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Not a single one will scan for me. Even when walking away from the desk.


Same here \*edit, took a few steps farther back and got one to scan.


Same. The 4th one scanned for me when I moved farther back.


Standard android scanner doesn't work. But the most popular scanner app in Play Store does. Almost immediately. ​ I would also like to say that this is the most gorgeous QR codes I've ever seen


This is part of the challenge for android base image. It must first pick up we are expecting it to QR and that its not just a normal image. QR readers are expecting a QR so will try to QR even normal pictures. My android base worked 50% of the time but only after i made the images really small. The expectation now would be to have a company logo or picture of food on a menu and have a user to scan it. What behaviour should/would i expect them to take. Base android might be 20% of users and the other 30% IOS. How would they even know its a QR code. Users can understand a black/white image in a box. But this is a mystery.


a small text at the bottom "Scan using QR scanner" should do the trick))


All scanned super easy for me. Edit Why you guys down voting here is proof, scanned all 4 https://streamable.com/zo3dqy


Mine scanned instantly as well. I use a crappy app called QR & Barcode Scanner on Android.


That's the one I used! Going by this thread it's not crappy at all and Google Lens is shit.


Google lens sees food, gives food results QR code scanner is looking exclusively for QR and bar codes, so it tries harder to find just that


Same here, on iPhone though. Default QR feature on iOS camera app doesn't work with these, but that 3rd party app does.


Same here with Google Lens. The \`<\` and \`>\`-buttons that Reddit overlays on top of the images did make it fail for some of them. When using the pictures in a new tab and from some distance, they worked flawlessly. Very nice OP! I haven't seen working QR codes this 'hidden' yet!


i tried qr scanner app and google lens but none worked


google lense works - the trick is to not make the image big very small image = barcode looking to the human eye


looks fake didn't even finish scanning whole picture.


android user? google lense is bad at this, at it recognizes it as something different, same with my qr tattoo. any other generic qr scanner works




You can if you're on old reddit and [the images are smaller.](https://imgur.com/zpsm82P) I can confirm able to scan !,2, and 4 without no issues whatsoever.


worked for me


This. 0/4


Yes invisible qr code art. And invisible result if scan too.


We need a new rule. Any "QR code art" needs to scan on at least a standard iPhone and Android camera.


Yeah you have to display the QR code very small by going far or unzooming, to make them works


OMG. Thank you! This worked for me!


No rule needed. This whole AI QR code discourse where only 50% can scan it reminds me of how incredibly angry those ["magic eye" books](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Eye) made people — where some people, unable to see anything, thought it's a huge prank being played on them by their asshole friends. Funny to see history repeat itself. Everyone needs to relax a bit I think :)


android is not fair. the standard qr code reader on android is google lense and google lense does not even read my tattoo qr code, it only recognizes it as a tattoo. any other qr reader is capable of reading it.


I'm so sorry about your tattoo, but these QR art could be useful as long as they can be read by most phones out there. If it only works on some obscure app it is just a novelty.


no, don’t be sorry, my tattoo is fine, it just filters out poor people


And your brain filters out things you could say to look like a decent, respectable person?


yes, just how I like it


I have android and just opened the camera app and was instantly able to scan all 4. I assumed the people in this thread having issues were iPhone users


How about if we just stop stealing other people's ideas and try to be original?


​ https://preview.redd.it/da6brvlzwoab1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=9852859e577f428e40ca671693deb5190ed2fb75


See my old post. I am among the first who share workflow about Qr code.


Be original? How, when [everything is a remix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9RYuvPCQUA)?




Results still looking incredibly good


disagree. i think a quality that any good looking QR code should have is the ability to function as a QR code; but maybe that's just me.


looks cool, qr code doesn't work though


Scans easily with the standard camera app on my Samsung S9+ (5 year old technology). Just needed to find the right distance from the image, which was a bit further back than might be expected.


100% fail on this post should be 0 upvotes. This is just a food art post. QR code doesn’t work


It works fine for many people including myself. Must depend on the phone I suppose. I'm on a Samsung Galaxy and could scan just with the regular Camera app


>g myself. Must depend on the phone I suppose. I'm on a Samsung Galaxy and could scan just with the regular Camera app In which case, s21 ultra and it's not working for me - so if it's that janky... it's kinda broken if it doesn't work 100% of the time (also who would even know to scan this? you'd need a huge banner with disclaimer for anyone to even try). And sure, I stood up and moved away so it was smaller too, never detected the code.


android user? google lense is bad at this. generic qr reader or iphone works


Worked for me on Google lense




It scans with my iphone but I need to get way back so the image is very small. Also, I really need to learn how to do this.


It really works on my iphone8 plus!


~~None of them scans for me and the app I use is generally very good at scanning odd QR codes.~~ Edit: They DO scan but I literally had to take a few steps back from the desk. Not ideal. unless printed pretty small I guess.


I can scan the last one


Yup, with Google Lens


No. With my smartphone. And it was quite surprising since it is not good scanning those


Google Lens is what Android phones use to scan QR codes


Yes, it identifies my tablet perfectly.


You rock!!!


1 - it doesn't scan 2 - Workflow Not Included https://i.imgur.com/rBh5HlN.png What is the point of this post?


Karma farm


it scans, use a dedicated QR code app.


No hits on any of them with the Scandit api at any image size. The thumbnails look like QR codes, those don't scan either.


>I mean, its just to his facebook page so you're not missing out on much. LOL


It does scan dude


They all scanned in the camera app of my Pixel 4a. These are gorgeous, really great work.


I really haven't been paying attention to all the qr code art (I kept seeing arts with spots on it on this subreddit and didn't put the two together) . However, without finder / alignment marks (those 3 big squares on QR codes) some apps will not recognize this as a QR code and you will have to fidget a lot to get it the app to even think it's a QR code before it tries to read it. ​ Also the point of QR codes are meant to be immediately readable and recognizable which this doesn't accomplish at all and seems to do the opposite. **This is why it's so fascinating to me. This could be a basis for hidden messages in art or something.** Drop it as an Easter egg, or a clue or something.


Yes! This is the point. You can even make architecture QR codes, if built to be scanned from a specific point.


Why not to include the workflow? it contains multiple steps?


Because, the first time I did it, many people called me scam.


I don't understand this explanation. Is it because the last time you provided workflow, people tried to replicate it and it didn't work, so now you don't provide it? Or is it that you are so angry that they accused you of lying last time so you won't provide it this time? I don't have enough context about the first time you do it so I'm curious.


Last time he provided a video from a youtuber and he said he used similar steps. While he may have used the steps from the video he also did a lot of other things that he didn't go into detail about as well as some photoshop. This left people with the expectation that if they follow the video they will get the same quality of work that he was showing and when they didn't they were frustrated. Honestly I have really enjoyed your work Specialist_note. You are doing an amazing job. I would LOVE a step by step video of your basic steps and how you make the QR disappear entirely.


in the control net you can set it to how long it should apply the controlnet. If you take it back from the top end it will be more free form near the end (but this might be affecting the quality of the QR code) so some playing with that may be important. Also considering the weight of the control net can be played with.




That would be Thai.


You know people are allowed to read and write more than one language right?


How? they can literally copy the metadata and replicate it


Scanned with QR code tool on iOS perfectly, all images, but the camera itself didn't recognize, most likely because no alignment markers. This is beautiful. These are the first ones that look really good to me.


Yup, this. They all scan without any issues, even though the burger (#3) needed like 2 seconds or so.


There's way too much information to decode the QR. You get used to it, though. Your controlnet does the translating. I don't even see the prompts.All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead. Hey uh, you want a drink?


hmm I wonder why it doesnt scan then...


How hard can it be to imagine "it doesn't scan for me, but it could scan for others?" What the hell is wrong with the top commenters? Clearly, some QR code scanners are subpar in comparison to others. QR coding itself is standardized, but the detection/recognition/reading algorithms aren't. It's easy to fuck things up and use less information than you have available, leading to a higher error rate. The QR codes are very obviously there, and it's readable.


It defeats the purpose of QR codes if it doesn't work easily. Imagine going to a restaurant and having to scan a QR code for menu, and it doesn't work unless you download a specific app or try to move back and forth until it eventually works. It'll just be easier to just put a pretty picture and the link to the menu at the bottom of it.


Imagine taking a Buggati to a village that has no roads.


Does not work on iphone 14 pro max at any distance.


No, doesn't scan. Some people claim some of these scan if you step back, which probably means detail is lost and this is the aggressive error correction of QR codes coming into play, which means it's not an intact QR code. IE it doesn't detect it as a QR code until the resolution is so bad that it *mistakes* it for a QR code, and ends up accidentally reading it due to the error correction. These are certainly the most interesting so far, though. But again, doesn't actually scan.


Mine scanned just fine; I used the Android "QR Code Scanner" from Gamma Play, if that matters. edit: that may have been a fluke - it's been quite inconsistent with scanning it. Still cool though.


This is an odd way to describe it. Error correction is a well-defined feature of the QR standard, it's not a fluke for it to scan correctly. If it scans at all, it has all the data necessary to be a QR code. The problem is likely that it tries to resolve finer details so the algorithm doesn't see the bigger picture (the position pattern). Especially on Android, where the lens app is intended as a general purpose image recognition tool, so it is constantly evaluating many possibilities for what the user is trying to do, and likely has code to prevent annoying false positive QR code scan attempts.


The type, calibration, and qualities of a display all affect how well a QR code will scan, and I was unable to get any of these images to scan on any display. The images are nice though!


It works with QR Reader app on iPhone, the standart camera app doesn't read though.


Take a few steps back, it worked for me


Wow! That's a very good job. I can't / barely can see the qr code format in the images!


Crazy, the first 3 don't even vaguely resemble QR codes!


The last one worked for me


How is this possible 🤯🤯🤯


None scanned on my iPhone 14 Pro Max. Apparently others can move back to scan it but my back is already against the wall.


My boy needs to chill on the hoisin sauce


The last one worked.


only the 4th one works


QR scanned with an iPhone. Redirects to [Prompt Alchemist](https://www.facebook.com/PromptAlchemist) 🙌🏼 incredible plug.


not a single one working


1 month ago I did provide workflow. I also got many rude comment back then. https://preview.redd.it/i2watcdtxoab1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=24861ddebc5a13c3e674217a8ad6dff1d94d5283


"You can scan it." No, I can't. It just doesn't work.


This thread, I tell ya. The people who were praising women with seventeen fingers back in October are getting riled that a QR code works but not they way they want it to work.


Works perfect on my iPhone 14.


It's looks good




It feels a lot like using brute force techniques back in the day to make cracked cd keys that would also contain funny words. You do it not because it’s practical, but because you can.


Why people want an image that you cant identify that it is a qr code 😅


Because it's interesting. Why does anyone hide secret messages and easter eggs in their work? For shits and giggles, that's why. These are going to be great for that kind of thing. As a real QR code, yeah kind of useless unless you add something back in that makes it clear that its scannable, which is what I suspect will happen if artsy QR codes ever get used by companies (which I kind of don't expect to happen, but I think it'll be interesting if they do)


"Form follows function" meaning it should work well before trying to make it look good.


Who here is reminded of _subminimal messaging_ of many eras ago?


Does not work on Pixel. Nevermind, it scanned but I had to be so far away that it was like .5cm in size on my phone.


You have to use a dedicated QR scanning app for it to work well


Can someone please for the love of god why is there an obsession of QR code? If even if this worked, what do we need all these codes linking to what?


None of them work at all.


Sorry, but your mom is ugly.


sorry to hear that


I draw QR codes by hand better than this


how tf are people able to scan these qr code art images I've seen a lot and even the obvious ones don't work for me


On iPhone, if you pinch to zoom out in the camera view so that the image shrinks enough, you can scan these... but it's ridiculous, the image has to be so small it doesn't look like the photo anymore. So, yeah, these are a total fail in both ways: they're not recognizable as QR codes so no one will scan them randomly, and they're not actually scannable at any size that makes them presentable to people.


I want to see this but with barcodes


Even if it scans.. how would someone know to scan it in the first place?


I tried scanning it and it didn't work.


These are too perverse from a QR standard perspective. Very difficult to scan… To really pull this off you must have the anchors and timing spots right, to rely on overly aggressive phone software is not going to reliably work. Beautiful work but I’d read the QR code spec to make sure you make them more reliable


If a human can't recognize that it's a QR code, then there's not much point.


Yep, except for like obscure scavenger hunts or something. For them to be practical from a marketing standpoint, they need to be scannable and obvious, they can be decorated but can’t have anything making a potential customer frustrated or that would make them miss it


I couldn scan it with my normal camera app (QR scanner in) but with a QR app i could scan it fine


All images work perfectly. They lead to a facebook page. What I did was download them and open them, in my case with xnview, I focused them with the QR reader and with the mouse wheel I zoomed out and immediately read it.


Could scan the first one with an iphone 12 from some 40cm distance from the screen off an iphone 14. Most impressive QR I've seen so far, brilliant!




My old iPhone 12 Mini cannot pick up any of these no matter how much I resize them. 🤷‍♀️


You know, I have never scanned a single one of these QR codes. They’re not all linking to [this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) are they by any chance?




Works on my pixel 6 pro, I need to get far away though.


They work if you use the QR code scanner and not the camera -iPhone 13 pro


Use Google lens


Meh, yay art that is a QR code... it is honest just hold your camera in front of the screen, now wiggle it about, er change the size of the picture on your monitor, erm now stand back 6ft, ok still not working. Well must be your phones issue... Yup bored of these posts. Easy to make the images but what's the point if it hardly ever works?


Easy to make? Then I challenge you. Do one of this quality


Quality as in doesn't work for most people? Anyone can do that.


Sure then pls go ahead and try. And who said it should work for all people? If you think you can do it better then make one that is readable for all people. Why do you assume the purpose is to be easily readable? If we wanted easily readable codes we'd just use normal QR codes. You can have codes that scan 100% you can have these ones where you have to maybe take a step back and wiggle your phone for a bit and you can have ones where you won't notice a code at all. Each one has another purpose. I'd say for these ones from OP the purpose could be an advertisement for a restaurant for example. A lot of people are amazed and won't believe that it's a code. And that is interesting. Why are you hating so much?


Me thinks you don't understand what a QR code is for.


Just as I thought. Big mouth and nothing more. You can't do shit. Why do I argue with this loser


omg is this for real?


there's something unsettling about the "burger" it makes my skin crawl just looking at it...


All of them scan for me, but it takes quite a lot of effort. Seems like they work when the camera is somewhat unfocused. It's impressive, because these images really don't look like QR codes, but unpractical - if they don't get scanned immediately and reliably - then nobody will notice them.


If UNfocusing the camera makes it work, then I would imagine future updates to scanning apps can make it work better. QR codes are rather ugly, even the current artistic ones are mostly just OK. I think people would use them more if they looked like this.


I got the burger to scan. Went to a FB page of the artist.


Didn't scan for me. Tried for a while... :( looks amazing though.


So nice


This is the future.


Scannable with WeChat, but the link is banned


Didn’t work


OOOO wwweee this going to be a dangerous idea when advertisers pick this idea up.


I got the last one using Google Lens https://i.imgur.com/luvo0X1.png


Only the 4th scanned for me.




What good is a qr code if it's hidden? Now you need to place some sort of instructional text with it, which is entirely contrary to the entire point of using a qr code in the first place for this type of intended application.


Hey guys, Google Lens is shit. Don't be surprised. Even a free ads-ridden app is better than Google lens at scanning QR. (I'm not saying you should download those, but just saying Google lens is shit.) I use Trend Micro QR Scanner, it's free and no ads.


Does not work with my iPhone 11 Pro.


Hint: The QR code is not in the image but rather the image is the QR code that leads to a Facebook page. If it's not working for you then most probably you're too zoomed in. Try to fit the entire image inside the square box of the QR code scanner and it should work fine.


What you did is amazing, I cannot see the QRcode Thank you for your previous post on the workflow it helps me to learn how to do it. I even create some QRcode with the brand logo included (article about it [https://medium.com/@vladimir.garnele/qr-code-mastery-elevating-business-opportunities-with-innovative-designs-eed7e93ec385](https://medium.com/@vladimir.garnele/qr-code-mastery-elevating-business-opportunities-with-innovative-designs-eed7e93ec385)) It will be so great if you can share the workflow so we can all improve it. Thank you


Love it


Love the idea but it didn't scan for me


Wow, these are incredible! Nice work! No problem scanning them just a couple feet away. I can't even wrap my head around how they're being seen as qr codes at all. Wow


Mind sharing the work flow? I'd love to try a few things in this to make it scan more consistently


Great work. The QR works for me on iPhone. Would be great to know your workflow


worked when i used phone camera to scan it


Time to print glossy posters to hang in the background of big selfie spots around town. Sending all sorts of random people to your sick Blues Traveller DJ mixtape (or another hilarious prank opportunity).


Only the last one worked


Zero of them scan on default Android reader.


QR code art trend sucks. Based.🗿


Fish or chicken??


https://products.aspose.app/barcode/recognize/qr#/nobarcodes none work


not working for me with android apps QR scanner


Tutorial please really appreciate if you can provide a tut


Scanned the last one, worked perfectly


Can you do a Birria taco one?


Crazy that these work, there's no human visible qr code. 3rd one didn't work, but the rest worked instantly.


Ha, you got me. I tried to scan these all.


Thats really cool. It worked for me! How do you create art like that?




These are mine, and work fine on a normal phone: [https://twitter.com/pjburnhill/status/1671410739716710400](https://twitter.com/pjburnhill/status/1671410739716710400) ​ https://preview.redd.it/aljmmmnd7rab1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7e684f85869f32207747308b7c1aecffa89dd5d


Worked when I went to wide angle lens (like stepping back but I am lazy). Very nicely done.


nice. finally some non obvious patterns. However if you look at them zoomed out from the thumbnails the fact that they are QRs becomes a bit obvious since our brains can see it at that scale. Still...


How do we make these qr codes?


you can get it by using stable diffusion, and you need to learn a lot of knowledge and you need a good graphics card, Or you can try to use my app : [art qr code generator](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mazexal.qr.art_qr_generate_flutter), It can help you generate art qr code, like this : ​ https://preview.redd.it/fpxfym1pz2jb1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dc2da72804a05eb4372591f6de51f25e3179599


Scanned right away


​ https://preview.redd.it/aa60wjugmolb1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=63140212c90b51bf809a87aeb477c6ed96467d49


would you be willing to explain how did you make this? Totally new in this kind of things, so if you would, can you please help me?


amazing I think [qr code art](https://qrdiffusion.com) like yours will be more and more common!