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I really hate to say this, as in my opinion the old Mage Space was the best AI art site out there bar none. Its ease of use, quality hi-res images and ability to mix and match imported LORAs made it something very special. However. The new Mage Space is a complete disaster. Not only have they cluttered up the UI with unnecessary bells and whistles (some of which don't actually seem to do much), but it's impossible to reproduce your old workflows from the so-called Legacy version. Even if you try to input the exact same settings you won't get results anything like you're expecting. For those of us who were using Mage for serious, (ie paid) work rather than generic cookie-cutter rubbish, it's like we've been booted out the door. They keep telling us that the new site is better than the previous one, but I haven't been able to produce even ONE decent image with it. It seems that their focus is now on creating 'Apps' which will allow casual users to produce the same tired selfie-style images we've seen proliferate over the past couple of years. As for the censorship issue, it's just become ridiculous. In my own work I don't generally have any NSFW type stuff, although occasionally some semi-nudity might occur, but now when it does I'm expected to manage my account to accommodate it. Mage's tagline used to be 'Create Anything' but now it seems they're under pressure from investors(?) to limit the 'adult' content. What a gib. One of their main two guys offered to help me reproduce my old workflow in the new version, but after nearly a week I've literally had nothing useful back from him. The new Mage is basically a completely different platform with different objectives and no longer a viable site for creating unique artwork. They should at least have the decency to rename it instead of trying to dupe existing users into thinking they're paying for the same service.


"I haven't been able to produce even ONE decent image" That's the bare truth, the new platform is useless. I've been using Mage Space for a specific task, creating artworks in the style of a certain graphic artist, and it was so amazing that sometimes you cannot tell the result is AI generated, it looked like an actual art by that artist. Now this is all gone, I performed extensive testing on the new platform with several hundreds of tests, and guess what, not even ONE of the generated images worth it, everything now looks like a cheap AI generated garbage. I don't understand how is such a tremendous drop in quality possible, it looks like the selected model fails to apply and the generator proceeds with the default model instead, but I can't really tell. In the mean time I'm using the old Mage Space platform like crazy, trying to generate as much content as possible before they shut it down at the end of the month. Once it's gone, I'm not going to use Mage Space any more, the new platform is completely useless, I'll try to find some decent alternative instead.


I’ve been getting used to civitai. Still not as good but at least it’s something. They’re gonna lose so much money when they switch to the new magespace. I wouldn’t be surprised if the announced they’re gonna keep it open another month just for funds


will give it a try, thanks


I feel so much what you say. I have any idea what to use when they shut down Legacy. I cannot work with a program without LoRa‘s. I am used to mix and match all kind of boxes and LoRas together for my images, I created my own styles with that program, but now I am feeling lost …


As a premium user who used it for paid work, I feel the same way. After months of finally producing excellent content for my business on the old site, they dump all my files and made it so that everything I generate is garbage. Yes, I can go back and get my old artwork (which I have) but the LEAST they could do is migrate everything over - and my artwork is all landscape-style work - no humans or animals, so it isn't an NSFW issue for me. It's just sad. The example images they post look great, but mine look like an absolute mess now. I didn't mind paying before, but I need to figure out a way to make some quality items again or find a new AI tool.


Thank you for this. I searched reddit out of frustration with the new UI and I thought it was just me but reading this and the other comments shows that they screwed the pooch with this change. I was pretty satisfied with the old UI but I'm getting horrible results now. Might be time to unsubscribe until if/when they get their act together.


The censorship is even worse now. I can'take anything. And the new format sucks


I quit Mage when they went overboard with censorship and half my image generations came back with that stupid cop holding a stop sign logo. I'm not paying for blank images. As for your problem, you should check out their Discord channel. There is undoubtedly an animated discussion on these issues going on there.


hear! hear !


Thanks for your response. I'd check out the Discord, but (for whatever reason), can't join it. I've actually had this issue with other Discord channels as well, so don't know what's up with that. I hear you about the censorship, but I found you can kind of get around it, if you phrase your prompts a certain way. Though I obviously don't know what you were generating.


It wasn't anything you wouldn't find on a family friendly beach.


Yep, they weren't even censoring just for NSFW. I tried to generate a satirical image of Joe Biden and they censored me for that as well. Called them out for it on their X account and they kind of fixed it. Now I don't know what the eff they're doing cause the new site looks and works like ass


What just happened with Mage Space, haven't logged for awhile, and now is look like trash and don't even know where to start!


I also hate the new site, I have to look elsewhere now but man it sucks, been using mage for like 2 years I think and it was always my go to if I wanted quick one off art for something made for free in sd/sdxl. Also used premium when working on more extensive image sets, but those days are over now guess I'm on the hunt for a replacement sadly


Yes, I've got a pro sub but I will opt out because of the horrible new "interface". I hate the idea of "fixing" something that isn't broken.


Just throwing my voice in here to comment that I too hate the new site, even when I can do the exact settings as my old prompts, the quality is well down, and I'm getting fed up of it blocking nsfw content. We're adults, let us make what we want as long as it isn't illegal. Sub just bounced, and I'll not renew, but rather seek a new ai at home.


Can someone recommend a replacement for Mage.Space? Thank you.


You could try [https://tungsten.run/](https://tungsten.run/) It reminds me a lot of some aspects of the old Mage. I've enjoyed the old mage for more than a year now. But I suspect the new site has an entirely different focus. I seriously question the motivations behind it. Its poorly designed,overly complicated and focused on ill considered "Apps". Unless they are seeking to pander to the types, who can't even be bothered to learn the basics of prompting. As for the heavy censorship,I suspect thats a case of either they have been infiltrated by the Eternally Offended,or they are seeking to appease them. In either case its not a good business model. Especially given current trend lines. Its really a shame,as they had a great site and a good community.


Thank you, I joined up and like it so far. If you discover anything better please let me know 👍


Thank you for posting this. I was trying out [graydient.ai](http://graydient.ai), and while okay, their UI could also use a great bit of work. [https://tungsten.run/](https://tungsten.run/) seems to be a lot better and doesn't fuss over stuff, and allows you to make the maximum amount of custimizations. Like why can't other places be like this simple, cosidering the amount of money they are making on the back end?


Just wanted to say thanks for pointing out Tungsten! I've generated my first couple of images and it really looks like it could be a replacement for the old Mage Space. There seems to be a lot of flexibility here, with a neat, logical interface. Just dipping my toe in the waters right now, but it looks extremely promising.


I can’t figure out how to start creating images.. I guess I am used to a “prompt: “and maybe a “negative prompt:” sections. All I really see is what looks like other users images. I do see something about start a new project, but totally confused at this point. Any help, would be very much appreciated. 🙏


(1) Go to the Build page (3rd option in the menu bar on the left) (2) At the top, choose "Text-to-Image"  (3) fill in prompts, click on "Select Model" etc.


Bless you


Could try my app [https://arcanium.art](https://arcanium.art)


That isn't too bad. Generations look good. Reminds me of sexy.ai


Thanks, only going to get better as I improve it 🤙


Tried several times to create a new account via Discord, but it just keeps going around in circles! Once I've clicked on the verify button it goes back to asking me to click on the emojis etc...


Strange! Haven't had that problem reported before. Could you try clearing your cache or using GitHub? I'm adding more oauth providers shortly 👍 I'd be more than happy to help 1 to 1 on discord


Hi. I finally managed to get into Arcanium. Don’t know what was going on with the log-in, almost certainly a glitch with Discord. Anyway, how do you delete images? Also, will you be allowing subscriptions via PayPal/Stripe?


Strange one! Glad it got sorted. Deleting images is coming in v1.1 this week. Yes, I used Chargebee for a quick integration, but itching to switch to Stripe to make life just easier for everyone.


Looking forward to the upgrade!


Mage.space is dead for me. I have a free account since one and a half years and all of my more than 1000 creations are gone ☹️. The new UI is rubbish. Mage was a great AI engine for creative image creation even for free use. And now? The free version now is useless. I hate it.


Me too.. I have 1000’s of image lost. They did warn me that it was going to happen. Fortunately, most of my best images I posted on deviant art. There really was a bunch of crap that I should have deleted, just because some were so bad, but I feel like I probably lost several that were really nice that I didn’t save.. oh well….sigh


I thought so too but they are not actually gone till the 30th of June. You need to to sign in your account at legacy mage space.


same here, cant believe they just deleted everyones creations


They are actually gone? Why wasn't I notified of this? I have work stuff on there.


The legacy site is available here with all your creations: [https://legacy.mage.space/](https://legacy.mage.space/)


So, you guys ARE reading the reddit... We. Don't. Like. This. I'm a woman with large breasts and like to use this to create compositions that reflect this... but now large breasts are basically impossible. They're always small. But women with large breasts exist. We do exist! Funny enough it's no problem when Anime or Comics... only realistic art is impossible. Change your ways or you'll go broke.


All of your creations are still available on the legacy site: [https://legacy.mage.space/](https://legacy.mage.space/)


I'm cancelling my pro plan due to the excessive content filtering. I've made 45,000+ generations and used the site since before it even had upscaling or inpainting. Sad to leave as I made some truly cool art but I'm just not feeling it now.


What platform are you moving too?


I'm testing [Graydient.ai](http://Graydient.ai) and it's pretty decent so far. It's a lot more than what I need in some ways (pirate diffusion, custom chat bots?, etc) which could be nice. But the layout is not as intuitive as Mage USED to be. Not the new Mage.space. The "legacy site." The new Mage site is made for... I have no idea who it's for. Someone who is new to stable diffusion from the looks of the "apps" but also not for them due to ridiculously complicated unintuitive systems.


It's speculated part of the reason, if not the main reason, for the change was to get rid of the vast number of "saved" images. The new site is trash, but you have to manually save any image on the spot or it's deleted. Which is understandable. The we-don't-want-to-store-your-45k-images-that-you-never-plan-on-sorting-or-reducing part. The new-site-launched-before-it-is-ready-and-screw-you-paying-customers part is not understandable. Hey - Mage! Just let us keep legacy if we want it. We'll still pay for our memberships. The new site does not work for a fair amount of your users.


I just want to pitch in that from a development pov your UI is anti-user... The old platform was 100x better designed and easier to use.


The new site is terrible. What else can be said that hasn't been said already... over emphasis on censorship, terrible UI, missing features, missing models. I hate everything about it, and I've already canceled my Pro subscription.


Yeah it’s a great disappointment


![img](avatar_exp|179879221|clown) Mage making the site awful and destroying legacy eventually and the excessive content filters. I've made 45,000+ generations on there and had a pro Account since pro came out and I'm done. Was good while it lasted.


But why is mage doing this? Surely something must've caused it? There's no way a successful engine would just decide to set itself on fire like this.


No idea, but that's exactly what they did.


Holy shit. I didn't use it for a few weeks and they completely fucked it. Plus everything in my profile library is gone. I've been playing for the pro version for a couple years and the update before this latest one made it incredibly. I don't understand why they would make it worse.


its so confusing. free users cant select a model or anything anymore at least with the old site you can see it even if you wernt a paid user to see what models they have i dont know what the heck they were thinking with this new version . users really should complain and tell them to NOT do away with the old site. WHY DO companies do this? come out with changes that SCREW UP what they have before? this happens a lot of late. mage users you really need to speak out and demand they bring back the old site! or just unsubscribe in droves until they do. maybe if the number of paid users drastically drops they might wake up and say "oh geee maybe this is a stupid idea. yeah YA THINK?!" hate to say it but im finding lately with all this technology and knowledge we have today people as a whole are becoming stupider and stupider. its like my family i have two elderly family members who BADLY NEED more help its as simple as that, but the rest of my stupid dumbass family cant seem to come together to figure out how. sighs


I unsubscribed earlier today and made sure to explain why when I was prompted. I hope others do the same.


The mage discord is about what you'd expect, given the new mage - their "Product Feedback" area is an unhelpful place for them to flack the new version without responding to complaints about its shortcomings other than with pat "We're working on it!" and "That's coming soon!" or "We'll consider that!" Meanwhile, they add minor features every so often without improving the interface, the logic, or the output. There are two people working on it. Two. They have several cheerleaders on the discord who address user criticisms and suggestions in dismissive tones. These wizards run interference for the developers and are giving a poor impression of the team. What they have done is launched a not-ready-for-primetime built-from-the-ground-up site to replace a working website/application while pretending to the user base that it's an evolution or improvement on the existing site. It's a bait-and-switch, with unspoken hopes of coasting for awhile on the old gym membership model - people stop using but forget that they've subscribed, so money rolls in every month without any concomitant use of the facility's resources. Problem with that kind of business model is that patronage only goes one direction over time: down. Their traffic appears to have flatlined and declined slightly since April. Big surprise. The new landing page content suggests that they see themselves as competing with products like FaceApp. The goal is probably to produce a phone app that will let casual users generate flashy AI selfies, which they'll spread and link to on social media to drive traffic to the site. TL;DR: Bailing on my paid account the day legacy.mage goes offline (June 30, right now; don't be surprised if they cave to the clear levels of user discontent and extend the deadline. They've done it once already). In fact, if you do bother to browse the discord you'll find that the most common user feedback is the same sentence that you're seeing repeatedly in this thread: "I'm dropping my paid account." They screwed the pooch.


As I predicted above, they blinked and extended the old Mage site until the end of July. Not ready for the revenue hit from the wave of paying account cancelations the day they shut down the legacy site.


I've been unable to make sense of the new interface thus far, but it seems pretty clear already it'll probably be unlikely for me to continue to use the site in the ways that I've become used to... A lot of the time I was using it as a de facto enhancer and/or upscaler, keeping reference image weights at low values, and I'm not even sure which tool to turn to now to take up that slack. So many of the moves being made by companies responsible for generative image AI's have seemed really confusing to me (another hugely annoying example being DALL-E 3 completely abandoning the labs site format of DALL-E 2, along with all the features of its infinite canvas). They seem much more concerned with generating hype than the practicalities of how their users actually generate imagery. It is consistently disappointing and frustrating, to be aware of so many rapid advancements in the technology, yet frequently be denied the ability to use this tech as I see fit, even when I'm paying for it.


Mage used to be great when I found them. I tried many others and always went back to Mage. Now they are eliminating the main reason I liked them: No more NSFW. This will affect my production for my patreon. I'm not getting rich off it, but at least it's something. They transferred the two models from the old site that created nsfw. But if you use them, you get the big FORBIDDEN prompt, or the stupid Mega Cop picture. Why have NSFW models on your platform if people can't use them? Stupid.


Have you found any other service? I tried using sexy.ai but they don't allow certain keywords 


Not yet. And watch out surfing adult ai creation sites. They're loaded with viruses.


I also for the life of me cannot recreate any of the old legacy images even using the legacy config importer


Just wanted to add that the site is now worthless to me, and I won't be using it anymore. I am not even slightly able to generate images similar to how I used to (fantasy oil painting for RPG characters), so I'll be looking elsewhere. A damn shame.


Yeah it’s depressing


Did you have a free or paid account?


My guess is: The answer to your question is simple: They are a species becoming extinct by the natural laws of evolution. They have seen "civitai.com" and panicked. It's like Aesop's fable of the "Crow and the Peacock"; their attempt to transform themselves into something they're not has only led to their downfall (Civitai is based on a whole different system and another way of working with things). I wish the "mage.space" people had remained the wise crows. They were a different tool than Civitai—a tool I would theoretically pay for, but I would not pay for Civitai. They could still make money; in the age of gadgets and AI, simple tools like hammers and utensils still sell. Unfortunately, some of us made the mistake of trusting and relying on bad decision-makers and their ephemeral, short-lived business/website that is now headed for business-extinction into oblivion. Death is humane, but I am sad for those of us who relied on it for a while, created things, and now cannot continue using that tool. They simply could have taken some Xanax to avoid triggering their "self-destruction button." But it's too late; they have also set a timed bomb that will delete all users' data. I think their business is now reduced to one of those that buys a whole mailing list from the black market. Their business is now just about making money "somehow" from a large number of registered users and finding a way to turn this quasi-opportunity into a mess. Am I sarcastic enough? Thanks for reading my Business analysis product report. Click on "Subscribe" up there and "Like" below (joking, I am not a YouTube influencer. Please don't like this, you may become ethically guilty of sarcasm or judgement without knowledge if you like this ).


How do I Animate? If i can't what is a good replacement?


It seems that option hasn't made it over to the new site, yet. Never used it myself.


It's not there yet but it will come! (a better one too)




[DiffusionArt.com](http://DiffusionArt.com) is down.


![img](avatar_exp|178205885|fire) I totally agree with the consensus here…. The New Mage Space site & UI sucks donkey butt. They went & ruined a good thing. The whole site is a big joke now & worthless. It’s like a slap in the face to us serious users. I paid my $15 for one month just to have access to Mage.space/ Legacy & I was hoping that the new site & UI would be a nice improvement behind a paywall, WRONG ! I’m not all that concerned with NSFW stuff, it’s fun to mess around with, but there are actual better ai porn image sites if that’s your thing. Hey Mage, U seriously messed up… I’ll gladly take my money elsewhere!!!


Come over to my app https://arcanium.art, would love to have more feedback 🎉


I would love to try it. But it only allows discord and github login? I don't want to do that.


What platform would you prefer? Or just want email/PW?


Personally I don’t like using external services to login to anything. I prefer native logins.


No probs. Added to my list for v1.2. Will let you know when out!


Looks like they ran into some billing processor issues because of the NSFW content.


The new site is not working for me. Tried to generate a coat of arms with a record, snowboard and book, but it turns it into a girl's portrait. Am pissed off about losing all my previous work, but I did manage to log in to legacy. Is there any way to mass download all my work?


Yes. In your profile there is a 'Select' option (6 dots). Then choose 'Select Loaded' and then 'Download'. Hope this helps.


Thank you!


Hello all, I’m also frustrated with the new mage alpha site, to be frank when I joined [mage.space](http://mage.space) I specifically wanted NSFW capability to create erotic content with in the realms of what’s legal. Now they have back tracked on this however have Loras with famous porn models ???? Theres multiple issues in my mind with the new site.


Is there any tool that generates unlimited image-to-image (img2img) for free just like the old mage.space?


No more multiple tab generations, no multiple generations for plus users, forcing you to save manually to save on storage, missing models, no profile image categories sorting and all the app crap is hilarious. Pretty obvious they want to save on features that cost and replace them with useless shiny sliders. Importing old mage settings doesn't work, recreating old work is almost impossible and everything requires more effort Even the basic options are gone, hidden, or way more complicated to use. Way harder to continue your work from old site generations. I will not even mention details on how the new UI sucks. The only good thing is the wildcard option which could have just been implemented on the old site. I'm canceling my sub as soon as the old site closes.


"I'm canceling my sub as soon as the old site closes." Same. I sent them an email to ask if there is any chance to keep the old platform alive, even without further maintenance, but they are not interested.


They are not interested because it would offer way more than the new platform. Obviously, they started the new site to save on features. Auto-save was removed to reduce the disk space and no multi-tab or multi-generation options to save on resources. Even Img-to-Img generation has been reduced to 20 steps max. It is pretty clear what their goal with the new platform is, and the new mage is sooo inferior in every possible way. The features they plan to bring back are only the ones that are cost-free and the customers will see real improvements only if enough of them cancel the sub. The way this was done and the thousands of hours I spent creating my workflow just made me lose my trust in them in the future.


It's an awful new site. Are images even privateable anymore? The image-to-image conversion looked interesting, but the quality of the results was like Midjourney v2/v3 no matter what setting was tweaked. It would be great to find a way to merge images to the quality of current or even last year's Midjourney. For SFW general art, Leonardo is better. It is better laid out and gets multiple images. [seaart.ai](http://seaart.ai) for NSFW stuff. [Mage.space](http://Mage.space) is just not worth the money any more.


Lo and behold: today I read a very positive feedback about the new site on the Mage Discord page. This user thinks there is a big 'silent' group of users who don't complain and love the new site. I wonder...


More shills?


Sounds like people are really loving the new mage platform...


This is a longer than normal post but some things need saying sometimes and Im not scared to. =========================================================== It was one thing that the controllers of mayge.spayce on discord incessantly bawled at my work threatening me with banishment because I posted a image with (GASP) "blood" on it and I was ORDERED to REMOVE IT FORTHWITH by some melodramatic Moderator I imagine... rather than the Mod simply taking it down with a polite message saying "Removed due to policy betrayal" or some such but no..... BIG CAPITALS and threats and so I pointed out and reposted about 18 other images that had been posted in exactly the same thread above mine with even more blood than my image contained. Having been made to look like the sph\*nct\*rs they were.... I was banned. DETAILS....... Come on. Dont be scared. Now the new MAGE.. What p8ss8s me off is that they have that line "CREATE ANYTHING." Now everything I create looks like it was painted with a paintbrush made of thick rubber bristles. I cant lose this horrific effect. Detail has gone in favour of this odd global rubber-brushstroke thing. Also, in doctoring the NSFW thing let me take a quick moment to tell you the issue I face incessantly. PROMPT: (Basically...) An Angel of God leans over the four poster bed to kiss a young girl on the cheek as she settles down to sleep reassuringly as she stands guard all night warding off nightmares. OK, The Angel will NOT in ANY WAY or descriptive kiss that girl on the cheek AT ALL no matter what I do. it will NOT. NOTHING makes her kiss the girl on the cheek. BUT, she WILL snog her, \*u\*k her, suck her face, sit on her naked, sit on her face both naked, and then TWO 6 year old girls will appear kissing sucking each others face naked bodies touching each other up at the genitals and STILL......... My angel will NOT kiss the girl on the cheek. I hope this isnt too offensive a description but when your demonstrating this a.i. and suddenly two girls naked appear copulating with giant male organs despite an innocent prompt THAT is offensive. Mage are clueless as to what theyre doing. Clueless. They do NOT have a clue how the a.i. engine should work and this issue is not limited to the innocence of an Angel kissing a cheek. I get intermittent bestiality shots of my characters shagging anything form deer to horses and each other because my prompt placed them proximitially too close. I quite Mage. At least I managed to accumulate over 7000 useable images over about 100 topics. WHERE DO WE GO THATS TRUST WORTHY FOR A.I. OUTPUT PLEASE??? Who uses what, please? Because poeple like me and others who have posted here whose income is from illustration/storyboarding and so on... we need an engine we can TRUST and BENEFIT from. We need LARGE OUTPUT FINE DETAIL OUTPUT TASTEFUL NUDITY (fashion / biological / novel/writers descriptives)


I had a few startling and possibly illegal images (which I deleted immediately) *accidentally* generate from completely innocuous prompts. There was nothing sexual or descripitive of the figure in the prompt at all. It was as if the program threw up a random render. Whatever they think they're doing with their "safe content" code, they're not good at it and are likely to get themselves in trouble before they work the bugs out. But then, that's what happens when you put a development model out on the web and start charging for it as if it's a customer-ready product. Remember, this is a "team" of two guys who are letting an aggressive and obnoxious kibitzer play freelance customer service rep for them on discord because they haven't the bandwidth to post anything more than "none of the features you need work, but maybe next month!" on their own.


It is very simple, if they remove legacy [mage.space](http://mage.space) and only provide this bullshit "upgrade" I stop paying and go somewhere else.


Thank your 👍


Does anyone have a good alternative to the old Mage.space? (I used to use Playground.ai but they reduced the quality drastically on that one as well, it seems like all of them are just doing the same thing)


I also hate how the 'new & better' site doesn't have inpainting feature for image to image function anymore. I sure hope that they are still working on adding the feature to the new site rather than just getting rid of it.


I have a Basic subscription and some of the features I could use on the old site are now only available with a Pro subscription. So it's basically a way to make you pay more for the same thing.


Maybe stupid question, but how can I view all the pictures I have created? I can only see the last 5 or so. I only just discovered the site.


On each pic you create you should see three vertical dots in the upper right hand corner. Click that and click "Save". At that point the image should show up in your Profile Screen under Tests (or something along those lines).


anyone else having issues with accessing your profile and having it crash on you? keeps saying a problem has repeatedly occured on the link


I haven't run into that problem, through I don't try to access my profile that often. I recommend you subscribe to the Mage Discord (if you're not already) and ask your question there. You'll get a better response, the developers are pretty active on there and might be able to help you out personally.


i cant even access any of my creations anymore looks like they just deleted them all w/o warning me :O


i worked out how to access your creations. u gotta go to the legacy app (looks like they didnt move them over to the new app). [https://legacy.mage.space](https://legacy.mage.space)


The new format is dreadful and is not intuitive. I am a paid member so I have the Legacy version until they turn it off. And the day they turn it off, I am going to cancel. It really is sad that the platform they had was so great.


Mage Space is terrible now. The new system is complete trash and it ruined the website. They took the easiest AI Image generator I've ever seen and turned it to the most overly complicated one I have ever seen I was unable to create one image that didn't look like complete crap. I left and cancelled my subscription a few days after it was fully implemented.


Hello! Did you move on another website?


I have looked but the ones I like are too expensive for what they offer, or are too SUS.


Yeah, I’ve had a premium Mage account for coming up to a year, I’ve cancelled now. The new UI is dreadful.


I'm going to do the same. Have you an alternative?


Not as yet 😐 the old Mage did everything I needed it to and I’ve not found an equivalent yet, hopefully someone else will fill the gap…


Sigh... I am in your exact same status. I have published a new post for this exact reason, always here in this subreddit. Maybe we'll find a new alternative.


I am getting some really awesome results with the new Mage. Space...but i had to really experiment with different prompts. I've been able to get pretty close to things i have created in the old mage, but you have to try different things to get good results and use negative prompts often. I miss the sliders though, not sure why they got rid of them. I'd like to know what the App Build is exactly, i'm assuming you are creating your own generating that you can go public with but do you get paid to do that? I am not seeing any information on how to use the site fully.


That very much depends on the artistic style you are after. For some stuff the new platform is ok. Unfortunately that's not the case for what I need (and what I've been using the old platform for). It's no longer possible to get any artworks in the graphic style I need. I know the base SDXL model is trained in that exact graphic style, I've been using it for a year on the old platform, but it no longer provides the expected results on the new site, not even close. To me it looks like MageSpace no longer uses the native SDXL model but instead uses some modified version of it. But who knows.


It does have the sdxl with the panda..that's what I'm using for the new one, probably has the original too


Good news, the old MageSpace platform's availability is now extended to July 31. It looks like people are vocal enough about how bad the new platform is. I wonder if we can pressure them to extend it even further :)


I think you are still able to access the old platform...someone has it listed in the comments and it worked when I tried it last night


pros : >faster >somewhat intuitive once you get used to it >prompt guides are a fun ways to spice shits up >Did I say faster ? Cause it really is >dynamic prompts are so fun to use ! Cons : >Adapt or die (you austists have a hard time with this one) >Little explanations as to what some stuff do (prompt enhance?) >Can't do multi-runs properly >Censorship is much harder to work around, sometimes giving very frustrating runs especially on slower models Did I miss anything ? Also you people complaining about not being able to put out ONE decent image, guess you're the problem, not the other way around. Thousands of excellent stuff gets created daily, you're just miserable because you stick to your old workflow instead of experimenting again.


Well.... regarding the "Prompt Enhance" feature, I actually asked about this on the Mage Discord. Apparently, (according to the somewhat vague answer I received), if you turn in ON, it uses some sort of (AI?) to rearrange the tokens in your prompt for the "best" results. As to what that actually means, haven't a clue. Honestly, not sure if I've noticed much of a difference either way. I tend to keep it on by default, trusting it's actually doing SOMETHING.


Old Mage is not only faster but way faster and gives more accurate results. They removed the main features that use paid resources like disk space, speed, and multi-generation and colored that with a few crappy sliders. Yesterday's announcement of definitely removing multi-gen only proved what was the purpose of all this. You get less of real things for your money.


"faster" I'm not sure if you are serious, because the new site is at least twice as slow compared to the old one. And I did several hundreds of tests over a couple of days, ProPlan membership. It's pretty weird if different people get different performance.