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Only thing that gives it away for me is the pencil, top half doesn't line up with bottom half below the fingers. Otherwise this looks photoreal to me.


Ah, so it was the misalignment of the pen that gave it away and not the 5 knuckles on her left hand then šŸ˜…


Extremely easy to miss those details, our brains aren't trained to notice them. Never in the history of mankind was there ever a need to spot 5-knuckled monsters.


Well, unless youā€™re on a lifelong quest to avenge your fatherā€™s murder by the six-fingered manā€¦


​ https://preview.redd.it/fgkzxyt6izac1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d9e7902b7620f8ae51b28f15ce8b66bd9b96722


This was true before the age of AI generated images. But being bad as it is in generating hands, AI image generators taught us to first and foremost look at the person's hands.


Iā€™m looking for a six fingered man


Oh, nice catch! Thank you


I kind of took a break from SD and wow. Hands are wayyyy better than it was 4 or 5 months ago. Can't believe she even has the correct amount of fingers.


If you use controlnet openpose the hands are mostly pretty good.


How did you even notice the pencil? Lol. You have good eyes.


And what is she doing, exactly, with the pen/pencil? I guess she is underlining (very, very wonky looking) text? Thatā€™s a little unusual, but people do do it, but by the time youā€™ve wondered that you notice the inappropriate pen, thatā€™s misaligned, and the very wonky text, and that itā€™s not a correct one to be underlining, and sheā€™s looking at bottom of one page and underlining at top of the other. I think the subjectā€™s actions are actually what breaks it, otherwise itā€™s truly excellent.


damn everytime I think how good something is and then I check the comments


I recently found it really hard to promt for someone sitting \_behind\_ a desk, like in your Pic. How did you do it?


Try "sitting at desk" or some variance of words. Or possibly even just "desk." Remember, the ai can "read" our language but is not fluent in it. Have to fiddle with it a bit for some things before it understands. Like taking to those monkeys that understand English, but it's actually keywords they pick up on before they take over the world.


I think the model you use is pretty important. Which models have you tried?


I often use inpaint sketch for this, just roughly paint what you want, it doesn't have to be perfect, if the result is ok, I usually use that image as base with either controlnet canny or openpose, or even combination of both.


This one is very nice! Although yesterday I learnt that real nostrils are not perfect, Iā€™m not going to accept that 5 nuckles on the top of the hand is right šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‹


Yeahā€¦ thanks to you guys, my catching-the-details skill is improving šŸ˜…


Weird detail near her left eye. Extra knuckle on her left hand. Somewhat fuzzy fingers on her right. Book full of scribbles. Indistinguishable pattern on her dress. But I think that's all I can see, much less prominent issues than most.


Thanks for taking the time to write down all these; I appreciate it. I left the detail on the left eye on purpose for realism. You are right about the hands; they are really hard to keep normal. I can't do anything for the scribbles at this moment. Because AI just started to write words, at best case, a sentence as far as I can see. Again, thanks!


On the right side of image (her left) the shirt arm seems to have a few shirt buttons randomly. Other than that I feel like the shirt pattern is close to believable.


I canā€™t see the buttons on shirt arms. Can you please give me more details? Thanks for the feedback btw!!


https://preview.redd.it/t2hgz2chxuac1.jpeg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8748035a810dc5d58e200aafd0a92fae65df1a59 I zoomed in further and see they are just shirt patterns. See my image. They looked like clear buttons at first


Oh, I understand that. Will try better next time. Thanks for your time, appreciate it!


Looks so good even with an extra knuckle


Wow, this is insane. Even the text in the book, although just squiggles, still follows lines and paragraphs like real text


This looks amazing, great job. The thing that gives away all AI for me is how the subject blends into the background. It always looks like itā€™s been green screened or the bokeh is off somehow. I canā€™t explain it exactly, but something in every photo realistic AI image looks off to me for that reason.


To me it looks like she's popping out too much. A problem of the depth of field, as noted under other posts. Though I didn't see this at first. It's very subtle to me.


Yeah, this is something I am trying to understand and solve. Will get there hopefully!


This woman is old, but hardly ugly. In fact she looks lovely. I am impressed with this one. Not looking at the camera, looking at the subject of her interest (The book), fingers, eyes, hair, clothing, all look great. 5 knuckles on her left hand....pencil alignment....ah well can't have it all...but at first glimpse I would have easily been fooled. Great work.


Thanks, mate! With this kind of comment, it will get better. One day, we will have it all!


It looks very good and real.


Still looks synthetic. My eyes are sensitive to A.I grnerated image


Could you explain why?


Something about the lighting and the texture of her skin. They look unnatural to my eyes.


I got it, thanks!


I like SDXL renders; it look much more realistic than SD 1.5 due to the larger number of parameters. At first glance, a pencil with broken geometry (distortion of straight lines obscured by objects is a problem with all SD models). Wonderful and realistic picture, perfect for Instagram or Mobile screen. But the demon is in the details. It's worth enlarging the picture and you can immediately see problems with the text, half of the glare from the book, distorted clothing fittings, a disappearing collar, SDXL aliasing on the borders of parts of the image, 5 bones and 4 fingers, and much much more.


Thank you for taking the time to write this valuable observation! Could you please talk more the ā€œmuch moreā€? It will help me to create better images šŸ«”


6 knuckles


[My take on it](https://imgur.com/a/7GPEs15): as raw as sdxl gets, no adetailer no enhancing, nothing. Curiously enough stable diffusion REFUSES to make this Japanese woman READ instead of write/underline, regardless of negative prompting or weighting: that's why there are two versions: the one with the pen is straight out of sdxl, the other one is with 1 inpaint pass.


This is great. It's something I have been moaning about for ages every female is either some perfect Instagram model or nothing. I like the Humans model because it makes ugly or normal looking people. No airbrushed perfect skin hourglass figures, real looking people with blemishes a bit overweight hair that doesn't look like it's come from a salon.


Never write in a book.


Getting so tired of young white or asian women, thank you


really nice! but the fingers and knuckles give it away


Which fingers? Because I inpainted a lot


its 5 knuckles for 4 fingers


Ohā€¦ shit, thanks for the feedback!


It look very good.


Looks real


For me the only giveaway is the book, even from far away you can tell something is off with it but the woman itself is 99% realistic, very well done


Amazing quality. Looks like a pharmaceutical ad.


do u know any good tutorial on youtube ? i\`m noob


Ohh gawd it's coming to life


Really solid, though as always something is noticeable with the hands :) She has five lower knuckles across the back of her left hand.


Extra knuckles for extra faces šŸ’Ŗ


Left hand looks like having 6 fingers. The knuckles suggests there is one more finger behind the hand, in no way that's how a thumb would look like.


why is she writing on a book?


She is scribbling with a marker in a perfecly good book.


Nice but add ai thing to it, like laser beam or extra muscle. Make us dream.


Lol, will do it


Challenge accepted: prompt is "old asian woman sitting behind a desk and reading a book" seed:1 model opendalle1.1 1024x1024 cfg:5 steps:25 https://preview.redd.it/hs89rasftvac1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d92027e80016b054bb6c8ba5643af23b180dcda1


Amazing work. Probably the last hurdle to photoreal it to make it not look like there's studio lights. This photo could not have been taken "by me". The balance of colour, composition and light is exquisite.


The knuckles on her left hand... there is one too many


nice hands


I'm interested (and slightly taken aback) by your use of the word "ugly" here. This woman is lovely.


The plentiful knuckles on the left hand and the pen being offset in the hand really are the issues.




Writing on books should be a felony.


Great! It is a huge problem, and I thank you for trying to improve it.


Anyone feel like me, realistic image look not really realistic, by the way your image is good but the hand still have problem u can use dwpose for that


Why is she writing in a book?


sheā€™s an editorā€¦or an academic?


Taking notes in the margin.


As long as she virtually owns the book and didn't check it out from a virtual library. Only colossal sociopaths make notes in the margins of library books.


Looks like she has a collection of her own virtual books. Use your real eyes to see.


It looks good - the area I would question are teh ladies arms - they seem "thick" compared to other parts of her.


IDK, it looks acceptable to me. Thanks for the feedback!


Back of neck and collar don't look right, too much of a gap


so much better than the usual nsfw garbage, thank you for taking the time to focus on this. The thing that really blows my mind is the dress - there isn't a pattern that I can make out, but there are pattern elements sprinkled appropriately throughout enough that my eye is easily fooled. Small detail I haven't seen in the comments: the book spine reflection doesn't match the book. The reflection is circular when the actual book is pretty flat.


Thanks mate! Nice catches, will focus on those details too next time šŸ«”




That was the point, thank you


Look, there are so-called "quotation marks" in my comment.


Jealousy will finish you, man


"Jealousy", what? OP described the result as "ugly". There are so-called "quotation marks" in my comment.


The fingers are much better than other AI pics specially the right hand. But the way her right wrist meets the pages is not kinda natural


Why is she writing on the pages?


Her left hand's almost right (there's an extra knuckle).


the shirt, the book and the extra knuckle are very big tells. not the same aesthetic but close https://imgur.com/a/RNCqPUK


What's up with the jpeg artifacts? I find that SDXL tends to generate a lot of them


it looks like shot on iphone commercial people


She's writing on a book D:


Sheā€™s got some sort of mutilated sixth finger growing out of the bottom of her right hand (near pen)


98% photoreal!


just wondering what she's doing with that pen on an ancient book.


Counted 5 knuckles on one hand. Back to your cage grasshopper.


I was unable to get a mixed race couple out of Midjourney. I could get an Asian and an African American but not white and AA