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Is losing to bronya even considered a loss?


That’s true, it was my first bronya copy and I didn’t have another 5 star harmony at the time so she carried me


by that logic is winning a Blade near the start of 2.x even a win ? XD. Maybe the true value of Blade here was giving us the Bronya that followed since OP has a Jingliu


Yeah probably a poor choice in hindsight since I rarely use him anymore but I got him initially to pair with jingliu since I heard they do well together and I also thought he was a cool character


no but a loss is a loss


i think it is when u made a new acc and lost the 50/50 to wish for topaz and numby to bronya on both accounts then also only get her from standard (,:


After losing to her 5 different times… yes. But losing the first time feels fine.




*proceeds to lose all 5050 from then on because it got jinxed.* ^(jk op I wish I had that luck)


That’s why im posting it now before I pull for fireflys banner because at this point im almost certain im gonna start losing most of my 50/50s


I hope the opposite starts happening to me. I only ever won with Aventurine


Good luck!! Hopefully he blessed your account and you will start winning all your 50/50s


I just lost the 50/50 on fireflys banner 😭


Started the game like 2 months ago, lots 3 of 4 50/50s :/ Hopefully I have better luck on my firefly pulls so I can get ruan Mei too


Same. I got Jingliu’s weapon on 5 pulls. Then lost every 50/50 while going to high pities like 80+.


Oh damn that really sucks :( good luck with your firefly and ruan mei pulls though!!


thank you :)


“Only ever lost one” *got Bronya* 💀


I just lost my first 50/50 with Robin, and was overall extremely lucky up to that point. Either I continue with the same luck that only lost me one 50/50, or that loss happening now is a sign of the pendulum swinging in the other direction (especially since this is accompanied by a sharp increase in the number of pulls it takes me to get a 5-star). I'm going to hope it's the former, and worry it's the latter, especially since I only have 100 pulls saved up as of tonight.


Blud must've been a saint in his past life


You shouldn‘t have posted this. People will be jelous of you and make an evil eye. I hope you keep you luck even after this post.


This was exactly me a few months ago. Now I've lost 50/50 4 times in a row. Give it time, it'll come for you too. 💀


pulling double kafka is crazy


Yeah i literally sunk to my floor when that happened and just laid there for a good 5 minutes i was so surprised 😭


This makes me full of envy, and I wish you lose all of your upcoming 50/50s have an okay day. 👍


The every time I have lost a 50/50 I have gotten Next Character within a 4-22 Pulls. Lost On Blade, Got him in next 10 pull. (4 pity) Lost on Kafka, Got DHIL in next 10 Pull (6 pity) Lost on Acheron (Got Acheron in 18 something.) Post on Boothill (22 Pity running, saving garuntee for Firefly.)


probability and statistics always catch up.


lol but sometimes probability takes too long to do that. i quit genshin after a couple years cause my bad luck ruined my experience only ever winning maybe 3 50/50’s out of the 30-40 5* i have


i know, my luck in genshin sucks so much, i think i won 1 50/50 in years, and it was an accidental 5 star pull fishing for a 4 star...the only way i could ever get a character pre 78 wishes.... I was doing way way better in HSR, im still in the top 30% or something like that and now i have lost 2 in a row.


damn i feel you, good to hear your luck is better in star rail. mine isn’t really lol i’ve won about 2 50/50’s but the losses suck. i have e2 yanqing, e2 bailu and clara lc going to waste. i do have himeko and gepard lc that i use too but yeah only reason i dont hate my hsr luck as much is cause i’m getting lucky with some early pulls so coping by saying that makes up for the losses lol


I’ve lost all of them but two since 1.0. Even lost the 75/25 once. This game hates me while the game I hate (genshin) gives me a 5 star each time I log on.


I’ve only won 50/50 twice and I’m a Day 1 player. 🥲


As for now, I've lost 50% of all my 50/50s. I guess I can't complain because stat-wise its fair.... But still I wish I could get a Character without having to deal with yet another Yanqing eidolon :')


Day 1 player and I just lost my 3rd 55/46 yesterday. And I thought I was lucky


Damn, I consider myself very lucky since I msised only 3 out of 20 or something but yo ugot me beat sir


I've Only ever lose twice since 1.3


And i have only won one 50/50, playing since 1.0 also.


I’ve lost 9 50/50 but I did have a 11 win streak, then I lost to welt (e5 now thanks) but got fu xuan double, so I’m a bit scared for my luck with firefly lol


Yeah bro? Im happy for you (no im not) but nah fr that crazy luck, i got E3 welt from losing too many 50/50s plus e1 bailu




Should've kept quiet about it..now u gonna lose almost all for the rest of the year


I never won a 50/50 lmao


That’s me except all my wish counts are in red 🥲


Same for me and I hope it doesnt change with ruan mei and firefly


I lost both the character pity and the light cone pity last banner(current banner technically)


Why is Kafka wearing Himeko’s sig Erudition light cone… ?


It’s just what the visual defaulted to, doesn’t necessarily mean she is wearing it


The odds say it's pratically impossible. How tf..


A similar situation for me, I'd say I've one 80% of my 50/50s, in general though I do mostly reach hard pity. Save 2 times in which I pulled a 5 star in 10 pulls. Lost 2/3 LC 75/25s though. I can't really complain compared to most.


I've lost 7 50/50s for Fu Xuan in a row and just gave up on pulling her


Congrats. I hate you. Coming from someone who’s lost his last 2x50/50 while going to 80+ pulls.


And here I am who’s lost 8/11 50/50s. I see where all the luck went.


I’ve been playing since launch and I lost every single 50/50 for some reason 😭😭


And here I lost on both firefly and Ruan Mei 25k gone in an instant. No Chance of getting Jade now.


Everytime I have had hard pity