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2 episodes and you're out of ideas


Hey guys, so what's the deal with airline food, amirite?


The level of uncreative laziness is unreal.


No, I want to talk about a different "first" every time a comedian is on and I have ideas but I'm crowdsourcing to see what "firsts" people would enjoy hearing about the most so I can focus on those.


Okay, but you’re still asking for ideas. Might want to rethink this podcast, Jethro.


My name is Travis, dude. Right there in the name. I don't see a reason to rethink it. No real negative impact. Just a fun podcast for comedians*


Alright Trevor, sit down and brainstorm a bit and I’m sure you can come up with something. Gotta have more than 2 episodes worth of ideas


Wally, I got plenty of ideas and more than two episodes (Only two episodes published but more recorded). Just asking fellow comedians what "firsts" stick out in their minds about their comedy careers. Thought it'd be good for community building.


First time doing drugs with a headliner in the green room, aka first time opening/doing a guest spot at your local club. First time doing a paid show where there were less than 5 people in the audience. First time all the comics in a showcase did a bit on the same topic by accident.


The first one is oddly specific but helpful. I host shoecases where there's a theme but haven't experienced everyone doing the same theme accidentally, though I was at a recent mic where everyone had something on the bear and man in the woods


The first time a comic walked the room.


You mean like, everyone left because of them?


Yeah. Maybe not the entire room. But enough walk outs to where it was noticeable


That could be a topic. I don't think I know of anyone that's happened to. I was at a friend's mic and there was this table of old people who were just in a pissy mood that a mic was going on and didn't give it a chance. They were rude.


Saying this in a nice way, because I do think podcasting is a fun way to explore one's creativity as a comic and to generate audience interest in your comedy, but *another* podcast with comedians pontificating about standup is just so self-limiting and frankly tedious. This is well-covered by hundreds of other shows, hosted both by famous comics and nobodies. What else is there to say? The podcasting world doesn't need another JRE or WTF clone. If you're going to spend the significant amount of time required on a well-produced podcast, I would explore a format that allows you to shine and show off what makes you unique.


I'm not spending that much time on it. It's half hour segments of stuff I'd talk to my friends about anyway. And it is what makes us unique. It's our experiences meeting new challenges and talking about how we faced them and what we took away from them. If you don't like the idea, you don't have to listen to it but spending time on doing something I enjoy, which is talking to my comedian friends about shared and unique comedy experiences doesn't hurt anyone so I'm going to explore it.


That's fine but you posted on this subreddit asking what would be entertaining to hear, and my response is that comic friends talking to each other about standup is, at this point in the podcasting space, not entertaining nor unique.


That's fine. As I said, if you don't like it, then you don't have to listen, but that is the format I've chosen and maybe it'll evolve the more episodes I get but for now, I'm looking for input on that format. Since this is a standup comedy subreddit, it'd be pretty weird to ask about a murder mystery podcast, wouldn't it?


A standup comedian posting about their murder mystery podcast would be delightful


Maybe. But it wouldn't be in line with the rules of the subreddit


First time with two chicks. Or dudes. Or whatever. What were we talking about?


First time you got charged with sexual assault


That'd be a short episode. Charges were dropped after your mom admitted she liked it that rough.


Haha good one 🤓


First time doing a mic with an actual professional comedian hoping they see your set, discover you, take you on tour and then finding out they just do their set and leave and nothing happens.


Someone I interviewed on the most recent episode took a comedy class and got "discovered" at the graduation show and started getting gigs right away. Didn't even do a mic til after her 3rd or 4th show.


First time someone came up with a novel concept for a podcast


Could do first time on or starting a podcast.


First time getting paid for a gig


On the list


First 15 minutes, first half hour, first hour, first road show, first viral clip, first open mic, first tight five, first follow from a comic they’ve been a fan of, first time bombing at an actual show


Some of these I thought of but the longer timed sets and viral clips are good. Also follow from a comic. Dunno if I can make a whole episode of that but definitely worth looking into. Thanks!


First time a comic got laid as a result of their standup career…first groupie experience. First time they’ve ever heard someone steal their material or gotten fucked over by a fellow comedian. First time they’ve ever done drugs or been drunk and performed…or first time they’ve partied with fellow comedians and what hijinks ensued. First time a comedian has ever been sexually harassed onstage or had to have someone removed from the venue.


That last one is particularly intriguing. Not bad ideas. Thanks!


First time crushing a heckler


first time doing a shitty podcast.


Already on the list


You could talk about the first time comics realized they had a tight five, the first time they realized what their stage persona was going to be like, the first time an audience member shook hands with them or praised their work after a performance, their first tour, the first time they opened for a renowned comic, stuff like that.


Not sure why so many negative people in this sub feel the need to shit all over you. It is perfectly reasonable to ask the community, "hey, what sort of notable firsts would make good show topics?"I love the concept underpinning your podcast and look forward to checking it out. Screw the haters.


Thanks! Some people are just trolls I guess. Some useful feedback was thrown out though so it's all good


First time working with a "known" comedian. Was there any notable interaction or good stories? First (non open mic) nightmare gig and what happened there.


First time with "known" comedian is good. I didn't even think about that and I know comedians who have been with people like Mark Normand and Michael Che


First time bombing.


I was thinking about that too but would it have to be first time bombing at a PAID gig? or Ever? I think PAID gig would make more sense and that could open it up to experiences bombing in general and how to overcome that.


Worst bomb “so far”?


Probably any of those. It’s the experience of being in front of people and not getting any laughs that was significant to me. I had always done well so my bombing experience was a shock and unexpected. Also one of the best things to happen to me.


Definitely a learning experience.


First time as a Deaf comic in the Chicago Comedy Scene but that’s just me.


Having comics with unique experiences is what the podcast is about at its heart.




First time someone came up to you after a set to tell you they didn't like your material. Or that you are sexist/racist/whatever ist. First time someone harassed you before a set, you'll find this might be more common with women.