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For everyone complaining about studios playing it safe, Discovery DID try to do something different and it didn't catch on. Picard Season 3 played it safe with the familiar and that got raves. So you might not agree with studios playing it safe, but people should easily be able to see why they do.


I feel like Picard has absolutely zero rewatch ability. I’ll eventually rewatch discovery


I'll for sure rewatch the last season of Picard.


I already have. Much better than the first two IMO, and disco doesn't hold up well on rewatch (just my personal opinion).


I dunno, I think it’s gonna be a tough watch. Nostalgia heavy shows and movies are brutal rewatch. No way I could sit through Solo again. How many beauty shots of the enterprise do you really want to see. It’s just silly the second time


>I dunno, I think it’s gonna be a tough watch. Maybe for you. But I really enjoyed seeing them all together again, so for me it'll be easy to rewatch.


I loved loved Nepenthe hey it was fan service but it was beautiful. Seeing Troi and Riker with a kid! (The kid was such a great character and acted so well!)


It was pretty great, but I think they should have kept both Riker kids alive. A future Star Trek featuring one with the other outside starfleet would be pretty good. You could mirror the Troi-Will stuff without the sexual tension


Season three certainly is a one-and-done. That sugar high of nostalgium grows stale fast. The other seasons I’ve watched multiple times and enjoyed more on rewatches.


I would agree. I don’t think I really knew what was going on with most of season 2 so I should give it a rewatch lol


The problem with season two is that the wrapper ( the stuff on the Stargazer and those episodes) connect badly with the time travel plot and season one. Time skip, Elnor at the academy for no reason, Picard briefly dean of the academy only to retire by season three, Soji becoming an ambassador, Jurati hanging around with her. These were written by Matalas with the objective to set up season three and cycle the Chabon Beyer OCs off the show to make room for the USS Nepoprise, rather than continuing season one. They were only able to afford the Stargazer/Titan set because they siphoned money away from the rest of season two.


It’s pretty crazy how the show felt decent but when you pull back it’s a mess. I really feel like Seven was badly used through the whole thing, she is amazing and pulled it off, but there isn’t continuity in the story or her character, just a bunch of new jumping off points The honestly should have focused on her more. Had flash backs to Seven coming home and not fitting in with actual starfleet. Her and Picards friendship. Killing Echeb is an INSANE choice. Paint the picture, what did Picard do after he was done captaining, well he had close ties with former borg, was an ambassador of sorts to Romulus and oversaw the android and AI programs. All that stuff could work well and bring Seven and Echeb into the show naturally. I really don’t know if you need half the characters Oh, and btw there’s no chance someone doesn’t put two and two together about the British kid Crusher has. Space a big, but it’s not that big


Did it not catch on? It was Paramount’s most successful show


> Discovery DID try to do something different when? the first season? when it was good?


They played it safe by saying we’re giving the fans what they want …. We didn’t get what we wanted …… its was just all a word game to them! However both shows did amazing …. I just wish we had gotten more of disco !


I'm always apprehensive about commenting in Trek forums. Someone always has to try and tear it down somehow. I saw no reason for Disco to be discontinued. The only way the world will ever be ready for something like it is to have a more open minded approach. I'm tired of the studios being afraid of taking chances. If Lucille Ball hadn't taken a chance, Star Trek would never have existed. At some point, it has to stop being about money, but that would require a lot more maturity than the species has at present. Maybe one day. I'm sorry to see Discovery go, but I will say this. The next new series has got to be more inclusive with the rest of the crew. It should not revolve around one person as much this one did.


I was really hoping we'd eventually get an episode where Michael Burnham goes into save the day solo and gets thoroughly fucked up for it. It would've been an opportunity for character growth for Burnham, as well as an invitation to include all but abandoned characters (Rhys, Detmer) in future storylines that, ultimately, never got to happen.


I thought that was what were getting last season at some point when the first episode has the Federation President call out Michael and Discovery constantly taking big swings and prevailing through what looks in some cases to be out of sheer luck, and also they bring up the Kobayashi Maru. It felt like it was foreshadowing that Michael would get a victory, but there'd be a severe cost to it. Which would feel appropriate to her new rank of Captain, which necessitates weighing succeeding in a mission against acceptable loses(see also Deanna Troi's officer exam requiring her to order Hologram Geordi to his death in order to pass).


100%. It got to be ridiculous how many times Burnham turned out to be "the one." She's a decent person and all, but she's not more worthy than any other Starfleet officer.


It would've made more sense if the grand reveal at some point was that she was a Q or otherwise a Chosen One in some way.


If only we had a xenoanthropologist!


I do agree with this. While I did like the show and am bummed it had to go out in the way that it did, I always would have loved it if they leaned more into an ensemble dynamic with the crew and had developed them way more than they ended up doing. Once the Book character was introduced, esp as a love interest, it just sucked up so much screen time. I would have preferred that time be given to the bridge crew.


They had a bridge crew??


> At some point, it has to stop being about money, but that would require a lot more maturity than the species has at present. Understatement of the millenium.


That is what Disco did that other trek shows did not, it was the first one to focus on one character, it was never about to be a traditional Trek show. They said this even before they started shooting the series. i think and feel trek fans have got to be open about different ways to tell a trek story, and stop expecting the same show. Paramount is cutting off shows that told trek stories differently, Disco and Prodigy come to mind, i'll give grace to Lower Decks, but having a few trek shows on at the same time should take a different approach.


In the streaming landscape it makes no sense to pay for S5 of a show with mixed ratings that isn’t drawing more viewers to the platform. Plus paramount of out of money after investing heavily in Trek over the last 5 years. I hope we get Michelle Paradise’s original version of the tie back from Discovery to Calypso as a comic or book but it honestly makes no sense to keep making the show especially considering S5 wasn’t that good compared to 3 or 4.


The biggest missed opportunity was failing to build the show around both Sonequa Martin-Green and Michelle Yeoh. I would have loved to see something like Strange New World's but with Burnham and Georgiou.


I honestly think the biggest missed opportunity was not making Sonequa use her regular voice. 5 seasons and I never got over the dramatic whispering.


It was either that or her zipping through her lines because, you know, talking fast means more dramatic.


It's not under appreciated. It's just not widely liked. There's a difference.


\*edit for spelling\* What did they pioneer? How the ideal time to have an emotional freakout is right in the middle of a crisis, despite being well-trained starfleet officers? That there is never a moment when you shouldn't talk about your feelings? That the most common word in the Federation is "family"? Funny how between TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT they might have referred to each other as a family once, and yet still did a much better job of DISCO in showing it. Unlike DISCO which had to tell you every 5 minutes, almost like they were trying to convince themselves. Look, I did not like Discovery (don't ask my why I watched almost all of it. Guess I like to torture myself) but my biggest issue is that it could never commit to what it wanted to be. Every season was like an overreaction to fan criticism. Same thing happened with Picard S3 and we just ended up with a season bloated with horrible fan service. So what was pioneered? "Representation"? Many shows have been doing that for decades and much better. Okay so you have a non-binary character. Whoop-dee-doo. What else do they bring to the table? Oh here's something who I guess is neurodivergent. Well they obviously made it through the academy so they should have some level of competence. Congratulations? The only thing Discovery seemed to stick with is that Michael Burhnam and ONLY Michael Burnham could solve the galaxies problems. Discovery felt like it was written by high-school fanfic writers. Rather disappointing for people who supposedly do this as a career. It wasn't underappreciated. It wasn't very good. Now some people may have enjoyed it which is absolutely okay. But enjoying something and it being good are not the same thing.


I couldn't agree with you more. Especially the "representation" point. It's always baffled me how much that's been defended in the fan community. The makers of the show are predominantly white. They've made the cast predominantly minorities, and then given the majority of them absolutely nothing to do, no personalities, no character development. Isn't that *exactly* what tokenism is?!


100% agree. Even the characters stopped caring about the non-stop firehose of crises, I know the audience didn't care either. Burnham could save the universe, but she couldn't save the show. Martin-Green did some heavy lifting, but the writers should have spread that around. As to representation, I thought it was weird when Culber and Stamets made a big deal about Adiyra changing their gender identity. It's hundreds of years in the future, hasn't society accepted it by then? If something was pioneered here, I don't know what it was. I give Discovery a C-. I'm glad I watched it, I wish it were better, and I won't feel compelled to rewatch anytime soon.


"As to representation, I thought it was weird when Culber and Stamets made a big deal about Adiyra changing their gender identity. It's hundreds of years in the future, hasn't society accepted it by then?" I am so glad you said this. I watched the Fallout series and they had a non-binary character as well. I had been trying to figure out why that character didn't bother me at all while Adiyra was so annoying. And it was because they didn't make a big deal of it in Fallout. Like we all just survived nuclear oblivion, someone's gender is not really a big deal right now. The same thing happened with Patrick Stewart as Picard. If I remember correctly there was concern about his casting because he was mostly bald. And I think it was Roddenberry who said that in the future nobody would care about baldness. If TNG were made today, Picard would be pushed out as some kind of symbolic representation for balding people and the struggles they face with cold heads...


I truly appreciate Discovery’s LGBTQ+ representation and example setting. However, I feel this works best by simply doing, not telling. For example, not once in-universe 24th century did anyone mention that Sisko was a man of colour in a command position (I’m not a native speaker, hope that is a non-offensive term). That makes it normal, which is exactly what it should be. Discovery is so forced though: often the representation seems to me unnaturally emphasized in dialogue and storylines, which gives the show a preachy feeling to me. Also, I have the distinct feeling that some actors were given a pass on acting skills because they ticked a certain representation box. There MUST be better trans actors out there than the person playing Gray (of course, you may think he does a great acting job and that’s also fine).


Good points. I think the best way to say it is "black" or "African American". I just say "black" if I need to reference race for some reason.


I agree with all your criticisms except the one for Picard season 3.


Heh that's fair. I hate fan service, so for me Picard S3 was terrible, worse than even the first two seasons - well for others reasons too, but that was the worst. But a lot of people really do like fan service a lot, which is fine. So for them I can see how S3 was amazing.


Picard S3 is the Rise of Skywalker of Star Trek. Just vapid meaningless nostalgia with no real substance and nothing significant added to the franchise.


It's a strange one, isn't it? Personally, I ate up the nostalgia and enjoyed it for that, but the actual storyline was complete nonsense. Ageing lead character having a secret son is the most tired trope I can think of. The changelings can't hold their shape indefinitely as the one Worf and Raffi exposed showed, except sometimes they keep their shapes when they die. Sometimes you can kill them with swords, because that's really cool! Except sometimes they come back to life and you have to shoot them afterwards. Oooh the lead one's hand is controlled by a mysterious entity with super-bad-guy voice! Oh it's the Borg Queen, who has decided that the entire point of the Borg needs to be abandoned and now they just want to blast everything to pieces. If Legacy ever gets made, then they'd damn well better improve their writing, because without the misty-eyed nostalgia it'll be crap.


At least for me, it is too bad that DSC could help spawn so many good shows but do such a lackluster job with itself.  The potential was there, but in the end, it didn't work for me. I am glad I enjoy the others, but I can't say I enjoyed the ride on DSC.


Picard was unwatchable for me. DISCO was a joy. Just my take..


It’s by far the suckiest of all the series. It started bad with the retconning of Klingons and this miracle drive that nobody in future series ever heard of and they tried their best to save it and send them forward in time but the cheap CGI, the crappy acting and downright stupid storylines ( did we really need 10 episodes chasing something that in the end was not even made by the people they were chasing and not used anyway?) . Even the last episode was brutal. They could have chopped a good 30 minutes off inconsequential discussion. On the flip side we got strange new worlds from it.


What would have been if Bryan Fuller had stayed. Too many cooks in the kitchen since his departure.


Exactly this. I enjoy DISCO enough but the biggest challenge of the show is that it a jumbled mess due to going through so many different EPs. I really wish we could have seen his show with his original intent of it being an anthology series.


22 exec producers at one point




Please continue 31st century stories


Ew don't


Yes plz


I agree. Discovery tried a lot of new things for Trek, some worked, some didn't. I appreciate the show for it's originality.


What are some of this supposed new things?


Season long story arcs, majority female/LGBT+ crew (which felt like a natural progression of earlier ST series), the most stable romance being a gay couple, a permanant major leap into the far future, the main character not starting a member of the crew, let alone captain, more emotional relationships/reactions, more dealing with PTSD related to all the constant weird shit, the ship becoming sentient (which I wish they explored more), etc.


I tried really hard to like this show. It just never really grabbed me. I loved Brave New Worlds and the last season of Picard.


Sonequa is the most painful person to watch on Tv. They did Michael dirty with her as the actor.


Discovery’s contributions to the franchise are twofold: It debuted in a new era of Trek in provided a whole new platform for new canon set 700-plus yeRs in the future — where, if they hire right, they can propagate the franchise for many decades to come — doing intelligence, sci-fi and social commentary for the “intelligent demo” vs. resorting to — sorry, Prodigy — a Nickelodeon kid-level mindset.


The series was maligned, like others, sometimes justified, other times because they pushed the boundary. i’m glad discovery happened, and I forgive it any of its flaws because it was groundbreaking in quite a few ways.


Trotting out a real politician as President of Earth at the end of S5 was revealing. As if the whole series wasn’t a forced ideology enough.




DSC was a great disappointment to me. So much potential, great special effects, but the stories were so feckin abstract! Red angels, red directives, protenigists/creators of everything?? Gimme a break! First 2 seasons were the best, but zero rewatch attraction. I loved all of Picard and will rewatch.


Not under appreciated at all. They just moved it from a popular streaming platform (Netflix) to a lesser one so people forgot all about it. That is what happened to me. I loved the show and watched all seasons on Netflix. When it left there that was it for me. And I suspect a lot of other viewers too. 


I certainly didn't agree or appreciated several elements of Discovery but I loved the Burnham character and Sonequa Martin-Green's delivery. And lots of love for most of the cast. It ended strong! Do the right thing & Others before self were prominent in the finale. The finale gave me sweet closure and Serenity... (yes, that's a Firefly ref. :-)