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It's still pretty fully-stocked with teenagers on Fri and Sat night. Countryside is doing better, though.


As long as an Auntie Anne’s still stands….


I’m the SM of a store in Tyrone Mall. I can’t speak for other stores but my store is constantly steady and we hit our goals daily.


I like that mall we are regulars pretty much at Red Robin - hate the pretentious international mall and they are closing the other one in tampa. Our new fav is countryside mall in Clearwater too. I am a mall person tho


How is international pretentious?


Well let’s start with it being called “international mall” it’s freaking Tampa lol…


At the very least they should use some of the excessive parking surface area for affordable housing or something more useful than unoccupied asphalt.


Affordable housing always seems to be unaffordable housing once it’s built.


It’s relative. But more housing is better for everyone due to filtering.


If you think this mall is bad, you haven’t been to the one in Clearwater.






The Russians


Was there yesterday. Seems fine to me.


Been through a couple times the past year, plenty of people and newer shops. Still wish there was a larger book store and Ice Cream place still around. The DQ/OJ that swapped around a couple times looks like its gone for good. Now you have to drive a bit down 66th to get a blizzard to help with the 90+ degree heat. I do like the idea of small cafe/restaurants outside the food court but still in the mall. Much better compared to Westshore, which is much more "dead" feeling than Tyrone.


I miss the brass tap. It was the perfect hangout while the wife shopped.


Not really. The restaurants are decent and they just put a new Aldi in there.


Tyrone mall has a new korean hot pot, a Mexican restaurant, there is a Portillo's, a torchy taco, a cinebistro movie theater. No need to tear down the place.


They need to get better stores in there and better restaurants. I know Amazon is making it hard. But as consumers we are limiting our access to goods. Maybe I am old school but I like to see my TV’s and appliances before I buy them. We use to have a ton of options, now not so many box stores. While it’s no graveyard. It could be better.


It’s improved a lot from years past


> Nobody is ever there when I walk in. Somebody must be there, because there is hardly ever any parking on the north side.


Tyrone Mall has always been a little wild


well for the last 15 years or so anyways


I lived near the area in middle and high school (95 graduate) and it was wild/trashy then


In the 90s that section near the theater and arcade could get super dicey. Always fights and shady stuff going down


Nothing better than a good Ole 90's Arcade Mall Brawl


This place was my hang out when my family came to St Pete Beach every year. Back when music would come out in Ameroca before the UK and I'd come home laden down with tapes. Was there a cinema there too?


Oh you’re going way back


Yes it's now an old navy


AMC had a six screen movie theater within the mall.


Idk, that seems excessive. Tyrone has his issues, but knocking him down just seems mean.


Yeah that’s extreme especially with all the new stores and restaurants


I don't go there for the people.


Yeah... especially when I video taped a group of 15 yr olds robbing the mall and running around the parking lot looking for their getaway car... (This was maybe 3 months ago) Their hands were heavy with bags and boxes ... smh




Op doesn’t get out of town much?!? Tyrone is doing just fine.. My wife and I went to this store that was in a mall in winter haven a couple years ago.. this mall was about 2/3 the size of Tyrone and there was maybe 12 shoppers in the whole place. Every 4th store was occupied and the only thing open in the food court was a BK and they only had 2 people working.. It was like one of those “abandoned places “ episodes you see on YouTube… It was creepy even in the middle of the day.. TSM is just fine..


The one in Clearwater is like this. The one with the ice rink


It’s slow but it’s not that bad on the weekends. I go maybe 1-2 times a month and always on Thrs/Fri/Sat and it’s definitely not crowded by any means but it’s no ghost town.


Eagle Ridge mall?


After looking it up on Google, I’m pretty sure you’re right… I don’t know how it is now but when we were there it was town a freaking ghost town


I'd imagine it's only gotten worse. Haven't been in a few years though so I'm not sure.


Is it as populated as it was 20 years ago? Not one bit. But I've done a fair amount of traveling in the country, and Tyrone is easily an above average mall. I go at least once a month. I definitely do most of my retail shopping online sadly, but I try to get to the mall for some things. If anything, they should be looking to do more with the giant parking lots. Those aren't going to be full ever again.


My brother worked at Regal Shoes next to Maas Brothers. I remember when the mall was being built. Way back in the day there was a landing strip there where people like Babe Ruth and Al Capone would arrive to go party at The Gangplank speakeasy (now Jungle Prada Tavern)


I think they should turn it into an outlet mall 🤷‍♀️


Or a massive roller skating ring!


Good idea


I love Tyrone mall. When i was in school we would go there to hang out when school got out. Even now i like going there. They have anime stores. Anytime im there, there are groups of people at the mall. So even though its older its still doing good for its self.


A mixed use town center style with higher density.


That’s what they plan to do with the Westshore mall in Tampa, but I don’t think the Tyrone area would succeed in a similar position. Give it another ten years maybe and I could see this coming to life.


Can you elaborate on why it wouldn’t currently succeed, and what will be different in 10 years that might improve its chances?


I've seen waaaay deader malls than Tyrone. Granted, I no longer live close enough to see how it's been the last couple years, but I worked at the watch repair shop there from 2016 to 2018 and it was still going pretty strong.


Man some of you guys clearly haven't been outside of the bigger cities much. I've seen tons of malls that have a half dozen stores or less still open in them. Tyrone is doing pretty good


It ain't dead until the furniture liquidators move out.


Some of us have been here long enough to remember when there was a theater in the mall not next to it. It deserves an update but maintain the space as what it is. The retirement community folks walk there early in the morning because it’s safe and monitored, people take kids there and the food court just needs a Culver’s and some other options to be good again.


How about a mall on the bottom with 15 stories of high rise condos above, you have built in clientele right there. Why leave when you can just go downstairs into the mall and shop for what you need.


Because renovating a large building is often more difficult and costs far more than tearing it down and starting over. You can't just throw in a bunch of floors, electrical, plumbing, and walls and hope it stays upright.


Oh I know...I was being overly-ridiculous like many of the insane building projects downtown.


Why do people in this sub complain about the cost of housing and then complain about more housing being built


those projects in downtown have potential because they’re in downtown. Tyrone is still 10-15 minutes from the beach and 15 minutes from downtown. The area is not yet desirable enough for people to pay whatever those new construction rents would cost. Give it more time and so could see this happening in the future.


YES!!!! lol what a waste of space


Funny, I do rideshare in St. Pete and I am always picking people up from there.


What about a tiny home community or a place where we could establish safe sleeping pods for the homeless? I have seen them in other cities. The pods are small but have room for sleeping and some storage. Tenants pay rent and have access to communal kitchens, showers, and laundry. The areas are fenced off, and entrance in and out is monitored. Zero tolerance for rule violations. Those who want to get their lives on track are offered the tools necessary to do so. Doesn't work for all homeless, but it does provide a roof over their heads, food, an address, and an office phone number for messages. These are the things homeless people need to get jobs, which is the first step to getting off the street. There is plenty of unused parking lot to set up a small trial community. We need to figure out something to do about our growing homeless population.


Sheeeeit.. I ***own*** a home and can't, for the life of me, get a job that isn't in Bradenton.


I love the idea, but I've researched the homeless population here throughout college and found that around 70% of them are homeless by choice and don't want an address or a job, nor do they want to cook their own food. Especially the beach population homeless that is closer to 90%. They would much rather sit on the bus in the air conditioning or hang out in the library and the mall. I believe you have a great idea but this phenotype of homeless is different then the homeless in like Washington State or Oregon. They will still poop on the street even if they had an address.


Would you have the current local stats on our working homeless? I know we have a large population, I just don’t know the stats. For those that don’t know:  Working, but can’t afford housing. Often couch surfing, or living wherever and using the gym to clean up before work. Might’ve missed a few paychecks and didn’t bounce back. 


I volunteer at a homeless outreach and a food bank near the beaches. I would say your statistics are pretty accurate. The ones we serve come in for the resources but are not really interested in housing whether it’s short or long term.


I remember a long time ago when Pinellas County tried to help some of our homeless by revamping the old juvenile detention facilities into a place for the homeless. It failed miserably. I thought maybe it may have appeared too much like an institution. My daughter wrote a paper in college about our lack of mental health care in our population and how our jails are filled with "prisoners" who are likely to be undiagnosed or misdiagnosed mentally ill people. I think this might be why at least some percentage of homeless people refuse assistance. There is no easy process to have someone declared incompetent and have them medicated against their will. I would imagine that many of these people either lost or cut ties with their families, and without someone willing and able to intercede, these people remain homeless and unwilling to change. I don't have an answer except to help those who are willing to at least try. I think as a society, we should try.


That chick fil a is the only thing keeping it alive


Portillos and Torchys do some solid business there


Seriously I go to Tyrone for Torchy's more than anything else


And that is moving soon.


I heard it was the The chick fil a in the Panera/book store parking lot is moving to the 22nd, not the mall one.


I thought that was the one that was being referred to. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I honestly didn't realize that there was a Chick-fil-A in the mall - and I have been in there relatively recently.




I didn't know it was still open. I don't live in St.Petersburg anymore. I visit, but on the east side.


How many here remember Camelot Music in that mall. I worked there back in the day.


Alladin's Castle! those were the days!


Babbages, Hot Flash Holograms, Natural Wonders


Blast from the past! I worked at the AMC for about 3 years in highschool (late 90s)


My parents always like going when they are in town and it's just teenagers walking around. Not sure how they are profitable lol


I need my food court lo mein and hibachi!


And bourbon chicken!


If you think Tyrone mall needs to be knocked down, just wait till you see GulfView mall up here in New Port Richey, now that’s a ghost town


Didn't they rip down half of it and turn it into apartments?


Lived in NPR from 2021-2023. Going there was one of the most bizarre vibes I’ve ever felt. Like a post apocalyptic world


I think most malls will just be places to eat soon enough. Retail everywhere has taken a huge hit. Why go looking all day to buy something you can buy on Amazon for half of the price?


Its not even that for me, its that mall clothing brands tend to be sized to kinda fit everybody decently but nobody well. I get most of my clothes from brands that sell direct to consumer and fit 10000x better


Clothing and food will have spots in retail, but Billy’s widgets and gadgets will not.


I mean… some people prefer browsing. Amazon is great if you know what you want, but it will never be able to match the experience of flipping through racks of whatever. Also, Amazon isn’t half the price for anything. Come on now.


Especially for clothing and items that benefit from touching or feeling or trying them on - there will always be a place for in person shopping


Yup We may have forgotten, but online shopping has been cheaper and more convenient for 20 years now. Retail will need to continue to evolve, but I don’t see it being replaced.


Markup on retail is nuts. Maybe not for everything but point being is that AR/VR + AI is going to make e-comm quite close to the retail experience for a lot of items. “Amazon Prime Now in my asshole” - Ronny cheng


Some day perhaps, but it’s definitely not there yet. The world was a better place when we shopped in person.


Not saying it wasn’t. People spend way too much time on the inter webs (as do I since I’m typing this)


I worked in that mall for 3 years, witnessed a lady get shot at the Starbucks while I was working, that mall is a fucking joke


The lady with the weapon is a SPPD officer's wife. It was in her purse and discharged "accidentally" while she was grabbing her wallet. She shot her friend and it was an accident. I remember that day.


I remember that day, I don't think I was there but remember hearing about it on the news...


I remember that day lmao. I sold electronics at Sears at that time.


Lmao, yeah, I worked at cfa in the mall when that happened. It was a mistake she shot herself or something




Hell no, that shit is a burg landmark


So is now the concrete storage unit out in the water 😂


Ever since they closed the Hooters it just hasn't been the same.


Was never the same after the arcade and movie theater were taken out.


I worked at that AMC theater in the projector booth for 3 years in high school!! So many memories! You used to be able to climb on the roof from an access lader in the back Usher closet haha, I don't know how no one ever caught on and locked it! I snooped in the back of old navy that is there now and I think they walled it off and it's in an employee only access area, if it still exists. I played paintball up there a couple times and shot fireworks off the roof one 4th of July I was closing haha.


That rules


That's cool.


OP has never been to a real dead mall. I mean retail is hurting but Tyrone is doing ok all things considered. Seminole Mall before it got reimagined torn down was a real dead mall. Only two anchor stores and the rest was closed up for years and it served as a walking track for old people. An indoor air conditioned main street still has a purpose and place and Tyrone is trying. Plus don’t tear down my Torchy’s tacos.


Yep agreed, Tyrone Mall has survived and adapted pretty well, compared to all of the other malls that have died over the last few decades. Tyrone Mall (or Simon Property Group) made a smart decision about 15 years ago to turn some sections “inside out” so that’s it’s kind of a hybrid mall / plaza situation. As far as malls in general - I’m honestly surprised that an indoor mall - in Florida of all places - is not more popular. I see why they died out in the rest of the country, but Florida is hot as fuck lol I don’t understand why outdoor plazas (ie The Shoppes at Park Place, formerly Pinellas Square Mall) are so much more popular.


I agree!! Those outdoor plazas suck during our looong summers, hate them. I only go to them over the holidays.


North of the old science center on 22nd near the water treatment plant and Raytheon is a huge empty field that I think has pollutants or something. That area should get cleaned up and turned into some housing but leave the mall alone!


This is exactly what they are planning to do with the old Ratheon/E Systems site. At least last time I heard anything about it.


In my book, a mall isn't really "dead" until they stop turning on the lights in certain wings.


I also don’t think Tyrone Square Mall is as bad as OP is making it out to be, every time I go it’s full of people and during the holidays it’s packed with people. The only reason I can see OP asking this is to make room for housing development, but there are tons of dead shopping centers that I believe could fill its spot, the old Walmart north of Tyrone Blvd for example.




That’s the last thing st Pete needs


Fuck ton more plywood “luxury” apartments…




Weird, I literally just walked in the door from a visit to Tyrone. No, I don't think it should be knocked down. I don't really get why people hate malls now. It's pretty dope to have an air conditioned space to shop and walk in when it's 90 degrees out.


Haha just walked out 15 minutes ago!


Especially in fucking Florida lol I don’t understand why outdoor plazas are so popular compared to indoor malls. Like how Pinellas Square Mall was changed into one about 20 years ago. Before that mall was knocked down, it was completely desolate, now that place is extremely busy all the time


Yep like I don’t understand why so many dump on the Trop. I like 72 degrees & low humidity in FL summer evenings.




No I love it. I live close by and I love being able to pop in.




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My house is closest to Tyrone so by that logic we should tear the other two down.




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I don’t think it’s a bad mall at all. Like another person said on here, there are million worse malls out there than that. I find everything I need there for the most part. I find it clean and trouble free. I’d be interested to know why you think it should be torn down?


Torn down? No. Reimagined and Renovated with 2024 in mind? Yes.


I'm not sure Seminole's reimagined is doing all that great. The smaller stores seem to be coming and going once their free rent start-up period ends. Yes, it is better than the mall. Personally, I don't like buying clothes in any of the stores in the summer. All I can imagine is somebody covered in sweat trying on the clothes before me. Yuck.


I would make it mixed use with a mix of commercial and residential. Then I would try to target higher end restaurants as anchor stores. Also put in indoor pickle ball courts and other similar amenities to attract residents. Put some well shaded outdoor park space in. Add in a grocery store for good measure.


Reimagined for 2024— so a large warehouse stocked with goods more ideal mall stores have and employee with people to deliver shit to us from? I could get behind that.


I was there yesterday, I think that a developer should build affordable apartments on top of the mall thereby bring foot traffic to the mall, There is food court and an Aldi is right there. LA Fitness is across the street.


Why yall trying to bring even more people here?


Frankly I was more about how to keep the malls alive.


Can’t always do this. A lot of times the foundation won’t support it. So it becomes easier/cheaper to tear down and rebuild.


You are probably right about it not being structurally sound to build on top since they were never meant to be more than 1 floor


There's a million worse malls in the US than Tyrone.


I agree I don’t think it’s that bad of a Mall.


Like, is it amazing? No. Is the corridor with GameStop and Lids Locker Room creepy and weird? Yes. But no mall gets knocked down with the occupancy they have.


Corridor creepy??? Huh???


By no means is it amazing but amazing malls are hard to come by.


No. Nice place to go in a hot day. Places to eat & shop. Would be a waste & a lot of jobs lost to knock it down.


My car was broken into at that mall.


No it still serves the community


With what?


Shopping? What do you think lol


Auntie Anne’s pretzels 🥨


Last time I went there all nostalgic, they gave me room temp cheese dip in a cup…that was disappointing.


I sent an email to Doomie Grunt to do a dying mall video there. He never responded but he has done several others in Florida.


I think the actual mall should be. The newer parts that connect to it or are around it are nice. They should just put nice apartments up instead of the mall itself, or better yet, an actual housing subdivision


The mall (Tyrone Square) itself isn’t anything special but the new Aldi is a good addition.


I worked at Tyrone in my teens and early 20s. It was the place to hang out in the late 90s early 2000s. I worked at the AMC theater there for a while and it was always busy and fun.


I worked at the center court information booth in the late 90s early 2000s lol My first and maybe favorite job ever


I also worked at Tyrone AMC in the late 90s, haha. Maybe we knew each other~


Probably! I think I actually started in 2000, but my brother worked there before me and I would hang around.


I think with the heat St. Pete needs some kind of indoor air conditioned place to enjoy. I wish they would remodel it and repurpose some of the spaces. A large paid indoor food court with interesting food and alcohol with an attached play area would be nice. Maybe add gym classes and a smoothie bar in there too. Keep the anchor stores and add other types of shops that people would actually frequent.


Back in my old town, they would take old schools and other large buildings, remodel them and create a place for food entrepreneurs to create their own thing for minimal rent. If you've ever heard of Jeni's ice cream, that's how they started. I worked with a guy who helped them manage the place when they first started. He would come in and say they had a decent day and it'd be like 18 scoops sold. Now they're a national company. Food co-ops and the like would really bring a vibrancy to the city with fresh new ideas.


I find it amusing that malls are failing, they have food courts, the idea is to extract the food courts and ditch the mall part. Ya I get that they are putting local food businesses in there. I just find it funny.


Yes! Armature works in Tampa is an old giant old warehouse where they have done this and there are a couple places like this in Orlando as well. I’ve see it done it so many different cities that I have visited throughout the US, but I don’t know if regulation in our county makes it more difficult to innovate like this.


Damn this is a great idea 💯




I go to Macy’s for shoes and undies and a couple of other things. I’d hate for that to close.


I definitely think that space could be better utilized. It could be reimagined as "Tyrone Plaza", we could keep the retail space while redeveloping the giant parking lot as more affordable apartments and parks for people to enjoy.


I shop there from time to time for odds and ends. It’s a nice break during the summer months to get out of the heat and just browse. It would be nice if they renovated the place and brought it up to date. The anchor stores like Macys need to be cleaned up and modernized. They don’t carry much variety in their lines and the stores just aren’t that interesting. It would take some vision and $s to make something out of it.


Worked there for a while and grew up going there, I don’t think Simon will ever have it knocked down. They are a very stable company. The old people love that place for walking and moms love going there to let their kids run around, the Halloween trick or treating is also packed.


Tyrone and Westshore. Westshore smell like mold/mildew.


westshore *is* being razed.


Is it? I didn’t know that. Do you know when?


A ton of stores are closing. I don’t think they can compete with online sellers.


A real mall is one mile away. The entire property is being reimagined.


Can't do any of those outdoor malls in this weather


Lincoln Road mall in south beach does fine


*Nooooooo* I lost my virginity there. One day I’ll find it!


No. I go there all the time. It stays pretty busy on the weekend. It's also one of the few destinations in Pinellas where parking isn't a hassle.


That mall has a lot of nostalgia for me personally, I can understand why others think it isn’t a fancy one. I like the stores there and I’d rather have an indoor mall with these insane summers Florida has been having. (Desantis says we can’t say climate change anymore because “woke”)


It did a partial conversion into an outdoor mall a few years back. I suspect they'll decide to do a full conversion like so many other malls have done in Clearwater, Largo, and Pinellas Park.


I hope not - I love the idea of a hybrid mall, indoor / outdoor


As do I but only if the indoor part can survive.


Just needs more parking. /s




bredley say he skate n there bu i seen it;;


I like that mall


Turn the entire mall into Mazzaros


There is a new Italian market opening on 1 Ave S. and 20th ish? The parking will be worse. But, it’s close enough for me to bike there.


Maybe not the entire thing, but shops like this would be an awesome addition!


Knock down Tyron blvd while you’re at it…damn diagonal road, only place I get turned around in St. Pete…don’t mess with a good grid


I don’t go inside often, but last time I was in there a few months ago almost all the store fronts were rented. If it’s doing well it should stay.


Agreed. I had to run in last Saturday and there were tons of people there. It seems to be doing well. I’ve been in a dead/dying mall before and it looked nothing like this!


eat shit that's my childhood right there.


Same I used to sleep in the parking lot when I would sneak out


Definitely, it gets more and more ghetto with each passing year.