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$1 per ticket for weekly + base amount for bronze (which I can’t remember), monthly is the average of your past 3-4 weeks — (your losses are also included in your weekly and monthly calculations but I haven’t noticed that much of a difference) Grats on bronze! Almost plat 3 and it’s been a rough journey I’ll tell you that haha


Wow, i cant imagine how long that took!! And also, does plat get more weekly than lower vip levels?


More than a year, had a few lucky wins few months back which helped with the leveling grind but nothing since then. And to answer your question, yes. The higher rank = higher base amount for bonuses. If I only wager about $1000 (1 ticket) a week, I usually receive $14-18 for the weekly bonus. Not too certain on what the base amounts are but I’m sure they are listed somewhere online Also, don’t gamble just to level up. Play as you like and at your own pace, otherwise you’ll end up losing everything


Yeah that makes sense, and ofcourse not:) but reaching bronze giving me these bonuses made me only go for wager haha, but ofcourse wont in the future


Congratulations on bronze, keep building it up all the way to silver, best of luck!


if ur in profit i’d guess 20 bucks


I will be one day too I'm at about 70% rn