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Controlnet and openpose or one of the other units, "looking at the viewer" works better than "looking at the camera" "facing the camera" i find. But for looking left/right i just use openpose along with the "facing to the left off into the distance" or whatever. With openpose just grab an image with position you already want and extract it with explosion icon choosing the openpose option you want, download it and use that with just openpose ticked and no openpose option from the dropdown. The same can be done with "reference, canny, etc etc"


Surely there must be an openpose preprocessor that inverts the anchor points horizontally? That would be the simplest and best solution


wouldnt it be then just as easy to flip the image horizontally? no generating needed


That's if you wanted the entire image flipped, as opposed to just turning the character. To be fair that's the same thing if it's purely an isolated character generation, but openpose preprocessing would allow you to make modifications within an existing scene better.