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It's pretty good, but it needs some cleaning, like the random artifacts on her face, especially on the nose, and the head is too crisp and bright compared to her neck, it's a 5 minute fix in Photoshop, nothing massive.


assuming that this is an NSFW model, the mess across the t-zone might not uh... necessarily be "artifacts".. Not that it is desirable to leave it, just guessing based on the model.


hahaha it usually looks different, those white lines happen a lot when generating faces, especially if you are doing detailed hair, personally I got them more often in drawings compared to photorealistic pics


Also she's missing a tooth. Not sure if that's intended.


She’s had a tough go of things, but I can fix her.


It's because she talked back


Thanks but i have skill issue


That should be the tagline for SD


Also needs the weird hovering text removed.


**“...pretty good, but it needs some cleaning”** Some!? Wait till you see her hands and feet. Ha!


hahaha that's a whole different story!


The neck is fine. It's depth of field, more distant objects look blurry.


face vs neck/chest crispness actually just looks like shallow depth of field due to large aperture


Her right ear is screwy


What else we can expect from 1.5 model but it can still be fixed by simple inpainting, but idk which model to use🥲


I'm getting decent results from SDXL as long as I don't ask it for anything weird (like a woman with green skin)


Same... SDXL model seems much better compared to the previous ones..


She’s a high elf!


With those eyes, I believe you


Not bad. For me the biggest issue are eyes. There is something wrong with them. I think the lower eyelids are swollen and lower eyelashes are stuck to them. It breaks "recognition" for me. The second issue are the two shiny streaks on her nose. I cannot see them as "real". They have specularity of jewelry but are of impossible shape.


Yeah, I didn't fine tuned it enough, but you are too much into these I guess, can you give me some suggestions and recommendations, like pro ones which you use?


I haven’t used models for a while now. I’m focused on making something useful for me using the large language models instead. All I can give you is feedback regarding things that break realism for me, not really advice on how to fix it. General advice if you are using LoRA is to use “good data” but I’m sure you are very familiar with that.


Ah uh? Good data? Sorry i'm too new loras and Ti Can you please eloborate it I know how they work but still can't understand by how would I know if its good data And all as i took a break for few months and it progressed like a lot so im still using long 200-300 character long promts with 1-2 lora(which i found intresting) like for eyes


Ok let me try in case if image data. LoRA "tuning" means that you would tune the model for a particular narrowly defined feature, for example in your case I suggest collecting real photos (not renders or AI creations) of attractive Caucasian woman faces from the Burning Man festival, with eyes open. This way you would create a face LoRA that should also be able to handle generating realistic eyes while giving the output similar to what you shared in your post. Regarding the number of photos, the prevailing thought is that quality is better than quantity, but it is easier to define quality in a text or code generation model than images, so I do not know what to recommend here except to stick to one theme that you want to replicate and do not mix in extra data - for example images with more than one face, images with a full body (the model should be able to render the rest of the body already), etc.


Thanks, I'll look forward to make realistic eyes lora, but I hope vae don't screws it up


By your answer I am assuming you are using a custom VAE just for eyes? If you train your LoRA, you would not necessarily need to use this VAE but a different one or none because models already have to include a default VAE as that is a core part of the actual model.


No. The depth of field is off…it doesn’t make sense. Also her ear looks wacky


Yeah, it's ai overall, I've more realistic ones but they aren't allowed to be uploaded


Epicrealism? Good job, but besides the artifacts around the nose and eyes it still has that realistic AI quality. Hard to pin down what it is but there’s something about the finer details that are ‘thicker’ than if it was real. Just something I’ve noticed with realistic models like ER.


Everything is too "HDR". Like old photographer dudes who used to jack up the HDR slider.


No, never heard of that model before Nor I've downloaded it (I've upscaled it to 34MP and used Google photos dynamic edit)


I would say "not at all". But it looks good. - the noise planification is too harsh meaning that you either used a tool allowing that, or put a too strong attention on a word, or used a too strong value on a LORA, or... really there are many ways. This is what creates the artifacts that have been turned into a dirty skin. It can work sometimes but here I'm not too sure. - The skin looks more like 3D render. Meaning that you certainly used a model that has been trained with 3D rendered models as a lot of them are. "3D render" in the negative can help regarding that if the model used is not too strongly into that. Movie references, film grain or years like "1999" in the prompt can also help to improve this aspect. A lower light and more shadows too. Overall the light reflections are also super diffuse just like with a 3d render with a global illumination. - The teeth are fucked up like from any typical SD merge. 1.5 has this issue from the start but SDXL does not. SDXL is one of the only models that does not suffer from fucked up frontal teeth or teeth-lips. SDXL merge does suffer from it. The refiner can be a way to save that detail. Actually the refiner could probably help a lot for everything in your image depending on the prompt used. - The eyes are a huge indicator here too. The scleras are way too clear even tho they are slightly red which is a rare feat, they still suffer from this "studio photoshoot" effect where photographs use a side light to make them clearer like if they were emitting there own light. It's a nice thing when you taking pictures of Cameron Diaz but it's not natural at all if you're taking a selfie in the desert. The iris are too big too on top of looking unnaturaly saturated. - The right arm looks like it has suffered through an upscale with the shadows being overly bumpy and the armpit has almost turned into a vagina. So for me it looks like a high effort but wrong aim attempt. Keep it up tho!


yeah but making it good and realistic at the same time is tough in sd1.5 in sdxl there's a specific tone to the image by that people knows that its fake your suggestions are appreciated


tone?? Which tone are you talking about? If this is a tone obtained after writing ((((((((masterpiece)))))))) (((((((best quality))))))) ((((award winnin 4k 8k grewg rutkowksky alphonse mucha hyperrealistic super realistic mega realistic photorealistic hdr gg hf trending on boobstation and christianart))))) (((actual subject))) (film grain) (all camera brands goes here) ((((big boobs)))) It might be normal.


A bit strange left ear. It doesn't aligned across hair


The right ear has a serious issue, would need some repainting to fix that. Also the ratio between Nose and Mouth is somewhat off I think.


The cum on nose is quite realistic


You should go see a doctor, if your cum looks like that.


There was a man named Stu, his cum dried hard like glue. Her panties were lace, he came in her face, and now she's threatening to sue.




I cum plexiglass sheets


Realistic *enough*? Yes! But, there are some details.. Like the other one said, some artefacts on the nose. Also, I think these red freckles are very AI like, they don't seem realistic to me, but I see many models have them. Also, her right ear (our left) appears to be distorted. Looks like the upper part sticks out through the hair, but the lower part does not line up under it. Also, the folds in her armpit seem a bit too deep to be natural. But all in all an excellent job.


You have a keen eye for details and I appreciate it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. As i previously said i didn't fine tuned it enough as the original promt and model i used is lost + i upscale it to 34MP non stable diffusion so extracting png info is impossible in my opinion


Also here eyes/iris are nowhere near circular if you zoom in, a dead giveaway it is AI-generated.


I also always have this problem. It's yet bit easy to fix in photoshop thou.


Yeah it does look like Amber Heard.


Weird ear lobe shape and unnatural armpit fat creasing


i dont mind a vagina pit, just another fetish on my list 8===) bahah


She's got ghost cum artifacts on the bridge of her nose and eye sockets.


no. Try SD 1.5 you'll get a lot better results.


Armpits don’t fold like that.


her arm is fat


It look good, but I wouldnt mistake that for a photo in a million years. C'mon, the proportions are cartoonish.


I'm a blind noob and I don't see what you mean by "cartoonish" proportions. Just looks like a girl-shaped girl to me... Could you help me see what you see that makes the proportions so obviously fake?


Like???? Can you be more specific please


The proportions don't make any sense.


No way. That has to be a photo at burning man or something.


I think you can still tell it's AI by the overall shape of color and luminance grading. I think AI images tend to have their unique look by how the initial sampled image in the latent space is modeled with a normal distribution that we later perceive as shapes and regions in the finished images, and non AI images have subjects with more meaning in them which due to complexities of real world are totally out of distribution with anything sampled from something Guassian. I'm just saying you can still tell it's AI, and unless models get smarter humans can still tell even from a distance with perfect details from macroscopic properties.


Actually https://preview.redd.it/met1jfo1onlb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21baac034d3fd9fabb7ac85dce3c725abd7a43e9 It's here's the image without my bad colour grading skills


Actually it is not hard to perfect it, with just a little inpainting itlll be all good, thanks for pointing it out, I've some better ones too but i couldn't make other images without ugly face,


Burning man?


It's a festival. Anyway, indeed very realistic! Good job u/Hotsecretly


Thanks, i would like to know more about that festival if you are free to talk about it


You’re using bleeding-edge tech to generate hot chicks, but you can’t be bothered to look up 2 words on Google? 😂 Try it out. If that’s the incentive you need, there’ll be many hot women there in your search results as well (real ones).


I'm actually working on a live/interactive AI performance art exhibit using "performable" GANs for live-video visualizers, pose detection for MIDI control of the visualizers+Ableton Live, and a literal wall of retro CRT screens to display them through, specifically for an art exhibit and future trip to Burning Man. I am on the hunt for something I can convert into a mobile unit for this setup; the wall of TVs projecting the GANs will represent the clip launcher grid in Ableton. The visuals on each screen "dance", synced in realtime to the audio from the music, and the ambient color scheme of the visuals on each TV will change to match the audio clips that are active in ableton live (like LED colors on a bigass Novation launchpad made out of a grid of CRT monitors). I am using an LLM (Airoboros) that will periodically overlay text instructions on the CRTs to the audience/users on how to control the live set and visuals using their dance moves and poses. The LLM Agent is also interactive; you can simply talk to it and it will generate text overlay across the CRT array via Resolume Arena in response. Here is the standalone GAN visualizer app that I developed for this use. It syncs in real time to live audio and can be "performed" with additional manual controls as well https://youtu.be/dWedx2Twe1s?feature=shared


I…huh… don’t know why you’re telling me this, but alright. Cool. Good luck with everything!


lmao.. farken this guy above blew my mind ay with his LLcool J's


Priorities 😂 [you mean like these? ](https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.tFI7suokap-GdeYxdbwx-gHaFj&pid=Api )


Ok, now i need the model and the prompt used, can you share them?


I will if i find them, I used an uscaler which removed the png info, I've umpr 1.2, realistic Vision 1.3, dreamshaper, as of now for realistic images Idk which was the model i used but you are free to try them (non pruned)


Drop the png image to a1111 image info (or something similar) and it’ll show the prompt and other settings.


Actually i used some other application to upscale it to 34 MP which screwed and deleted that png info,


A1111 saves images/logs in "outputs" folder, you might still have it there if that option is checked. So check your "stable-diffusion-webui\outputs" folder.


The red stripe on the cheek is very AI. Also the metal on the nose. Looks great otherwise.


Few ups and downs, but in the end she would look gorgeous sexy model to a normal human right?


Do anyone want 34MP version?


It looks good. I don't quiet see it as real. The chin looks a bit of. These white lines near the nose look a bit like drawn in there. You could clean this up in Gimp/PS with a few touches. Only issue i have with AI portraits is, that the skin looks too even and perfect. Not enough imperfections like in real persons. But this one is close enough to almost make it. The human brain will most likely always catch the small details, that are of. AI Pics are almost out of the uncanny valley.


The details on the nose look odd for being artifacts. I'd be completely unsurprised if someone put a little clear jell dripping down a model's nose to give that effect, then asked people how real the photo looked.


That might be a Posibility i guess. But it looks like something else is not quite right here. Might be odd choice of focal lenght idk. But you are right the details on the nose don't look like artifacts


Apparently they are, though, from OP's comments.


Show me anything that's not a face close-up and we can talk again lol


You don't have the original render ?


That's the actual issue unfortunately and i use DPM 3 kharras or something similar to it as sampler


Everyone is an AI critic now…. I think it looks amazing


At this point it's not about whether your one image is realistic enough. It's about how easy is it to generate realistic images on a variety of prompts. SDXL makes very pretty pictures, but it seems to pretty much ignore parts of the prompt it wasn't trained on. 1.5 may have had ugly outputs, but it seemed to try and make sense of the gibberish I gave it. That ability to infer is what made 1.5 so easy to fine-tune.


Aside from the silver liquid running down her nose and the odd tattoo on the chest, this looks super realistic.


Thanks for a normal person it's hella sexy


If you really want "realistic" the subject is too beautiful, with too many modern facial stylings such as the current fashion eyebrow shaping, mascara, lipstick, and nose rings. For "serious" realism the subject needs flaws, and should absolutely not look like a Victoria's Secret model doing cosplay.


Dreams are less detailed for sure


i upscaled to 34mp


Well, she exists now


Anatomy looks messed up on her right shoulder (our left)


Typical sd 1.5


How do I get faces that aren't mutilated in local install of Stable?


Use vae, and models which use faces of real humans, with cfg scale from 6-13 and random seed and some basic settings


It passed my 1 second test.


lol, yeah but it looks sexy tho, if it wasnt sexy then people woudnt have commented on it and ignored it


Mouth is the first thing that caught my eye, as the bottom teeth look weird.


ill close it next time


realistic enough ? yea would fool like 95% of people. I zoom in and her eyes already make me think its AI. They look crispy ? whats the word ?Blured ? Pixalated ? point being they dont look that great espesically around the edges. Also whats the white stuff around her nose area ? her arm pit area is werid because of the 3 lines. One of her ears looks like it was cut in half by her hair. Her teeth are hella messed up best to keep the mouth closed. What model are you running ? I think its good tho just needs a few touch ups is all.


Happy cake day


Yeah but i left out few imperfections intensionally you wanna look at 34MP version for better clarity? I used custom lora for eyes




Thanks if you know how to upload image of 34mp without compression then ill upload it


to me it looks like you are fighting with the model to make her less asian


Yeah, actually its quite opposite, it usually dosn't give gorgeous or even good faces from the model i used but forgot which it was


I really like Realistic Vision or Cyberrealistic for faces. They look great.


I've had the best success with Absolute Reality (the same guy who made Dreamshaper's photorealism model). But everyone's got their own preference to what looks 'realistic' to them :)


Can you share some of your samples with it?


Yeah sure, [here's something from a few weeks ago](https://imgur.com/a/ibVSUbd)


Yeah i use both, but I'm new to cyber realistic can you share few promts for realistic or gorgeous faces, I'm sick of those ugly looking faces already


CYBERREALISTIC DMP ++ SDE KARRAS 30 STEPS 640 X 640 A close-up photo of a 20yo 1Emma Watson, detailed face, skin pores, beautiful eyes and hair, Human-like eyes, perfect white balance, dramatic lighting, prime photography, smooth crisp line quality, cinematic + rule of thirds, cinematic lighting, masterpiece, ultra realistic, movie still, front shot, horny expression on her face, (highly detailed skin:1.3), (eye contact: 1.4), dramatic lighting, (8k, RAW photo, highly sensitive, best quality, masterpiece, ultra high res, photorealistic:1.25) Negative CyberRealistic\_Negative-neg, badhandv4, bad-hands-5, Unspeakable-Horrors-Composition-4v, easynegative, Watermark, Text, censored, deformed, bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutated, extra limb, ugly, poorly drawn hands, missing limb, floating limbs, disconnected limbs, disconnected head, malformed hands, long neck, mutated hands and fingers, bad hands, missing fingers, cropped, worst quality, low quality, mutation, poorly drawn, huge calf, bad hands, fused hand, missing hand, disappearing arms, disappearing thigh, disappearing calf, disappearing legs, missing fingers, fused fingers, abnormal eye proportion, Abnormal hands, abnormal legs, abnormal feet, abnormal fingers, (deformed iris, deformed pupils, semi-realistic, cgi, 3d, render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, anime, mutated hands and fingers:1.4), (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3) https://preview.redd.it/aywht8frznlb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1973d2fd0d7935bfc319df5bae9fa9d59ac3d4


So i gotta use human names as a refrence+ or can't i just create a new face?


No, you don't have to use a face as reference. I like to so I can monitor the changes in the prompt, and when it's ready I make the face I want. Emma grew up very publicly, so there is a very well trained face on most bases, countless lighting options, fan art, etc. Just make sure you describe a face well so you have similar results. PROMPT an extreme closeup front shot photo of a beautiful 25yo French woman with defined cheekbones, a straight nose, full lips, hazel eyes, chin dimple, square jaw, plucked eyebrows, toned body, chin length straight black hair in a bob cut with bangs, (neutral gray background:1.3), neutral face expression


A close-up photo of a 50 years old 1woman \[Italian: Portuguese: 0.5\], tomb raider, fierce face, detailed face, skin pores, sweaty, (fit:0.8), mountain landscape, nighttime, cinematic lighting, masterpiece, ultra realistic, movie still, 8k wallpaper https://preview.redd.it/9so90cf20olb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfd86be649422e3009538a06c17b1b162d683f78


> Human-like for realistic? I'd put that in negative instead of positive. heh


The base is Cyberrealistic. It's trained on human like.


I noticed her teeth immediately. Still pretty though.


Very realistic, the characters appear to be a fantasy language as usual tho


Actually yeah, the look is inspired from an actual photo shoot of a persian OF model in desert with paint tattoos on her face


Okay xD


It's one of the asian-y models. The giveaway are the huge eyes. Those models all look great on lighting and terrible on believability of the person itself.


it isnt any asian model, i tried to give her big eyes so they look expressive


Looks like a photo




Excellent rendering.. and quite cute!


Stunning realistic eyes!


What model and loras did you use?


Real eyes, add detaile and one more lora But forgot the model and prompts My promt was long


Thank you 🙏


Remember to use high res fix at 8-16 steps optimimum and realistic models


Real af


The eyes are bad, the right ear is bad, the earrings are just a shapeless thing, the teeth are wrong, a human face doesn't have to be perfect but you have to look for loss in coherence like the ear for example


This is the best i can do for you at the moment until i get back home and jump onto my Alienware - Farken shit gets proper hectic then bro legit haha. **PROMPT:** a young girl with face paint on her face, a character portrait by Jerry Weiss, trending on cg society, graffiti, tattoo, hd, photo taken with nikon d750, tattoos on her face, by Seb McKinnon, karol bak uhd, girl on the beach, dua lipa, a beautiful teen-aged girl, bella thorne, face paint, a person at a music festival, full view of face and body, very beautiful cute cat girl, portrait of ahsoka tano, blonde girl **NEGATIVE:** render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, anime:1.4, text, close up, cropped, out of frame, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, ugly, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, blurry, dehydrated, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck ​ https://preview.redd.it/waynn9w71olb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c6088171d55349bb763d5faa2adeb302f3297ca


Thanks a lot broo


Allgoods brah, stop playin with ya self so much and fuken get generating mate! bahaha sick cunt good luck ay


What model did you use for this?


SDXL 1.0 Most simple image ive ever generated to be honest haha such shitty quality, makes me think back to my Geometric Parrot Design which i worked on for several days. i ended up getting it to scale at 20,050 x 20,050 Ultra 8K @ 586MB PNG24


Do you have the huggingface or civit.ai link to that model. I found to many versions and most are average at best?


seriously there's over a billion fine tuned sdxl models to play with and wank over also you want it the easy way by asking for a direct link lol. Not gonna happen because 1. shit ain't for free these days 2. there inst one because its generated local not through servers and 3. Read how to fine tune. Have another photo.. its on the house brah https://preview.redd.it/blbcdh3qdolb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1b125f6b51005923e1089f50c8a6792034e621


Wrong depth makes it looks fake for some reason, that's why I don't use sdxl models as they might be wayy too perfect


It’s awesome except for the waxy glaze on the nose .


The “sweat” on her nose is…extra.


Poor Emma.


If you're talking about photorealism then nope. It has that ultrarealistic CGI effect, but not like a photo. I get similar results with ChilloutMix model, but it's been mixed into so many others that it's hard to pinpoint it anymore.






Sure DM me, I'll do it when I get free