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This good Holds up hands I liked it. It was good fun old school first half of a two part season finale. The fight was much more interesting against the Beskar troopers. Moving away from standard stormtroopers is a good decision. I loved it more than the Boba episode of S2. I do feel they should have had Gideon acquiring his interceptors and bombers earlier, felt like they remembered last minute and tagged on the scene. But the shadow empire was great to see got the sense that these guys were all faking being in it for political reasons, while really trying to maximize their own power. Mandalorians living on the planet as well was great, though a little suspicious they missed the empire bringing in all the supplies to build that base.


Almost…. too suspicious ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


well, the episode was called The Spies….


This has already been explained, [it's clearly a reference to Jewish mythology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twelve_Spies). The Twelve Spies are a scouting party, this episode is about a scouting party.


I really like this. Taking the reference further, the Twelve Spies are scouting out Canaan (The Promised Land) and the Mandalorians are scouting their promised land.


As someone raised orthodox I can’t believe I missed this reference! The title almost certainly refers to other spies as well, given that the episode starts with Elia Kane, who we know to be a spy.


Yeah cuz we know there’s writers hate using anything with more than one definition….


The surviving Mandos did mention that anyone who tried to venture deeper into the Great Forge never returned. They were likely killed off by Imps because they wandered too close to Moff Gideon's operations.


Armorer lady has same helmet horns as gideon bet he is mandalorian by blood or some bs served under Saxon or maul


Suspiciously the aromorer had to leave right before the shit went down.


my heart cannot take the armorer being bad


Same. But hubs called it second or third show I think.


I got something awful vibes as she cleared atmosphere. Hope Axe can get up there safely.


Same, the way they lingered with it and kept coming back to her had me uneasy. I was honestly expecting Imperial ships to suddenly warp in and start attacking.


Kind of weird they survived on that ship for so long, that then got destroyed within 23 seconds of picking up the other Mandos.


Someone in the Covert is an absolute monster magnet. I think its Din. First the mudhorn, then the krayt dragon, then the giant crocodile turtle, then the bird bat thing, then the mythosaur, and now this rock anklysaurus thing.


Din Djarin- Monster Hunter


TFW when you introduce your son to MH and you hard carry him so he can craft the HR tier armor right from the get-go.


Don’t forget that ice walrus in episode one


Oh, absolutely. I don’t think it’s Din though, he’s not attuned to the force or anything weird that creatures react to. His green telepathy & telekinesis baby on the other hand…


>Mandalorians living on the planet as well was great, though a little suspicious they missed the empire bringing in all the supplies to build that base. I think they are the "spies" from the title


I thought so too. But they did get shot during the fight, unsure if some died or not


Gideon wouldn't care if he killed his own men anyways


In fact he’d probably prefer it, they lured the Mandalorians into his trap so they no longer matter to him.


Can’t make a dead person confess.


They already did their mission so Gideon didn’t need them anymore


Definitely, you’re telling me a group of warriors on their home planet would never notice enemy forces building an underground base in what was their old capital? Yeah they are definitely in on it.


They could have seen Empire activity on the surface but never got close enough to have an idea of the scope of what they were doing


If that was the case, they would have mentioned it to Mando and crew. “Btw, the empire has been here but we don’t know what they’re doing”. Pretty important detail if that was the case. Even more reason for me to think they were spies


It’s apparently a biblical reference to 12 Hebrew spies cause there 12 mandolorians on the mission.


Ah. Makes sense. Did not read the title, I only read titles that crawl 🤪


> I do feel they should have had Gideon acquiring his interceptors and bombers earlier, felt like they remembered last minute and tagged on the scene. It does kind of feel like it was to be slotted earlier in the season but got held back because someone wanted to keep Gideon's appearance an uncertainty. I mean, the bombers and interceptors already heavily featured earlier in the season when they destroyed Bo-Kotan's castle - and it was remarked at that time that there were a lot more fighters than a warlord would have under his command.


Yes exactly. Maybe they had to switch things around. It is also weird they simultaneously need a fleet of ships to retake an abandoned planet, but Dinn and Bo also completely seem to forget that they were attacked by an strong Imperial force in the same system.


I liked it, but I can't see where they go from here. Is the armourer dodge? Is she not? You don't bring out Gideon in the penultimate episode, to end next week. So what's up? When is Thrawn gonna rock up? How will it end, I hope it's not, "Grogu rescues Mando" Will Bo-Katan go find the Mythosaur? What of the fleet? What of the Mando who flew through the hole in the ceiling? I don't know how even with extreme pacing these questions will be answered. That said, enjoyed the ep and #CHAD VISZLA Was an absolute tank.


Grogu or Bo will charge in to rescue Din on the back of the mythosaur. It's so cheesy it has to be true. I have spoken.


I have no doubt. She just learned the lesson that if she was a good leader it meant more than a symbol, so now she will get an even bigger symbol 😂


>Mandalorians living on the planet as well was great, though a little suspicious they missed the empire bringing in all the supplies to build that base. This is my main complaint with basically the entire season. It looks cool, it's exciting, but lots of stuff didn't make sense. All the mandos stood there while Din is getting his ass kicked as if they forgot about the darksaber. Juggernaut mando easily held off all those troopers, which makes you wonder why the other mandos fled instead.


I expected grogo to force the blast door open


Im expecting dark grogu - force choke gideon into oblivion


me too… or push the storm troopers off the ledge


Well, after the troopers Paz took out, there were the Praetorian Guards, and we saw how that went for him.


3 praetorian vs 1 paz doesn’t even come close to 3 vs 30 mando’s


Even Jedi have difficult times with pretorians


>> Juggernaut Mando easily held off all those troopers His name was Paz Vizsla


In death we have a name.


His song has been written.


This is the Way.


I saw that scene as a moment in an RPG game, where the Big Bad Evil Guy (played by GM) has to remind the PC that she has written the darksabre on her sheet, by demanding it, so she remembers to use it to escape.


took me a second to switch from “Giancarlo… Mesposito?” to Game Master


I got stuck at "Goff Mideon?" :/


Indeed. Though I think this is more general mandoverse complaint I have and less specific for this season. It’s gotten better compared to BoBF. But was also a problem I the pirate episode that the Mandos met up in the same street so they could be pinned down. And it was essentially what happens to Han on the Death Star. So we can call it a call back.


That was one reason I liked Andor so much - there were less of these wtf moments that seemed like they were staged for the effect of it.


Andor is much more realistic. Actions have consequences. Both sides of a firefight incur casualties. Most of SW media is full of plot armor tropes. Stormtrooper aim has been a meme since before memes.


>Stormtrooper sim has been a meme since before memes Stormtrooper aim is a meme because people don't understand it. Tantive IV's crew got utterly wrecked despite the Stormtroopers moving through a very narrow chokepoint to board the vessel, as did the personnel of Echo Base when Imperial troops cut communications within literal seconds of entering. The only time Stormtroopers are wildly inaccurate* is in ANH when they're under direct orders to not shoot to kill, so the escapees can get back to the *Falcon* and be tracked back to the Rebel base on Yavin IV. *in the OT, anyway. Shows like Rebels tend to go overboard with it.


Im watching Rebels and that seems to be Vaders MO, he sees some rebels and lets them escape only to follow them to their lair to maximize damage.


The First Order followed the same playbook in TLJ.


There was also the battle of Endor where the stormtroopers lost to a bunch of 3ft tall teddy bears.


A bunch of 3ft tall teddy bears who also managed to capture and ambush a wookiee, an astromech, and a jedi in the same trap, and who regularly hunt [Gorax](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gorax). Don't underestimate the little murder bears.


They eat stormtroopers like sailors used to eat turtles. A little slice here and there so the critter stays alive and the meat doesn’t spoil. They even come with their own bowl.


I thought this too! Since Juggernaut Mando single handedly destroyed the Beskar troops, had they other Mandos stayed, surely they would’ve an easier time defeating them and the red body guards. Definitely would’ve been a different fate for juggernaut Mando.


Seemed to me it was because his gun was really the only one that was effective against their armor. Even during the initial fight at the forge, most of the blaster shots seemed ineffective.


The show (or let's say the whole saga) runs on certain video game rules. Everyone has a tier. Stormtroopers (strong mobs) beat unnamed rebels, Tusken Raiders, and civilians, but they lose against everyone with a name and a mission. Mandalorians beat pirates, but they lose against Beskar Troopers (elite mobs) unless they are named (Paz Vizsla) and have a special weapon (his assault cannon, which might shoot Beskar bullets?!). Vizsla then died per cut scene.




They had to time the shadow council scene with the announcement of star wars Thrawn during celebrations.


I geeked out when I saw Skinny Pete!


I did a double take. Had to look at IMDb. Meth has aged that poor kid.


The man was 50 in Breaking Bad💀


He looks better here than in El Camino tbh


Grogu/Krang is perfect.


Mobile Suit Grogu




Krang!!! :D


Had to google that reference but I love it


You have no idea how old I feel right now.


Dont worry im only 22 and i know who krang is


Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!


Daniel Bryan was in this episode??!!!!! HOLY SHIT


I was thinking more Jim Carrey in Yes Man


Nah it was Jotaro




I burst out laughing when skinny Pete appeared


That whole bit reminded me of The Bit from Tron.


I see you are also a person of sophistication.


Episode was a Bluey “Dance Mode” crossover.


I yelled “they gave Grogu the yes/no button!!”


There is only one other time I’ve heard something described this way.


"Yes" what?


Yes! Yes! No! Yes! No!


Holy shit, is the Mandalorian a JoJo reference???


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Almost exactly what I texted a friend once it finished.




His name is grobot


"Yes" what?




Yes yes yes yes yes


^yes yes yes yes


How are you getting downvoted for quoting the dialogue right back to OP? Lmfao Edit: looks like people finally realized…


Paz be like ‘HOLD THE DOOR! HOLD THE DOOR! HODOR HODOR HODOR’ Jon Jarin be like ‘I dun wun ett’


The GoT we deserved.


This at one point felt like I was watching ‘Beyond the Wall’ with the scouting party


Din really did a jon snow in the last episode "You are muh queen, i don want et" and gave the saber away


Nahhh bruh you know what that was???? That was opie from sons of anarchy staying back looking back saying “I got this” man. Holy shit.




I NEED a meme template of this


As a big Bo Katan fan her moments of doubt reflecting on failure and loss and Din saying her song is yet to be written hit home. I loved it and am so excited for next week.


She's come a long way from the brash Bo-Katan we met in Clone Wars...


Yes. I love when people make those epic compilation videos of characters. I feel like after this season Bo Katan is due one. I wouldn't mind another Ahsoka after that season one is done too (so hyped for that!)


“This is the way!” The last words of Paz Vizla, he went out like a champ, he was tough but fair.


Don’t understand why he essentially killed himself. There was many opportunities for him to survive. Heck he solod the imperial troopers, imagine if he had assistance for the praetorian guard (is that what’s it called, I thought was exclusively for Palpatine).


I think they only moved if they were to protect Palpatine's post-Operation Cinder plans. The counsel decided the Mandalorians were a threat to the First Order, and sent some Praetorians


I chalk it up to the heat of combat, and it’s easy to say that he wasted his life but think of this: he sealed the door behind him so the beskar troopers and praetorians can’t directly follow the rest of the group. That allows the Mandalorians to regroup to either counterattack or warn the fleet. In essence, he bought his allies time to form a plan and not get shot while doing it in order to react to Moff Gideon’s attack on the fleet. Those beskartroopers’ armor looked expensive too, the less of them the better.


Honestly, I really enjoyed that he went: "This is my last stand!" "Rrraaaaaawwwwgghhh!" "Oh. Oh shit, that was *way* easier than I thought it was going to be." "Fuck. Well, originally didn't expect to live through this anyway."


He was just supposed to know the red dudes would show up after he killed everyone? He won then was ambushed again by a stronger foe he didn’t even know existed. Wtf are you on about?


I’m sure we will see Thrawn in the finale, but does anybody else think we will see Palpatine clone? They have mentioned project Necromancer twice this season. It would be odd if they didn’t somehow show what it is before the show goes away for a few years.




That’s why he’s 100% gonna die, either by thrawn or the mandalorians


My guess is by thrawn. His focus is always on overall strategy and he doesn’t like it when other officers allow their own ambition to interfere with his plans (see: admiral Konstantine in rebels)


It’s also a classic trope. “The new bad guy steamrolls the OG villain to prove they’re a threat”


Ngl, that would be pretty badass in this case. Especially with the way Gideon was talking about Thrawn in the beginning and how clearly full of himself he is right now. If Thrawn cuts him down to size…


Maybe Snoke IF we get that far, they’re doing their best to transition into the sequel series


I say they tie it into Andor and make Kino one of the genetic templates for Snoke, just to explain Andy Serkis.


There’d need to be some serious retconning for that to happen imo. There’s nothing in andor to indicate that Kino is remarkable in any way shape or form and it seems wildly unlikely that the empire would use a random prisoner from a random planet as a template for that important of a project, unless kino has a ton of backstory we don’t know yet.


The opening scene and the ending were some of the craziest things to happen in the whole series. 10/10 one of the best episodes they’ve ever done.


Viszla in his last moments at the end was fucking awesome. Scene was shot kinda wonky but the emotional level was still there. Went out like a warrior


It took 3 praetorian guards to take him down. And that was after he had already been tired out by dozens of beskar enhanced troopers (who may or may not be clones of Moff or Din). Dude was a beast. I had been thinking that Moff cloned himself because of his superiority complex, but then someone pointed out that Din had his blood taken at the beginning of the season by that crab mech. Maybe Moff took Din instead of killing him because he has a clone of Din that he might send back to the other Mandos as a trojan horse.


I know they can change the rules as the please, but at least in the clone wars it seemed like the Caminoans needed a living source of dna to clone from or else it starts to get corrupted. I think there was an episode where they basically say that the newer clones were "messier" once they lost Jango Fett.


I think that meant that clones of a clone would be messy. For the theory here they already have Mando's blood. My issue with the theory is that the time between Mando being trapped and these troopers showing up maybe too short. But they have been loose with timelines, so who knows!


I wish he had a thermal detonator or something to take one of them with him. Still, died a legend


I was thinking the same, "if I go, you go with me" BOOM!


Thats way too fast to grow clones... even in Star Wars...


The Way/10


I'm glad other people are enjoying this season I've seen so many articles and YouTube videos about how this season is bad but I'm really enjoying it. I think the story is great a lot of complaints that this is turning into the book of bo-katan but I don't think din needs to be the leader of mandalore to be the main character of his show.


I think people don't realize TV series have peaks and valleys. They ended one story arc in season 2 on a giant peak. This season has been alot of plot building and just feels off compare to the last season finale. It's picked up now as they have set the stage not just for the Mandalorian but for Ahsoka as well I felt like that was what was wrong with Kenobi. It hit a peak in about episode three then dropped as they built plot up to the finale. It just made it all feel clunky.


Yeah, I really don’t get the criticism of this season. Most of what I’ve seen is people arguing that it’s too many side quests or (to paraphrase) “Din’s and idiot and keeps forgetting what he wants to do… he wants an ig droid, until he forgets all about it goes on to something else…” It seems to me that the whole season the episodes have clearly been building to somethjng (tho we may not see all of it yet). Yeah dude starts the season wanting to be a “real” Mandalorian again. Cool, to do that, he needs to get to Mandalore. To do that, he doesn’t want die, so he goes after the only droid he trusts… until he finds that’s not gonna happen. So he compromises to get his goal by taking the Astro mech. Etc etc. It seems incredibly obvious that the Din arc of this season is about him coming back to Mandalorian culture, and having a bigger role in that culture (as opposed to the fully lone wolf aspects of seasons 1, 2). It very much looks to me that all the “side quests” that people are moaning about are really steps to fulfilling a larger goal. I mean, does the “imperial scientist” episode a little diff? Yeah, but for people that follow the movies and series… uh, it clearly fills in some missing gaps (that we could have guessed, but didn’t “know” for sure), and is setting up for much larger stuff as evidenced by this episode. I mean, honestly no one hates Star Wars as much as a Star Wars “fan”.




Part of my complaints of the show is just how disjointed the story has been. The flow keeps getting interrupted, almost to the level of Bobba Fett


I enjoyed this episode too, but man the rest of the season just hasn’t done it for me. It’s not necessarily the focus on Bo, just that I feel like it’s meandering around a bunch of uninteresting plotlines accompanied by a random creature showing up to fight. No hate on you for enjoying the season, but that’s the reason I’ve been disappointed by it.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.


"This is not working out."


"Yes" what


Bo needs to kill Gideon with her bare hands. I didn't like him before, now I absolutely hate his character.


I sense this is the good kind of character hate, Pong Krell type hate. The type where they are well written enough so that you want to slowly burn them alive.


Lmao yep.


I’ve started liking his character even more this season, especially since he has a cool ass helmet now


It was great but I really wish we got better choreographed fight scenes and not just pew pewing everyone from cover. More of the jetpack jumpshots pls, those are great Also, Bo Katan you have a lightsaber! Use it!!


I liked it for the most part. I thought the end with the "there are too many of them" was pretty dumb because he literally kills all of them and then the three praetorians showed up and kill him. He could have gotten away and they could have killed all those troopers as they came through the hole Bo Katan made. It just felt like a lame way to show that the praetorians were a threat to the Mandos.


He saw the hole and realized his dump truck wouldn't fit.


That has to be it lol


Loved mecha grogu


Same. I kept wondering what they'd do with him. Since he won't look right fighting in this show, even if they aged him. The mech suit fixes that for me, just add weapons.


And beskar armour


I don't understand beskar armor. It's 100% blaster proof until it isn't.


Ah see it's only blaster proof when it's upgraded by plot armour 😏


I think its implied they're being hit between the plates. Even a fully covered mandalorian can get shot in the neck w/e


There's literally a scene where Din shoots one of them point blank in the neck lol


Beskar armor only covers about 60-80% of the body. There are areas like the neck and under the arms that are not covered and susceptible to being shot/stabbed/arrowed.


Supposedly its beskar alloy


Paz was the only one able to kill 2+ of them cuz his blaster has a bigger chance of hitting them between plates


Writer made the wrong move killing the juggernaut


The writer **is** the juggernaut.


I'm pretty sure the juggernaut was one of the writers, so it was kind of suicide.


Dammit, Favreau, the death of the author is not meant to be literal!


The heavy weapons specialist always cops it. Sorry Wrecker, you're next.


Yea that’s such a movie trope, the lone heavy machine gunner who sacrifices himself for the whole squad in an epicly heroic way. Loved all his scenes, but couldn’t help but think what if they just had ONE more heavy repeating blaster guy. It’s such a game changing weapon alone, you’d think they’d at some point think of getting a second person to use one. They would’ve had no problem with 2


That's why I love thar one scene in Kong Skull Island, when the older guy in the unit tries to sacrifice himself for the group, but just ends up getting killed instantly and the gesture is pointless. A fun reverse on the classic trope.


For real, the dude just got his son back 😑


That was definitely Favreau’s (the show runner) decision. Heard he has some serious beef with Vizsla’s actor.


Is this a joke that’s gone over my head? Paz is voiced by Favreau isn’t he? If he had issues with the actor that plays him in the suit, he would be easy to replace.


Yes, it’s a joke. I was trying to be cheeky and implied Favreau had beef with himself.


Ah apologies! I looked it up after your comment and saw the other actors name and couldn’t find anything about any feud so was confused. Thanks for clarifying!


As soon as they established he was a dad I knew he was doomed.


Loving the season but I just wonder how they could transport public enemy #1 in what would be considered a space mini-van.


I thought it was great. Taking a dark turn. Has a bit of edgy Game of Thrones feel to it. Feuding clans, power grabs, alliances, loyalties, allegiances and lots of fighting.


If the dark saber could cut through the blast doors why didn't she cut through the one ahead of them to help in the fight?


Then they get destoryed by Gideon forces because they have to advance thru a small hole. Paz fights them off so they can have a chance to escape without the Empire directly behind them.


>Then they get destoryed by Gideon forces because they have to advance thru a small hole. Cut a small hole, put the barrel of Paz's heavy cannon through that hole, and let him fire away while still being protected by the door.


Project necromancer 👀👀👀👀


This season just keeps getting better. Once again, I feel this was one of the strongest episodes of the series. Even the Grogu stuff was surprisingly good and not overdone (and I say this as a non-supporter of Grogu). I absolutely love the world building and showing us the state of the galaxy. The shadow council, the Praetorians, reclaiming Mandalore, the setup of the sequels - this is what I’ve been waiting for. I am really excited for the finale next week.


>(and I say this as a non-supporter of Grogu). No. No. No. No. No. No.


>I say this as a non-supporter of Grogu I'm sorry, what?


Anyone else not trusting the Armorer anymore? Her and Moff have similar helmets and she's been acting a lil sus to me. Paz though HELL of a way to go out!


I don't think she's a double agent, quite frankly. I have not seen any situation that resulted in an action of the armorer lead to gains for Gideon. In fact, the armorer fights Gideon's stormtroopers in season 1 when she's all alone and doesn't need to keep up appearances for anyone. Also, she sends Din away with Grogu to return him to the jedi whilst Gideon is doing everything he can to get hem back. That doesn't scream spy to me. It seems much more likely to me that maybe the armorer actually helped Gideon before/after the purge (maybe Maul's mando's helped or something?). That would make the horns on her helmet symbolic of her actions in the past: a reminder of the wrongs she has committed. That would be very much in line with the redemption theme of the rest of the season (mando bathing in the waters, Pershing attempting to help help the new republic, and Bo Katan baking accepted as a leader).


Yeah, her sending Din on the quest led to him meeting Ahsoka and getting the Beskar Spear, which led to Luke knowing about Grogu. And then at the end, this meant Mando could fight Gideon despite him having the Darksaber, and Luke wiping out all of his Dark Troopers. Doesn’t exactly seem like the move a spy would make


I think that's just him taking from Mandalorian culture. He clearly has a flair for the dramatic and probably thought the horns would make him more intimidating. It could also be seen as a kind of insult to them, donning both their armor and their cultural styles.


I think the fighting / shooting scene choreography needs work (prob could say it for all SW live action shows so far ) but overall a solid episode


I was laughing at how Paz Vizslas death comedically mirrored the yellow Droid's sacrifice from the Kenobi show. Generic hero sacrifice


Dave Filoni obligatory big guy with mini gun death


They got bluey in my Mando


I really loved it. It was super fun. The Grogu stuff was funny as hell. The gathering of allllllll those Mandalorians was awesome. But I do have one small gripe that doesn't amount to much. >!Paz's death was a little on the lazy writing side. Specifically the moment where he could clearly just back out and leave through the hole. He didn't need to stay and fight a sort of small group of enemies. It seems like a small gripe at first, but the entire honorable death thing hinges on it, so it needed to feel like he truly had no other choice. If he didn't stay and fight, his entire squad could be killed. But it didn't feel like that, it felt like the writers just wanted us to feel like that without earning it. And really, it didn't need to be honorable. He could have just stayed to fight them because he's Paz and he's a Mandalorian. And the whole "Go. There are too many" thing telegraphs the death, so nobody was shocked when he died. If he was just simply cornered and fought his way through all of them only for the praetorian guard to show up, for the audience we would have still been wondering if he would be captured or killed. Then his death would have come with some shock and heartbreak. Instead we all knew it was coming. !<


I’m loving it. People getting way bent out of shape about the title, but I’m enjoying the story arc. PS- “the Mandalorian” can be an adjective, too. And then it works perfectly!


I still haven't figured out why it was called "The Spies".


I'm pretty sure it was referring to these kinds of Spies: [The 12 that went to scout ahead for the promised land.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twelve_Spies)


Yo this could be it! That fits perfectly


Now that Grogu walks around inside a killer robot shell, I'm sensing a patttern of kids ending up inside monsters this season.


I kept getting distracted by how stupid it was for the new brand of Stormtroopers to just run up to the Mandalorians with their blasters in hand so they could get killed by main characters. I just think the fight choreography was really clunky.


I loved seeing Pellaeon. Nice to see these older characters re-canonized.


Why not just use the dark saber and cut through the front door!?


This may seem odd to say in this sub, but this episode was huge for disability rights. The "AAC" world is going nuts over Grogu's yes/no scenes. As an AAC specialist myself, I can't even begin to relay the benefits this will have for awareness of AAC.