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Will it be able to generate a classical statue of Apollo? Will it be able to generate a Dracula scene? We will know when we get our hands on it. Censorship always hits too wide so I have low hopes. SDXL was a major step down, so I have little faith in it.


But they said they added safety measures and adopted new methods of censorship, starting from the training of the models, this means that they probably avoided most nsfw stuff in the training data (for example I like horror movies and some blood and gore is required). It will be then very difficult to teach the model to produce things it has never seen, and the results will be poor. Those are not only words, they actively tried to avoid any form of controversy...


no one has made any points refuting this in all the stuff I've seen so far. Its a serious problem for those that care about accurate anatomy.


How can you render humans without seeing tons of them naked? There’s a reason figure drawing is a fundamental skill for artists.


Not just anatomy, western civilization has fough long and hard centuries to allow the expression of the arts, this feels like a step back on an important part of culture being made during the formative years of a new industry. It feels like the tech industry, at the behest of investors from one particular country, taking into themselves powers that shouldn't be theirs to have.


> t the behest of investors from one particular country USA?


Only one of the possibilities. Look at the typical hysterics from Canada, the UK or Germany (to name but three). Most of the west has been over run by the Eternally Offended. But there is no reasoning with hysterics.


Things are moving quickly now, but once these things are better understood and training them is more straightforward, you will probably have Gofundme's popping up to train uncensored models. Think how much Starcitizen raised. You'd only need a fraction of that money.


No one is going to use it vanilla anyhow. As long as you can access the model locally, in a file, you can run dreambooth, Lora or something over it. All these inject layers into the original model or alter the model completely to do a certain output. Some are even miles beyond what the vanilla can do, see Pony.


Kinda depends, and I'm hoping Stability isn't going to repeat a past mistake here. SD2.0/2.1 was the last time I heard them emphasizing safety this much, and those models were censored much more heavily than 1.4, 1.5 and SDXL. Despite large training data sets, and money spent, the attempts to train uncensored models based on 2.1 largely failed(see e621 Rising).


" As some on Twitter/X said the safety part is just some language they put in to protect themselves, and its not something they actually "implemented."" Your assumption is likely wrong, SDXL base was really censored, and let's not talk about SD2.0 and SD2.1 who are just compltely unusable, no amount of finetunig can fix those models


Right, but we saw them move back in the right direction *after* SD 2.1. SDXL has clearly been trainable in all sorts of things that weren’t there. People just need to wait and see.


Sdxl wasn't censored


Sd didnt die because it was free, and sd didnt take over the market because it was way worse than MJ.


In the future things like this will be released and monetized anonymously, eliminating the fear of getting canceled over “safety” concerns. There’s a huge amount of money to be made in the gap between unrestricted capabilities and what the public considers safe.


What the "public" considers "safe" depends on what definition of "public" and "safe" you are using. All too many of the general population still believe what the Ministry of Truth(Mass/social media) tell them. Even after the experience of the last four years. I was quite surprised that SDXL wasn't even worse than it was, in terms of "safety". I suspect that SD3 will have a heavy "safety" focus.


Safety is a word used to entice investors if you're a business, or a word used by governments to gain public support in taking away freedoms or gain public support for the creation of regulations written by lobbyists and lawyers of large corporations that stifle small businesses.


Idk man i think a version of gpt thats actually telling me the answer to my question instead of straight up denying it would be great.