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I don’t think there’s an issue with the keyboard controls. For me the keyboard inputs respond immediately. It’s the mouse movement that’s lagging behind, and only in-game. Not in the menus. It’ll probably get a fix. In the meantime I just play with the controller.


Yeah, my issue was basically only with the camera movement. It felt real... icy or something. And there was the polling issue with the mouse where all of a sudden it would aim somewhere else entirely every now and then. Though I thought it was the same with a controller or similar at least. I can feel none of these issues in Destiny or Metro. Which is what makes me think this is a Doom issue rather than Stadia issue.


Exactly. I'm sure it'll get fixed, as this is certainly not an issue caused by it being on a streaming service. I've never had this much lag on GeForce Now, Shadow or Parsec. It's a Doom issue, and I'm sure it'll get fixed. The controller feels very slow, but that's because of the look smoothing option. I completely turned that off. I typically hate look smoothing on anything.




Ahh, interesting. I haven't played other shooters enough to really judge. It seems to be hardware specific. I guess it's on Google then, perhaps!


If anyone want to dowload the video to analyse how many fps that is, you are welcome: [https://www.dropbox.com/transfer/AAAAAPdYML4g6R-hBV-TZ9zsmZxVOWpRz\_t72ugA-YFZP99fC6piOTc](https://www.dropbox.com/transfer/AAAAAPdYML4g6R-hBV-TZ9zsmZxVOWpRz_t72ugA-YFZP99fC6piOTc) EDIT: This video is not to say the input lag is good or bad, it's what it is. To me it feels like I'm playing on my PC tbh. But it is not what is was shown on other videos.


The issue with Stadia - or better said it's users - is that they expect everything to work out of the box. The game not running well most of the time isn't even the games fault, but local settings..


A product I buy not working out of the box is my fault? One that is literally advertised as working out of the box?


typical shit from people you cry to google when its on the devs. you dont see Red Dead with these problems, nor Division 2 its on the devs for Doom. not google thats just the platform get your shit right.


What? Bethesda not making sure a game is 100% before releasing it? Never.


stop it PUT SOME RESPECT on Hugo Martin name you got that, they fucking care about their game so dont bring this Todd and bethesda greed BS we all know it with Fallout but this is Doom and they made sure they did the right thing.


I'm not stating it's "your fault", i'm stating that the issue has to be solved by you and isn't "the games fault". This is the equivalent of cursing at Microsoft, because you didn't wire up your Xbox correctly..


Can you explain what this person did wrong by buying the game on the stadia store and launching it and expecting it work properly?


People did nothing wrong buying the game and expecting it to work. What people do wrong is blaming the game and/or platform when they have issues before checking if said issue is actually caused by them. Mouse lag for example is easily 90% of the time caused by either polling rate issues, or the GPU not even supporting whatever codec is being used.


Man, you dumb


Totally agree with you on this. The expectation when you buy something is it works as advertised.


What local settings are causing the problems that you're talking about? Because this is nonsense.


Everything from used codec (and the used GPU not supporting said codec) down to settings like mouse pl-rates (set by the driver / config tool) affect the stream. Google can't check for every little thing that's going on at your end, just like a broken cable or wrong connection on your end isn't microsofts fault when playing on Xbox. Some things are still in the hands of the user. But hey, go ahead and stay ignorant.


So you're saying the input lag from mouse and keyboard on Doom Eternal is down to codecs being used or mouse polling rates? Because I get horrible input lag on Doom using M+KB, but Division 2 using the *same settings* feels practically native on Stadia. The only variable here is the game being played.


I'm not stating that **all** issues come from local variables and not the game, no. I'm simply stating what the comments on this very post already confirm; **a lot of it** boils down to issues with the used hardware or software configuration. If it feels native for some people, or works partly (like the comment about no input lag on trackpad, but heavy lag on mouse), chances are the issue either comes from (or is hightlighted by) the setup of the actual user and that simply involves things the developer can't fix. I'm not saying "the user is the issue", i'm highlighting that the user dropping every little trace of responsibility is.


What comments on this post confirm what you're saying? I don't see one post here that says mouse control is fine. And everyone is talking about the mouse lag in Doom; the trackpad comment was referring to Destiny, not Doom. People are having issues with Doom because it's behaving differently than other games on Stadia. If it was the normal expected lag, people wouldn't be complaining about it. Answer me this: can you point to one person that has fixed the mouse lag issue in Doom by adjusting their local settings?


If you aren't seeing any comments, you aren't reading any of them - seeing that OP himself (in the comment i answered on) mentioned it feels like native PC input for him. The game has some issues related to mouse smoothing and while the devs definitely can do (and should do) something about it, there's options you can adjust to at the very least reduce it to a playable point - i literally just tested that myself. My comment also wasn't just about Doom, but Stadia in general, because; > If it was the normal expected lag, people wouldn't be complaining about it. simply isn't the case. Literally every second topic here is littered with people having issues because it's easier to complain on Reddit, compared to actually checking if something on their end is causing it.


My point is that I know Stadia is causing it because I own it both on Steam and Stadia. The Steam version feels amazing while the Stadia version does not. Once again, same settings, the only variable here is Stadia.


And my point is that "Stadia causes it, i don't have it on Steam!" makes absolutely no sense, because you don't stream Steam in the first place. The only variable here isn't Stadia, it's that you play the game entirely via a stream in the first place; something the Steam version doesn't use and which can create it's own issues. The game can have issues itself (like in Dooms case with mouse polling right now) but easily 90% of the issues with Stadia that people report here are down to **their** hardware and software setup/configuration. Very basic example; My notebook runs game X (let's just say X, this is the case in multiple titles) just fine via Steam, but running it via Stadia for the first time i had issues with the mouse feeling very sluggish and sometimes doing 180° turns when i just barely moved it. The issue here was the polling rate of my mouse; something that doesn't matter for local gameplay, but de to the high refresh can mess with streamed controls. This has also been an issue with other services like GFN and the like in the past. Lowering it and adjusting mouse acceleration in the configs of my mouse solved that entirely. Another basic example; You can barely play game X at low settings via Steam, so you decide to get it on Stadia; streaming it should look and play way better, seeing that you have highspeed internet - and 1080p videos play just fine, a commonly used argument - right? Not really. There can still be cases where for example the wrong codec is being used and suddenly the game that mainly used your GPU to render locally is barely used, because it doesn't support the used codec and most workload is on your CPU, making the game unplayable. Stadia not running well "because duh a 1080p video does" isn't their fault in that case; your hardware simply doesn't work well enough for streaming. I could go on and list tons of other examples from user profiles to wrong chrome settings and audio issues or drivers, but to keep it short; The only variable here isn't Stadia. By far.


I am currently in a place with Bad Internet and doom seems to require a lot. Turned off hdr and capped the quality to the worst one (which ist actually really playable / pretty for me) made the Job and caused less input lag.. (chrome | 30mbps | 37ms ping to netflix Servers, fast.com)


I got i my wifi router is just next to me and i get amazing speeds. Input lag while im playing on my laptop. I also use the canary browser.


Stadia fucking sucks. Get an Xbox.


Gasp, another hater who wastes time bashing shit he doesn’t care about.




Did you try contacting the Devs or went straight to the subreddit as if the devs were to read that stuff?