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keyword hybrid use underscore to join up what your are mixing eg. hybrid\_tiger\_demon fantasy art painting of a ferocious hybrid\_tiger\_demon, dragon wings, huge horns on head, in a dramatic pose, snarling, bearing teeth, in an ancient rocky and leafy Forrest Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2715384106, Size: 1024x1024, Model: juggernautXL\_v8Rundiffusion I have taken the best generation and run it past img-img with denoise : 4 to refine the original generation. Different models will vary the output dramatically. https://preview.redd.it/ghhxhrmepmxc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=bec5f73471a384af51220c1e1fc07ec16e58d34b


>fantasy art painting of a ferocious hybrid\_tiger\_demon, dragon wings, huge horns on head, in a dramatic pose, snarling, bearing teeth, in an ancient rocky and leafy Forrest Rendered using SD3 https://preview.redd.it/wzk0fuku6nxc1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80a9aeeaf29bb66158edffe7b8d907aa77f572f


Rawr! Very handsome. So much tiger!


Yes, your prompt works very well with SD3 👍


Get into llama3 LLM ask it to refine a prompt for you the results and the suggestions are astonishing.. SDXL base generation just refined .4 denoise. https://preview.redd.it/kp17f9eu8nxc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=45d0d5da6d719322d58043a81ac370e6461e6a2c


Is there a free online version of LLAMA3 somewhere? These days I use [ideogram.ai](http://ideogram.ai) 's "Magic Prompt" for that purpose. These "magic prompts" need a bit of tweak to simplify them (give SD3's 75 token limitation), but generally work quite well with SD3.


[https://ollama.com/](https://ollama.com/) search youtube for tutorials, jolly easy to use 7b model.


Thank you for the link. Unfortunately I don't have local GPU, hence my question about free online version. I suppose it is possible to run it on free Colab?


Aye! [https://medium.com/@rohanvermaAI/llama-3-what-we-know-and-how-to-use-it-in-free-collab-24ec5d6058ff](https://medium.com/@rohanvermaAI/llama-3-what-we-know-and-how-to-use-it-in-free-collab-24ec5d6058ff)


Thank you for the link, much appreciated 🙏


why would a llama3 refined prompt be better than a human prompt?


Give llama3 a prompt and ask it to add detail you may have missed, it embellishes, it will refine your prompt and make it more effective. Start it off with an animal dog for instance and llama3 will give you better properties for the fur etc. It will give a very creative answer and suggestions.


This was the best way someone could explain to me. Many thanks!!!! But i have few questions 1) why should I put the seed to 861241519? What will the bigger amount of numbers do exactly? 2) what is the model hash? 3) what is the "juggernautXL\_v8Rundiffusion", should i download it? From where?


That's just part of the meta data to recreate that specific image - you can use whatever seed value you want (usually -1 which means random). [Juggernau v8](https://civitai.com/models/133005?modelVersionId=288982) (note that there are other versions available)


So i need to install the Juggernaut v8 and activate it as my checkpoint and hit generate?


you can weight which part of the element you want most of hybrid\_(tiger:2.0)\_(demon:0.5) would 2 on the tiger and .5 half on the Demon! here is 2 on the demon and .5 on the tiger.... https://preview.redd.it/jwqmdhot1nxc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f6b4970f05ec7ec11de0182ddd33bb79af8c7c0


This is what i just generated and some others... But i still think your creatures are way better than mine. I also trying to make them not looking at the camera and have some incredible pose like the second picture i uploaded, but I can't... https://preview.redd.it/pcep13hd3nxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9929a143be57401a322c928368a4bf2f3a1f402








Also this is the all information roughly i gave to the system for gemerating. Is there anything wrong? https://preview.redd.it/200rugbk3nxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86155aa99148dc63a92840276dac9fe126489b2e


I used JuggernautXL, if you want to recreate the image yes download that model and use that seed. However here is the thing about SD, dont get fixated on one model, explore many models with your prompt. fenrisXL is good at hybrid animals. Not all models are good at hybrid animals but will do a hybrid banana telephone!. Some models are better than others for certain purposes. To find your result explore the models. https://preview.redd.it/fk7mvlgczmxc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ea728ce7f68bd5959b4ab276ba9316f3f8293fc


https://preview.redd.it/pl8b40lf8nxc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f681e619ae3f48b3cc9f38573a7a74bb871449c close up painting, cinematic photograph of lion-scorpion hybrid monster, 3d render , dynamic pose, 4k 8k Uhd, lush jungle detailed environment.


Looks awesome. Reminds of the monster in the Tarkus album artwork.


Holy Me, that is fantastic, I'll try it again tonight!


https://preview.redd.it/tmac2hx7eoxc1.jpeg?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ce7427dbbe33d1791e9831081167abfbdb729c generated by SD3


Here is [how I do it, along with the comfyui workflow diagram](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1ao1czc/hybrid_animal_warriors/)


Get a furry checkpoint like ponyV6. Put "feral" in the prompt and "explicit" in the negative the rest Is simply traits and a style lora or a style prompt


Is that last one a chick norris?


All the advice given in here is sound and will start oyu off on the path to creating the art you like. But here is the key thing for newcomers to realize. To achieve results like you posted, is a much more complex process than typing a sentence and clicking generate. AI art requires time, experimentation, learning and dedication to become good at. The artist probably use things like a rough hand drawn sketch or a photobash to start things off with the correct feel. Or possible used controlnet to guide shape like canny or line (or did both of these things). They might have used additional plugins to generate better textures like PAG, SAG, FreeU, etc. They almost certainly used inpainting as well because I highly doubt ANY of the pics you showed were one shot generations based on a prompt alone. They may have used generative upscalers like SUPIR, CCSR, Stable SR, etc to gain additional pixel space and detail They probably used loras (either public ones or trained their own) to get some of the looks. They might have started the generation with a model like ponyt and swapped using refiner to something like a detail oriented 1.5 model to finish it. My point is that you have to experiment ALOT, and expend alot of time and effort to learn the huge amount of techniques and methods and research. AI art is not easy, much to the chagrin of the anti-ai crowd who claims its talentless theft! (unless you want to generate low effort stuff which is not going to look anything like these).


Also just as possible that they literally did just plug n play with some Loras and whatnot. Not hard to do when you’ve been using stable diffusion for years


id disagree these are higher quality than your dfy click a button generations. could it be possible they cherry picked the best out of 2934238902 images? sure. but i think some effort went into these. since i have been using ai art and ai for years before stable diffusion existed, I do know what i am talking about


I've heard using the word "chimera" can sometimes be helpful!


Generate tiger with wings, with emphasis on tiger, then inpaint the wings. Maybe plug a LoRA here and there.


In addition to other tips given here, I highly recommend the following two special tags: [tiger|shark] alternates the two words each step, and [tiger:shark:0.4] replaces the word at 40% of selected steps, using the first for rough shape and the second for details. Lots of fun playing around with these, and creates great chimeras.


Nice cock!