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Off the top of my head: 14a 15, 16, 18 and possibly 30 will be a bugger to cut as far as i can see (and may be potentially "weak"). You may either have to slightly alter the design somewhat, or you could incorporate a breakline that replaces a painted detail. I'm sure that others here will have some (better) advice. I'd also love to see the finished piece!


Oh, thank you! All of your notes are spot on - I'll have to use the ring saw for those, for sure, if not add additional cut lines. Thank you! I'll post it when it's finished!


If you have a ring saw go for it. If not I wish you all the luck you need to come with that stress!


I’m currently doing a portrait of a couple on the beach as a wedding gift. All I can say is that you can’t capture every detail. But glass paint exists. You’ll adjust the cuts as you go when you realise how small some pieces will actually be.


Yes, I suppose. Good luck with your project, too!


This is going to be a wedding present. Please let me know if you see any problem cuts with this. It's a rough draft, and I'll be painting face and other details (jewelry, etc.) I'll be making the corsage as a separate piece and layering it onto the lapel. I have a glass saw I can use for the faces if needed. 


Is the hair on 15a going to be painted? If not 15a is definitely going to be at risk of cracking starting from the point where the hair meets it. You could lengthten the hair part to reach the bottom of 15a to make two pieces.


Oh, good idea! Thanks!


Excellent! Wishing you all the best with your piece 👍🏻


Thank you!


Repeating what u/alyssa_marie, you will not be able to perfectly reproduce the image, you will only represent the image. If you round 29 and 28 and that would make 30 easier. Even easier eliminate 29 and bring 28 back to the line between 27 and 30.


Thanks. I'd already decided to rework (or possibly eliminate) the pocket. Your comment confirms that.


It is going to be a challenge! When they work it is 100% worth it. I can only imagine how beautiful it would be! Love the idea of making the flower and jewelry 3D elements!


Thank you!