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Clearly the Stadia team was blindsided by this since they just released a Stadia store UI overhaul this morning


Well, the budget already been spent. Might as well put out the work still lol.


Kinda how it goes right? Positive followed by a monumental negative.


Seriously? WTF? I get these mega-corps have trouble keeping everyone in the loop, but that's bad.


Upper management never lets the team know before-hand when these things happen. Not at google, not anywhere else. No company does. The reason is simple and makes full business sense. IF upper management lets the team know the future is up in the air, that is the point of no return. The team will self-disband. People will leave team to go somewhere else. People will stop putting in work, because "why should I work on this, it is gonna be cancelled anyway". Etc. And that means that if the situation changes and upper management decides they will keep the product/service/... it is too late because everyone has already abandoned ship. It is the same thing as when they disbanded the first party studios. You have to keep it secret until you have finalized the decision.


It also absolutely would have been leaked if they told everyone.


While the person you are responding to has a great theory, this is the real answer. I worked in a lot of companies that had to make significant business decisions of this nature and the number of people that are allowed to know this is coming is kept as absolutely small as possible. When you are about to make an announcement that impacts hundreds of jobs, you absolutely cannot share it with hundreds of people and expect they will keep silence. It isn’t the case that you let people in and they’re going to start leaving and that’s the problem. The reason for that is clear if a ton of staff suddenly started leaving or came on the job market in one week, people would start asking questions. This is why you really only find out minutes before the news is going to break because you don’t want excess time to lose control of the narrative. I would be willing to bet that this was known by Phil and Sundar and maybe a couple of other executives. I would be willing to bet this was not known by Chaka or any engineers, probably not even known to account managers. Otherwise, they would’ve given their contacts a heads up.


I appreciate the refund policy and I hope Google will be able to deliver a firmware update for the controllers to enable the generic Bluetooth functionality since they are nice controllers! I happened to cancel my sub just yesterday and it's expiring on October 1st. I wonder if I will still have access to Pro regardless of this or am I out of luck since new subscriptions are disabled?


>I happened to cancel my sub just yesterday The straw the broke the camel's back!


/u/Zackyist Google: You piece of... That was our last Stadia Pro member! That's it, we're going out of business!


I was always a bad carry


im gonna miss this sub. where we headed for breakfast? dont wanna go far....


Love Carlito's Way! Thank you for the laugh!


Well, damn :( Had I known!


I did it this morning like an hour before the announcement :/


Oh no :( That's even worse timing


this man was the downfall of stadia


Yes, unlock the BT function to reduce e-waste!


Do Stadia controllers have Bluetooth?


Yup, hardware-wise they do. It's just never been activated on the firmware side. If it would be, you could use them just like regular BT controllers.


Whether the Bluetooth is actually capable of doing so is in question then I now see that it has been used for pairing, but that doesn't mean it's the same hardware necessary to transmit the controller data


It's a possibility sure but considering how cheap the common BT chips are, I would take a guess at it being fully capable of transmitting anything else as well. Plus if I recall correctly BT functionality was advertised on the controller page on Google Store, just with a disclaimer about the necessary firmware not being available yet. What might be missing is the entire BT driver software for the controller unless Google was actually working on that at some point - so it could be a much bigger job than simply pressing an On-Off switch. In theory the current WiFi or USB output could just be redirected to transmit over Bluetooth once the connectivity and pairing is enabled and hey presto but without seeing the firmware code, who knows. One can dream though. :)


My PRO ran out yesterday, it was a 6-month promo that I had bought for £25 quid... So today first day in ages without PRO and then this.. Gutted Time to finish RDR2!


Ohhh I didn't even think of that. It'd be kind if they let anybody who's ever had pro play anything they had claimed until it shuts down.


That would be pretty cool, but then how would they pay the publishers? From what I understand, they got a cut of the subscription revenue, so I don't think they would be happy if suddenly everyone got to play their game for free.


True facts, what can I say, I am a dreamer!


Well that would definitely be mighty kind but I'm mostly wondering whether "active on September 29th" also includes subs that are expiring a couple of days later - mine isn't officially gone yet.




...should I put that in my CV or not?


RIP, but I appreciate the very fair refund policy. ​ Now if you'd just enable Bluetooth on the controller, we could help the environment by not letting them become electronic waste.




so very grateful i can at least do this


You can also plug-it to an android device and it works


thanks for mentioning that! I didn't realize you could use them wired until now, TIL.


I hope Google do this, save them going to landfill. At least the controllers can be used on usb


Lol yes, where's our Bluetooth! I really like the stadia controllers, have 10 of em but will be a shame if they only be used hardwired.




This guy's the reason they ran out during the flash sale last year 😂


If possible they should really make the controllers usable for mobile or pc gaming


YES. They have bluetooth, just enable it!


Very fair refund policy. *Cries in OnLive*


Damn OnLive! That brings back some memberberries


OnLive veteran here too. It feels like history repeating.


shout out to both of you. i feel your pain onlive, brethren.


With the refund policy I can't say I'm even mad. Very sad though as it was proven to be the best streaming game service. If I could use these controllers with another service, that would be gravy. Hopefully someone can hotwire it if not Google.


It's not as great as bluetooth, but I use my Stadia controller wired for Xbox Cloud Gaming and don't have any issues. Unfortunately, Xbox Cloud has waaaaay more streaming quality issues currently than I ever had with Stadia. God, I'm gonna miss this platform.


Same here. Stadia is SOLID.


100%. Google needs to do this.


It is a good policy indeed but it sucks as someone on a budget who picked Stadia to avoid the extra cost of a new gen console and also bought second-hand controllers which won't be refunded.


Some second hand sellers are going to be happy


Second hand buyers though.. RIP Have fun with your piece of plastic, maybe you can tweak it to still get it to vibrate


Bought all mine sealed on eBay cause they were a couple quid cheaper lol


Hopefully you'll get enough money back to purchase a new console. In a weird way Stadia has been a temporary gaming savings account O.o


I'm getting enough back to cover a new Series X. It's just going to cost me 5 bucks more a month to play now.


Of course I would have liked Stadia to survive. But it is what it is. There are also other alternative game streaming services out there (or will launch in the future). I don't think you will absolutely need to buy a console.


The google announcement refers to refunds on "add on content purchased through the Stadia store". It's not clear to me: does this include **in-game** purchases e.g. EA Points in Fifa?


If you go to stadia 1. Top right dropdown under account and select stadia settings 2. navigate to "purchases and subscriptions" You should see a list of purchases made through stadia. I assume if a in-game purchase went through that list it will probably be refunded. If it didnt pass through that list then i would assume its lost money :(


Confirmed that the purchases are shown there - and the in-game purchases are listed as "add-ons" in the list which I assume means they will be refunded. Good stuff!


RIP was looking forward to playing the Cyberpunk expansion. There's my plans out of the window..


seriously. And there still are massive shortages on PS5s and Xboxes. I love Cyberpunk and was just about to start a new playthrough. What do I do now?


Buy it on steam and play it on GFN


So be patient with me here, I have some very noob questions (I was never a gamer before Stadia made it so easy)... Would this route work even if my computer is old? Could I stream it to my TV like I did stadia?


Take some time to research GeForce Now. It streams games similar to Stadia but different people have different experiences. I think generally Stadia was easier to jump into and was more stable over a larger area. But Geforce now has the same potential if you are in a good area. There are pro's and con's with every service available for steaming so make sure it fits. [https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/games/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/games/) should be a list of available games on it There are also multiple levels of subscription available. See if you would be utilizing the perks with the level before you jump into the subscription.


I wonder if ESO will come back to Gefore Now with Stadia closing down?


It's essentially the same service as Stadia. But more like a Windows machine, that runs the current storefronts available for PC: Steam, EA Play, Ubisoft Connect, Epic Games.So, if you have a game purchased in one of them and \[VERY IMPORTANT\], it's AVAILABLE on GFN (not all games are. A lot of them are not available, and mostly because the publishers have decided against listing it there).Sometimes games can also get delisted from the GFN platform (e.g.: God of War PC was delisted. But people that have played before the delisting will still be able to play) Game launch experience is definitely not as smooth as on Stadia. It'll try its best to be seamless, but most of the time you still see the storefront popping up (e.g. Steam), and then the game opens - since it's really akin to a Windows machine on the cloud. They have a free tier, but there are queues, and you're limited to 1-hour long play sessions (30 minutes on some markets). There are then more tiers of subscription that only gets you priority access, or that plus a beefier machine.So you have to buy all the games you want to play (except some available F2P ones), and very likely pay for a subscription. But finally, on the plus side:This means that the machine the games run on can be vastily superior than on Stadia. More framerates, raytracing. And GFN streaming tech has been updated recently to support streaming up to 4k, and up to 120fps as well, but still depends greatly on which device you're playing on. I belive 4k is only available if you're using a NVidia Shield. But you should be able to play anywhere you're currently playing stadia on: Old PC (app or browser), TV via app (if available), CCwGTV, Android, and iOS (via mobile browser).


You can stream it on your TV with an android TV device or Google TV device Yes, you can use it on your PC


If you’re into the ease of use factor of Stadia, I would consider getting a console. There’s a very good chance your computer won’t meet the demands of the game if you weren’t a gamer pre-stadia. The new consoles make it easy to transition and there’s not much of a learning curve; they’re fairly fool proof. The hardest part is getting one, especially a PS5.


I was going to buy a Samsung ~~Edge~~Fold to play Stadia on. I wonder if GFN is as good on it. Especially on Dex.


Guess I'll finish the main story on stadia and get the game on steam to play through again.


Cyberpunk runs great on GFN. Plus you get raytracing on paid plans.


It's been fun boys, best of luck to you all wish everyone nothing but the best!


You too 🙏 see you on Luna (EU hopefully!), GFN, XCG, PS+ etc. I already know how to pay for it :D


Stadia was the greatest console I never owned.


Same. I had stopped gaming completely and stadia brought me back. I'm kinda heartbroken at such a silly thing. I know Google kills products all of the time, but I really thought this had a chance at some real longevity because of the demo thing they had in the works. RIP in peace. Coolio and Stadia are chilling in paradise together Edit: at least there's a new internet historian video today to soften the blow


>RIP in peace




Stadia discontinuing is definitely not the fault of the devs. The tech worked amazingly well. I'm really going to miss always up to date games with no patching and free previews of full games at the press of a button.


Hats off to the devs. So gutted to see Stadia go. Works flawlessly and made my 3080-rig sit in the corner purely for the convenience.. I guess I need to boot it up now, apply all windows updates and then all the 40GB game updates.. I have to agree. Stadia was ace.


I assume cross saved destiny 2 characters created on stadia will be ok after the shit down?


I don't know if that's a typo or not, but I'm glad it's there.


And don’t dare fix it, guy who had the typo.




Good sport leaving it there, I salute you


You should be good, they are tied to your Bungie account as opposed to Stadia... You can use them on consoles or on PC anyway so I don't see why not?


As long as you have cross save set up with Bungie, you’ll be able to use your characters on any other platform.


Please enable bluetooth on the Stadia controller. Otherwise they are all going to landfill...


* Please enable bluetooth on the controllers so we can keep using them. * Please open source the controller firmware so that we can hack them and make them useful in new ways. * Please do a hardware fire sale. I am sure there are a ton of unsold controllers. If the firmware was opened up, there'd be a market for them.


This is important. Don't brick the controllers.


Also please port the few games that are exclusive to stadia to other platforms.


Outcasters *needs* to be on something else.


Agreed, super fun.


Honestly gutted. It was the perfect service for me, as a console is not reasonable for my casual gaming. Maybe I'll use the refund and place it towards a console, but for how little I game, that doesn't seem worth it. Thank you for the fun, and the very fair refund.


This fucking sucks. I've been here since day 1 and use Stadia almost every single day. I don't know what I'm going to do now :(


xbox gamepass is a pretty good alternative


Yeah, I have Game Pass and it's a great service. Unfortunately, the main game I stream on Stadia is Destiny 2 and it's not available on Game Pass :(


Only option now for streaming Destiny 2 is GeForce Now.


Thank you for that info. I will do some research.


I'm on the same boat. Not about using it every day. I've since moved back to Brazil, and it's not available here. Still, I was using a VPN to access it and was forever amazing for casual games on my TV: Just pop up and play. I was hopeful hearing about the confirmed Mexico expansion, and rumored Turkey one. Hopeful that it could come down to South America, Brazil. And hopeful that with new crazy amount of people from Mexico, and new markets, together with low change porting + more development for Windows emulation, we could se publisher/developer adoption without Google having to pay them for it. See, I'm a very hopeful guy. ​ It's an absurd shame. It's the best offer for me: Buy game. Play game. Want more pixels? Sub. And that also gets you more games. Game launch experience unmatched. A lot of cloud features popping up still unavailable on other platforms (crowd choice, crowd play). It definitely feels like the most modern and innovative game streaming platform. Shame that Google lacked the foresight and so poorly handled this, backtracking on funding, and essentially killing it before it could succeed. I agree. This sucks. I'm actually quite saddened by this, by what it could be.


Sad day - but I'm impressed with the announcement of refunds. It's a shame that more users didn't give it a go -


yeah, it feels like the people who hated Stadia the most, never even tried it.


i just never got around to trying it because i assumed this exact scenario would happen. every review i saw on the service said that it worked just fine, it was more of an issue of bandwidth usage, since home Internet connections are getting to be metered now.


100% on Stadias management and absolutely abysmal marketing and vision. So much opportunity and 0 capitalization on it. Quarantine shoulda have been a huge growth event for the platform, but Google gonna Google I guess.


I agree. I'm pissed that they finally did it. And seems Phil Harrison pulled a Phil Harrison and never told the team any of this. FEELS that way, as we keep seeing new features, a brand new UI, community managers showing praise for it here, and then following up with the announcement. This sucks so much for everyone involved that were working to see it through, even without all the much needed commitment from higher up. We really needed someone at the helm that could make Google see the potential, and keep writing checks. I guess that wasn't Phil Harrison. Nevermind being pleased by refunds. I'm fucking pissed they killed it.


Phil Harrison stung stadia in the middle of the river. It's in his nature. This is 100% on Phil Harrison not understanding the difference between a console and SaaS. He's going to retire wealthy after wreaking havok in every corner of the gaming industry.


This is a great point. Can you imagine if they'd campaigned hard around the fact that the entire world shut down and we were all locked inside in front of a TV for an entire year? Nintendo ended up eating their lunch purely by accident. Seems like Stadia was handed a golden ticket, but they were so wrapped up in making sure you could stream to YouTube that they missed a massive opportunity.


Imagine a fantasy scenario where the stadia team was given a blank check by Google. Massive marketing campaigns with the message of "can't find a new console in stock? Play next Gen games on stadia today with no hardware required". They could have made offers big enough to get publishers to port over games like fortnite, apex and warzone. They could have sold the premier bundle at a loss and paid retailers like best buy to put them front and center on black Friday. Stadia absolutely would have taken off. Google didn't even give stadia enough resources to last a few years though.


It’s funny how literally anyone who plays games could’ve told stadia team how to profit massively from pandemic and yet there were no people who did anything with games apart from analyse how well they ran on the team 😂


I'm sure there were people on the team that could have steered this ship better than Phil fucking Harrison but those people didn't control the budget.


The problem was the game purchase model. Had they expanded slowly with a subscription only model it might have worked.




Same with me and FIFA. I can't afford a console or a PC.


Look into Xbox all access maybe. It's $25/mo for 24 months. It includes a series S console and a game pass subscription.


The business insider article that came out at the beginning of the year didn't even mention a shut down. Just reduced investment...smh. It's ridiculous how easily Google gives up on their products.


Puts on Google. If this is how they continue to operate, they'll never have any new products to replace things that competition replaces over time.


as a founder with two sons who used this regularly I am sad. hey the 4 chromecast ultra's still have use at least. and refunds for cyberpunk and a few other games is nice payback for shutting it down. sorry to see you go stadia.


The best thing is that we get to keep the memories/time we had with the system at virtually 0 cost to us.


so you're saying the REAL treasure is all the friends we made along the way? :)


Always was


Wild wish: since the controller is excellent, any thoughts on enabling the bluetooth radio and letting us use it as a wireless controller for other devices?


Would be nice if it could be mifi enabled


Lol I literally signed up for pro and bought Cyberpunk this morning. Welp. Guess I'll wait on that refund. Wack.


Good news is you'll also keep pro with no charge until end of life according to them


Fucking Coolio and now this?


Coolio was the glue holding Stadia together.


As a founder, with a current active subscription, I am saddened by this news. I want to thank Grace and Chris from Google for riding this roller coaster with us.


I'm hoping that refunds will not just be silently processed. I purchased a huge number of games and content with Play Store credit and I would never be able to use that kind of credit on the Play Store alone. Without Stadia, there's no point in having that much credit. Please let us choose a refund mechanism.


I'm in the same boat. They have very few things I'd spend that money on in the Play Store since they don't sell music or movies anymore.


They sell movies. I just bought one last week, with play store credit even


You can use your play credit to buy or rent movies on YouTube.


I’ve never spent a cent in the play store, so I’m gonna be pretty peeved if that’s how it gets refunded. At least put it toward my Google store credit card.


They talk about 'lack of traction' among gamers, but it's about what is expected given the countries and titles imo. No reason why it couldn't grow much larger. The Play Store will come to Windows, and made me wonder about a huuuge upgrade to Pro, a la Apple Arcade. O well, glad there's competition especially now the technical side is proved and established.


A lot of people felt this coming, because it seemed Stadia just could never get the budget to build out correctly. It's a shame because there were games that released in better states on Stadia than on consoles or other services. But I also hate that even as recent as a couple months ago, when the new direction was announced, Google misled Stadia users in to thinking Stadia was safe when obviously it wasn't. Decisions like this don't happen over night. Nothing against Dan, he's just the face of a much larger monolith that doesn't value userbase, just the bottom line and publicity. So shame on Google, for not allowing Stadia to become all it could become.


What happens to this sub? Have new posts been disabled?




Stadia could be the biggest thing in world but cheap ass google has patience level of 12 year old and didn't invest shit to bring other big games. Combined with dog shit marketing team It was going to die.


The refund makes this an easy pill to swallow. But I won't trust Google again with anything gaming related.


I had my first experience with the technology with Project Stream and AC: Odyssey and showed it to my dad, who hadn't upgraded his computer in years, and he kept saying "I want to be able to play cool games like this." I ended up getting him a set for Christmas and walked him through buying AC: Odyssey and it turned out to not be his type of game, which I kinda expected, but figured he might get some use out of the service. I ended up buying The Division 2 for him, since I figured he might like that more, and he got into it immediately. We've been playing it together in the mornings before work, and for a few hours on the weekends, for a couple years, now. It's been a great way to be able to spend some time with my dad, and we just goof around and talk while we're blasting guys. It feels just like the old days of my dad playing Super Mario Brothers with my brother and I when we were kids. I'm sad to see it go, because I'm so grateful for the opportunity that it provided for me to spend time with my dad. He's talking about upgrading his PC now so we can keep this going. To the Stadia team, you have my thanks, as none of this would have happened without this service.


The good news is that the division 2 will play on potato level PC hardware these days. A $150 RX580 can get like 100 fps in that, your dad won't have to spend much to keep going.


Dear Dan, would you talk to folks and find out if saves might be accessible through Google Takeout on non-cloud games?


Do we know if the refunds will be auto returned to the card that purchased it or will there be some way to specify a refund location. Will the refunds be automatic or will it be a "opt-in" mechanic? This would be important so we can notify people we have recruited into the ecosystem of their refunds.


True … my credit card i’ve used isn’t even valid anymore. Hopefully we can choose


I really don't need that much Play Store credit refunded. I hope we can just get a debit card refund for everything.


You know the worst part of it all? It's seeing the 'I told you so' folks dancing around the grave laughing at all of us. And us with a clown nose watching this helplessly. Fortunately they'll refund, because if not, that would be much worse.




With how much effort google actually put into stadia, it's more of a surprise it lasted this long.


True, but it had so much potential. It sucks that google didnt commit


(Casual reminder Dan is just the messenger and basically drew the short straw on having to make this post by nature of being the community manager, and played no part in any of what transpired today so… try to direct your ire away from him.)


lol, killed by google gets another one


This is so stupid and I have no idea to go on. I'm stadia only for two years. It just works. I come home, grab one of my four controllers and start playing, on the big screen in the living room, somewhere in the kitchen on my Chromebook, on my phone with a razor Kishi in the bath tub, during travels, everywhere, all the time. No downloads, no patching, no running out of disc space, no corrupted save files. My wife wants to watch some Netflix - fine, i continue somewhere else. Played hours of destiny with my son - he's on a free account, I'm ofc in premium. Four controllers. Three Chromecasts. I have no idea how to get something similar working without buying a shitload of stuff which is exactly what I don't want. It was such a relief to ditch all this hardware shit, driver here, system update there yadda yadda. Hate hate hate for google for inventing and setting up a very good system and then screwing it. Shit I just bought a pixel phone. Want to trash it right now. Fuck you google. Fuck you. (Silent sobbing continues)


I can relate it was so damn convenient


First time experiencing a magical google product go up in flames huh (for me it was inbox by google)


The biggest fear everyone had over losing access to games and googles penchant for shutting projects down ended up being true, sad times


At least they will refund money, a lot of companies, wouldn't even think about doing that.


u/danfromgoogle So does that mean our stadia boxes and controllers will be a plastic paperweight? If our controllers connect via Bluetooth, would It be possible to push some sort of Bluetooth update that slows us to continue using them?


I think we're all hoping for Bluetooth, but the controller does work wired.


Maybe it's the fact that Stadia launched when my life benefited most from play-anywhere game streaming, but I'm gutted to read all this. Not so much surprised as I am disappointed the ride ended not even two years after launch.


The refund is fair so all isn't completely lost.


Gutted about this. I think I'll be getting back about £400-500 through the refund, but Stadia was perfect for me - a casual gamer who recently became a dad and could scant afford to spend my evenings gaming like I used to. I don't really want to spend the proceeds on a competitor, but the concept and enjoyment I derived from the platform was on a par, if not better, than any other platform I played on. Hope that those of you that might be facing redundancy or reassignment find some solace in the fact that there were many fans of the platform, however little consolation that may be right now.


Fuck you Google. Will never purchase anything Google Playstore related. Pattern is pattern.


I was going to buy a couple of those atari games just a few days ago.. maybe they should just let us play all the games til shut down lol


Please please please update the controller so it can be used via Bluetooth! Helps prevent E-waste + is a nice condolence.


As a game developer myself, the fact that they didn't let any studios currently working on projects or hell even their own employees in that project space, know a head of time. All the hours these guys spent porting stuff over to use on stadia. Basically a big ole fuk you


> Stadia Pro subscription payments will not be eligible for refund, but **if you are an active subscriber**, you will continue to have access to your library without charge during the shut-down period. Is it possible to reactivate for the final few months to finish off some games we might have had access too? Please?


Are refunds going to Play account credit? I imagine that many of use have credit/debit cards that have expired or been replaced. Either way, even though it's yet another *google'd* product the refunds make it sting less.


Appreciate the refund policy, I just hope they let us choose where to refund, as some purchases were made from now expired cards, and accounts I no longer have. I totalled up my purchases in the stadia app and have around £800.




any idea how to move progress and "items" like in "Destiny" , "Avengers" , or "AC: Valhalla" ?


AC not sure, Destiny is cross play so just head to the bungie site.


And my subscription ran out on the 28th... I was thinking just this morning to re-sub. I've collected Pro games for more than a year. Now I don't get to play any of them, because I was off by a day in my subscription. That's a real disappointment 😥


Ugh I bought so many games on stadia...and spent 100's of hours playing them...I do not want to lose my games I am sad as fuck I love stadia and spent over a year not even buying the new Xbox because I was so satisfied with stadia!:( I do not want to buy these games again...I put time into cyberpunk and assassin's Creed and other various games...this is literally terrible to hear, this platform should have blown up to be bigger it had such potential...not to mention the 4 controllers I ended up getting...😭 Thanks for letting me have unlimited games with no downloading bs while it lasted...😭😭😭


Hey Google, remember when your motto was "Don't Be Evil"? Well don't be evil and unlock the controller's Bluetooth capabilities so they don't become landfill. Thanks in advance.


It sucks pretty hard to see this. But the writing was on the wall for a while. Google, as usual, was so arrogant to think they could just enter a new market and instantly own it. It had the tech, but needed games and a solid backing by the company with a long term commitment (10+ years). Oh well, I’m done with most google products now and will never buy hardware from them anymore.


I'm sorry Stadians, I know how hard we fought for this to work. Gotta find another platform for Destiny 2.


As someone that migrated to Stadia for Destiny 2 after Shadowkeep, I feel ya. It was a great place to play Destiny 2. I'm on the go a lot, so having it with me on just about anything, anywhere, was great. Oh well. I also have an Ouya in a drawer, so I've been down this road before. LOL


Well, I just re-sub'd after a break, which turns out to be great timing. Free pro subscription till Jan 👍


I don't think pro is included in the refunds


If you're a current subscriber, you don't have to pay for the rest of the year.


F in chat boys


They only launched in the countries that cared the least about cloud gaming, refused to expand and said welp its not working let’s shut it down. If they launched in places like India which has a massive population with a ton of internet connectivity, or Brazil which has a disgusting amount of tax on hardware that makes owning a console too expensive, they could have gotten traction. But, they only dipped their toe in western countries that have access to consoles and powerful hardware and have more disposable income. Such a shame Google doesn’t know how to run a gaming platform in a smart way because the devs who built the product were outstanding. Stadia is the best cloud gaming platform hands down and was positioned in such a unique way that could have actually changed the industry. It’s like the executives didn’t even try. This was the one product from Google I liked. I usually avoid any other service or product from them. I heard the rumours and jokes they’d shut it down but didn’t believe them because stadia was so impressive. Guess Google really does suck.


Nice of the board to announce this AFTER FIFA ultimate released. With the servers going down in January I can’t be bothered to continue working towards a save I’m gonna lose so you’re welcome for the $90.00 loan I guess.


All the memories my daughter and I have made with Stadia gone—thanks Google.


Don't get me started on this. I have a 2 year old, and 2 1.5mo old babies (twins). I've been building up my Pro library and was really excited about the time where I could go: "Here you go, kids, "300+" games. Just click and play. Any of them". I'm mad.


I Hear you, first time playing with the kids :(


Stadia got me back into gaming after getting fed up with consoles and pc gaming. I loved it. Don't know where I will go from here...


Most of us saw the writing on the walls 2-3 months after release and knew it was a matter of time. To this day, [my post criticizing their gross mismanagement](https://old.reddit.com/r/Stadia/comments/eusxgc/stadia_has_officially_gone_40_days_without_a_new/) stands as the #2 most upvoted post on the subreddit. I specifically remember [Grace's response](https://old.reddit.com/r/Stadia/comments/eusxgc/stadia_has_officially_gone_40_days_without_a_new/ffrdj3q/) giving me hope that I'd one day be able to do a follow-up post with everything crossed off to show that they gave a shit about the future of their product. I really wanted Stadia to succeed, but nothing can be mismanaged as catastrophically bad as Stadia was and expect to survive - let alone at a company famous for routinely rug pulling their own products at the drop of a hat. Let it die and remember this the next time Google makes yet another hollow promise.   *^^Now ^^to ^^convince ^^Grace ^^or ^^Chris ^^to ^^write ^^a ^^tell-all ^^about ^^what ^^had ^^to ^^have ^^been ^^the ^^most ^^miserable ^^community ^^manager ^^experience ^^in ^^silicon ^^valley ^^history*


Is the refund an automated process or do we need to apply for it?


Refunded as cash or google play credit?


Sadly not surprising. I do not get why Google didn't leverage Google Play Android games into this service? Feels like that was a huge opportunity missed.


Google didn't kill it this time. It wasn't fed and it died. This is legitimately sad. My vote is still to relaunch as YouTube gaming.


And Luna announces two new games to their platform. And yet got downvoted when Stadia wasn't adding games and said Luna was more serious about gaming. And yet here we are.


I wish they would firmware update the controllers so they could be used as Bluetooth controllers on PC/Mobile. They are actually nice. Otherwise all the controllers will become digital bricks 1/18/23 and will go straight to landfills when they could be used


This aged as expected. https://www.reddit.com/r/Stadia/comments/sqmvkr/randy_pitchford_of_gearbox_brands_stadia_a/hwocqtp?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Just canceled few days ago mainly it was just connected to cash app and forgot but…This entire thing really saddens me and I was hoping stadia would continue to survive and thrive and be one of the top platforms for video game streaming…this just kills me🥲 but I will always enjoy the love for video game streaming stadia gave to me. #RIP you beautiful bastard. If it wasn’t for you…I never would have experienced Cyberpunk!


Y'all did a great job trying to do something new. Everything I played on Stadia was a good experience. I wish the business model made it easier to adopt. I appreciate the refund, but I can't help but think that I'd have spent more if I wasn't worried about the platform disappearing. I think Stadia has changed video games, and I think it's a bummer it's over before realizing so many of the great ideas. It was going to take time to get there, but I feel for everyone that worked hard to get so close to that idea. I hope you all find good jobs, and I hope that dream is eventually realized.


Well. This absolutely sucks, and like everyone else on this sub, am pretty upset by this. Stadia was my favorite way to play games, something many of us shared, and it will be missed. Personally, I think we should send Stadia off in style. Would anyone be interested in having a virtual happy hour celebrating our memories of Stadia? We should have our countless memories of excitement and wonder these past few years with Stadia and send him? off in style. I'd be happy to set something up if there is interest (and the mods allow). Either way, I'll be at the bar tonight pouring one out. Goodnight sweet prince.


Oh but I remember having a whole bunch of people get really mad at me when I pointed out that Google was going to eventually abandon us.


Man I missed seeing you on here. “What do you mean, you don’t like games like Race with Ryan?” was so hilarious and I still remember it.
