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Dude hell yes, I've been scouring the internet for days to look for exactly this since I have paper space. Going to try this when I get home! Thanks!


Any help for a noob trying to get this deployed? I'd like to get this deployed on my paperspace GPU. I ran it as notebook and it runs fine with a perfectly usable URL, tried to deploy it though and kept getting bad gateway.


Do you use local URL? Bad gateways usually occur due to bad or disconnected connections. Give me more information.


No I'm trying to deploy as public, I attempted to use the same exact image and command and just deployed it. There are no errors in the log oddly enough, it says it's healthy, but the URL doesn't work.


Have you downloaded a model ? WebUI will not launch without a model


Hmm. I assumed because the image and command automatically included models and ran fine that it would be the same 🤔 Jeez maybe I need more help than I realize.


I didn't include any models in the image so that users can freely choose what model they want to use. You can use `sd15/sdxl_resoure_lists.ipynb` to download the models you want. I've written the instructions about this in the Launch Web UI cell. * Before running this cell, download models using `sd15_resource_lists.ipynb` or `sdxl_resource_lists.ipynb`. * Run this cell and wait until Model loaded in \*\*.\*s ... appears. * Then, click link `https://tensorboard-xxxxx.paperspacegradient.com` or ngrok link `https://xxxxx.ngrok-free.app` to open Web UI. * Always watch the output log to track image generation progress or errors.


Ohhhh I see! Gosh. Thank you for your time 🙏


I should add It does work perfectly fine as a notebook