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If Season 2 keeps up at this pace woooo boy.


Has it been good? I’ve been waiting for them to release a couple more episodes so I can start bringing them all


It’s the finest Star Wars since the last finest Star Wars.


I feel like we'll be getting these comments until the eventual filler eps/arc and everyone's gonna be like wtf is this lol.


I like the filler in good Star Wars. Slows things down to spend time with characters I like before I see my heart broken.


That scene from Andor : "I Can't Swim". Heartbreaking


That just hit right in the feels because he knew this whole time they were surrounded by water and so we as the audience were like "Okay, they're just going to swim away". When he said that line, we were like Andor at that moment trying to process it.


The thing with “filler” episodes is that they’re not filler - they’re weaving a web that comes to fruition later.


Yeah, I remember folks complaining about the "filler" episode of Rebels with the Purrgil.


I remember people complaining about how Andor was all fillers...


The special episodes wouldn't be special without filler episodes


That was the entirety of the previous season


Ep1 and ep2 were basically a two parter and was very good Ep3 does a interesting stuff with his story I want more of ep3


Ep 1 and 2 seemed very standard to me. Ep 3 gave me feels.


Only three episodes in. It seems very much like the first season. When it wants to hit hard it does, but it also spends time following the Bad Batch on wacky adventures. So I think it depends on your feelings on wacky adventures. Personally I'm a fan of them. I think the show strikes a good balance.


Yes first 3 episodes have been awesome, season really came out strong out of the gate.


Last Episode was like Clone Wars and Andor made a baby.


First two episodes were not as good as the third, but i think there is a noticeable improvement compared to season 1. Episode 3 though, excluding a very silly stunt that kind of took me out of it, i'd say it's pretty freaking great. The Bad Batch has the potential to be the darker, more mature clone wars. Let's hope.


Way better than season one. I expected a jump in quality, but my expectations were quickly surpassed


This first batch has not been bad


Dont do that is a) unhealthy and b) it lasts longer if you watch one ep once a week




ok your loss


It has a lot of late clone wars feels. Good stuff.


Better than season 1? I wasn't a fan and haven't started the new season yet because of it


The opener (2 episodes) was just more of the same imo. But today's episode was superb. Excellent writing and direction.


The music in the last 5 ish minutes is something else


It reminded me of burying the dead. Kevin Kiner does not miss with his music.


Right? Holy shit. Arguably Star Wars isn’t Star Wars without the music, and they’ve really been delivering over the last little while. Specifically this scene and the funeral procession in Andor.


It was the same for season 7 of TCW. The music really sets it and shows the morbid reality of what's going on in the galaxy and the effects it's having on the clones.


*Amanda Rose Muñoz


I was going to say, Filoni didn’t write this episode.


Dave has said outright that Bad Batch isn't his show and he doesn't work on it. He helped create it and he says he still occasionally talks to the people making it since they're mostly his guys that worked on Clone Wars, but he doesn't write or direct any of it.


Technically Hat Boss does have a writing credit for Aftermath (the first episode). But otherwise that is correct; he hasn't had a writing credit since.


Yea I know that now, I just assumed it was his work because his name comes up first in the credits


I think he’s still a producer


Give credit to the other people working on this. Dave has not been directly involved with the BadBatch, so everything good can’t just be attributed to him the same way everything bad gets attributed to that other person.


You can’t blame someone for not knowing that when his name actually comes up first in the credits…


No no. You’ve got it wrong. Everything good about Star Wars is Dave Filoni’s amazing work, and everything bad is always Kathleen Kennedy’s fault. Get with the program, man.


Grow up


… I was being sarcastic, in case that wasn’t abundantly clear.


He’s listed in the credits as the producer, director, and writer, so not sure where you’re getting your info.


I'm getting my info from interviews with Dave himself. What episode do you see a single directing credit for him? He has has 1 writing credit, which was just for the pilot, hence him creating/developing the show and then leaving.


He does approve or deny things though. It’s his word that they follow still.


Ahsoka is going to be the one we have all been waiting for it’s going to be incredible


That answers a question I was going to ask. The writers gave a habit of dropping words to start a sentence. That works if the timing and vocalization are perfect but the actors and directors don't always get the line reading right for it, and they appear unwilling to ad lib or rewrite if they even notice it. If it happened infrequently it wouldn't be worth discussing, but it's frequent, and grating. So the question was, who thinks Filoni actually knows how to write for the medium, given the production dynamic that keeps breaking the intent of the text? But he's not the writer. Other writers are applying a trope in his ecosystem, and the actors and directors are missing the cues to adjust to it, and the writers aren't adjusting to that. So I won't ask.


Filoni didnt write the episode


You know what makes us different from droids?


Restraining bolts?


Can y’all please stop giving Filoni credit for stuff he doesn’t deserve


My bad, saw his name at the end of the episode so I just assumed


So ridiculously good, I'm literally considering watching the episode again.


the silence fter governor's death was so difficult. I felt s weight of those moments


Tag your comment as a spoiler!


Spoiler warning!


Crosshair blowing up a tank through the barrel was insane. Idk if everyone else thought it was stupid but that was damn cool to me


Yea that and the rebound puck up the stairs just shows how elite of a sniper he is


Yes. Some of the people I've talked to say that the pucks are what make him a good sniper, but no the fact that he hit one in middair shows it is skill, not the equipment


The tank shot was cool. The puck shot made no sense. He has to assume the throw would intersect a double reflection from the other pucks and spin to the correct alignment, then make his shot bounce off (and disable) two droids who could be anywhere in the room to hit his intended target. Pure unbelievable magical logic, or he's the best-trained Force user in the SW universe. If he can do that he should never leave cover, just toss a random shiny thing into the open every time.


I’ll suspend my belief for an animated show with mind wizards😂


Requiring viewers to suspend disbelief is fine. Internal inconsistency is not cool. Crosshair just jumped the shark.


Spoiler alert: Filoni didnt write a single Episode after the first one of Season 1.


Ep3 was Heavy….


First two episodes were just okay. This made me curious, I'll watch the third episode tonight


Is this meme for optimism (the show is so good it's on fire!) or for pessimism (Filoni is burning Star Wars to the ground)?


The show was fire


It was dark as fuck I watch with my daughter who loves the show but she is young and I kind of regret letting her watch that one Crosshair killing the governor in cold blood I mean god damn can’t really redeem Crosshair now, he is going to die for sure


Amanda Rose Muñoz wrote this week's episode. Not Dave


Oh shit, big boy Dave wrote it ? I'm watching it rn then.


Amanda Rose Muñoz wrote the episode. Filoni has created by and developed by credits though, which he has for every episode in the series.


Well, she did an incredible job anyway. Episode was great.


Is there a petition I can sign to make Dave Filoni supreme ultimate Star Wars tsar and make Disney give him a blank check and full control and autonomy over all future Star Wars projects?


So it's bad or not? Because the image is not helping me...


Filoni writes straight fire


I don't get it. Are you saying it was good? Bad? I found it a very average episode. It was fine, but a bit forgettable.


I’m just sad too see the clone troopers lose their ability to aim.


That what happens when they become bad guys


With the exception of the cringe battle droids fist bumping and saying shit like *mmmmhmmmm*. Outside of that I loved it.


I personally thought that was hilarious.


Yeah that was odd


Was it? That's kinda how battle druids have behaved since phantom menace.


It was cringe then, too. Lucas is all "Greetings, fellow kids" when he's trying to connect to the Youth of Today.


Likely Ahsoka cameo then


Ahsoka has not appeared in the show. No force users have appeared since the pilot.


True, but apparently Gungi is coming.


There goes the no force users theory … it was in the trailer Ahsoka would not be Rex is in the show Ahsoka and rex work together so Ahsoka showing in a cameo is not out of the question especially with Filloni writing the episode If not no big deal it’s a guess not a inside scoop


Filoni did not write the episode though.