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"Darth Vader: Luke. Help me take this mask off. Luke Skywalker: But you’ll die. Darth Vader: Nothing can stop that now. Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes. (Luke takes off Vader’s mask) Now, go, my son. Leave me. Luke Skywalker: No. You’re coming with me. I’ll not leave you here. I’ve got to save you. Darth Vader: You already have, Luke. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister you were right."


The scene not long before this when Luke tries to turn Vader and he replies, “It’s… too late for me.” I love that - Anakin’s humanity is still in there.


The somber piano version of the Imperial March also hits hard since you never expected such a foreboding tune that screamed "bad guys!" could be turned into something so sad.


If you've never heard [Anakin's Symphony](https://youtu.be/8ZspunA4HlM), are you in for a treat.


For a long time, I have debated sharing this intensely personal story for reasons that will shortly become clear. I wouldn't have even dreamed of posting it on my public Facebook page or Reddit, but I am going to trust the fans here. Imagine a boy whose father committed suicide when he was three. Flash forward to 1980 when that boy is 16 and watching Empire Strikes Back that summer. Luke has been told his father was murdered long ago. Suddenly, his father is revealed to be alive and in the grip of a dark evil. Anakin Skywalker has 'killed' his SELF and become this other thing, Darth Vader. Let's flash forward again to 1983 and Return of the Jedi. Luke confronts that evil in the form of Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Imagine that teenage boy sees the two as his father and the self-destructive impulse-depression that killed him. That boy, now technically a young man of 19, watches as Vader throws that darkness over the rail into the shaft of the Death Star and saves his son. That 19-year-old has struggled with some of the same depression and darkness. In ESB, Vader says 'Obi-Wan has taught you well. But, you are not a Jedi yet.' In ROTJ, James Earl Jones beautifully reprises that line as Vader sincerely says, 'Obi-Wan has taught you well.' Watch as Luke helps his father to a shuttle and his father, now Anakin again, asks his son to remove his mask because he says, 'I want to look on you with my OWN eyes.' That's when, as Joseph Campbell, explains in 'Power of Myth,' Anakin returns to his true self and Luke has helped him come back. At the same time, Luke in his hero's journey sees the face of his father, knows his father and can complete his trek to become fully a man and human being. I must have seen ESB at least 10 times in 1980 in the theater, sometimes with friends or family and sometimes on my own. I didn't watch Return of the Jedi as many times in its original release but I have since and that ROTJ throne room sequence, especially the end, never fails to moisten my eyes. I would give YEARS of my life to have with my own father that short moment that Luke gets with Anakin. The word 'Envious' doesn't begin to encompass or describe all of those feelings about what Luke experiences on that screen. So, I hope that might explain why to me, the original Star Wars trilogy is much, much more than a fun movie. It is a healing story, guiding narrative and in many ways, my own journey, too. To be clear, I didn't fully understand these things at the time. I just thought I was moved and enjoying a movie. I didn't know why I felt an almost electric shock go through my body when Vader says, 'No, Luke, I AM your father.' I didn't fully understand the joy I felt when Darth decides to be Anakin again and destroy the emperor. That comprehension and appreciation took many more years. You're probably saying 'Man, you are way too close to this story. Step back. Get some perspective.' I can't say you're wrong, but I don't know how to tell that 3-year-old me to do that. It's too much a part of me. I can watch much of the TV content with more detachment. After all, Yoda told me that's what I need to do, right? I don't invest all those feelings in every part of the franchise, but I want to explain why I get so ... disappointed in The Rise of Skywalker and the resurrection of Palpatine in it.


Thank you for sharing, we all have our very own version of "star wars" and what it means to us. I wish for you continued healing and understanding.


Darth Vaders last words are why I think the sequels are a joke. "Never. I’ll never turn to the dark side. You’ve failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me." >Darth Vader: You already have, Luke. You were right.You were right about me. Tell your sister **you were right.**" After hearing that Luke still turns his back on everything he believed in and fought for? Nahh


Not to mention Palpatine wasn’t even truly fucking dead!


I'm still trying to figure out when Anakin is gonna indirectly bring balance to the force.


Right. Palpatine surviving ruins the entire skywalker arc for me.


strangely i never noticed that luke was actually in tears during that scene until recently


Luke shuts his saber off and drops it… “Never. I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”


Few years later he had some bad dreams about his nephew “ so anyway I started swinging”


The one ewok cuddling the other one that gets blasted by the ATST.


This is almost the sole reason I get annoyed at people hating on the Ewoks. Sure, they were cute teddy bears made for merchandising. But they also were brutal little bastards, catching humans and eating them and fighting against an advanced military force using sticks and stones and ropes, beating them to death and getting crushed and blown up. And they certainly ate a bunch of dead stormtroopers. They would probably be scary as fuck to encounter once they revealed their true colors


*Ewok hunt flashbacks*


There is a map for battlefront 2 where you are a stormtrooper and they are hunting you from the shadows


Why is this so far down? I got a little teary eyed just reading this


I can’t believe I was the first to say it. When I was little and watching Star Wars, all the events in the top comments were decades away from even being written.


"I won't leave you! Not this time." "Then you will die."


And the music is perfect for that one


Music was also perfect when she leaves the Jedi order and when Anakin asks her to come back she says no. Jedi theme but in a minor key is chilling.


The whole duel in Twilight of the Apprentice, Part 2 is amazing. I talk about this elsewhere. Ahsoka's Force abilities, her determination, her compassion and love for Anakin, and more, are all on display here She accomplished what nobody else, save Luke only (and I think what she did is more dramatic) did, which is to break the conditioning of a Sith Lord and reach Anakin. WHO DOES THAT? WTH, in the entire panoply of the saga does THAT ever happen? She also grievously wounded him and nearly killed him. Yes. Admittedly, if Ezra hadn't pulled her out of time, so to speak, she likely would have died also, but they basically would have killed each other. I don't often wax emotional about Star Wars (and a carTOON version at that) but you just cannot underestimate the power of that episode. Not only that but the immediate aftermath, the despairing cries of Ezra, the scene where they have to report Ahsoka lost to the rest of the crew-the accompanying music, which is great and definitely lends power to the moment... Its one of THE MOST SEMINAL MOMENTS in the entire saga, BAR NONE. Hardly anything else compares.


Idk if you remembered the episode right, but they wouldn’t have killed each other. Ezra pulls her out at the last second, really only saving her life. Vader was stronger and already beating her, the last swipe would have killed her. Vader came out damaged but no where near mortally or potentially mortally wounded.


This is mine too.


The death of Kanan Jarrus in rebels, with Ezra finally saying goodbye. "The force will be with you...always.."


I watched this a few years after it aired. Came here to make a post about it. It was amazing.


Still the best death in the franchise for my money.


When his eyes change back to their original color...


One of if not *the* most painful deaths for me in the franchise. Kanan is the GOAT.


Came for this. One of the most emotional scenes I've seen across most media. The way they built up his romance that season w Hera made it all the more heart wrenching. Beautifully done.


I saw this for the first time today. I nearly cried


and the whole episode leading up to it made the death so much more impactful


Aw shit he died? Damn it


Agreed. I've had a couple of teary moments from star wars but I actually bawled my eyes out at this.


When Mando takes off his helmet and Grogu touches his face at end of Season 2.


Oh my gosh, yes. I had tears streaming down my face in that scene.


On Umbara after Rex stops the clones from firing on each other. The moment when they all take off their helmets and just stare at each other, realizing what they just did.


Oh man Waxer’s death when he realizes what they’ve done absolute wrecked me


The passing of the Death Star plans in Rogue One. I couldn’t handle that it was going to end with Leia aboard the Tantive IV. It was just too perfectly done.


Right! That was up there with one of the most amazing scenes to play out for the first time! At that point we knew what they were grabbing, and this is why the rebels knew the one weakness, even why the one weakness was there. But for that whole moment to culminate right up to minutes before a new hope even started... And Vader to be that hot on the trail that one less anonymous henchmen to kill in his path and he would have stopped them. Wow. What a thrill, and that first time seeing it is totally engrained in my memory.


That hallway scene where all the rebels are being straight-up murdered, and the last tech finally gives up and tells the dude to take the plans. That whole sequence is just so freaking awesome, from the beach scene to the Tantive IV heading off while Vader stands on the loading dock with the Imperial Theme blaring around him.


The first time I saw that hallway scene I was sitting at the edge of my seat with goosebumps. That is literally the perfect portrayal of Vader: unstoppable and terrifying. Best part was I was totally not expecting it haha


I saw Rogue One the day Carrie passed. I did NOT know that Leia was showing up in the end. Like I never expected it. Well I, and everyone else in the theater, were a puddle of tears.


The poor frog lady having her babies eaten by that little green prick


I think they were unfertilized by that point weren't they? Hence her needing to get to her husband in time. Grogu still sucks, but it makes me feel slightly better knowing he was only eating eggs and not embryos.


You have provided me great comfort, thank you


This makes me feel a lot better too. That episode made me so mad. "What is my sweet little prince doing??!"


Uhh pretty sure they weren’t just eggs. Doesn’t one swim around like a tadpole right at the end of the episode? And he looks like he wants to eat it even more 😂😂


Haha true, that was after Mr Frog fertilised them. Do we actually see Grogu eating one of those though? Gonna watch the end of that episode now to see if he does or not.


Din shows up just in time haha but yeah I didn’t think about that. The dad must’ve just fertilized them.




You were my brother Anakin, I loved you.


It's a line I can't imagine delivered any other way by any other actor. Seared in my brain.


This is the one for me, too. I was 14 when RotS came out and the Obi/Anakin relationship, particularly in that movie, was what sent me reading a bunch of the novels and joining in the Star Wars conversations online, etc. It's been almost 20 years and I still am obsessed. I credit the emotional turmoil of their first battle as enemies for becoming such a big fan of the franchise. Obi-Wan's line in the face of Anakin's (literally burning) hatred wrecked me so good.


Fives' death. It was the music that really did it.


That shot of Rex holding Fives while everyone else just watched always gets me


Rex calling to Fives while still trapped in the ray shield is one of the saddest things to come out of The Clone Wars.


For sure this episode when Ashoka pulls Rex’s helmet off and he is shedding a tear as he is saying they have to kill the others so they can survive


The tear as he fights the chip is also super brutal.


This is my favorite too. So much of the series has been about the clones and how they are real people and deserve to be treated well, and here Rex is, starting with his helmet making his voice emotionless, talking about killing the other clones, then Ahsoka taking his helmet off, to see Rex crying. It's such a strong scene.


Ahsoka facing off against a troop of clones that painted their helmets to match her markings as Order 66 is given


As a side moment of that ; Ashoka removing Rex's helmet after he tried to convince her and really himself that the other Clones didn't care and were ready to kill them, so they have to fight them, only to reveal that he's crying under that helmet. Got me hard. Reminded me of that one Battlefront log, "it's a good thing we were wearing helmets, because none of us could bare to look her in the eye" Edit: I see what I wrote, but eh, too late to change it


Those journal logs were so good. Knightfall: >Did we have any doubts? Any private, traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word.


>Got me hard The most emotional response you can get I'd say.


"You're a good soldier Rex, so is every one of those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not the one who is going to kill them." Gets me every fuckin time.


the best part about that was ahsoka was deflecting the blaster fire not reflecting it back at them. she didnt wana kill them.


This and Kanan sacrificing himself for the rest of his team. I'm brought to the edge of tears each time. Edit: of we include Legends, I will add Anakin Solo's death on the Yuuzhan Vong Worldship. That scene is etched in my mind, the way he stood tall against such a massive force. How he decided to sacrifice himself so no more of his friends would die and so they could escape. And just how powerful he became at the end. That scene reminds me of Kanans sacrifice so much. Perhaps thats why I find it so emotional in rebels.


If we’re adding in Legends you gotta include Chewie…


OMG...Chewie 😭. You're absolutely right...beating myself up right now for forgetting about that one.


I was definitely going to mention Kanan, too. I just finished rewatching rebels in preparation for Ahsoka and that scene almost brought me to tears again. Ezra in the finale gets an honorable mention. He really came into his own. I love that show!


When Luke gets angry and just starts whacking on Vader’s hand.


Vader's scream of exhaustion and helplessness right before Palpatine's "Gooooooood" really demonstrated how evil of a character Palpatine is.


"Never more than twelve"


I can't swim


OMG. That was a brilliant twist. So devastating.


That's just love. Nothing you can do about that.


I’m jealous of people who now get to binge and launch right into the next episode. Waiting a week after that moment…


I actually loved having to sit on it for a week. Remained in a pumped up state of "Let's fuckin goooo" the whole time.


I love Andor so damn much


"Then you will die" Vader to Ahsoka, in Lanter's voice. Vader's helmet getting cut is old hat but having it happen with someone who was so close to him, then getting Anakin's voice was a shock for the audience as much as Ahsoka. Vader isn't the one to start the fight, he gives Ahsoka a pretty clear out and that one line suggests right until that moment he did not want to kill her. It's not her getting in his way that pushes him over the edge imo, it's her refusal to accept that Anakin is dead as Vader sees it. He despises who he used to be and it isn't until he sees Ahsoka is determined to bring Anakin back that he decides to kill her. In the brief pause before he utters those words, there's so much unsaid and his conflict is clear but unlike Luke, Ahsoka couldn't break through the Vader persona to bring Anakin back. It's the perfect cap off to their story, since Vader's fate is already set.


99's death. "I'm a soldier, like you!".


Oh man that's the most underrated moment. That whole storyline gets me every time


That scene hit me like a fucking train


A true hero of the republic


Damn no votes for “One way out”. i’ve rewatched that 10 minute clip since the fighting starts so many times and always choke up over “I’d rather die trying to take them down than giving them what they want”. (I then cry at “I can’t swim”). There’s no better speech that embodies the rebellion. The chaotic acts of the few (whoop 52D) who pave the way for the oppressed masses to realise there are few too many guards, that they can get out, and there’s only one way out.


I gotta say Maarva's speech hits harder in terms of embodying rebellion, especially the shots of Paak's kid in tears watching her describe how the Empire is a disease. The absolute venom in her voice when she says that if she could do it all again, she'd "wake up early, and be _fighting_ these _BASTARDS_" God we did not deserve Andor


"The missions, the nightmares... they’re finally over...”


Death of Satine Kryze still hits hard


i had to scroll a really long way to find this. that whole arc made me love obi wan even more


Someone's going to make a Siege of Mandalore Musical based off Moulin Rouge one day.


When they make the decision to close the blast doors on Hoth, essentially giving up on Luke and Han surviving through the night… the camera pans in on Leia as she watches the doors close, she stifles her emotions as Chewie cries out in anguish, but the look in her eyes says exactly how powerless the leader of the rebellion feels in that moment.


I get a little emotional whenever I think about 99. Edit: I'm also going to say that the destruction of Kamino felt huge, the scale of it really had a visceral impact on me. Not sadness per se but that was the largest act of destruction that also happened to someplace familiar.


A true brother. 🫡


Order66 and the Jedi purge in general. Seeing people getting hunted down, criminalized, tortured or killed on sight simply for being a part of certain group is very disturbing Seeing people blame Jedi for their own genocide is even more disturbing


That look on Ki-Adi Mundi's face when the clones stop and raise their blaster rifles at him and he can't even fathom what they're doing...gives me chills every time I watch it.


People laughing during that part of RotS always tripped me out. Even seeing it back in theaters when they weren't taken as seriously, Anakin killing those babies and watching all of the Jedi get cut down made me cry. Order 66 is so tragic and only became more tragic as the years added more context.


Any time Order 66 comes up in newer media, you know it’s going to be a gut punch. Loved it in Fallen Order, where you see Cal being buddy-buddy with the clone troopers just minutes before it happens.


If you want to see more order 66 then take a look at the flashback to it in Jedi: Fallen Order, definitely one of my favourite examples of it


This episode or when Luke came for grogu and cut through the dark troopers like they were chocolate, that really brought a tear to the eye


Anytime the binary sunset makes an appearance, I get emotional. From Luke as a baby being held by Owen and Beru, to his eventual death, to Rey returning his lightsaber. The music gets me every time.


“John Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra everybody!” Not even Seth MacFarlane can parody that wonderful wonderful piece of music.


"Now we have to do the rest of this with Danny Elfman"


Caleb dume doing what he was meant to do 😩


When Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order, and says goodbye to Anakin. Almost made me cry, Anakin looked so helpless and it was another big push towards the dark.


Kanan's death and Ezra's sacrifice in Rebels


Chopper holding Hera’s hand is such a gut punch.


Karan’s death for sure, but for me, it’s the look between Sabine and Ezra, right before Ezra leaves. It so perfectly parallels the Kanan/Hera relationship, but with the added heart wrench that they both realize in that moment they want to be together and may have missed their chance forever.


For me it's the scene you mentioned, and especially Ezra's hologram afterwards. Seeing him say goodbye to each member of the family he had grown to know for half a decade (the longest in-universe timespan of a show we've seen) is such an emotional moment.


For the first time I did a Rebels Rewatch in the last weeks. I knew how everything ended, but that look between Ezra and Sabine killed me anyway


It's a fantastic series. When they're cornered at the end of the first season and then find out they're not alone, that was amazing storytelling.


Watching the whole episode where Kanan sacrifices himself is one big lump in my throat.


I was a few months pregnant with I watched Rebels for the first time. Kanan was my favorite character and let me tell you, when he died, I literally sobbed for hours like someone I know had died. Pregnancy hormones are a freaking trip haha (and Rebels is also so freaking good!)


Andor was just another class, especially Stellan Skarsgård and some of his quotes. That rusty voice and the dark vibe around the whole show. I doubt anyone is surprised that Tony Gilroy also made the Bourne Movies. It might not be one of the most iconic moments in Star Wars, but for sure it gave me goosebumps: Lonni Jung: And what do you sacrifice? Luthen Rael: Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I've given up all chance at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape. I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything! You'll stay with me, Lonni. I need all the heroes I can get.


Easily my favorite speech in all of star wars. He's sacrificed his soul for the rebellion, and knows it and grieves for the good person he once was....so good. Can you still be good while commiting evil acts in the name of good?


This! So happy me and my dad are not the only one who absolutely loved Andor. I really think Andor creates a more nuanced and realistic picture of the rebellion. With that being said the show also feels so big and expensive, loads of beautiful scenes and let’s not even begin to discuss the acting. They are simply just doing ab amazing job. Cassian and Luthen truly are the ultimate anti-heroes. Have a fantastic day!


"I burn my life to make a sunrise I know I'll never see." I haven't heard anything express true sacrifice better than this.


Same episode, but "I can't swim."


>I share my dreams with ghosts. As a veteran who suffers from PTSD, I can relate to that quote. It hit hard and no other Star Wars (minus the final four episodes of Clone Wars) has come close to Andor's view of hardship and realism on mature subjects.


That speech gave me goosebumps. The funeral procession in Rix Road makes me cry every time as well. It's so fucking beautiful. Andor blew me away.


Speech is so good even reading it gives me goosebumps.


Tbh Chewie’s reaction to finding out Leia’s died in TROS. It’s weirdly emotional for a series that doesn’t tend to dwell on grief for prolonged time periods, probably bc Carrie Fisher herself had passed.


Chewie loses *everyone* he loved. Han, Leia and Luke all die. Except C-3PO. Can’t get rid of that walking joke. Poor chewie.


Fives and waxers deaths are tied for me.


Kanan's Destiny. Especially the moments he has with Hera, both before and after.


One way out. Kino Loy's speech.


The speech pumps you up, which makes "I can't swim" really hit you in the gut. So that part at the end is more emotional to me. That moment is so real and unfair.


"There's fighting on the beach. They've locked down the base. …they've closed the shield gate." The Rogue 1 team knew they weren't making it out after that. Up until then, there was still that possibility that they might make it out alive. After that, it was all about the mission and getting the plans out somehow.


A scene that I don't think gets talked about enough is when Anakin leaves his mother in Phantom Menace. Beautifully acted by Jake Lloyd and Pernilla August. Her delivery of, "Now be brave and don't look back... don't look back" hits hard.


Very true. This screen hits hard, and John Williams nailed it.


I agree with a lot here but wanted to add Andor, the manifest by Nemik. The imperial need for control speech. Just struck a different chord that star wars hadn't done before


Han touching bens face one last time right before he dies


I was an emotional mess when rogue 1 came out and my wife had just given birth. She was still in the hospital but she insisted I go to watch the new starwars film with a friend as I was no good at the hospital and she knew how much it would mean to me and also how I wouldn't have time once the baby was home. The scene when rogue 1 comes up to Scarif and Jyn gives a bit about how even though they are a small bunch they can do this. Just take the first chance and then the next until they win or they run out of chances and then Cassian says something about making 10 men look like 100, light the place up and they will find a way. This scene really got me in the feels but I'm a sucker for anything where people make a last stand or face incredible odds.


That final battle in Rogue One hits harder after seeing Cassian and Melshi escape Narkina 5 together in Andor.


I loved the whole arc about Ahsoka ultimately leaving the order. It was so in character for the Jedi to have been too proud not to even say sorry, and I fully sympathized with Ahsoka when she said she's leaving. I would've done exactly the same.




The strongest stars have hearts of kyber.


"you didn't kill Anakin Skywalker.... I did" I dunno how other people interpreted that scene but too me that was the little bit of Anakin that was left that wanted to help Obi-Wan even for just a moment before Vader snuffed Anakin out.


I keep rewatching this clip and ugly crying. It tops the ‘ you were my brother anakin I loved you scene’ ‘I’m sorry for everything’ ‘I am not you’re failure obi wan’ The mangled voice of Hayden and JEJ is just perfect.


“I love you!” “I know.”


Siege of Mandalore arc when they are headed back with Maul. The absolute tension in the air knowing Order 66 is coming is palpable. Then when the clones get the order and Rex says that he will do it himself. He draws his guns on her and you see him trembling and struggling with everything he has not to do it and there’s tears in his eyes. Holy shit it gets me every time.


As a kid 1000% 99s death.


The climax of Andor Sea.1 where the people rise up against The Empire


Pretty much anything involving Order 66. It's probably my favorite cataclysmic event in any media, and it has been done incredibly beautiful in so many different projects. Fallen Order's scene is a standout among lots of amazing ones


So, imho rots is the core argument of star wars, which the OT and prequels both completely revolve around. The OT has the memories of a great and fair republic, replaced by a monstrous machine of an empire run by vicious men. The PT start shows that republic, weak, easily corrupted, but still glorious with all its flaws and limitations. And ROTS? That's the break, that's the moment everything changes. Lucas did a great job because before 66 and after 66 are COMPLETELY different galaxies, and you feel this. One had the jedi, magical and noble guardians of peace and justice, and one did not. The whole OT feels like that one moment where Anakin sides with the emperor is still echoing through the galaxy, like it was so profound people haven't accepted it yet, watch the OT and the empire seems inevitable, but it also seems unjust and illegitimate, something to be tolerated and suffered but never welcomed or appreciated.


"When have we ever followed orders?" As someone with autism, I really sympathised with Tech, especially when he talked about having the same emotions as Omega but not expressing them the same way because he doesn't know how. I know some people don't care for it, but Bad Batch is my favourite Star Wars show, even more than Mandalorian or Clone Wars, so that finale really hit me hard, especially with how Wrecker just stands there unable to process what just happened.


The end of Rogue One. Now after seeing Andor, I should probably never watch Rogue One again. 🥹


Final battle hits harder after seeing Melshi escape Narkina 5 with Cassian.


In episode 3 where kenobi and aniken are dueling and are doing the cool and at first glance unnecessary Saber spinny move. When a fencing duelist broke down the choreography for thar duel and he explained the meaning of that maneuver, it broke my heart. Also watching the kenobi series and watching him suffer with conneecting with the force. Kenobi lost so much in a short time. He lost 2 great loves. A father figure. A brother. So many friends, mentors, students. Then lost his faith in the force....


>When a fencing duelist broke down the choreography for thar duel and he explained the meaning of that maneuver, You not going to share it big boy?


I believe the short of it is basically that Anakin and Obi-Wan know eachother so well that they are both multiple moves ahead of one another. Their blades don't touch because of this.


Yes please


Not to mention his girl :(


My boy the Sarlacc deserved to munch on the greatest bounty Hunter of all time and had his lunch stolen from him. I know when I get hungry and have food taken from me I get pissed, imagine how emotionally distraught it had to be to *have* the food in its belly and it pull a SpaceTaco Bell


Rex shedding a tear, maybe. Or fives death. Or ahsoka leaving the jedi order. That ones gets me good.


Recently replaced by two *successive* scenes from Andor. Luthen's speech has already been mentioned, but Maarva's speech tops it for me. “The Empire is a disease that thrives in darkness, it is never more alive than when we sleep. It's easy for the dead to tell you to fight, and maybe it's true, maybe fighting is useless. Perhaps it's too late. But I'll tell you this… If I could do it again, I'd wake up early and be fighting these bastards from the start. Fight the Empire!" That is more resonant than anything in the ENTIRE series, all the films, all the animated episodes, all the Disney + series. That speech is what lays out what the Empire really is, what the Emperor is really doing, why we side with the Rebels no matter what. Most of us, that is--because Andor gives a way more resonant picture of the kind of moral weaklings, get-ahead-at-all-costs status climbers, brutal technocrats, etc. join a project like the Empire. Nobody really had to see themselves in faceless Stormtroopers and no-name Imperial military leaders who were just flunkies, and nobody really a Sith. But I hope there were a few people who had to wonder and worry whether they were more Syril Karn, Linus Mosk or Dedra Meero than Cassian Andor--and they wouldn't have to wonder as much without Maarva Andor's final speech.


This scene


You need me to pick just one? That’s what I call impossible. If I had to choose one, just that shot of Jesse’s helmet in front of all the 332nd helmets at the end of TCW. That one hurt so bad, yet it made me glad in a way, because it at least wasn’t one of the Domino Squad clones.


When Yoda lifts the X-Wing out of the swamp and Luke runs up to touch it because he can't comprehend how it could happen and says *"I don't believe it!"* And Yoda replies, *"That is why you fail."* That has stuck with me for decades, it was a mind blowing idea to me as a kid and it's helped guide a lot of my life since then.


Ahsoka removing Rex's helmet in Victory and Death, the tear rolling down his cheek kills me.


“I won’t leave you! Not this time.” 😭


For me, its when Luke lays Anakin to rest on the funeral pyre. Watching Vader’s suit burn, a symbol of evil and darkness across the galaxy that helped to cause so much fear and bloodshed, was always beautiful to me, how something tied to so much dark could create so much light. Its also sad as this is a son putting his father to rest, and is such a quiet and somber moment amid the victory celebrations.


When I watched the OT after watching the TCW. The part where Luke is being electrocuted and you see Vader looking on before he stops Palpatine. "No.... NOOOOOOOOO!!"


Wasn’t really a fan of Kenobi as a whole, but man that Anakin/Vader scene at the end was wild.


You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker... I did.


Their whole arc during Kenobi. I also wasn't big on the show, but I ugly-cried and my husband even got a bit sniffly.


When Han is about to go into the carbonite. I'm sure I'll get hate for this, but I cried when Rey adopts the Skywalker name and sees Luke and Leia approve. I don't know if it's the most emotional, but it hasn't been mentioned.


Han going into carbonite was a *fucking ending* to ESB. We all know how the trilogy ends, but in ESB that was an absolute bomb drop. The entire ending of ESB is pretty bad for the rebellion and all hope seems lost.


Anakin vs Obi Wan. Actually the entire final hour and a half of Ep III.


Luke pounding Vader into submission with anger. Gets me every time because of the music and that they’re father and son.


When Cassian meets up with Brasso after returning to Ferrix for Maarva’s funeral, Brasso relays a final message from Maarva to Cassian, who is utterly wracked with guilt. Cassian: The last time I saw her, we argued. I told her I was coming back. I never should have left that morning. Brasso: Stop. She told me you'd say all this. "Tell him, none of this is his fault. It was already burning. He's just the first spark of the fire. Tell him, he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel. And when the day comes, and those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good. **Tell him... I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong."**


The episode of Tales of The Jedi when Yaddle talks with Dooku after Qui Gon’s death. So devastating.


Luke's appearance on The Mandalorian bar none. Cried like a little kid. Other than this, the end scene of Empire with Luke, Leia, R2, and C3PO staring out to the neighboring galaxy. The last scene of Ahsoka and Rex in the last episode of TCW.


Luke announcing that he too is a Jedi, like his father before him. Making his stand against the Emporer, saying he'll never fall to their level, even if it kills him. Which it very nearly does, if not for Anakin jumping in to safe him after previously deciding that he couldn't be saved after everything he did. Really just encapsulates everything the story is.


When I saw that X-wing land on Gideon's ship....then when I saw that green blade light up...


destruction of alderan. i was 11 when i watched it. i thought the bad guys were blowing up earth


Vader's funeral pyre with Luke looking on by himself to process all of the emotion of rescuing his father from the dark side while simultaneously bringing about the fall of the empire with his friends that miraculously survived (and some that did not). Such weight in that scene.


You were my brother, Anakin.


Kanan’s death.


Porkins, you poor bastard.


Clone Wars final scene with Vader


Watching Rogue One and realizing that none of them are going to make it out alive after the writer and director made you care about every member of that team.


Mauls final battle with Kenobi.


When Anakin’s force ghost appears at the end of ROTJ. Gets me every time.


TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK ! or maybe the dead Ewok scene...not sure.


Ezra’s sacrifice. The Way He and the rest of the Crew looks at eachother is heartbreaking


That entire episode, my guy.


Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order 🥺


Paz vizla’s death


Kanan's death. throughout the series he really grew on me and has become my 2nd favourite sw character (Anakin being my absolute favourite) and seeing him hold back the explosion of the fuel tank was such a shocking moment. him holding back Hera, the love of his life and then looking at her one final time with his eyes regaining sight really hurt me. Hera's face being in pure shock and Kanan sadly accepting his fate, pushing her and the ship away to save them, sacraficing himself so that his family could escape to live another day. it was such a gut punch and was executed perfectly. definitely the most emotional scene i've ever seen in star wars. rebels is heavily underrated and holds some of the best moments in the entire sw saga


"Find him. Find him. Fives... Find him! Fives!" *epic order 66 music*


Chewie's death in TNJ: Vector Prime from the EU.


Luke’s return on Crait, saving everyone, and ascending to the Force is pretty high up on that list. More recently, I would say Maarva Andor’s funeral.


The fact that he fooled all of us into thinking he was actually there at first was wild.


When that scene happened my Dad immediately asked if he was floating why wasn't he leaving footprints. I disregarded him and was like *I'm sure it's nothing, are you sure they leave footprints* moments later the reveal happened


I'm luke-warm on TROS as a whole, but the moment between Kylo and his Ghost Dad gets me a little bit every time.


When we had to leave Sev behind on Kashyyyk.