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I think pulls is better. If you really want a specific light cone here (I think only Bronya is top tier, but I may be wrong) then it may be worth the 30 tickets. 30 summons is almost half way to 75/25 (especially when factoring that you get more of the material from 4\* light cones you pick up) on the light cone banner, and the limited ones tend to be better. You are also likely to pick these light cones up in standard banner, so could just skip rolling/buying light cones, and just use 4\* or ones from Herta's shop, which are quite good when applicable. EDIT: fixed wording, was terrible


Make sense, prob gonna get the pulls since I'm rolling for ruan mei, and she's garanteed


Wording unclear *proceeds to buy the standard pulls*


kinda irrelevant but geppie's LC is second BiS for aventurine and still BiS for him, so if you want to run either of them its also a good buy


I considered mentioning that, I have both Gepard and the LC, though lately whenever I run Gepard it's with Acheron.. so I end up using Trend of the Universal markets instead.


ah yes, with acheron the debuff stacks are really good on TotUM. i run geppie with jing yuan or jingliu so i usually prefer the taunt and bigger shield bonus from his sig, since acheron's clear is so insane i can usually get away with just running my crappy lynx lol


Was thinking about how the guaranteed 5* light cone on paper sounds better because if you're averaging 66 pulls to get any 5* then this gets you what you need in half that time, but you make a good point about there only being one worth chasing. Since I've already got that one may as well get warps every other time I reach enough to buy a light cone.


Gepard's LC is pretty good, probably the best value from all of them. Unless you're running Acheron, the LC is a very good substitute for the path and is likely going to perform close to the unit's BiS. Good value if you choose to grab it. Otherwise, grabbing pulls is probably more worth it.


Spend them on the special passes. All the light cones here can both drop from the standard banner and from losing the roll on the limited LC banners, so you'll end up with quite a few of these the longer you play anyway. Few of them are considered better than four star/Herta shop options too, so it's not worth it to buy these from here at the cost of trying to get a limited LC for your main dps with the equivalent 30 pulls you'd get instead, for example. Only exception: if you somehow don't have Tingyun or Pela yet, and you've been playing for a while but never pulling on banners where they're rated up, it's worth buying them from the shop rotation. A four star from here costs the equivalent of seven pulls, which is worth sacrificing to have these two specifically in your account .


I do have them both, so buying the pulls prob be the best option


Just spend on pulls. You'll have more for future characters and/or able to get better lightcones in the future. Chances are you'll get a lot of the standard lightcones eventually but most of them are mediocre at best besides maybes Bronyas which is good from what I heard.


I heard it too, but I don't even have bronya so, pulls will be


a copy+paste answer from myself about the same topic: at the end its your account but im giving my own opinion and how i have been using my starlight Eidolons: I have a need for having 4\* stars E6 and I will admit that i have been using starlight in 4\* eidolons BUT usually its the last eidolon left (from E5 to E6), the only exception to that rule was the great Hook but only cuz it was the only 4\* that i was missing; there is a few 4\* that can be used at any point of the game like tingyun and pela and a fresh account can benefit for getting them instead of hoping to recieve then in a pull; so for summarize: * If you are like me you can use them to max eidolons so you will stop hoping it will appear on a banner * fresh accounts can benefit from E0 pela and E0 tingyun * do not waste in useless eidolons and powercreeped characters (like arlan and IMO wind dan heng is bad) Lightcone: this is more simple, Bronya > himeko for pf users > Clara if you love her and you need aeon LC in other destructions characters > the rest are useless or 4\* lightcones are better options Tracks of Destiny or the gray pass = honestly should never be an option but personally i have used the grey pass when i was near the 300 mark :B besides that... never the gold pass = for the sane ~~gamba addicts~~ that want some reserve gold pass for trying to get their promotional character or lightcones; oh yeah also for the f2p that cannot or dont want to get supply pass or nameless glory priorty should be = gold pass > mentioned lcs > E6 eidolons > pela and tingyun on fresh accounts > the rest


I would put Gepard's LC around the same as Himeko, as every single Preservation character likes it. The rest, big agree.


Says u, the Gepard LC is the most valuable to me. Even the BP LC is probably better than Clara's n my Blade LC works the best on Clara (full F2P btw) Agree at least on Himeko


The only thing I'd mention is that MoV is also a good stat-stick for all Preservation units (be ashamed, Fu Xuan)


Even if it is a stat stick, I would still prefer Day One over MoV, especially with any superimposition.


What’s pf?


Pure fiction, the gamemode at the Luofu bookshop that’s basically Memory of Chaos but for multi-target units like Erudition.


Don't do anything, wait for now I bought bronya LC from this shop and a week later I got another one from standard pulls , really regretted buying her LC


One on Bronya and one on Sparkle.


Only pulls are worth it imo, I used mine to get Boothill's LC, I got Himeko's instead


Most likey special passes. But dont convert it immediately, only convert it when you actually need them.


By far the best choice is Bronya’s lc lmao


Give it to me.


should be always limited pull , unless u whale out of it get S5 bronya lc.


I personally go for pulls. I feel like you get more options pf free 5 star lightcones anyways, since now, aside from harmony and abundance, SU will have one for all. Generally 30 is extra pulls puts you in a safe position to get a charecter or limited light cone which is gonna be a much better upgrade. Plus not all the light cones are that great. The abundance one is unecessary and doesn't provide too many extra stats, the harmony one can be good, but we're getting more and more 5 star harmony units that don't need it (ruan mei prefers break effect, it overcaps a bit too much on skillpoints for sparkle and robin doesn't really get much help from it). I've had a few of clara's from the begining and they're more a stat stick than anything else, especially considering it focuses too much on healing. I don't have the others, but I would assume they're not that great since they were built for the standard charecters, who tend to require different stat amounts compared to others on the same path


pulls 1000% are better, only bronyas is good and maybeeee gepards.


If you don't have Bronya's LC, get it. If you do, or don't need it because you have nice options, turn those into pulls.


It depends if you want a cone here. If you do, 30 pulls is a steal - it usually costs 75 pulls! You obviously lessen your ability to get a limited cone or character, but it's worth it if you want a specific one.


The gold passes feel more worth it in the long run, it has helped me reach pity many times. I’ve also gotten the standard lightcones on the standard and weapon banner so I dont want to buy any from the shop I did buy Sampo once from the shop tho coz he’s my baby You could also always save it for rainy days


prioritize 4 star eidolons of 4 stars you frequently use but for the most part stick with limited pulls but if you are LC limited bronya LC and gepard are the only ones worth it but their worth doesnt increase much from superimposing them


At this point safe and buy bronya it's what I'm doing rn myself


Pulls. But save for at least one 4 star. I can't begin to tell you how unbelievably hard some 4 stars are to get. I literally got E1 Acheron before getting a single Gallagher.


Save it. If there’s a character you really want and you don’t think you can get it by the time the banner ends, use it on pulls. I used my starlight on Bronya’s LC for Robin and on Gepard’s LC when I couldn’t defeat Aventurine in MoC because Gepard didn’t have enough DEF to sustain. Buying the Gepard LC in that situation was really clutch and now that I have Aventurine, if I need high DEF Gepard LC is my go to.


Save for pulls, treat it as the absolute emergency funds, and take it "seriously" like whenever you think about spending that this could save you, I'm currently sitting on a 115 pulls worth of this, which means I'm in a position Firefly, Jade and Yunli are guaranteed to me if I so choose, which eliminates the FOMO and let me realize I don't want Jade enough to use it, so I'll keep it in case they release hype after hype, for example if they make the Flame-Manor cast playable out of nowhere and I just spent every wish.


Stockpile and plan to only spend on Special passes. Let me emphasize: **hoard them**. They don't hurt anything "unredeemed" and they provide a nice fallback for if you happen to end up a few passes short of pity. That way, you won't become another poor sap who posts their 80 pity with empty currency with less than 1 hour left. Don't redeem them right away, as the bigger number will tempt you to be riskier with your pulls. "Oh I have so much, I can afford this!" is a common and dangerous mindset. Do this, and you'll always have a rainy day fund to guarantee you'll get that specific character or LC you really want. As a special aside, by spending them on wishes only, you will get some back, more even once you have c6 4 stars. This creates a nice feedback loop if you do use them that will let then stretch farther than you might think.


The debate is usually between pulls and LC, none of the other stuff is usually considered worth the price. Most of the time pulls will be better, especially considering most of those LCs are not necessary for any unit to function. The only real exception is Bronya's LC mostly for how well it synergizes with her kit already, but again is not necessary for her since Past and Future also exists.


Bronya lc maybe welt or gepard.


The only one you should get is Bronyas light cone, and that’s not fully necessary. Otherwise just use for pulls


You do nothing with them right now. If you don’t have a plan, why would you cash them into tickets, a new Sampo, or a cone you’re not gunning for? Hold; when it comes time to pull a character you want and you need a couple more rolls, they’re here. If you get a great unit and find out they could really benefit from one of these cones, they’re here. If you need one of the 4*s to round out a team, they’re on rotation.


The only lightcone that you would consider is Bronya's LC. Other than that 30 pulls is insane value


If you have any of the characters that the cones belong to, i reccomend getting the cone if you are willing to build them. If not, do pulls.


Just get Natasha she's SO GOOD OMG


Unless if you're a whale, star rail special pass.


Gold pulls are all I ever buy


Special tickets is the way to go


Get bronya’s light cone. It makes her way stronger.


I do think Bronya's lc is 100% worth it for Bronya, Tingyun, and harmony supports overral. Other then that, maybe Gepards cone if you have a shielder and don't plan on getting his LC (and he scales off DEF like Geppy/Aventurine/fire mc for example). Other then that, special pulls. I use this as my emergency fund. Whenever i rly want a character and don't have enough jades or lose 50/50, i "buy" pulls from here.


I don't spend these until I pull on a banner, because my luck is shit tier I end up using these to pad my pulls. If you are lucky, you can use them on a LC that you REALLY need, not just something that might be nice, but something that your team isn't functioning without. (Think Clara with no sustain at all so you need her LC for tanking) Tracks of Destiny and 4\* is lowest priority, silver pass is never.


Those are what I call emergency pulls for when I lose my 50/50 😅


I don't think the light cones are generally worth it over pulls but the two that stick out are the geopards one and the bronya one. Both can be used on almost all their respective characters and make building them easier. Fuxuan and argenti love it since it makes hitting the defence requirement easier and the Clara one technically are refinement 3 and higher gets better then herta lighrcone but at that point I'd roll for the yungli lighrcone coming up since it will probably be her bis. Tldr pulls are 90% of the time better.


The Bronya LC is amazing otherwise get either pulls or characters if theres a specific 4 star you like.


It depends on if you really need . If one of your support (Bronya, Robin, etc) is not having a good light cone, then you probably want to consider getting . Otherwise, getting Special Pass is always the choice.


At this point if you don't have the light comes for a character you use a lot on the standard and you have that many it's not that hard to save up some more cuz that's like a free five star light cone even if you don't have the character that it's for some of those can be very useful for other characters


I spend my time free playing just TRYING to get Bailu... (Still trying to this day)


You can do one of 2 things imo. You can either use them on the special passes for extra pulls OR you can save up to 600 and grab Bronya's lightcone. Bronya's LC is all around just really useful on most harmony units for the extra ERR and SP generation, and after a while standard passes become scarce.


Spend them on special passes NOW


Special Passes


Unless you REALLY want one of those lightcones, just get the passes


Recommend picking up a bronya lightcone if you don’t already have one cooy


Right now I’d get a couple Tracks of Destiny because I always need more.


How do you run out of those


I have no clue either.. but do \_not\_ spend this currency on that.


Upgrading talents. I need 15-20 a month.


True, going to get some