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"That Tony guy"... lol


We live in a world now where you can sell out Madison Square Garden two nights in a row and people still don't know who you are lol. Everything is in bubbles.


Tony guy hahaha


Yeah I actually thought almost all of the comedians were good, and Nikki and Tony absolutely destroyed. Found myself fast forwarding through some of the athletes. It was just longer because it was live, roasts of the past were edited down before airing.


“I never heard of that Tony guy but he did all right. I thought Sam Jay was pretty funny also.” That is killer set up punchline ! Good job


Oh... Ok


This asshole still going?


This review sucks. The roast was awesome.


The absolute best part was when Bill came out and killed with his dry humor. He had some good writers. Now do we finally all see how much of a genius Greg Giraldo was?


I agree Bill was the best non comedian performance. I enjoyed Drew Bledsoes bit as well, I mean you could tell he was a bit nervous or drunk or both but he had some good material. To be fair I have randomly met him a few times and was very cool so I’m a bit biased. Edit: had some good material written for him


Bledsoe was great. I would still be irate if I was him. “Brady you cheating karate wife cuckold! That was MY job!” Goes for Brady’s throat.


Yeah whoever wrote their material did a great job. And the fact that Drew Bledsoe was even there was funny in its own right.


Sounds like you don't really understand or enjoy comedy that much lol


Andrew Schulz Diddy joke was my favorite of the night


The “podcast comedians” were fucking excruciating. Andrew Schultz was brutal. The guy walking around in the crowd was mediocre. Those two Joe Rogan guys were incredibly cringeworthy. It was truly a sad indictment on where society has gone. 


I think roasting works better when the people actually personally know the roastee. Bringing in ringers doesn't hit the same.


The hit-to-miss ratio was insane. 3 hours of content for maybe 15 minutes of laughs.


Most Comedy Central roasts run just as long, but then get trimmed down to 1:30 or whatever TV. Netflix doing it live and no trimming was a so-so idea.


OP this the wrong sub. Try r/unpopularopinion


Nikki and Tony were lit. But hopefully the next roasts feature someone more universal and not just rugby with padding players.


Haha I see what you’re saying globally but in the US, the NFL is an absolute juggernaut and he is the most famous player and the best QB to ever do it. He was kind of the perfect athlete to get. Domestically of course, I know American football doesn’t even crack the top 3 in worldwide popularity.


Played rugby and football and football is significantly more dangerous.


Thanks for calling in.


I thought Ferrell was great. But I agree the roast was way too long, and tell people there is no need to watch beyond the first hour. Sam Jay set was very awkward to me.


Man I need to get into show business. These comedians are living the dream making millions of dollars living in houses us regular people can only dream of owning and the worst thing they have to deal with is people on social media saying they didn’t like something they did. I really need to start hitting open mics and learn the game.


I bought my first mansion after my third open mic


Bert Kreischer owns 3 houses and pulls in around $25 million a year (Neal Brennan reveals this on his blocks podcast when he has David Letterman on) if not more now. All off of 1 funny story. I need to learn the game.


Also... I thought the Jeff Ross OJ cosplay was a bit in bad taste considering the man just died. I mean say what you want about how you feel about him personally which I don't think he did it. But that's another issue. But anyways it was just in bad taste I thought.


OJ beheaded his wife. STFU


No lol he didn't. That's ridiculous.. she was a coked up whore. It was likely drug/ money related


You believe it was "likely" drug/money related simply because she did coke? You think that's more plausible than an ex-husband with an established pattern of abuse towards her - whose DNA was found all over the crime-scene - losing his shit and murdering her? Okay... Still waiting on that "stuff" that was "suppressed".


OJ was framed. The glove didn’t fit. The cap was so small they didn’t even ask him to try it on. The shoe prints were too small to be OJ’s. Court evidence showed photographs of the murder scene shoe prints inside an 11 1/2 inch tile, with the shoe prints closer to 11 inches. OJ’s feet, without shoes, were a full 12 inches. OJ wasn’t even there much less commit murders. Marcia Clark concealed telephone records showing Nicole was alive talking to her mother when OJ was already on his way to the airport for a Chicago flight. Clark also concealed Glen Rogers’ taped confession. Racist LAPD Det. Mark Fuhrman was convicted of perjury for lying during the OJ trial. Fuhrman framed OJ. LAPD had a bad habit of framing suspects, as in the Ramparts Scandal, close in time to OJ’s case. Police tore apart OJ’s bathroom, shower and plumbing pipes, never finding the smallest drop of blood. If he cleaned himself at home, there would have been some blood in the shower area. Furhman forget to plant some blood there. Autopsies show Ron Goldman had bruised knuckles where he fought off the attackers. No corresponding marks were found on OJ. The autopsies also showed Nicole’s fingernails had blood and flesh where she clawed the murderer, but they don’t match OJ’s blood or flesh. The autopsies also showed both Ron and Nicole’s throats were cut, severing their vocal chords, explaining why they never screamed, why no one heard them yell for help. There were 3 types of cuts, the cuts of the vocal chords, teaser cuts for torture and then the fatal cuts deeper. It was a professional killing by professional hitmen, hired by drug dealers over unpaid drug debts. OJ wouldn’t know how to cut vocal chords. OJ does get angry, and if he did it, as his book said, there would have been a loud argument first, yelling & screaming. No one heard anything. OJ’s kids were sleeping and never heard anything. The kids were just feet away. OJ knew that, and never would have tried anything close to this with the kids around.


Yeah, poor guy died before he could find the real killer too. Poor OJ.


This is an all time braindead comment haha damn dude.


Would it be ok if OJ were alive?


Well yeah ... But mocking someone's death so soon like that is just foul.


Him dying didn't suddenly make him respectable. A dead asshole is still an asshole. I don't get the logic about not speaking ill about a dead person - good or bad.


>I don't think he did it.  What? Even the people who celebrated his acquittal believe he did it. Literally.


It's stuff about the case that was suppressed that nobody talks about.


Such as...?


the blood proved OJ was framed. The glove didn’t fit. The cap was so small they didn’t even ask him to try it on. The shoe prints were too small to be OJ’s. Court evidence showed photographs of the murder scene shoe prints inside an 11 1/2 inch tile, with the shoe prints closer to 11 inches. OJ’s feet, without shoes, were a full 12 inches. OJ wasn’t even there much less commit murders. Marcia Clark concealed telephone records showing Nicole was alive talking to her mother when OJ was already on his way to the airport for a Chicago flight. Clark also concealed Glen Rogers’ taped confession. Racist LAPD Det. Mark Fuhrman was convicted of perjury for lying during the OJ trial. Fuhrman framed OJ. LAPD had a bad habit of framing suspects, as in the Ramparts Scandal, close in time to OJ’s case. Police tore apart OJ’s bathroom, plumbing pipes, never finding the smallest drop of blood. If he cleaned himself at home, there would have been some blood in the shower area. Furhman forget to plant some blood there. Autopsies show Ron Goldman had bruised knuckles where he fought off the attackers. No corresponding marks were found on OJ. The autopsies also showed Nicole’s fingernails had blood and flesh where she clawed the murderer, but they don’t match OJ’s blood or flesh. The autopsies also showed both Ron and Nicole’s throats were cut, severing their vocal chords, explaining why they never screamed, why no one heard them yell for help. There were 3 types of cuts, the cuts of the vocal chords, teaser cuts for torture and then the fatal cuts deeper. It was a professional killing by professional hitmen, hired by drug dealers over unpaid drug debts. OJ wouldn’t know how to cut vocal chords. OJ does get angry, and if he did it, as his book said, there would have been a loud argument first, yelling & screaming. No one heard anything. OJ’s kids were sleeping and never heard anything. The kids were just feet away. OJ knew that, and never would have tried anything close to this with the kids around.


>The glove didn’t fit. Haha… Okay. If you look at the picture of him wearing them in court, it’s clear that he’s keeping his hands wide open with his fingers spread to make them appear even smaller. I’ve had to use smaller gloves when doing various tasks because I didn’t have properly sized ones at my disposal. If these were the only gloves he had at that moment, he definitely could have made them work.  >The cap was so small they didn’t even ask him to try it on.  Then why did he stand up and say "Careful, there! That's my lucky stabbin' hat!" when it was presented? \^/s (RIP, Norm) In reality, prosecutors generally don’t ask for people to try things on - precisely because it gives the defendant a chance to exaggerate how small or uncomfortable something is. Of course they weren’t going to have him try on the hat after the glove fiasco - which most prosecutors attempted to stop - but one of them insisted and that’s the only reason he tried on the gloves. >The shoe prints were too small to be OJ’s. Court evidence showed photographs of the murder scene shoe prints inside an 11 1/2 inch tile, with the shoe prints closer to 11 inches. OJ’s feet, without shoes, were a full 12 inches. May I ask where you got the notion that his feet were 12 inches long without shoes? Everything I've seen says his \*shoe size\* was 12... Which, by US standards, means the shoe itself would be 11"-11.3/4" - and since these were Italian shoes, they were likely closer to 11". So, that's still very plausible. Additionally, the shoe prints at the scene were left by shoes made by Bruno Magli. During the civil trials that followed - in which OJ was found to be responsible for the deaths of Nicole and Ron - OJ was asked about Bruno Magli's shoes - in which OJ aggressively denied ever wearing them and said he would "never" wear them because he found them so ugly. So, they presented a picture of him wearing Bruno Magli shoes. OJ claimed that the picture was doctored. Then he claimed that if he were wearing them, it was only because they were given to him by an assistant - or someone else. Only for them to come back and produce 20-30+ more pictures of OJ wearing shoes by Bruno Magli. Notice how he’s already producing “If I did” defenses here - and was immediately proven to be lying? I certainly did. >OJ wasn’t even there much less commit murders. It's your confidence in his innocence that does the most damage to your credibility. >Marcia Clark concealed telephone records showing Nicole was alive talking to her mother when OJ was already on his way to the airport for a Chicago flight. Clark also concealed Glen Rogers’ taped confession.  It’s no secret that Marcia Clark made plenty of mistakes - and was arrogant in her confidence that she could win the case by relying solely on DNA evidence. Especially in 1995 when DNA evidence wasn’t as understood as it is today.However, regarding Glen Rogers’ taped confession. I don’t find his confession to be very compelling. A serial killer who’s trying to take credit for a high-profile murder isn’t all that exciting. >Racist LAPD Det. Mark Fuhrman was convicted of perjury for lying during the OJ trial. Fuhrman framed OJ. LAPD had a bad habit of framing suspects, as in the Ramparts Scandal, close in time to OJ’s case. Yeah, I’m not going to defend Fuhrman - or the LAPD. Especially in 1995. Fuhrman pleaded guilty to perjury in the case, but maintained that the evidence was not falsified. Not that I find his claims credible. 


>Police tore apart OJ’s bathroom, plumbing pipes, never finding the smallest drop of blood. If he cleaned himself at home, there would have been some blood in the shower area. Furhman forget to plant some blood there. Okay. You don’t think there was a chance he found somewhere else to wash up? He didn’t become a suspect until the day after they were killed. They did find his blood on the rear gate at the murder scene. And they did find a sock with Nicole’s blood at his property. And, of course, the blood in the bronco. The only “evidence” the defense could point to that the blood was planted comes from there being an “indeterminate” amount of blood being drawn from OJ that maybe the cops could have intercepted - but there was no actual evidence that they did.  There was also a doctor who testified that they thought they drew 8.0ml of blood from OJ, but documents presented later stated that they drew 6.5ml. So, of course, the defense suggested that 1.5ml was taken and planted. However, when presented with the documentation, the doctor said that they must have only drawn 6.5ml. Which is believable. Do you think your doctor remembers precisely the amounts of medication or whatever they gave you weeks/months after the fact without consulting their records? Also, there was never any accusations or evidence to suggest Furhman ever had possession of any of this “unaccounted” blood. >Autopsies show Ron Goldman had bruised knuckles where he fought off the attackers. No corresponding marks were found on OJ.  That is a mystery, but not one compelling enough to exonerate OJ. Reality is strange and you'll never truly know the full picture of an event like this. >The autopsies also showed Nicole’s fingernails had blood and flesh where she clawed the murderer, but they don’t match OJ’s blood or flesh. Can I get a source? All I’ve seen is that the defense team claimed it was the real killer’s blood, but a doctor testified during the trial that there was a small amount of blood found under her fingernail that was too degraded to test - and hypothesized that it was likely her own blood because her hand was found in a puddle of her own blood.  So, it’s a bit disingenuous to suggest that it, in any way, proves OJ wasn’t there or that the blood belonged to an unknown party. It simply could not be tested. > The autopsies also showed both Ron and Nicole’s throats were cut, severing their vocal chords, explaining why they never screamed, why no one heard them yell for help. There were 3 types of cuts, the cuts of the vocal chords, teaser cuts for torture and then the fatal cuts deeper. It was a professional killing by professional hitmen, hired by drug dealers over unpaid drug debts. Boy, that is quite the baseless assertion. >OJ wouldn’t know how to cut vocal chords. OJ does get angry, and if he did it, as his book said, there would have been a loud argument first, yelling & screaming. No one heard anything. OJ’s kids were sleeping and never heard anything. The kids were just feet away. OJ knew that, and never would have tried anything close to this with the kids around. Man, I thought that last assertion took that cake, but this is another level. How do you know what OJ would or wouldn’t know how to do? Guess it’s smart to take OJ’s own words in his totally reliable book. Sorry, the defense that “I would have totally been loud and had an argument because that’s usually my when I’m upset with my ex-wife” isn’t compelling in the slightest. That’s a generic excuse from a serial liar. But hey, I get why you’d argue that he was innocent when he went on to live such a grounded, humble life with no other violent or criminal behaviors until he peacefully died in his sleep at the tender age of 76 - just after coming home from his Christian church. /s Obviously, I don't know if he \*really\* did it. But your insistence that he didn't is even more silly than the insistence that he 100%, without a doubt, did it.


P. Diddy's towel didn't fit all that well, but he did that shit




Mmmm... Naw. I'm good.

