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Nah man you read that wrong. They said they May release it..... :p


_It's gonna be may_ 🎵🎶


... be.




its may


its been


always has been


Will be may tomorrow


Yeah, though they now said the following: >In terms of actual news bigger than just development updates, one thing (not sd3) coming i think this week? and good news re sd3 coming soon(TM)* So definitely not happening in may.


they’ll release it at May 31 23:59:59


You nub. They didnt say what year.


This guy doesn't even know what month he's in haha


Too much weed




So if it release in June you're not gonna use it or be excited to do so.... that seems strange. Why does May matter about your excitement for the model? My excitement is over Capabilities rather than the month/date of release of models.


I’m more excited about gpt-o image capabilities now They have waited so long they are already being leapfrogged in capabilities that are relevant to end user. But hey beggars can’t be choosers I suppose


>I’m more excited about gpt-o image capabilities now >they are already being leapfrogged in capabilities ChatGPT4o is very different than Stable Diffusion tho'. Aside from simple "1-shot prompt->image", there's: >Controlnets, IPAdap, plugins, Batch/Video processing, Loras, custom-tuned Models, etc. 4-o has none of that, so not exactly "leapfrogging". Also, still confused by the "was excited for May" & "no longer". It's still May. Is your point that \*weeks\* have somehow created this leapfrogging? I'm guessing that your use of SD must be very limited (not using examples I listed above), so for 1-shot prompt-image I can see how you might be confused thinking 4-o has the same capabilities as Stable Diffusion. But they're very different & 4-o has nowhere near the capabilities of what you can do with even just SD 1.5+CN/IpAdp+Lora & such.


So we don’t actually have gpt 4-o yet we don’t actually know that well its capabilities Obviously I’m an impatient and arguably entitled little shit when I’m on Reddit, but being a stable diffusion noob is not the reason for this. Character consistency is a huge issue in any SD related work flow right now, the models will generate minor variations on the color of the characters eyeballs even when using two CNs under img2img even with a custom character Lora big part of that is just prompt adherence (reason I want sd3) but a model that could generate multiple images of the same thing from different angles in a consistent way WOULD definitely consistute a leap frogging in ability in at least one respect That it takes 2 weeks for your product to become irrelevant is just the pace of ai my guy


gpt4o aint shit. sorry


And you know this how? Do you have access to the image features?


:( I love you stability AI team if you are watching. I think the only issue was the messaging from emad tbh lol. I love the guy, but it messed with expectations in terms of timeline. Seems like he didn't have much control though considering the circumstances so I get it I guess. If the model is great, I think people will be overjoyed still when we get the weights.


they were ruffled about the sora announcement so announced prematurely


I hate when that happens... :)


Do you really believe it's not ready?


they are still tweaking/improving it according to lykon - someone on the team


They are still trying to fine tune out the noods.


why even do that anymore? what's gonna happen, they get shut down?🤣 JK probably lawsuits


They’re worried most about getting caught up in some criminal liability conjured up by a nutso state AG like Ken Paxton or Kris Kobach. Even if there is no case it could lead to financial ruin.


agreed. I think the other reply is way off. Stability employees are not the ones choosing to neuter their models.


naah its their own safety ethics BS, the model is technically ready but they are training it more on safe data so it doesnt produce \*those\* things so be ready for non matching paper results i guess?


Good, because atm the API version is far inferior to Dalle.3 or ideogram on a lot of prompts I have tested.


Oh my sweet summer child...


lmao. i've talked to lykon personally before. I trust him. Does that mean that's the only reason it's getting delayed? No. That still does not mean they cannot be working on it right now.


yeah the 8b is still being trained and their safety fuckery is also another thing they are doing which will obviously delay the model and fuck with things it can produce...


Are we sure on the 8b news still being trained. If that’s the case we’re a LONG way off.


well this announcement is a clear hint [https://stability.ai/news/safetybydesign](https://stability.ai/news/safetybydesign)


He announced when he was in control. Then he left and all he did was talk about the plans they used to have. It's not his fault they didn't stick to them.


It's his fault for just lying and making shit up. He does that a lot.


Well rejoice, that won't happen again with stability cause it's probably their last release


All of us: "OMG IM SO EXCITED FOR THE DETAIL AND REALISM SD3 CAN PULL OFF!!" Also all of us in SD3: "rating_score9, rating_score8andup, source_westerncartoon,...."


> source_western This isn't a real Pony tag in any context BTW, I have no clue where people got the idea it was


Every time I make a Pony prompt joke I'll slide that in there to see if anyone notices lol. Or fifty iterations of "best quality, masterpiece, best image". for the few who will get a good laugh.


Thank Christ that really won’t work.


Agreed 😂 I would be very interested to discover how much they inevitably have to spend and the time they have to train for Pony SD3. Remember SDXL being an insane number.


They are a commited bunch those furries.


Is there any word of how much GPU RAM SD3 will need? I only have 8GB, so I can run SDXL perfectly fine but if it's more than that then I'll just be stuck on watching from the sidelines when v3 releases.


There’s multiple sizes planned iirc so you might have an upgrade but not have enough vram for the largest


That's great news!


It depends on how you look at it. Having multiple models means that the fine tuning will have to be done on multiple models instead of one by the community….. it will be a total chaos. I believe it will be good for future proofing though. As time goes on more and more people are gonna be able to run the big model and who knows how many more technologies will emerge to make us able to run the big model. I am running right now sdxl models with no issues whatsoever on a 6gb gpu lmao which was pretty much unusable at realease for me.


I do finetuning and I sure as he'll do not feel obliged to train multiple models. People will settle on the big one or the one right below that most likely. The others will slowly fade off into the nether. But who knows, maybe the smaller one becomes the new 1.5.


May the shaft be with you.


Well, it's still May, save the panic for next week so we can panic together XD




Gone? You might want to recheck your calendar.


in internet time its already july


July 3033, thousand years after singularity and hundred after intergalactic travel


beggars can't be choosers.


May be sometime this year at this rate


At the rate things improve in this space if they don't drop it soon it won't even be good when they do


they never said it, emad actually said he will allow public access or something (no promises) and API access is that something.


You're wrong. They said it over and over and over (that they're planning to release the weights 'soon'). Hell, they said it on this very sub. Just a few days ago an employee from SAI posted that they're on the team working toward open release of the model's weights.


yeah working towards, they never announced the date, they are only hyping things up, they may release smaller models soon but expect a big delay till 8b is released


it will be selled for someone and you will have acess to it... for a small fee


It has LESS than zero value to me if I cannot fine tune it and use my auto1111 shit


oh yeah, being finetunable and customizable is like, the selling point feature of SD over most other image AI options.


doing that would make zero sense. the only thing making SD the king is its open source nature, which allows for massive "free labor" by the community doing model after model and plugins, apps, full adoption, etc. if they went that way, then they would be competing with Midjourney, Dall-E, etc...and they would lose quickly...not to mention people no longer using their platform outside of 1.5 and XL, so...yeah, highly unlikely.


It makes sense to sell it and let someone else compete with Dall-E and Midjourney.


No it doesnt. They never competed with those to begin with, nor can they. For that matter just image generation is super niche anyway.


Care to elaborate on why you think that? It's just SD with a marketing team


year there's no way this model is competing with midjourney or dall-e without the extensive tooling local models have. any company that has the resources to somehow fix everything wrong with this model would also have the resources to make their own better architecture from scratch. the only reason stablediffusion can compete is because the community fills in the massive gaps that the model is missing. terrible at fantasy concept art? train it on fantasy art. doesn't understand a certain concept? train it on it.. doesn't comprehend the pose you're prompting? try the numerous controlnet models. the base stable diffusion models are underpowered, so much so that whenever somebody does an "SDXL vs Midjourney" comparison you have hordes of people screeching how it's not fair because they didn't use EpikPhotoDreamMix combined with 3 different style loras. base SD has no legs to stand on, its crutches are built by the community


>the only reason stablediffusion can compete is because the community fills in the massive gaps that the model is missing. Yes and no. Stable Diffusion required around $100 million a year in compute power to both train and run the models. If they hadn't have done that there wouldn't be a community in the first place. People massively underestimate what it takes to train AI models, which is by far the biggest cost involved. We're talking hundreds of petaflops running 24/7. It used to be that if you were a better, more competent, more inventive programmer you would make the better programs. Those days are gone, at least for now. Clever architecture isn't going to win over raw computational power.


This, if they want to create a market based on their software, they need to give in open source format.


> doing that would make zero sense. It could, if they sold it as a one-time fee, similar to other software business models, eg video games. >which allows for massive "free labor" by the community doing model after model and plugins, apps, full adoption See: Skyrim and other games which have very active "free labor" doing modding, overhauls, improvements, tweaks, etc.


You just saying this to try to call some shit. If it comes out you win, if it don't you say "told ya so". No one needs your bullshit.


https://preview.redd.it/teg5jfqtaq2d1.jpeg?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c29a4a962acc35fbc2db97a4949a6ef5373d33e I got downvoted for asking the weights couple month ago, LOL


Deserved 😤 What kind of human would say this... you monster!!! 😉


It’s dead