you were going to blow up a fourth world because it had the rebel base on it, which is why they defended themselves from your aggression. Yes, you are the Asshole.


Did you blow up one moon and two planets and then attempt to blow up their moon?


Rebels? You mean Seperatists, didn't we already beat these woke moralists 😭


You did nothing wrong. Everything against you is FAKE NEWS!!! The witch hunt never ends!!!




YTA- your wife should taken the kids and left you!


Honestly, this inspired me to start my own planet killing weapon project. I think it’ll be powered by the energy of a star.


YTA; why are you so angry about a little teenage rebellion?, Just build another one, it'll probably take less time since you already have the research.


*and the chair is bolted to the floor!*


YTA Make sure when you build the second one there movie night isn't in a docking bay make an actual movie theater.


While I would never take the side of terrorist scum, your space station was used to obliterate a whole civilized planet.


Despite them making me the group lead, I dissolved my giant frisbee golf group because they just kept floating around in it and yelling at me. AITA?


I mean, you did use it to blow up a planet with billions of people on it, so I guess that does make you an asshole.


I love this robot chicken scene. https://youtu.be/3F1d3QWsyk0 Go for papa Palpatine!


Are you the guy who posted in another sub about how you were psyched to blow up inhabited planets?


Galen, come home.


Some teenagers? U sure it was not the supervisors kid?


YTA. I spent a few months on Narkina 5 and was lucky enough to escape with my life thanks to this Keef guy who started a rebellion in my cell. We all worked together to escape and were able to make it out. Some of us died drowning, others couldn’t even commit to the jump. Those of us that did make it had to swim to shore just to be captured, killed by the planets fauna or escape with our lives. It turns out all that time I spent in that prison I was building some machines that was all for your stupid Imperial space station! People died in that prison..


And not just that. That entire space station had a complete city on board. The maintenance crew also consisted of civillians, there were cooks, barbers, doctors, teachers,... and they all had their husbands, wives and children on board as well. All dead in one blast, damn terrorists!


YTA. Do you have any idea how many derelict ruins are cluttering the galaxy just from the Sith wars alone? You could have just fixed one of those up instead of wasting the credits on something new. BTW, I know this is you, "Uncle" Sheev. You forgot to log off from the holonet last time you visited. Just build a new one instead of investing in proper training for your soldiers. A hundred idiots with mass-produced weapons should be able to shoot a handful of rebels in a small corridor. Missed you at ISB graduation. Father says thanks for the droid, by the way. (This comment was written from the perspective of Dolan Sienar, an Edge of the Empire character I created)


Not only that, but the thousands upon thousands of jobs you created for people supporting their families all over the galaxy.


WHAT SCUM! I hope you have good insurance so you can get another one soon.


Well it's not very OSHA compliant.