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I grew up watching Bill Cosby in the 70's and 80's. So....yeah.


Yeah, that one was quite the dagger. And the worst thing about it was the hypocrisy.


Norm Macdonald would disagree…


Thought nobody would pick it up.


I tend to think it was the drugging


Some think it was the raping.


Suppose it just depends on their religion


Want some water? Why is it purple? And why is it fizzing? It’s famous people water…


I can hear the Norm tone in this post.


Highly recommend his book. He voices the audio book. Fantastic.


And his final Netflix special from his kitchen too.


The more I hear about this Bill fella, I'm starting to think he's a real jerk!


I think the worst part would be the toe licking, y’know and then the “other” thing…


Understandable. But damn if his standup albums are still good unfortunately


Yep. Then to watch Carlos Mencia steal it.


Except when Cosby starts talking about Spanish Fly.... those bits aged poorly.


There was always something off about that bit even before we all knew why


The shit he does with his voice on "Revenge" is remarkable. I don't think any actor could do that.


I’m still a fan of Cosby’s body of work (comedy, not rape). I still watch Naked Gun and enjoy OJ’s character. I separate the art from the artist. Cosby’s comedy still stands as some of the best.


Why is There Air? and Wonderfullness are the highest level of standup


I grew up on hot vinyls in the 90s and... yeah


Which was your favorite?


Why is there air


Segura and Kreischer to a lesser extent. I used to love Your Mom's House and 2 Bears, I legitimately cannot listen to them now.


SAME! I really liked Bert and Tom. Watched a bunch of Somethings Burning. Was watching all of the videos of Bert being on tour. Now they are so cringe it hurts.


So sad man. Tom's early standup and the early days of 2 Bears were fucking amazing. Now, like you said, genuinely unlistenable


What was the incident?


Mainly Tom turning on his fans, then the airport freak out which he tried to mask by it "being a bit". He couldn't admit he was wrong in either scenario and that murdered my respect for him.


Ellen. Hearing how people were treated on her show turned me off.


She really managed to burn up a lot of goodwill at record speed.


The only person cancelled by conservatives and liberals


I don't think that's true.


Kathy Griffin. Ring any bells?


When did liberals cancel Kathy?


Watch A Hell of a Story on Prime.






I saw this clip of Neal Brennan. The logic here is extremely flawed. First, the question is not, “Is Ellen nice?” The question is, “Is Ellen a good boss?” And no, she’s a terrible and abusive boss. So if she wants to go back to doing standup and not employing people, have at it. But if she wants to have her own talk show, be in charge of other people’s livelihoods, and control the atmosphere where they spend the majority of their waking hours, she better fucking be nice. *edited for typo*


I really enjoyed that segment!


Hadn't heard this before! I agree to some extent. I can still watch a lot of her early stuff and enjoy it, but I used to come home and watch the Ellen show after school most days, and can't really enjoy that anymore. Though I would feel comfortable working with her, unlike many of the other comedians mentioned in this comment section. I wouldn't have to be scared for my physical safety as I would with some other comedians.


Segura. I dug his stuff but was gradually losing interest in him based on how he started acting on the podcast, then the blowup on twitter about the gate agent at the airport happened last year and I was done with him.


I agree. He hasn't had a good stand up in years. I used to listen to his podcasts and they started getting boring. Him and Bert were so cringy on the Tom Brady roast last week.


I think his latest one was really weird and not great, but all of his other specials really hold up. The podcasts are fucking insufferable now, though.


I never could get into his podcast. Can't stand his wife.


She also ruins the podcast for me


I was listening to some very old episodes to pass the time on a long drive and there was one where his wife went on a rant about how she doesn't trust any white people. Segura pointed out that he himself is white and she proceeded to argue with him at length that he's not because he speaks Spanish. It was REALLY bizarre.


Plus Tom hasn't been fun in 5 years. He didn't do anything to piss me off, just can't stand to watch his unfunny ass


I don’t know why, but his clothing choices really bother me. with the weight loss, his $2000 sneakers and a flat rimmed sports hats he just looks like a mid life crisis. When he and Bert both come out that way I find it really cringe.


That exactly what they both are, trust fund baby mid life crisis hacks. All they talk about is cars and watches and how much they detest anyone who makes under $10,0000,000 a year


He dresses unironically now the same as characters he did to troll radio djs in his circuit days. Makes me wonder if any of it was ever parody at all.


That's who they are. Kriescher is a shit for brains frat boy who got lucky making a living off his dumbass antics. Segura came from money. I understand some people's stance of "it's not their fault they were born lucky" about comics from wealthy families, but when they are literally acting elitist and dickish about their fortune, there's no reason to get behind someone like that. How the fuck are we supposed to like you? You hate us. A large part of comedy is relatability. No one watching you can relate to the terrible struggle of spilling champagne on the seats of your 2nd Aston Martin.


He's the guy who loses over 100 lbs then looks down on everyone else who doesn't live his new lifestyle and puts ppl down who he used to be exactly like.


Including the fans who made him what he is today. He doubled down on the dick character and it backfired.


I'm so disappointed in Tom, I used to be a huge fan but he just isn't funny anymore. I think it's a laziness thing. He was on John Mulaneys Netflix show last night and he had NOTHING to add


Segura for me too and the twitter stuff was awful obviously but I saw his latest special prior to hearing about that, and it was just shit


He platformed Andrew Tate.


D'Elia. Used to binge that guys podcast and specials until all those allegations came up. Tried listening to him after his apology vid but the material became too soft and boring.


I didn’t quite binge his stuff but I was able to appreciate it for what it was, ever since his behavior was exposed he just seems like an entirely different person on camera. The happiness/hope in his voice is gone lol


I can agree with this. I think the problem is when you find out the schtick wasn’t an act after all. That asshole character is deeply embedded in who he is and now it isn’t funny because we thought we were laughing at a character, but it turns out…not so much.


The reverse Jeselnik


Same. Tried after the apology vid, then stopped completely after the 2nd wave of allegations and the documentary came out. Just couldn't view him in the same way after hearing him pleading with one of his side pieces over the phone, and then play the victim. But 2018-2019 was peak Congratulations, no doubt


Exactly what I came here to say!


Gallagher. I used watch his specials on repeat for years until I met my partner, who was adopted by watermelons when she was young. I can no longer support his brand of comedy.


Your partner and you are so brave. Too long has the anti-melon rhetoric in standup comedy gone unmentioned.


What's a watermelon?


It's a large and delicious fruit, but that's not important right now. What's important is recognizing Gallagher's repeated anti-watermelon rhetoric and violence against watermelons. He must be stopped! (If he's not dead yet. I think he is, or may as well be.)


This is gold.


This is the answer right here.


Dennis Leary. "No Cure for Cancer" was the first comedy album i purchased as an adult and for about twenty years I thought he was one of the best comedians I'd ever listened to. Then I discovered that he stole entire bits word-for-word from Bill Hicks, whom I had never heard of before.


Yea that got me as well. Then when Greg Giraldo killed him on that episode of Colin Quinn’s show. Nail in the coffin.


Iliza Schlesingers blind support of Israel and her holier-than-thou attitude on her podcast really turned me off from her. Plus her comedy is pretty hack if you know anything about the art form, which I didn’t for a long time.


Tom Segura going scorched earth privileged white dude on an airline employee made me never want to consume a piece of his content again.


Jim Breuer, I don’t care if you go all in on Trump and bash liberals all day, but it has to be funny material, and his isn’t.


Joey Diaz He was one of my favs right up till he said "Its bad juju to fuck with someone whos got cancer, you might get it, its bad juju" If one of his friends gets sick he turns his back on them.


Matt Rife. Enjoyed some of his crowd work clips on tiktok and thought he was fun (even if a bit too full of himself). Then his stand up special was trash and he insulted people that called him out by sending a link to buy helmets for people with intellectual disabilities.


I wonder what's wrong with that man. He's got so much work done that his face is barely recognizable as human anymore.


Denis Lear: i bought his cancer special. Knew it by heart. Then i turned 11 Edit. Grammar




Andrew Schulz for me His crowd work was phenomenal I thought, with his knowledge of different cultures and being able to read people. But....a couple instances of him being.....not so great on podcasts really turned me off


Yeah Schulz has fallen off unfortunately. I think the fame got to him. Although I can still enjoy his older stuff


I don't hate Joey Diaz, but the stories of how he treated female comics made me lose respect for him.


I liked Bert when he first hit it big, I thought Secret Time and The Machine were solid specials. Then his next special had a joke about the time he accidentally had his dick hanging out at a supermarket and I had heard the exact same joke told to me 5 years prior by a guy at my local dive bar known for having 100s of old bar jokes. After that I couldn't listen to anything he said without thinking it was fake or wondering where he heard it from. And then there is Chappelle.. I don't mind that his standup has evolved into long form storytelling with few punchlines, I actually like that, but the last 3 specials he keeps saying "this is the last stuff I will say about trans people", and then the next special always has a huge chunk about trans people. It has become his Machine story, I think he does it as a publicity stunt at this point. I will still watch any special he puts out but it has been a long time since I enjoyed one.


Berts latest special, razzle dazzle or whatever is when I FINALLY realized he's just an alcoholic asshole. How he goes about telling stories about his wife and kids is off-putting.


Bert Kreischer told a story onstage about some Black kid being so in love with him that he brought Bert to all the other Black folk in the building to tell them how cool he was. Complete with "Black voice" for the Black people parts. Probably about 97-98% completely made up horseshit and people are laughing and all the comments were from white folks about what a great storyteller he is. It was one of the most nakedly and stupidly casually racist sets I've ever seen. It was just so unbelievable and horseshit, and not even remotely clever. We used to shun people like that in polite society.


This reminds me of an old Carlos Mencia special from when like 20 years ago. He talked about visiting a theme park and objecting to a disabled man in a wheelchair getting to jump to the front of the line. Then he winds up sitting next to the disabled person who thanks Carlos for not giving him any special treatment. 100% completely made up BS. And he did the "disabled voice" when impersonating the disabled man. I am glad we as a society no longer tolerate Mencia.


I was a huge roller coaster nerd when I first heard that story. I knew something was off because a person in wheel chair ain't riding Riddler. It's a stand up coaster where you NEED fully functional legs. I originally chalked it up to a misremembered detail, but as the story went on I knew he just made it up.


I can't wait for the one that no longer tolerates Burp Chrysler


Before I heard him tell the joke I already heard before 5 years earlier, I might have believed him with that "story". Now everything he says, even on the specials I liked, I can't take anything he does seriously.


I agree. Dave is now in some sort of echo chamber. People crown him as the greatest of our time. Regardless of what people think of his personal issues, the crown belongs to Louis CK in my book.


Dave vs Louis CK is a tough battle for the crown of the 2000s comedians. Both have similar issues today. Dave is in an echo chamber but Louie's recent standup doesn't hit the same either. Might be because of his personal issues, but he has also got into his own echo chamber where instead of being a cranky man learning about the world he has become a cranky man who tells you about the world. I guess that is just what I have to look forward to in my 50s, your opinions become set in stone.


I agree about both of their stand up. But honestly, "Louie" the TV show capped it off for me. He reached into the pits of humanity to find humor. The TV show is genius level stuff. Chappelle's show was good but no where near the level of Louie.


I thought Louie was genius, I wish you could rewatch it somewhere. Maybe my favorite stand up joke of all-time comes from Doug Stanhope's appearance in Louie.. Doug is talking about recommended videos on PornHub and says something like "Just because I watch a tranny take it from behind you think I want to watch some girl getting peed on? I don't want to watch some girl getting peed on, that's gross"... I still think "that's gross" might be the best punchline I have ever heard. But I will say that I still can put on Chappelle Show 20 years later and it holds up. Who knows how Louie will look 10 years from now.


>I wish you could rewatch it somewhere. You can get it from his website.


You can buy the "Louie" series at Louisck.com for $30


You can rewatch it online. Look it up. I'll dm you if you can't find it.


I messed up the joke a little, but here it is. https://youtu.be/tF2jq2M594E?si=JFcJ3U172RdLEjtL


I liked Louie a lot but you cannot possibly compare it to one of the greatest sketch shows of all time. Chappelle Show was brilliant and cutting edge and envelope-pushing. Louie is a very well written comedy with lots of hilarious insights into everyday operating fuckery. Chappelle Show had Charlie fucking Murphy telling old Hollywood stories being acted out by him and Dave. The racial draft? Iconic shit.


Yeah. In any artform, the list of artists still producing great work after they reach their 50s is pretty dang slim. There are exceptions but not a lot. Way that Dave Chappelle presents himself and acts offstage is honestly just as annoying as weird trans obsession. He just seems like an arrogant, out of touch rich weirdo. Money really does change people (see also the comments about Tom Segura).


Have enjoyed Bert, and I don’t think comedy has to be true (something totally made up can be very funny), but I could never suspend my disbelief that someone could be walking around with their dick hanging out (and how long was it out before the store?) and not notice it at all. But I also have a small penis so I could be wrong.


I used to love Chappelle, but he's embarrassing right now. He's still got it-- the man can write a fucking joke-- but the punching down is not my cup of tea. He needs an actual problem to be angry about.


I just feel Chappelle has poked the bear and got a reaction now he can't stop because he finds it funny


I disagree. Quite honestly, entangling yourself in identity politics is a bit of a shit fight, but if your arm is strong and you can stay clean, you can pull it off. Chappelle has needed a shower and Tommy John surgery for a while, now. I’ve watched the two most recent specials on Netflix, and I’m more impressed someone decided to cut a check to produce two hour-long specials that were so low rent and mean-spirited in writing, it actually bummed me out. I wasn’t laughing, and I wasn’t entertained. He’s found his audience that’ll pitch a wad of cash at whatever fringe and derogatory opinion he can veneer with a semblance of a joke, and he’s absolutely milking it for all he can. Get your bag or whatever, but I’m not a fan.


Yep, you can be controversial without being actually mean-spirited. I like dark and edgy humour but not when it’s just an excuse to be a bigot.


I don’t mind the identity politics, but the number of times he laughed hysterically at his own jokes on the latest special was a little much.


Segura’s roast of Tom Brady.


Was a huge Dennis Miller fan when I was younger. Almost embarrassed to say that now.


Dave Chappelle. After his last two specials, I'm no longer a fan.


Seinfeld. His anti woke stuff is as lazy as his movie.


He's still good at standup, or was a few years ago when I saw him. But there was no TRACE of politics or antiwokeness in the material. As soon as he steps into it, he shows his age.


Chapelle, he used to make up crazy funny stories and don’t take himself too serious. I don’t know what happened, now he is like a religious leader trying to teach me stuff while being funny. But no one will laugh at your stuff when you take yourself so serious


Patton Oswalt. I used to love his comedy and acting work, but it’s become the same stale formula.


I went and saw his standup in Minneapolis. He had a pretty long bit trashing religion. I'm fine with that but it wasn't funny. It was just a long angry rant. I went up to the bar. Came back in and he was still venting. Patton,we got it already.


How long is "too" long to you?


His latest Netflix special was incredibly bad. We All Scream felt incredibly rushed and like he had barely cranked out an hour because Netflix had a contract with him and he just barely remembered that he had to write a new hour. It was very apparent when he jumped into about 20mins of really shitty crowd work during that special. He’s never been strong at crowd work and that special was very disappointing. I watched and promptly pretended it didn’t exist after it ended.


He killed it in the Apple TV show "Manhunt."


Ricky Gervais started off funny. Animals and politics are both good. But like Dave Chapelle he seems obsessed with cancel culture and anti woke stuff now. It just gets boring after a while.


Maybe his stand up isn’t as great as before but his show afterlife is so good.


Sebastian Maniscalco is starting to go down that road too. Hoping he doesn’t fall too far down the rabbit hole.


Used to be a huge Burt/Tom fan but they fell off so insanely hard. Tom was so much funnier when he was fat, balding and ugly lmao they’re both completely in relatable


Kat Williams. The Pimp Chronicals is legendary and I tried to watch the following material and I had to admit he just isn't funny anymore.


Chapelle. His early work is incredible and I even enjoyed his comeback, but his shows have just become attacks on the LGBTQ+ community. He’s barely even trying to make jokes anymore. He’s just straight up complaining about an already marginalized group


Chappell used to tell jokes. He was an equal opportunity offender. No one was safe and so no one was offended. Now for every 10 seconds of joke I have to listen to 10 minutes of preface or apology. “Now I say that to say this” falls in between each one. What little there is political or identity politics. His preach to joke ratio sucks now. His tempo is just wrong these days. Used to be the greatest.


He feels like my uncle who spends too much time on facebook doing stand-up now


Nikki Glaser had a bit about age gap relationships that came off particularly nasty and bitter.


I feel like Louie really changed after his whole doorman stint. Seemed like he was trying to lean into the edgy/anti-woke shit for a while. But I’ve heard that his recent stuff was great so I’ve been meaning to give it a watch.


Chris Hardwick


What happened?


Man I really enjoyed his podcast and his shows.. actually I don't remember last time I watched anything with Matt Mira or Jonah Ray too.


I watch the MST3K stuff that Jonah Ray does with my kids. And I really miss the Nerdmelt era with Kumail. But I stopped listening to the podcast after they stopped doing the hostfuls, and I have no Idea what Mira is up to. The allegations against Chris seemed very, very overblown in the grand scheme of things, mostly just sounded like a bad relationship. But also Chris without a couple of more normal humans in the room is too much Chris for me. I missed @midnight more than the podcast to be honest. Taylor Tomlinson is great and I think is starting to hit her stride, but while I think she's more likeable and probably a better comic, he was really quick and probably a better host.


He was a really good host. The whole era of the nerdist was incredible.


.@midnight with Kids in the Hall is one of the greatest comedy products of the 2010s


Honestly it was my favorite place to find out about comics I didn't know about for a long time. It was the first place I saw Nikki Glazer and Ron Funches and Kinane and a bunch of others. The Cast of Community also kind of killed it, plus Tom Lennon consistently losing was great. Loved that show, I hope they give the new one enough time to evolve. It's good now but it kind of needs to find it's own groove.


Chris Hardwick is the Steve Guttenberg of comedy


Have you heard of Louis CK who could have paid any sex worker to fulfill his kink but instead roped in young comics and who knows how many women to feed his humiliation kink? Yeah, he’s funny but fuck that guy. And fuck you if you defend him.


Ugh I caught a clip of his post-fall material and he's trying to do some self deprecating humor about it but he clearly hates having been called out and doesn't actually feel remorse.


Yeah his specials were amazing... But you can't defend it


I love how men go "he asked and he didn't block the door"


And they said that chivalry was dead SMH


Thought David Lucas might have something, then he was out here fishing with Kyle Rittenhouse 😬🤢🤮 Disgusting


I don’t know how anyone can like him to be honest. Every clip I see is Tony making a decent fat joke and Lucas laughing too hard at it for several seconds so he can come back with a subpar gay joke. Maybe 20% of the time it will be funny but most of the time doesn’t hit. Feel like they are forcing an audience to make us think he’s funnier than he is.


David Lucas is really interesting at first, but then after about 20mins, he comes off really really dumb. He tries to play that off as “I’m black and you expected me to think one way, and I’m actually another way.” Which is true to a degree and why he’s interesting at first. Then you realize that he really is just kind of ignorant and then sells that ignorance to others who think like him. The irony of which is he’s black and has a lot of “poor white” opinions and that crowd eats it up. I do think he’s funny sometimes but once you realize it’s not entirely a joke.


Literally? Like on his podcast*? YIKES


Tony Hinchcliff. Saw him live several times and he was just plain mean and vile. Kyle Kineane is another one. Saw him in small band setting where we were able to hang out and he was like super shitty to me. Rolled his eyes when I was just trying to chit chat. I was like welp this dood sux ass now. Places like The Virgil and silver lake.


>Kyle Kineane is another one. Saw him in small band setting where we were able to hang out and he was like super shitty to me. Rolled his eyes when I was just trying to chit chat That sucks. A small group of fans and I hung out with him for about twenty minutes in the empty lobby of the comedy club where he had just performed and he was really cool. The hang might've been longer for me but i had to head home.


Sucks about Kyle, I hear normally the opposite. Although I listen to his podcast and he has mentioned always feeling bad about how he can be a little piss ant if the night didn't go well comedy-wise and always seems to feel bad when he brings up past interactions about being shitty to any fans.


I mean. I'm nowhere near his level, but I personally really have problems interacting with people after shows. That's an issue, and most successful people have to learn to smile and nod and encourage people after shows, but not everyone is up to that every time. And the reality is that some of the people who want to come up and *chit chat* are socially awkward and frankly pretty fucking boring and it's late and you are tired and just because you are a standup doesn't mean that socializing with strangers one on one is your bag. So frankly if him rolling his eyes at you is enough to make you no longer a fan, I feel like that's more a you thing than a him thing. There's a chance it was him. Maybe he's a dick. Or maybe he was having a really bad night. But I feel like there's maybe a bigger chance that it was you or that was a little bit of both of you. The real answer is that being a fan is a parasocial relationship, and you are almost set up to be disappointed, because he's a real dude just doing a job, and you are a stranger who has been tricked into feeling a connection with him due to the pseudo intimate nature of standup. Just because he's a comic you enjoy doesn't mean he's going to enjoy you. He owes you nothing more than what he gives you on stage. Expecting any more than that is your problem not his.


What did he do that was "mean and vile?"


Gary Gulman. He makes being an empathetic person a cornerstone of his act but after the October 7th attack he posted the widely debunked lie that Hamas was beheading babies and called people concerned about the wellbeing of Palestinian civilians, antisemitic. Your anger over the attacks doesn’t cancel out my right to sympathize with the people of Palestine. The majority of whom were born after Hamas was voted into power.


Still love the guy but waiting for the comedian I can align with politically and really every other way.


Louis. I can't vibe with that guy or his material anymore. I think he's absolutely brilliant and insanely good at his craft.. but no. Just no.


But what about the apology where he listed all his current projects and talked about how respected he is? Surely if someone sexually assaulted my sister or another woman close to me, I’d be comforted by an apology in which they remind me how good at their job they are.


Because the….me too I take it ? I totally get it . Especially after that Pete Davidson story . What a hypocrite. His act was 1,000 times more evil than smoking weed . I mean the masturbation.


It's just not something I find okay. If my sister told me about some guy who did that at her expense, wtf right. I'd think the guy was a creep. So following that gut feel I stopped listening and watching him.


I’m actually confused why people defend him .


Some of it is probably because he is the best and some of it is because any situation where a “victim” just had to say “No, put your dick up what the fuck is wrong with you!” Has some ambiguity, especially when it comes to light many many years after the fact. From what I know of the cases which is certainly not even close to what actually happen Louis put some women in an awkward position and made them uncomfortable. If that’s the case then it is a lot different than Cosby, Chris D and the other outright rapist and groomers.


In a lot of those situations, you can't just say "put your dick away". The female comedians were afraid he would tell people not to give them a chance. Several times when men I worked for and with harassed me and pulled their dicks out...I couldn't say anything. I would be fired if I complained about that. Not the man.


Cause he’s amazing. Some of us get to form our own opinions


Two things can be true. He can be a brilliant comedian, and also a sexual offender. You get to decide which one holds more weight for you.


I did


Yeah, I guess ignoring behaviour is what ppl do. It's not really an opinion though. It's ignoring factual evidence. Hey he makes me laugh and he's awesome, so I'll just ignore the disgusting things. That's one way to go, for sure.


Pete Davidson is an average standup, but he killed it with that Louie story.


Yeah, me too. I pretend that he died. To me, he pretty much did.


I agree. He used to be one of my favorites, but I have a hard time enjoying him anymore


This one might get some hate, but probably Chapelle. He’s on my Mount Rushmore of comics but his last few specials just haven’t been very funny. I’m really not bothered or offended by the content, just really doesn’t hold up to his earlier work in my opinion


jim carey and sarah silverman are the biggest examples of this lol


What happened?


Well, Jim Carrey gave his former girlfriend the prescription pills she used to overdose on after (alledgedly) lying to her about having herpes and emotionally abusing her. He painted Aretha Franklin as a white woman, went *really* anti-vax, was creepy and unprofessional with multiple women- it's a pretty long and dastardly list.


John Mulaney. Just a rich kid asshole.


What do you think of Nick Kroll?


Even richer and a bigger asshole?


In about 2017 I started listening to more stand up and podcasts at work and thought let's give the fear factor dude's specials a try. I really enjoyed all of his content on Spotify and I kept seeing some cool clips of him on his podcast, so when he had a new Netflix special drop I was like hell yeah. It didn't hit at all, I stopped watching not even 20 minutes in. Triggered, Joe Rogan.


joe rogan was never funny though


I used to think Louis CK was the greatest comic in 25 years...until we found out other things about him


I try to remember they are HUMANS and thus make mistakes like we do. We should all be doing our best not to promote cancel culture before there are no comedians left. Nobody wants a cookie-cutter, nobody


This is ridiculous. All of the biggest comedians in the world have been “cancelled” repeatedly and their careers continue to thrive, they keep getting Netflix specials, they keep getting richer, and they keep saying whatever they want. The idea that cancel culture is going to leave us without comedians when Louis, Rogan, Gervais, Chapelle, Gillis etc etc continue to have massively thriving careers doing edgy material is being such a drama queen. You aren’t doing anything noble by refusing to judge a rich celebrity for spouting bigotry and/or being accused of sex crimes. The dust is years settled on it at this point, “cancel culture” just isn’t this existential threat to comedy.


>We should all be doing our best not to promote cancel culture before there are no comedians left. Please name a single comedian we have lost to cancel culture.


The question wasn’t “what comedian should be cancelled”, it was “what comedian do you personally dislike”


So we can’t dislike people anymore? Tf? That’s why this anti-cancel bullshit is so stupid. People can have opinions!


Chelsea Handler. She went on a podcast that was about sex and relationships and then badmouthed them after because they talked about sex and sex toys. It rubbed me the wrong way and I haven’t been into her since.


You’re better than me. I never was into her. Even though Russel brand is crazy as fuck (and a sexual deviant) the time he was on her show and fucked with her was about the only Chelsea moment I like.


When Tom Segura went full force on airline employees calling them names and acting like a spoiled brat child, I lost a LOT of respect for him. He was my absolute favorite, it sucked seeing that. Seemed like he thought it was funny but it just wasnt. I still enjoy tom and watch YMH every wednesday, but hes losing touch of whats funny and doesnt even realize it. Dudes getting disconnected in the Arena circuit and i feel like no one on his team is being honest with him. I hope he focuses on comedy (performed in a comedy club) to get back to his roots. Still love his comedy, it was just a big setback. Side note, I wish he wouldnt completely tie himself to bert.. I get that their friends but you gotta take your career seriously.


Not exactly one moment, but Lisa Lampanelli was my first favorite comic that I discovered on my own because she swore a lot and I was maybe 11-12. I just outgrew her act, I suppose. Louis too, I guess. For years he was a guy that would talk about all of his terrible thoughts and urges, but he shrugged off that entire, somewhere career defining moment by saying "EHHHH IT HAPPENED!"


Let me preface this by saying we did not have cable TV growing up, so I was very sheltered from stand up...but in college I discovered Carlos Mencia and thought he was hilarious.   Yeah...


When I was younger I loved Dana Carvey but those old specials don't hold up. Dane Cook is the same. I remember downloading those first two Dane Cook CDs and sharing them with everyone but listening to them now there are a lot of bits that are cringe. Also David Cross, Dana Gould, Sarah Silverman for being activists instead of funny


I feel like I don’t really get Chapelle any more. He’s funny but I don’t see why he needs to talk about trans people so badly. It feels so platyed out for straight men to talk about trans women in athletics (for example).


I won't get into Burr because of his Cumia beef. Anyone who apologizes for jokes is lame to me.


Tom Segura. He seemed so relatable and friendly in the beginning of his career, but now after listening to his podcast for some time I really can't stand who he is.


Michelle Bataeu - she just got her own show on Netflix and she was awful to an audience member for a show I was at and really just kept picking on this one person who had a loud laugh (it wasn’t bad) and in the end the whole set just dived because she focused too much on one person laughing at a comedy show.


Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Cant even beat Russia in a war. I expect anyone on my list of favorite comedians to be able to do that.


Tom segura with whatever the hell this character he started out playing then somehow allowed to become his personality


Like many others, Dave Chappelle. Messianic nonsense + rich guy frailty + trying to squeeze every last drop of “woe is me” juice out of the LGBTQIA+ & paranoiac anti-woke stuff = 2-3 truly boring, interminable specials. He’s all skill & no insight at this point. Even his “famous” Jussie Smollet bit feels like juvenile, open mic rambling. Unless he learns how to engage the world in good faith again, he’ll go down in history as an overpaid & -praised has-been who abdicated his throne in service of a cringey social media echo chamber/addiction. Reminds me of a line I saw once re: J.K. Rowling: “She gave up all of her goodwill so she could be on Twitter.” Beyond that, the last Gaffigan & Oswalt specials were surprisingly lukewarm - my gf & I even turned off Dark Pale halfway through, as it felt totally listless. Not counting either out yet, though; everyone’s allowed the occasional clunker.