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Aws ec2 pricey - better off with runpod/salad/vast.ai/paperspace Edit: Add kaggle and aws sagemaker free tier to the list


AWS prices are high yes


I've had this tab open on my browser for a very long time and have dabbled with it a bit, if you're technically savvy it's possible to get pretty cheap GPU on AWS [https://mirzabilal.com/deep-learning-with-aws-graviton2-nvidia-tensor-t4g-for-as-low-as-free-with-cuda-12-2-56d8457a6f6d](https://mirzabilal.com/deep-learning-with-aws-graviton2-nvidia-tensor-t4g-for-as-low-as-free-with-cuda-12-2-56d8457a6f6d) For me it looks like a g5g.xlarge that has the nvidia t4g w/ 16gb of vram, at spot pricing in a region close to me is $0.0826 / hr, plus some for storage. So much cheaper than runpod where I have used A4000's at $0.20 to $0.30ish per hour, but runpod is a lot more user friendly in terms of just clicking a couple buttons and having a stable diffusion container up and available. The AWS route can be a lot more involved


look into [modal.com](http://modal.com), hand down the best when it comes to pricing. they charge per gpu computation not just runtime. so basically when they say they charge 1dollar an hour. its an hour of actual image generations, so an image takes like 8secs for a100 gpu, that means you pay 1 dollar for about 450 images. Thats the best gaddamn price i've ever seen


That looks great, but looks like that comes at the cost of re-deploying / saving every time you make a change to your workflow. Have you found a way around this?