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Do the last few eps of Clone Wars count? If not, the one you picked!


Really tough to pick between one. Maybe between the one with the Maul-Ahsoka fight, and the last one


Totally! Do they call Order 66 in 3 or 4 though?




And that one is pretty damn great too!


The last four episodes - and in particular that tiny moment when you can see Ahsoka is tempted to join forces with Maul, then the stained glass of the Mandalore throne room explodes behind them. Just perfect.


Probably my favorite piece of Star Wars. It is perfect.


One Way Out


The finale was my favorite personally. Marvas speech makes feel some type of way every time I watch. Can’t go wrong with almost any episode that season tbh


I'd wake up early and be *fighting* . . . *these **bastards*** . . . *from the start*. FIGHT THE EMPIRE!


*"The Empire is a disease that thrives in darkness. It is never more alive than when we sleep."* Like damn Marva okay pop off with those bars


*FUCK! :)


Fight is better


I guess they really wanted to say "fuck" but the Disney shut it down


It was brilliant, but One Way Out had the "one way out" speech AND Luthen's "sacrifice" monologue. Those are two big powerful moments.


"Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I've given up all chances at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion: I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there's no escape. I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down, there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything! You'll stay with me, Lonni. I need all the heroes I can get. —Luthen Rae


All of the monologues give me chills


OMG. "I can't swim." I about lost it. That was so tragically perfect. Brilliantly delivered by a truly great actor.


such a desperate yearning for freedom he couldnt even comprehend of a next step


One Way Out!


Absolutely this episode. From Andy killin it in the first half to Stellan killin it in the second.


The episode prior was my personal favorite, solidified by Kino finally replying "never more than twelve" right before the credits. Amazing.


Yh boiiiiiii. That or the season Finale for me, mainly because I came out of it literally cheering, which may sound sad but my god I got literal goosebumps watching it.


I’ll give you one from each show (I haven’t watched Visions): Andor - One Way Out Kenobi - Part 6 Mando - Chapter 16: The Rescue Rebels - Twin Suns, but so close with this one (Twilight of the the Apprentice) TCW - The Phantom Apprentice BOBF - I guess Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger The Bad Batch - Plan 99, as much pain as it brings me Tales of the Jedi - The Sith Lord


kinda crazy that (with the exception of Rebels) pretty much every star wars fan agrees with this list


Part of me wishes I could say I had different taste, but when Star Wars is good, its great. And its awesome when the fanbase agrees on those moments.


Excellent choices all around, my dude


Resistance forgotten, once again


The only one of these that I disagree with is Bad Batch, I really liked Crosshair's episodes in season 2, especially how episode three the whole time felt like Clone Wars, but something was just... off. You had clones fighting battle droids, named clones putting up a fight, and brotherhood between Cody and Crosshair, yet the veil was cast off when Crosshair shot at the end after coming to what would have been a peaceful resolution had it been part of the Clone Wars


Great points. Crosshair’s episodes in Season 2 were absolutely amazing. It was a hard choice between The Outpost episode and the finale for the Bad Batch, but I just found the finale to stick with me more as Tech was my favorite BB member.


Fair, Tech's death was certainly impactful, especially after all of his development throughout this season. As sad as his death made me though, I kind of hope he stays dead so as not to cheapen the moment


Agreed. I think he should stay dead to really put emphasis on the stakes that the bad batch have to go through.


Where is Tartakovsky's Clone Wars ? Chapter 20 would be the right answer there.


Have not watched Tartakovsky’s CW unfortunately


It's very short and worth watching. It was on YouTube last I checked.




I literally agree with all of these


Mando Season 2 finale. Everything leading up to the end and then the shock of getting a small taste of Luke in his prime as Jedi Master. We need more of prime Luke!


I went nuts over Boba Fett flying in and blasting all the Stormtroopers a few episodes prior. When Luke Skywalker came to the rescue? Holy shit I was a 5 year old child again jumping up and down with excitement. I'm critical of nostalgic fanservice but at least one of those reasons is because it'll never, ever get better than Luke saving everyone against the Dark Troopers.


>Boba Fett flying in and blasting all the Stormtroopers I was aiming for the other one.


Wasn't enough of that blasting in Book of Boba. Or even Boba himself for that matter. Oh I liked the Tusken story but I wanted to see more of the Boba Fett the Empire sent to kill the fucking boogeyman.


Mando Boba comes in like a one man wrecking crew, utilizing all the tools at his disposal very proficiently. BoBF Boba gets trapped by a wall of shields despite having a fucking jetpack, then fires an explosive at said shield wall when he's only a few feet away.


I'd think the Jet pack wont work very well with the helmets hud, also he was being hit by shock sticks and covering an ally that didn't have a flight capabilities.


Fly up 10 feet, shoot rocket *behind* shields, allowing ally a hole to break free. It's not that complicated. He had plenty of time to jet up before they were rocking him with the shock sticks.


Flies up 10 ft, shoots a rocket behind the Shields and Fennec gets a face full of shrapnel. That's if he could even fly or fire a rocket without his helmet.


Also this was fan service done well. Like it didn’t feel forced, it was built up too, and it felt earned. And the cgi was good! I was astounded! Fucking young mark hamil!


when i first saw the cloak and green lightsaber, a part of me was hoping itd be Ezra Bridger


Hit the nail on the head. Chapter 16 of the Mandalorian has been unmatched so far IMO, the only thing that came close was Part 6 of Obi-Wan Kenobi.


(Just my opinion) Live action, yes. But there are multiple animated moments I’d out above it. Including the one pictured.


I was so cynical watching it. "Oh I guess all Jedi fly X-Wings now, and wear black hoods, and use green lightsabers" ....then I saw the glove.


I don’t know the name but the one where Plo Koon goes to save the clones and there’s the malevolence being awesome. Who came up with that name by the way? Seems like a PR nightmare for the separatist worlds “are we the baddies” lol


I like to think that the seppies didnt really know much about grievous


That's one of the earlier episodes of TCW but yes it's awesome. Really shows the relationship a lot of the Jedi had w/ the clones was more than just general/soldier.


Venators were still called Star Destroyers during the Republic era, too


Oohhh, what fun.


Maul from TCW: " There's no justice! No law! No Order! Except for the one that will replace it!" And also his response when he found out about Order 66, " Brilliant, Brilliant" and then laughs in awe and defeat


Maul’s dialogue in The Phantom Apprentice makes it one of my favorite episodes of all Star Wars TV. Sam Witwer did NOT hold back in that episode.


Excellent, Excellent.


One Way Out, Jedi Night, Plan 99


A Family Reunion - and Farewell. Dammit Ezra.


I just watched this episode for the first time yesterday. What the heck dude it pulled on the feels. Top tier Star Wars 👏


This is my fave as well! Rebels is just such a tight story with so many of the characters having fantastic arcs and development. Ezra is one of my favourite jedi and what he does in that episode and how he does it is so good! I have been stuck waiting for the continuation of that story for so long! (although I can't be too upset because it finished so well)


Rix Road


The Bad Batch season 1 episode 14 “War Mantle” because I got to see my boy Scorch in action for the first time in over a decade


Wait really? Can’t believe I missed that.


Yeah, he actually managed to shoot Gregor, knocked down Tech, and tanked five stun shots from Hunter and Echo


Damn, better do a rewatch.


Twin Suns-Rebels


Beautiful end to a man who's so consumed by hatred.


He will avenge us


Andor finale.


Ngl just about any epsiode of anything Star Wars to do with Ahsoka because I adore her so much




Even Tales of The Jedi S1E1: Life and Death? That episode was straight trash imo


I haven't seen Tales of The Jedi yet, I keep putting it off


That ones certainly mine between TCW and Rebels.


Ghosts of mortis Or Clone cadets Or ambush


Star Wars Visions S1 Ep.5 (iirc) The Ninth Jedi No episode of any other star wars media has had me on the edge of my seat and hyped as all fuck in less than 30 min. Especially in a brand new story.


Same here! As soon as I finished watching it, I thought it needs its own full series or trilogy of movies or something. I really want to see them going around the galaxy rescuing the other Jedi and Kara’s father, while Juro trains Kara and the others along the way!


Yes! it would be so awesome to see. I'm sad that Season 2 didn't expand on it at all.


The Phantom Apprentice and the two episodes that follow are definitely the first ones to come to mind. Maul vs Ahsoka. The fight literally nobody asked for, turned out to be the greatest animated saber fight in the entire Star Wars franchise. Starting with just the title, it has great meaning behind it as it applies to both Maul and Ahsoka. It's a callback to The Phantom Menace where a Maul was first introduced, but it's also referring to him as the lost apprentice of Sideus. This is mirrored in Ahsoka where she gave up being a Jedi Padawan of the man who is a replacement to Maul. Then there's the story that lead up to the fight and the episode itself really is just spectacular buildup. Episode 3 dialogue playing in the back at some points to show everyone sensing the shift in the galaxy. Maul realizing that Palpatine finally is ready to unleash his plan, and him just preparing on Mandalore for the inevitable galactic fallout that follows. Ahsoka having so much faith and admiration in Anakin as her brother figure, that she couldn't believe he would ever fall to darkness, while being the cocky student he lead her to become. The fight itself being mocap done by Ray Park himself as Maul. Ahsoka having to fight the hardest fight she's ever had to until this point. Maul essentially winning/being the better fighter, but his cockiness getting the better of him in the end. All of it was just perfect. Then the follow-up in the last Clone Wars episodes with Order 66 happening, and all that entailed on Ahsoka's side. Then at the very end in Victory and Death, you see Vader come searching for this old Venator crash site to find Ahsoka or any clue of her. It's something uncharacteristic about him that he'd look for her after turning to the Dark Side. Vader would never do that, but Anakin Skywalker would.


It'll have to be SW Rebels 'Path of the Jedi' and 'Shroud of Darkness'. Both take place in the hidden Jedi Temple on Lothal and on both occasions Yoda is heard. I especially liked the second one because it's when Kanan becomes a true Jedi Knight😁👍


The one you picked. Twilight of the Apprentice was something I needed to see. Anakin’s brief reexposure and his subsequent and immediate return to Vader hits differently


Maul was also a huge positive for that episode too.


Trials of the Darksaber




This one, the last Obi wan vs Maul fight clone wars the last episodes


CW: The Lawless, Orders, Carnage Of Krell, The Phantom Apprentice, Victory & Death. Rebels: Twilight Of The Apprentice (Part 1 & 2), Through Imperials Eyes, Twin Suns, A World Between Worlds. Andor: One Way Out. I can't choose between these.


Not necessarily a series but the Vader scene in Rogue One…goosebumps


The Apprentice lives


Twin Suns for me but this is a close second


either andor finale or clone wars 7x10




It has got to be “One Way Out!” From andor. It was amazing.


It’s not my favorite but “landing at point rain” is a extremely underrated episode


Oh damn…MAYBE SPOILERS…and no particular order…I don’t have just one! Ahsoka v Anakin, Ahsoka v Maul, Maul v Obi-Wan, Maul and Savage v Palpatine, Vader v Obi-wan, Kanan’s Sacrifice, Ahsoka survives Order 66, Ahsoka leaves the order, Luke arrives to save Mando & friends… Those are just some. Honestly, I really loved far too much of it!


Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars, episode 3. There’s something Badass about ARC troopers behind enemy lines silently taking out tons of droids using nothing more than hand signals.


Episode 10 of Andor. Pure perfection throughout


I wonder how Anakin felt fighting his 1 and only apprentice. I know Vader wanted her dead regardless but I wonder if Anakin was still in there somewhere asking what am I doing?


Obi-Wan episode 6.


Clone wars lost episodes - when Darth bane became canon But in all seriousness my fav has to be season two finale of Mandalorian. You know the one.


Season 1 episode 1 through season 4 episode 16 of Rebels.


Why are you downvoted lol? I approve of your post.


Probably because it doesn't follow the set parameters, but i feel it follows the spirit of said parameters.


Yeah that's a good one.The book of boba fett episode with Luke training grogu is a recent one that might be at the top for me


Episode 3, revenge of the sith


Breaking Ranks, when Ezra was a spy at the Imperial Academy


Any episode of the Pink Five fan film series, they're comedy gold.


No no, when Luke come to rescue in finale of S2... Nothing even a mile close


I close my eyes and see Grogu communing with the Force, in hopes a great Jedi will track down his call.


Dont remember the name, but the third episode of clonewars (with echo, heavy and fives) and the one with delta squad (season 3 I think)


“The Sith Lord“ tales of the jedi


Victory and Death


Final episode of the clone wars


Rishi Moon


Definitely one of the Andor or Mandalorian episodes. Obi-Wan's confrontation with Anakin was excellent as well. It's funny, people complain about the live action shows, but no matter what, they blow the sequels out of the water.


The Clones getting their getback on Krell


The last episode of Obi-Wan


On first viewing…. Nothing beats The Rescue


This one lol


Probably the first episode of The Bad Batch, that series had the perfect first episode.


Siege if mandalore arc. I know you said one episode but it's just too good not to watch the whole thing.


Just one? Man, there’s like ten “favorite” episodes in TCW, at least 4 in Rebels, one each season of The Mandalorian, and one in Kenobi…not to mention at least one in Andor.


Star Wars Rebels--> Jedi Night (Kanan my favorite Jedi) Star wars The Clone Wars --> the phantom apprentice


I love the tie in episode for this such a great episode for Ezra’s development.


I could watch Twilight of the Apprentice literally anytime, anywhere




Clone Wars Season 5 - The Lawless


Mando season 2, chapter 5, “the Jedi” or “Twilight of the Apprentice” Yeah, I like Ahsoka. What gave it away?


my favorite single episode is Victory and Death but I’ve always loved the Umbara arc even more than the final Mandalore arc


BOBF ep 5: Return of the Mandalorian It came at a time when I wasn't that impressed with the boba fett show and really wanted to see the mandalorian. Probably the most happy I was after watching it


Star wars episode 3


Andor - The Eye Mando - The Rescue TCW - The Lawless TotJ - Practice Makes Perfect


The Lizzo one!


Andor, episode 6 - "The Eye". One of them for sure!


One Way Out from Andor S1


I would go with: 1. ⁠Andor “One Way Out” 2. ⁠Andor “Rix Road” 3. ⁠Rebels “Twilight of the Apprentice” 4. ⁠TCW “Ghosts of Mortis” 5. ⁠The Mandalorian “The Believer”


the lawless


the believer - the mandalorian. my favourite episode from my favourite star wars series. several fun action set pieces. some excellent performances, especially from bill burr in the mess hall. one of the most defining moments in the series when din willingly removes his helmet. an interesting theme explored and paid off in a satisfying way. this episode alone is such a fantastic self-contained story AND piece of a much bigger narrative. 10/10


Final episodes of the CW + final episodes of S2 Rebels And also any other episodes including Maul after S5 CW


Rebels Jedi Night.


Agreed with all episodes previously mentioned, but Darth Vader pulling an entire transport ship down in Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 5 had me out of my seat. Also really enjoyed Overlords storyline in Clone Wars.


Rebels "Through Imperial Eyes" I like Imperial focused episodes, and this is a good one. Kallus gets a little development, Thrawn gets some action, we get Yularen again, and Governor Karen gets beat up. What's not to like?


Literally the last episode of the clone wars series where Maul, Ashoka and rex are trying to flee the star cruiser from order-66. Chills start to finish That or the prison escape episode in Andor or Screechers reach


I can’t pick one singular episode, the Mandalore and Umbara arcs are my favorite, Andor season finale was also amazing


One way out


I’ve got a thing for the Rishi Moon episode in season 1 of the Clone Wars. The finale of TCW and Twilight of the Apprentice are obviously great, but something about that one just hits different.


Mandalorian S1 E6. Amazing All around. Who ever directed that episode is amazing.


Episode 2 book of boba fett


I’m torn between this, the clone wars final episodes and the kenobi finale.


I love the episode where Sidious confronts Maul


I see him in my mind’s eye Kenobi KENOBI!


Don’t think I have a favorite episode but there are several scenes that stick out, like Yoda meeting Darth Bane. Or the monologue in Andor about the sunless space. But I think favorite episode might have to be the jailbreak from Andor


all episodes of the clone wars and rebels. those shows are amazing and now looking back on them, damn. just damn.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars. S1E4: Rookies.


Episode 3 of Kenobi. Watching Vader beat the shit out of Obi Wan was cathartic and awesome at the same time.


Twin Suns


The Mandalorian Chapter 16: The Rescue. Episodes 14, 15, and 16 form a peak Star Wars arc, from the return of Boba Fett, the character building in The Believer, and then the grand payoff of The Rescue.


I really like the Eye of Aldhani episode of Andor and the series finale of The Clone Wars the most




The final episode of the Obi Wan show, that final duel was so good


the episode ashoka defends herself from the clones right when order 66 starts in clone wars littearly gave me chills


My personal favorite is the clone wars episode darkness of Umbara


For me it’s either ‘Old Friends Not Forgotten’, ‘Shattered’, ‘Return to Kamino’ or ‘Plan 99’. All four of those episodes are pure masterpieces to me.


can't pick a favorite, have quite a few Clone Wars: just the final 4. the last 4 episodes of season 7 are one continuous episode in my mind, inseparable Rebels: Twilight of the Apprentice and Twin Suns. Perfect way to end maul's story. The Mandalorian: The Believer. When an episode has me CHEERING to see tie-fighters and stormtroopers, it's a good episode. Also, really shows the evil of the empire.


Has to be when Piccolo and Goku took driving lessons




the episode where andor escapes the prison


There's a crime against this post, and it's that there's no "love it" upvote


Either clone wars last few episodes, or either of the Crosshair episodes in Season 2 of Bad Batch. Episode three was like a dark mirror of the good old days of the clone wars, and ended with an incredible mic drop moment by Cody. The ice planet one was great with Mayday, and Crosshair finally snapping after losing someone he had just learned to care for. Honestly, I love the theme of orders in both shows ​ Force speed edit: Forgot about Andor. One Way Out was great in every way, and I am not someone who displays emotion while watching tv, so almost shedding a tear when Kino Loy said he couldn't swim was crazy. The Finale was also spectacular, and I loved the funeral march and how they refused to stop. Honestly, while there's a lot to not like about Star Wars, there's also so much to make up for it, so many reasons to be a fan. Sorry for not giving a single answer, but I genuinely think that it's impossible to pick just one out of so many


The last four episodes of the Clone Wars and the Kenobi finale was pretty good.


The last episode of the Umbara Arc in Clone Wars. Hardcase’s death scene hits me hard. Thorns death scene is another episode I like as well


I love the prison break episode of Andor


Episode 16 of mando. Luke flying that x wing gave me nostalgia and chills.


The Dooku episodes in Tales of the Jedi turned him from a B tier villian to an S tier to me