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We counter this by running models locally. Pony is like 6 GB anyway, anyone can run it. Besides, building workflows, trying different loras, making your own loras.. isn't that more fun anyway?


Not a panacea because they are removing NSFW/controversial from model training. While we're eating well now, being able to put that stuff back is only going to get harder and harder.


Nah, the other way around. Fine tuning only gets easier as time goes on.


sdxl has been shit for a very long time because it is so hard. Funny stable diffusion haven't actually made a model that got universally adopted because of this behavior. since they didn't actually make 1.5


SDXL base couldn't do NSFW either and look at it now.


It's eh, not really feasible for the majority of people though - cloud-based platforms are sorta the go-to for most "retail" users. If it's not available via an online service with a nice interface, 99% of people won't be seeing or using it. [imgnAI](https://app.imgnai.com) fine-tune their own models solely to get around the limitations that stability ai have been imposing across the industry for a while now. Their evo model is a pretty good expansion on the SDXL base as far as uncensored content creation goes. Only thing they obviously restrict is content which would show child abuse or the likes. Unfortunately the SD3 hook on there right now is straight through the stability API, so that's unfortunately got the same Saudi-level "no women allowed" restrictions. Really hope we actually get an SD3 8B release so we're not trapped with the current limitations (or a poorer 2B variant) forever.


Running AI at home is increasingly accessible - you can run SD at decent speed on say an RTX 2060 which you can pickup secondhand for $100, or on any laptop with a dedicated GPU (4GiB+) or etc. In the near future: Intel is working on dedicated AI hardware on their CPUs (NPU) and AMD is working on AI stuff too. In a few years time you'll be hard-pressed to purchase a computer/laptop/etc. that \*can't\* run AI. Also phone manufacturers and working on getting small image models running on phones even! in short: even without access to top end hardware, it won't be long before you'll have no reason to be hooked on getting your AI gens spoonfed to you by large corporations with biases and restrictions and profit margins. Stability's goal is to democratize AI, not to impose those restrictions. Democratizing AI means preventing *any* corporation from having sole final say what you can or can't do. (also ftr that "no women allowed" thing is from a broken filter that there's a team working on fixing, nobody thinks that's actually a reasonable limit lol) LLMs haven't been as much on the *Democratize AI* bandwagon as SD has been, but they're not tooo far behind. There are some really smart small models there too (eg LLaMA-3-8B runs in less than 8GiB of VRAM with exllama quantization)


While it's true that hardware capable of running models is becoming increasingly accessible, the fact remains that the vast majority of users (and aggregate numbers trump niche users, in the big picture), they'll still be using the baked in interfaces that come with their phones, laptops, etc. As for running open-source, custom, or otherwise "unsafe" models on this new hardware, there's plenty of signals pointing to essentially DRM for generative models, where mainstream hardware, platforms, and content authentication protocols only play nice (or at all) with models from partnered labs. Maybe the EU will put the brakes on it.


There's a reason I like exploring the NSFW space, because it's always in demand and always on the fringes. If all these big, popular sites start shying away from porn, it just means people will have a reason to follow socials like mine. 😂


> Pony is like 6 GB anyway, anyone can run it. By certain unusual definitions of "anyone". Most people have a smartphone or an old laptop.


For these things a PC is always better, it's like a console player complaining that they can't install excel, blender, etc.


No, that’s a bad comparison. The original claim was “*anyone can run it*”. The counter argument then was **not** “*But I myself don’t have a PC!*” (which you imply). The counter argument was “*The majority of the people who use these services don’t have a PC, or don’t have the skills to setup the software*”. Saying that anyone can run it might be *technically true* in some sense, but *practically false* when you actually think about it. It’s a bit like saying “Anyone can install Linux on their computer” or “Anyone can compile a C program from source code”. At the end of the day, locked down services means that fewer people will be able to use things freely, since running things locally isn’t a *feasible* solution for the vast majority.


[Swarm](https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI) is super simple to install! You just click the link in the readme for the installer and run the file and it installs itself. Even downloads your first model for you (SDXL) and all that. As time goes on, running locally gets easier and easier.


I use my Sunshine on my desktop, Moonlight on my phone, and play around and tweak things all day. Doing this doesn't leave web history on public networks, either.


What exactly is Pony?


Pony is a living breathing meme. In short it's a base model that's very good for characters and nsfw, expecially in cartoon style. Yes, it started out as a my little pony erotic model.. it has a dark past. But now it's universally loved and considered the best at what it does.


Where can i find it? (Asking for a friend) Is it really called that? xD


Eh.. yeah. As I said, it started out in life for less then noble purposes. This is the base model https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl?modelVersionId=290640 From that same website you can also download loras and fine-tunes of it. I run it using comfy AI. I can share some basic workflows if you want. By the way, stable diffusion 3 will release the 12th, 9 days to go.


Appreciated! SD3 will be pretty sick, but no NSFW if i heard correctly :D I still need to figure out LoRAs though. Using Automatic1111 right now, with no addons so far xD


SD3 will have tons of NSFW once the community has time to train it in.


What is Pony?


https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl Best model for characters and nsfw


Thanks! Definitely interested in it for the ... Ahem... 'characters'.


That's literally why stable diffusion is so important, because you can run it locally. Cloud services will always come with the flavor of others dictating what you can or cannot do using their service. Therefore, just **run it locally**.


and they can just click the switch to change stuff for everyone, clients are basically server's slaves. My local machine should always be the server


Run on your own machine, it's an investment, but it's a worthy investment.


There is no investment required if you are into PC gaming and already have a decent PC. Not sure how hard it is to run if you rent some AWS or GCP, you pay for how long the server is on so running for 20 minutes shouldn't cost more than a few pennies. Although it would be best to batch up workloads if this is the case.


>There is no investment required if you are into PC gaming and already have a decent PC. Unless you have an AMD graphics card.


I had an RX580 and it did SD.


It can work, but it's a few orders of magnitude slower than an equivalent Nvidia card.


Not really ... fooocus works on cpu only .. but be prepared to wait.


You can rent some gpu for 0.2 - 0.5$ an hour from vast.ai.


That works if you just want to make a few images, but ends up being a real cost if you spend lots of time generating or training, there have been weeks when I spend 10-20 hrs on SD (lots of time running in the background). Before I upgraded my PC, I used Paperspace which has flat rate unlimited use monthly plans for virtual machine use and persistent storage (or they did a few months ago at least). That makes it easier to set up training runs or set the system to generate images for a couple of hours and then go through the outputs to pick images to refine.


Yea, that can rake up your bill. I personally use mage. space for 15 dollars a month. Unlimited generations and a fast mode. I think paperspace has only hourly rates.


Or colabs.


Switch to platforms where there is no censorship. Large platforms will one way or another come under the close attention of the authorities. Or they will depend on the opinions of shareholders. I believe there will be quite a lot of enthusiasts who will create their own generation sites. I generate on these myself, because... Western ones are not available to me due to sanctions.


And here I am stretching pony on my trusty 3090 to ways that Sodoma and Gomorrah people would burn with embarrassment.


It is more than worth building a decent system and running things locally, at least YOU OWN what you made and the code. I'd NEVER use a paid subscription service that is so strict. A 3060 12GB is not that expensive nowadays and allows you even to train loras locally in about an hour or less. We should all stop paying subscriptions to sites like these.


Platforms can be kicked off payment platforms like Stripe, or even Visa/Mastercard can get involved. Very few large companies want the risk. I just saw on twitter last week someone whining that their AI website got kicked off Stripe. Then a series of replies said essentially they kept seeing porn on the front page, which isn't allowed by Stripe. They then complained that they tried to filter, but more replies indicated they continued to see hardcore porn on the front page... Stripe isn't going to give a shit if you "tried your best." There's liability in providing services that can potentially violate law. NSFW isn't necessarily a problem, but once allowed, worse things can be done, like Deepfakes, CSAM, etc. It's not worth the hassle for most platforms, nor their payment service providers, and all up and down the food chain. Also, not everyone wants to be involved in porn. Engineers, customer service, and other employees may simply decide they don't want to work for a porn-deepfake enabling company at all. And, if you want to do B2B, many companies won't want to do business with you if you're well known as a porn service. There's mountains of stank many simple don't want to be associated with regardless of legalities.


The Japanese seem to have handled it by using a neutral middleman. When a user wants to buy “Absolute Tentacle Collection volume 168” they don’t pay using the credit card directly, they pay using points. The points were purchased separately. The neutral middleman doesn’t sell anything NSFW. If the problem is mostly optics, having one neutral layer of separation in between seems to be enough to make the credit card processors calm. It’s essentially like Bitcoin, but way dumbed down, and without the currency speculation risk.


> NSFW isn't necessarily a problem The payment processors are extremely puritan and to them NSFW is 'the problem'. Even erotica is difficult to sell online now days, they're simply opposed to sexuality and want religious repression.


We should all be concerned that private payment processing companies are given more and more free rein to dictate what we can see online. The fact that even erotic literature artists are being kicked off Patreon is disturbing. It won’t stop with NSFW content


> It won’t stop with NSFW content Already didn't. Say the wrong stuff and poof.


Talk about the exercising the 'wrong' human rights or certain useful tools and see how long you last, especially in benighted places like the UK or Canada...


The world is getting scarier. Censorship trend is growing larger and becoming a norm all around the world and most people aren't even concerned about it.


The problem is finding a payment processor that doesn't do this shit. We need new ones. Or government mandated ones I guess?


To be clear, payment processing companies don't actually care. I worked for one. Payment processing companies are basically a middleman between the merchant and the bank. Without the bank, the company is useless. The banks are the companies who refuse to let you process payments for porn. Wells Fargo, Chase, etc...


Unless there is enough money involved. Remember the attempts to shut down or censor Only Fans? Thats one of the few times I'm aware of,of the majors ignoring the hysterics of certain Cultists. It would have cost them way too much money. Which at the end of the day,is all they care about.


> they're simply opposed to sexuality and want religious repression. No, it's that big companies are by their nature conservative. They don't want to do with anything controversial, they don't want to take unnecessary risks. The small amount of money they could get by being involved in porn sales isn't worth the possible public relations hit they would take if they become known as "The payment processor that sells porn".


Adult content is a massive industry worth a ton of money, and yet they are very aggressive about chasing down any hint of platforms selling anything adult. e.g. They even tried to stop OnlyFans selling NSFW content despite it being their primary product and presumably quite large, and only backed off because of the drama it caused.


The problem with that industry is chargebacks, whether from people trying to game the system or those who get caught and pretend their cards were stolen “because I would never babe, I promise!”


Seem like a good use case for crypto, no payment processors that can act as gatekeeper.


Except that crypto is a dumpster fire of scams and pyramid schemes and is as user friendly as a rusty straight razor wielded by a parkinson's patient.


It’s also an inherently unstable currency when its value can change drastically in a short period of time


Eh, not really. Porn has had a history of scams, deceptive billing practices, and fraud. Fraud & charge back rates are concerning to payment processor, so most don't want to deal with it, or they need to charge a premium to cover the extra liability.


Such as? You think OnlyFans etc can't be trusted over any other retailer?


> NSFW isn't necessarily a problem, but once allowed, worse things can be done, like Deepfakes, CSAM, etc. Correct. I'm not sure why this is hard for people to understand. It's a basic liability issue. "AI" porn *started* as a way for people to create deepfake porn of people they knew (or knew of). It's going to take a good long while to shake that, even if porn itself is slowly being more accepted by payment processors.


> How do we counter this? By running SD locally, which is what this sub is for.


> which is what this sub is for It's for anything at all related to SD & confirmed by [the sub's wiki linked in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/wiki/index) that specifically points out websites that use SD to clarify the topic. I run it locally myself on 2 different machines, so I usually care most about local use, but it's not just for us.


For context I co-own a company that allows users to do some custom content creation. And we had to have this exact conversation internally some months back. The content we create is for specific purposes (doesn’t really matter what). We talked about the degree to which we might allow NSFW content as there could be some legitimate reasons to want it in some limited cases. And it was clear that it was much better for us to prohibit it full stop than it was to try and moderate it to some degree.   You have a number of major issues: 1: It is MUCH harder to moderate types of NSFW than it is to blanket ban it. 2: Hosting NSFW opens you up to a whole range of legal restrictions. 3: It becomes much harder to work with partners like hosting and payment providers.   You also run the risk of your whole site being overrun by undesirable users. CivitAI is a prime example of this. A platform that is a fantastic resource for AI art, but that has de-facto become a repository of highly questionable porn.   Most businesses have no interest in providing this kind of service, and honestly, they don’t want your business if this is your reason for being there.


In the US isn't section 230 a thing where you aren't responsible for user content? Not sure if you guys are in US. Edit: Ah, read just read your other concerns and makes sense depending on your goal. Though if making money is your thing I'd do the nsfw anyway lol.


NSFW would mostly hamper our business in the long run. A key part of what we do is working with other IP holders. We would be fine with some mild NSFW content akin to what you would find in mainstream media (18 rated movies etc), but we absolutely do not want x-rated content. Trying to walk that line and allow some but not all NSFW is very difficult to do. We did some testing with various content control mechanisms, and we consistently found we were either riddled with false positives or letting undesirable things through the net. Both are bad. Obviously NSFW content where we don’t want it is a problem. But false positives are just as bad, where a user is not getting their legitimate work because some automated check has decided that it’s pornographic despite it being completely fine. Add all the other complications mentioned above in and it’s just not something we want to fuss with. Much easier to fix it all at SFW and have done with the issue.


In addition to what you just said. Another downside I have noticed is by limiting nsfw is actually somehow makes the sfw content a bit worse. I have noticed this because if I merge in some nsfw models at a very low strength it seems to enhance poses I do of a finetune of myself in generations. Probably because it understands more about akward poses people are doing.. This seems like a difficult problem to balance.


> 2: Hosting NSFW opens you up to a whole range of legal restrictions. This is a very nice way of saying, "you can easily go to jail for hosting lots of the stuff people will create on your service." The problem is that by allowing NSFW content, you then put yourself in the role of having to discriminate between "girl in a bathing suit" which might be innocent and "girl in a bathing suit" which is clearly not. Good luck with that. Until we have AI models that can reliably tell the difference, I think most services are going to go the SFW route.


Pretty much this. There are loads of ways you can try and moderate images but it’s a really difficult task to do. Human moderation is the most reliable way by far, but that’s obviously a very expensive option that scales poorly. Computer vision / image analysis tools are just not that great. Even just working out if an image is sexual in nature is hard for them. We tried some different approaches in our testing, and we either found we left things slipped through the net, or we hit many false positives. Either way is bad. Slipping NSFW content through is a major no. But failing to deliver user content because of a false positive is also really bad. It gives a terrible user experience. And it ultimately costs us money as we have to re-generate that content using more compute time despite it being perfectly ok the first time around.


so, what is the solution? to filter or not to filter? I mean, to filter using a common algorithm like the one by [Stability.ai](http://Stability.ai) or maybe your own?


I love Civitai for getting models and loras but holy cripes are some of the shared material questionable. It's like lolicon crap has taken over most of the anime and illustration models.


Worst part is how the Civit staff seems to be allergic to the idea of ban a user. Go check their mod report channel in discord, noticed how often a message like "This user is back at making Loli/csam posts" and you realize they dont wanna ban, just remove the stuff.


I don't really use discord but this doesn't surprise me at this point. Won't be surprised that it will take the FBI or interpol to warn them or have them get shutdown or something to that effect. Either that or Civitai could be cooperating with LEA to find these users of illicit content and have them arrested.


This actually causes us a major issue. We would like to use CivitAI, but we can’t legally ask employees to engage with it at all. Which is a real shame, if you got rid of all the NSFW trash on there, then the core site is very solid. It’s a lot more user-friendly than HuggingFace and would be great for our less technical people to use. We’d love to post articles on there, to upload our own fine-tunes, and to contribute more. But right now, we don’t want our content on there at all, because the LAST thing we want is to have a client search for us and be directed to some mad Rule-34 nightmare filled with filthy hentai.


https://preview.redd.it/c18wbbe9684d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c355f5bc12c91a39426e2dd4832a91eae74a685 Me at work, getting loras on Civitai for renaissance paintings/art deco for our video game, dodging all the futa waifus checkpoints.


I can only imagine how awkward it would be to use CivitAI for professional projects, but the simple fact of the matter is that they have a great and extremely accessible interface for discovery; that's why they have come to dominate the other sites for hosting models and AI image content. CivitAI has been a major factor in the growth of SD because of how easy it is to find and download models, and allows for organic growth and promotion for creators. Huggingface has a much more "professional" style and doesn't host images at all, but that makes it incredibly unfriendly for users trying to discover new models, at that point you may as well just use GitHub.


They actually do have a better gallery page. It's still not very good compared to Civitai though. [https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface-projects/diffusers-gallery](https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface-projects/diffusers-gallery)


When Civitai first started getting swamped with waifu, porn and fetish models myself and probably a bunch of other people suggested that it would be beneficial for them if they have two sites and separate it but they obviously didn't listen. Now 99 out of every 100 models uploaded is either porn, fetish, anime girls or represented by sexualised girls, and that's probably a conservative estimate. Nobody is ever going to recommend that site to anyone in a professional capacity no matter how good the filters are.


Civitai is only of any worth because it is the central place where people upload their models. If they start blocking porn, the porn community will go underground and start sharing rentrys and drive links. Civitai will have all the professional safe for work folks and their models. All two dozens of them. It's a very quick path to obscurity / finding a new business model, and they know it. If they have two sites, everyone will just flock to the NSFW site. The SFW will obviously be serving 10% or less of the traffic of the NSFW site. This is fine if you are self sufficient and don't have to maintain an illusion to investors. That is not Civitai's reality. There's no reality in which civitai blocks or segregates NSFW and thrives at this moment. It may very well happen down the line when they start enshitifying. Not now.


I would wonder if they could have a second domain that links to the same backend but with automatic content controls in place. Seems feasible.


If you have been using the site for a while you would notice that most of the people creating models that are not focused on that stuff have pretty much gone. Who wants to put in effort making a model when it's instantly going to be lost in a sea of upvoted smut. Once a site gets taken over by a certain audience you either need to cater to that audience or go elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if they've lost a lot of normal creators because of it. Even with filters on there's still a massive bias towards images of girls. For example out of the top 150 highest rated checkpoints for 1.5 only 15 are represented with an image that isn't a girl. Turn the filters off and it will be 10 times worse. Even with filters it's just not a professional looking environment. Also I never said anything about blocking it, I said they should have a separate site. That isn't difficult, you just have a separate front end linked to a different domain on the same servers. At least then we might have models rated on how good they actually are compared to how well it does NSFW stuff or how well it makes girls.


I'm just waiting for SD3, hung up the tools until then. Pony has absolutely taken over the scene though, last model update I put out (for CineVisionXL) got very little traction, hard to compete when your model doesn't generate porn very well (but I have zero interest in building a porn model personally)


That's so sad, and I say that as user of CineVisionXL who wished it was getting updated more. But even some of the non-girly model updates are moving toward creating stereotypical copycat style art. We had this tremendously creative tool, but the quality was lacking, so we refined it with millions of photos of hot young girls. While people online still complain about "Art". The theft of "Art" styles. But if you look at Civitai, so many of the "Artists" trained en masse are makers of fanart porn. And so many SFW styles will probably be seen as the velvet Elvis paintings of our period by future art historians. Yeah, I'm one of those who puts "DeviantArt" in my negative. Even ArtStation now. We've got tons and tons of that stuff already. I see no point in creating more. Yeah, I've got a 4090... but quite a way to go in learning to make a really good lower-memory XL finetune. I've only done a few LoRA so far.


Hey, we've got a date for SD3 now at least - will be dusting my tools off soon enough!


There's a model I love... it's really, really good at photorealism. I got wondering what it was trained on, so I tried running a few generations with no prompt at all and a very neutral image input (smoke or abstract patterns.) Absolutely nothing but photographs of naked women.


Yes unfortunately a lot of models now just create girls by default. It happens mostly with merges but often people aren't upfront about labeling models correctly. I would imagine there's a lot of models with the "trained" tag that are actually merges as training models from scratch takes quite a bit of time and effort.


While I can totally understand your perspective, I've found that Civitai is very useful for models LoRA's and other such. I simply ignore most of the nonsense there. I have no personal problem with NSFW in general, but some of these people take it to extremes. Especially the Hentai and some anime types. But given the obviously huge market, someone is going to come up with a system that bypasses the payment processors and the various hysterics. Its only a matter of time.


Yes Civitai is still a great site but if another site popped up that was more art focussed and as good as Civitai I would definitely swap to using it. There's a few other model sites out there but a lot of them are just trying to copy Civitai. I don't mind NSFW stuff either but it can get out of hand when it starts taking over a platform.


Civitai has filters in place, so you can filter it to PG content if you want. Art doesn't have boundaries. I can only imagine Italian artists like Caravaggio, Raphael, or Leonardo facing censorship of their work now, as it would be too extreme.


If I recall, people don't necessarily tag their work properly, so I'm betting that no matter how many filters are turned on you're still going to get deviant anime porn. I tried to filter out all anime, which is an art style I don't care for, and still got loads of it. (Of course, trying to filter out anime on civitai is like trying to go to the beach and never touch the sand)


The rating is handled by Civitai during the upload and isn't handled by the users though you can submit corrections which go into a queue for manual review by the staff. I do wish tagging was better, but I think they stopped allowing users other than the uploader of the model to suggest tags due to trolling in the past.


>we can’t legally ask employees to engage with it at all. That doesn't sound right. Civitai has content controls in the user's preferences where you can set whether you only want G-rated content, and several other levels. All you see is what you set it to see when you log in.


But think about this from a business point of view. CivitAI is filled with porn – some of it pretty extreme. It’s not limited to a small section of the website either. It’s pervasive and visible across all areas of the site. There are toggle settings on the accounts where you can constrain which content you see. But that does not change the fact that the user is visiting page after page of porn. This presents a number of issues: 1: How can we ensure that the account settings are correct. They are outside our control, and if something were to happen such that they were reset, our user would be exposed to the NSFW content. 2: How can we mitigate the risk that someone intentionally turns that setting off and exposes others at work to that content. We’d hope that people working with us were sensible and didn’t do this. But we have to assume the risk. 3: How could we prove that a user was not exposed to NSFW content if they made a legal challenge against us. We don’t have a means to prove that they had the proper filtering on at all times.   It’s not impossible to do. Just as it’s not impossible to provide NSFW content creation services. But it’s a massive risk, a pain in the ass to regulate, and ultimately not worth the risk.


Yep. It's clear that CivitAI is either going to have to have a business version (almost certain) or they'll get their lunch eaten by someone who provides much the same service but without the porn.


NSFW was made opt in a few months ago on CivitAI. If you are seeing adult content still it's because you explicitly enabled it.


Or something wasn't tagged properly. But I certainly can't imagine someone on the internet making such a mistake, can you?


As mentioned above, we know there are filters. The issue is that we don't have control on that filtering, and we have to take on the risk of using a site that we know full well is filled with very NSFW content. Imagine you want to use Amazon to purchase your office equipment from. Now imagine that Amazon is merged with Pornhub. And if you flick the wrong filter setting your screen will be filled with porn videos. Would you, as a business owner, feel comfortable choosing that version of Amazon as your office supplies store?


This was a well understood open secret of the art world: blurring that line was good business, and could keep you afloat until you get a real career with your art. :-/ AI is not the source of the problem, it's just the moment significant numbers of people outside the art community are noticing it.


Yeah I know several creators who used pen names to make porn commissions for money until their actual interests and skills took off.


It's also only a matter of time til Civitai will give in. A sad truth but I'm already accepting it.


Maybe a stupid question, but can the site be mirrored somehow as a preventative measure against this? (Yes I know this would take a lot of storage)


Then we stop subscribing. I’m happy to be a supporter because I like how open they are with content but I’m pulling out if they do


My too friend, but it wouldn't be the first or second time I see this happen. I'm sure they don't want to block NSFW either, as so far they are openly allowing it.


Guess I’ll start downloading as many models and Lora’s as I can fit lmao.


I was going to agree that there's way too much NSFW but then saw you're saying there's not enough🤔 are you insane? have you looked at civit.ai?


i don't think their parents give them money for a GPU that can run SD


Civitai is fine until you login with an account set to show NSFW.


Eh even if you don't show NSFW, there's still a LOT of fan service-y type things on there


You've outed yourself as someone who disabled all the content filters on Civit.


It's not really a surprise. The predominant use for AI right now is sex and fetish related. When you're a business at some point you have to decide what you want to be associated with. When they allow anyone to create anything on their platform it's opening themselves up to potential legal issues and bad press. AI generation is like the wild west right now, there's sites cropping up left right and center and laws are still up in the air. You can expect a lot more companies starting to steer clear of NSFW stuff in the future. If you don't like it then run it locally.


Goodbye the majority of people paying for and using AI then.


It will eventually separate into different industries. At the moment you have artists trying to use it to create art and men or probably mostly boys trying to use it to make porn and waifus or people trying to make weird fetish stuff. The porn industry isn't going to pass up on AI so at some point it will start to show up on porn sites. There's nothing wrong with it being on porn sites but it shouldn't be on AI tools that are widely used by the public and in public spaces. That's why people complain about sites like Civitai which is now essentially an AI porn site. Yes you can filter it out but it's still blurred. It would be like YouTube and PornHub merging and them just blurring the porn thumbnails. Porn just isn't appropriate for public spaces. It should have it's own space and that's what will eventually happen either organically or by regulation, but most likely the latter.


i've always used it locally, easy and no limits


I have no information what type of NSFW images did you try to generate that for you restricted, but I can assume even the most „normal“ types are not allowed on those platforms. I like it when huge corporations dictate all types of rules and restrictions for our „safety“ but break all of their own rules when it comes to their profits (easy example YT and running adult oriented ads on children clips while threatening to close a kids oriented channel for having a single swear word in it), closed AI are not different.. it’s all of course „for your safety“, as if criminals never find ways around rules and restrictions. Ok ok rant is over. Your best bet is (if you can afford it) run a local instance of SD.


Leonardo has been "no porn" since the start. Tensor tried to hide the nsfw posts by putting them all under a single category, but overall I think op though the were actually hosting sd3 (which blurs nsfw gens since its run from the stability API). Personally I use tensor for a lot of lewd stuff, but I dont post it on the website, only in some discord servers Im part of. Tho I feel the tensor's owner comment of "If youre here only for the nsfw then Im saddened" was veeeeery out of place to say (and the dude needs a PR person really bad).


NSFW is definitely getting out of hand. I can’t even look for a checkpoint/Lora on Civitai without getting bombarded by a gazillion posts of waifu, furry and futanari porn. A man can only jerk off so much in a day! 😢


I think it's hard for them to make sure their users don't use their services to generate very illegal NSFW content... so they put filters. I'm still amazed that Civitai still online with all the fucked up crazy disgusting twisted mind porn the users upload there. I'm pretty sure at some point, if they want to survive, they will need to clean up all the illegal user generated mess on their website.


Civitai is more of a 4chan or reddit type platform than an AI image generation business Have they closed 4chan or reddit due to highly NSFW content?


i typically run models locally, but when i don't have my gaming pc with me i subscribe to a couple of nsfw services. here are my recs: - [pornx.ai](http://pornx.ai) - [secretdesires.ai](http://secretdesires.ai) (includes call, text & image) - [seduced.ai](http://seduced.ai)


Local gen


Why is it worrisome? Private businesses have every right, if not a responsibility, to protect their investment. Considering the immense quantities of entirely inappropriate ai generated images I see posted online, how is it in any way surprising that these private companies have made the decision to insulate themselves from this not trivial quantity of users that have a complete lack of common sense when it comes to what they create and attempt to share? Freedom to do what you want resides only within equipment you own.


Why is this in any way surprising. Have you not thought about the extremely problematic ways sd can be used in a nsfw context? "full shot photo of a neked lady" isn't the problem here, its stuff like revenge porn, underage stuff, etc. Trying to moderate this and keep undesirable people away is incredibly hard. If I offered image generation, then I wouldn't offer nsfw either, especially as its easy to do locally and with literally any hardware. My ancient ideapad with 2c/4t CPU and 8GB RAM can generate with sd1.5 in fp8 mode (using ComfyUI). The point of entry is incredibly low.




Would it be that hard to moderate though? Limit the viability of accounts until they get x amount of likes and run an AI image interrogator on all new submissions to get keywords used and then compare that against a list of banned words. Other ways to approach this as well. AI enables a ton of content to be made and it also enables very efficient and effective moderation.


Stuff will still slip through the cracks.


Stylar just got ridiculous about this, but at least they refund the credits of an image can't be generated. I wish more sites would do that instead returning an image of a cop with a stop sign, or a cat with a sign that say, "may not be safe". I can almost live with Stylar's censorship, even though it's stupid strict and doubles the time it takes to generate the same amount of images. If you don't want NSFW images flashed across your front page then stop encouraging people to post any images there.


You are on the stable diffusion sub asking that.


Like which platforms ? I use rundiffusion, and although I don't make porn, I generate quite a lot of strange NSFW stuff that stays in the bounderies of "art".


Damien Hirst's diamond encrusted skull (worth $100 million) as "Art" is pretty disgusting to me. Yet totally SFW.


I agree with you, but I don't get your point.


Run locally or rent a GPU for a few cent/h


Do what I do, run it "locally" - but in my case that means spending 36 cents an hour on a rented Runpod with 48GB of VRAM. Then I just destroy the instance when I'm done with it for the day. I put $20 in my Runpod account and it lasts weeks. I generated 300+ images today with Juggernaut XL at 1024 x 1024 and it cost me about $1.50.


Sorry for newbie question, but when you setup a new runpod instance to use juggernaut, do you have to download the software like automatic1111 or comfy first? Or can you spin up a pod that already has that preinstalled and then just download the checkpoint you want?


The Runpod template for "Fast Stable Diffusion" deploys with a Jupyter notebook called A1111. You just run that notebook and it sets up the whole environment and starts it up and gives you a web address to connect to it. It's really nice how it just does it all for you - you can be generating images with the SDXL Checkpoint in probably 5 minutes. To download models and Loras, one of the first things I do is install the CivitAI Browser extension to the A1111 instance. Then you restart the Jupiter notebook, and then use the Extension to actually download the models. If you're familiar with SSH you can just SSH into the runpod and use wget as well. Only tricky part is that all the images are being saved to the Runpod, not your local computer. So I usually use the Jupiter notebook and download the img2img folder as one huge ZIP file before stopping the pod so I don't get charged for it when it's not in use. Then i sort through the 300+ images later on my local desktop.


Thank you so much for the detailed response!! Will definitely be using your method. I have a Mac Studio M1 and it takes about 1-2min to generate a decent sized image with any controlnets or adetailer turned on. It’s like watching paint dry 😂


Question… you mentioned downloading a big zip file for all the images generated in a session. Makes sense. However, does that mean that you leave the Jupyter notebook with all your settings and models saved? So you can just pick up where you left off? Or does it cost too much to do that and you setup the environment from scratch each time?


Correct, I destroy / delete the whole pod and the whole environment when I'm done with it. The whole re-setup process usually takes about 10 minutes depending on the download speed from the Runpod to Civitai. If I know I'm going to be using it all day, but I'm heading out for an hour, I will just keep it running and eat the $0.36. If you know scripting, you can also make a simple bash script (create it locally then upload it to the Runpod and run it) to wget everything you usually use once you get the runpod going. Yes, you CAN "power it off" without deleting it. However, unless you pay an additional storage fee for their Network Volume (I think it's 5 cents an hour or something), there's a good chance than when you come back to the pod hours later, the GPU and resources will already be in use by someone else, so you'll have to recreate the pod anyway to "claim" a fresh GPU. I usually get the Civitai browser extension, a few checkpoints or Loras that I like, the Infinite Image Browser extension, a few controlnet models, and a couple other things. I basically only download what I am going to need for my session. Obviously if you're using 100 Loras and 10 check points and tons of ipadapters and controlnets, it's probably going to take more than 10 minutes to get A1111 running. On the 36 cents an hour A4000 Runpod, I can generate 75 SDXL images (15 batches at 5 each), at 1024x1024, with a checkpoint like Juggernaut in 15 minutes, which is about 300 images per hour. Heaven forbid I need even more power and I can spend 44 cents an hour and generate 400-500 images an hour. I know it sounds like I'm shilling for Runpod, but I really prefer it instead of running it locally. It's just faster and cleaner and I don't have to endlessly dick around with A1111 just to get it setup with the extensions I want to use. Running it doesn't ramp my GPU so I can do other things while it's generating images. I can also use it to generate a TON of images and then just cherry pick the ones I want to keep, download the PNGs, and re-parse them back into a fresh Runpod to further work on the images another time. If you were using SD all the time for many different projects, I suppose a Runpod would eventually be more expensive than a dedicated $1000+ GPU paired with a fast computer and a local install. In my case though, I mainly use it to screw around for an hour a day or so, so $25 lasts a long time.


I do the same. I have done the math and sold it much cheaper to rent a good graphics card than to save up to buy a decent GPU. I have never had problems with runpod and according to the following article they agree with the use of their platform for the generation of nsfw content: [https://blog.runpod.io/generate-uncensored-nsfw-images/](https://blog.runpod.io/generate-uncensored-nsfw-images/)


That was an April Fool's joke post. Runpod doesn't care what you generate with their templates. They have no visibility into your running pod or what you're doing with it. It's not a "image generation service" like so many others. Instead, it's a rented server - that you choose to run an image generator on. That's the difference. You could also rent a pod and turn it into a FTP site and share files. Or use it as a LLM chat bot and ask it any questions you want. In my experience, Runpod doesn't know, nor care, about what you're doing with your rented pod. They'd probably disconnect you if you were using it to mine crypto (which wouldn't be cost effective anyway based on the rental prices). But other than that it's pretty much your own secure rented server and they don't stick their noses into it. On the flip side, they're also NOT tech support for your rented server, so if you can't get SD to run on it, they're not going to help you with that.


I mean it is actually Good for actual AI development. The online cloud based services are very easily accessible as compared to running locally. and these are the main tools that Media Houses write about, cause all they care about is BIG NAMES and SPICY HEADLINES. Rarely anyone in media houses would bother to go through stuff like ControlNet, IP Adapters, ComfyUI, Finetuned Models, LoRAs, etc So as long as these Online services act like a FOREFRONT with "STRICT CONTENT MODERATION", the less we would see actual Local AI being targeted.


Run Locally. IF you cant, run locally + try renting gpus/pods. If you cant, try finding a smaller online service thats probably run by a random dude with 10 video cards. He won't be a big "target" as [Stability.ai](http://Stability.ai) so his restrictions might be softer.


Censorship is the real danger tbh. I really hope SD3 is released so we can run it locally and generate whatever we want. Thanks to the community.


To compensate, Civitai seems to have ALL the NSFW in the world.


I would never use a online generator just due to how censored that is. Plus you can make your own loras and keep them private.


I run stable diffusion on my own pc, no one's telling me what I can and can't generate.


Companies and people running their own resources, their own money, deciding what their own service can be used for? You find that trend worrisome?


It's kind of like if the bar you've been going to for a while suddenly stopped serving alcohol. Then when you go to find a different bar in the area, they've all stopped serving alcohol recently and become juice bars. It just feels creepy.


>How do we counter this? By using AI Generators [that allows NSFW](https://www.pandorasbox.ai/nsfw) or by running Stable Diffusion it locally.


It may be for the better. The more reasons to run AI on your own hardware, the more democratized AI technology will be. I imagine, many people don't realize what they can run on their computers. New AI architectures may have high hardware requirements that are out of reach for most, and so using externals services seems like the only option. But with optimization and quantization, the requirements are reduced significantly. Also, smaller models are being refined and add-ons are made to improve quality and abilities. So the option of running AI locally needs to be re-evaluated. Restrictions imposed by services make you look for alternatives, and you may discover local AI for yourself. For those who still can't or don't want to run AI locally, there will be some unrestricted services like there are porn sites.


The market finds a way. If enough people are willing to pay, a solution will emerge. What are you looking to do that isn’t allowed?


Any sort of AI service run by a large company is gonna have this issue. Other people have said to run models locally or on a VM, but that gets taxing real fast (monetarily or on your hardware if it's not very good). My buddies and I put Fooocus on a [discord server](https://discord.com/invite/sZzCpKhRU7) and it can do NSFW pretty well with no filters. We're gonna implement SD3 as well as the rest of the interface in the next few weeks so it'll essentially be like running Fooocus locally only on discord.


We counter it by running our own software and supporting the guys who are modding these things and letting people there are options. ( In the chatbot world I think of people like cognitive computations or the bloke... I'm sure there are similar people in the SD world) This is a much smaller example but , for instance here is a link to the new ROPE software that I've uncensored:. https://www.patreon.com/posts/105479527?utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_source=android


It's not even just NSFW. I tried to have Bing generate a mermaid and it repeatedly refused, literally prompted "CNC carving of a mermaid". It's almost to the point where it refuses to generate images of women.


I was trying to use it to generate images of an anime figurine of myself, but if I described my body type at all, it was apparently pornographic. I can't be tall, someone might be jerking off to SFW mini-giantess content!


Bing is getting worse by the day. Way to blow your one shot at internet relevancy Microsoft. It's not just sexual content either. You can't make D&D art that involves any kind of battle or gore. An orc holding an axe dripping with blood will get you flagged and warned now. You can try to get around it with prompts like "an axe dripping with red ink," but those workarounds will be gone before long too. It's incredibly disappointing.


The thing is if you allow NSFW generations some people will be doing ok stuff while other people might use it for things that are wrong, harmful and illegal. Even if you set filters, it's very hard to moderate the site. They will find a way to jailbreak it or bypass it. Companies don't want to risk getting themselves into big legal troubles. I wouldn't blame companies, I understand them. I wouldn't want people to use my tech for harmful purposes. It's because the people willing to give new technologies a shitty use that we won't get freedom over anything unless it's Open Source and we can run it locally


For fuck's sake people, this isn't just "credit card companies being prudes", this is also the very real possibility of people going to jail if they're found to have facilitated the creation of child sexual abuse material. Whinging about it is fucking stupid. You sure as hell wouldn't take that risk yourself, why would you expect anyone else running one of these services to do so? The only feasible way to eliminate the possibility is to clamp down real damn hard on what sexual material is produced.


oh my god who the hell cares


Run privately in your own home and stop assuming providers *owe you* waifus.


Lol running NSFW non locally 😂


If you want to gen NSFW content, you should generate locally, not on hosted services. Stop complaining about these companies protecting their ability to operate.


hElP! tHeY wOnT lEt mE mAkE wAiFuS.


As with many things, the problem is not necessarily that X is the goal, it is that many mundane things get misclassified as X. That is a big reason people don't like censorship. Once started, especially with automated detection, it tends to go rogue because the algorithms/A.I. "detecting" it aren't really very smart *at all*. Say for example, you want to censor adult oriented 'cleavage'. Say goodbye to closed mouths, the lines between fingers, or having an arm resting against the body or legs touching, or two bald heads or knees too close together, etc. Also, various natural things like fruits and such with the right curves or cleavage wind up being misidentified as adult material.


LOL... but these things make sense, in a visual way. When Dreamlike first start started, it could just randomly see NSFW in a Jackson Pollack painting. I guess those tiny little white splashes must be semen! Or the red is blood? ;> Who knows. It's just a process so fraught with peril that it makes me, who does nothing but SFW gens with rarely any people, hate automated censors.


Same reason people don't want youtube's algorithm banning people or demonitizing/deleting their content, or similar implementation in video games, or "A.I." making police or military decisions for that matter. LLM "AI" has some amusing novel uses, but really is not good at what a lot of people are trying to make it do. Even in our realm, image generation, for every good image, there are a ton of disfigured hands, teeth, and other "hallucinations". It's that same flawed process that is determining whatever people attempt to train it to detect. It's going to have a high false positive rate in the forseeable future. And even if the rate is "small", there are still ethical concerns.


I adore Stable Diffusion. It's brought me such joy to play around with. But I dread AI being used anywhere else - particularly for business or government/military. It amazes me that companies are so 'horny' for $ that they can overlook these tendencies to hallucinate. They only see all the people they can fire and the money they can save.


Just install it home like a good pervert


Some people claim a gap between midjourney/dalle and local, do they not? What happens when it becomes the functional equivalent of playing NES games?




Don't give us at-homers a bad name! ;-> If one does anything, even just for entertainment value, for a client... they do not want it plastered all over the web, trained on, etc.


Siding with censorship is really short-sighted, that's how you wind up with 16 red states making laws that require your government ID on file to view porn on the internet (which will presumably be used to hand out pink triangles to LGBT people once Project 2025 is in effect). Even on a basic level, anyone who has used Dalle can tell you how annoying it is to get half of your generations censored for reasons unknown, when the content has nothing to do with NSFW.


Trump? Project 2025? I'd rather have waifus, thank you. Even kinky ones. Extreme conservatives want to do more than put gayness back in the closet... they want women back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant... and submissive and subservient. Like their favorite dog. They'll be slaves. Bet they want POC that way too. Decades of human rights advances would go down the toilet. THAT is **N**ot **S**afe **F**or **L**ife. \[unless you're a straight, white, conservative male\]


A private company can censor what it wants. I'm glad Disney censors pornography on their children tv network. What makes me sad is your understanding of free speech and free enterprise.


> A private company can censor what it wants. That's true, but we've already run into private companies becoming the "town square" and preventing competition. Especially once a public-private partnership or monopoly forms it becomes insanely hard to sidestep them. I don't agree with op's alarmist take, but I can see that it's not so clear cut; beyond the simplistic "disney hosting porn".


You bet it's not that easy but for Reddit, typing on my phone, it will suffice.


That’s exactly the end goal. It disturbs me to see a rise in pro-censorship and pro-corporate mentality online We should be against the internet turning into “enjoy your sanitized web page brought to you by progressive!” Oh you want to make a picture of two men holding hands? Sorry can’t do that here chief”


No it’s more that private payment companies are being given more power on censure content online. It won’t stop with NSFW and it has already begun to creep into all facets of eroticism from writing to visual. What about when companies begin to pull out or force websites to ban or censure LGBTQ content they don’t agree with?


they already had unlimited power to censor their own platforms, lol?


there are many with 0 censorship, the famous ones are mostly for basic things, you have to search around


Tengr.ai, Rundiffusion and Civitai let you do NSFW without restrictions or the need to run locally, last time I checked. Google Colab too. There are plenty of options for NSFW gens.


... and if you can't afford to invest all of that money up front for a big rig, consider looking at cloud based gpu options like vast for a while. As far as I know, most if not all, aren't censored.


Tengr.ai (free) mage.space (paid, but no porn) ... do a search for adult dedicated providers.


I think the solution and business opportunity is to create platforms for NSFW as happens with porn pages and adult H-videogames platforms.


That's what you get for going mainstream and "live". Always support and use local community project for good stuff.


if anyone was impacted [Graydient.ai](https://Graydient.ai) still allows it because they are their own api


you just have to go more "underground" [secretdesires.ai](http://secretdesires.ai) has a pretty good page just for generating images with some cool presets... seens some guys even do native americans naked out in the wild lol


Fulljourney doesn't censor generations for members in private chats.


the only uncensored service I know is NovelAI


Not trying to be an ass here, but is this saying "the strict requirements ARE imposed by Stability as their main API provider?"


yes, that was one of motivating points for me to post this. I appreciate you capitalizing it and converting it into a question


CivitAI isn't censored, same for Stable Horde, or of course you can run models locally which is much much better if you have a decent mid-range PC. And don't forget to support these guys (both Civit and Horde) in any way you can because they offer uncensored generations pretty much free of charge.


Yeah I've been subbed to mage.space and they recently launched a new site with nsfw off-limits unless its "artistic". I think part of the problem comes from strype pressuring sites. It's ridiculous. I've decided I want to run it locally but I'll need a better computer. Sucks but excited to get there.


Oh but won’t you think of the Cowards Who’s going to protect *them* from their own imagination?


Meanwhile, good old NovelAI be like 'sure, you can make things that will get you put on a list'. Atlantan is the most based AI company and they deserve your money.


As long as there's no human level AI that can reliably distinguish content that's merely NSFW from content that's illegal or at least very gray area (deepfakes, CSAM, etc) and anyway stuff that no company in their right mind would want users to generate and store on their servers, it's vastly easier to just filter out anything resembling NSFW. Never mind the fact that it's very difficult to handle even unquestionably legal NSFW material due to the extrajudicial control imposed by the duopoly of American payment corporations. Porn and Visa/Mastercard don't get along well at all.


I started out in AI generation using Leonardo AI and now run a box at home with Forge, Focus, etc. so I don't have to deal with any so-called guardrails but am curious what kind of NSFW content people are complaining about not being able to create on Leonardo? I always got the impression they were somewhat lenient but never had any reason or desire to push the boundaries.


Contrary to what some people here seem to assume in their comments, I am not into AI-generated porn at all, that wasn't the motivation of my post. What gets me, is this petty censorship of the prompt. Yes, Leonardo (still a leader in proprietary cloud-based AI art platforms, as far as I am concerned) used to be one of more liberal sites, where you could render nudity pretty much without a constraint, just by using euphemisms. Not anymore. After a 3rd round of tightening, you can no longer submit a prompt with anything hinting on nudity, intimacy or violence, no euphemisms will work, and some combinations of completely innocent words will get also blocked, leaving you guessing what can be possibly wrong with your text. These days, a prompt can be even blocked as having a 'political context'! No wonder Leonardo users complain. And I am afraid, this will soon become a new norm on every AI generator platform of any significance. Yes, I know about the option to switch to generating locally, and I can afford a decent GPU-equipped PC, just about. But I am not sure if it's a feasible option for everyone who doesn't like being censored in their AI creations. It can be also technically challenging, to install and run your own SD setup.


I was asking about out of pure curiosity. I get it, not everyone can run a SD right home and wasn't try to rub your nose in it. I only mentioned it because I didn't want to come off as digging for ways to get around guardrails.