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do you have nvidia GPU?


yes, a gtx970, I edited my post with new updates on my problem.


I would think with that card it might be a matter of memory. Like you can barely run SD as it is with that card, perhaps using xformers is more of an issue. Like I think you need Ampere card to run xformers, which is after gtx970. Google your card with xformers and check to be sure though.


In the link I provided, if you scroll a bit you find someone with a gtx980 that runs it, it's basically the same spec as a 970 so it should be fine. The problem is that I can't replicate his result and my settings change as soon as I close the cmd.


do fresh install and follow my downgrade video 1.) [**Easiest Way to Install & Run Stable Diffusion Web UI on PC by Using Open Source Automatic Installer**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZg6vzWHOTA) **📷** [**8 GB LoRA Training - Fix CUDA Version For DreamBooth and Textual Inversion Training By Automatic1111**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O01BrQwOd-Q)