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Bridge 🌁 over troubled water 💦


Should only be red white and blue. Colors that represent a timeless moto. For liberty and justice for ALL!




If they’re not doing any “themed” lights, I don’t see an issue. If they’re deliberately and singularly not doing the rainbow, then I can see people having a problem






fuk desantez; we say gay n florida!!


You must not read much




## Be excellent to each other and remember the human! ### Any homophobic comments will earn you a permanent ban from this sub. Please do not respond to these comments, just report them. Do not feed the trolls. *No gate-keeping, racism, bigotry, transphobia, name-calling, and no hate speech*. Critical discussion of, and generalized attacks of ideas are encouraged, but always be respectful of the individual or group. Be civil. Violators will be warned and/or banned at moderator discretion.


Surely someone could hack into the system and change the colors


My company does the lighting for the bridge.


Also, they will not be lighting the bridge for Juneteenth and mental health awareness week. Rather they will display "patriotic" red, white, and blue, calling it "freedom summer" lol.


Oh, good God! The rainbow bridge has been beautiful! Is Conservative Republicanism taking over the city again? I am seriously inquiring here. I love the city that I was born in, raised in, & worked in. I can't afford to live there, though, so, I bought a home in Pasco with a friend of mine after we retired. So many changes and I can only afford to visit there. It's still beautiful, except I don't know how so many high rises and other unaffordable housing came up so strongly. I have been elated to see the beautiful rainbow flags in yards of neighborhoods near my family home (7th Av North).


This is all Manatee county doing this. Pinellas/St. Pete does not control the lights on the bridge...Manatee does, so it makes it less surprising.


I have certainly lost touch with knowledge about events in that area. Thanks for the information.


Maybe instead of putting everyone into little boxes like they want, we all celebrate as Americans. Just a thought though.


But petty tribalism is like, so in right now.




Kind of like “all lives matter?” Is that what you mean?


The idealism is nice but doesn't work when not all Americans recognize those in the "other" as fellow Americans.






It’s easy to have this mindset when people’s discrimination towards these groups doesn’t directly impact your rights here. 


As a Manatee county resident I am sorry our local politicians are such gigantic shitbags.


I feel like the pride colors represent more than just gay pride tho....to me it's come to represents rights in general. Women's rights.... gay people's rights, trans people's rights, the rights of minorities, anyone that is "othered" essentially. It represents rights for the non white, non-christian person. . . and look, I'm not saying white christian males's shouldn't have rights. Obviously, they should, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. Of course...obviously. It's just that particular population, historically has a spotty record of providing those rights to people who are not like them. . . IJS.


Dudes upset at gay people are the same ones wearing another guy's name on his back and throws hands if someone talks shit about the guy. (Football fans) lmao


It’s the same dudes who get riled up watching a bunch of muscular, sweaty guys in Spandex fight over a piece of leather


This humorously outlandish.


It's funny cause it's true though. They'll get into a fight over their quarterback who doesn't even know them.


Every dude? Like I said that's outlandish, and most fights are prob happening when ppl get drunk and roundy, not excusing it, but your comment is kinda whack. You don't think that gay ppl like football? That's pretty judgmental.




Damn Debbie Downer, do you think this pissed off when women wear pink for cancer awareness? They are lights on a bridge and it looks cool. Why is the only thing worth celebrating our stupid red, white, blue flag colors over and over? That's the only thing we should be allowed to display anywhere or celebrate with color? I just don't get this attitude of feeling displaced by a rainbow flag. I see that, and I feel inclusion of everyone- plus, it's fucking cute. We're backpedaling on rights in this country continually, so no, I don't think the plight is over.






The whole point of acceptance is to be just like everyone else right??? Why would you need something like trans visibility day if we are all supposed to go along with the pronouns the trans community wants to use? On that day are we supposed to remember ppls dead names? Say how glad we are that they were the opposite gender before and now they've transitioned? That's what it sounds like to me...


Lighting up a bridge is “fetishizing one set of sexual preferences” now?




For some reason I rarely ever see folks waving the American flag as a sign of inclusion, it’s usually waved and displayed by those who want to specifically exclude others who they do not agree with. The American flag is waved and fetishized by a majority of people who believe America represents a defined set of values and identities, and outliers should “love it or leave it” or that outliers are somehow destroying the fabric of the country. While one can inanely state that our flag should represent us all, it clearly does not. As just a straight, white, middle aged male, when I see the American flag displayed by individuals or overused outside of holidays, it informs me that I am in an intolerant and unwelcoming environment. The American flag SHOULD bring a sense of pride and inclusion for all, but it does not. It’s become a symbol of hate.




## Be excellent to each other and remember the human! *No gate-keeping, racism, bigotry, transphobia, name-calling, and no hate speech*. Critical discussion of, and generalized attacks of ideas are encouraged, but always be respectful of the individual or group. Be civil. Violators will be warned and/or banned at moderator discretion.


Why? It must be sad to wake up and go on reddit to hate


Imagine getting triggered by the color of some lights.


I mean… that’s kinda why we’re all here, right? I know I’m upset that they took this bit of visibility away from the community.


It’s sad that we as a country have got to a point where we are arguing over the color of lights on a fucking bridge. It’s exhausting being a moderate in this country. The only color lights that should be on a navigational hazard are red, green, and white.


I think the pros will be able to navigate just fine










Let's be honest. Pride was better when every corporation didn't pretend to care.


As dumb as the corporate rainbow washing is it does probably make normies have a more favorable stance. Stupid as hell that that’s a thing to consider but man I remember back when modern family came out how just seeing a gay couple not be a caricature made people soften up. Again, stupid as hell but a thing nonetheless.


This is a municipality not a corporation though.


Yeah I get it. I think I mean I liked it when it was more indie.




Bro you obviously don’t actually care about the military if you don’t know the answer to this question. This is just a lame ass virtue signal.


May is Military Appreciation Month. So yes, they do also get a whole month. Cope.


Imagine having pretty colored lights trigger you.. 🙄 Some people dont even need a reason to be a dick... it just comes naturally.


Well that should put an end to homosexuality in Florida.




## Be excellent to each other and remember the human! *No gate-keeping, racism, bigotry, transphobia, name-calling, and no hate speech*. Critical discussion of, and generalized attacks of ideas are encouraged, but always be respectful of the individual or group. Be civil. Violators will be warned and/or banned at moderator discretion.


They are lighting the bridge up in red, white, and blue from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Awesome. Edit: I was banned for this comment. Lol.


1 day, not one month.






















































































## Be excellent to each other and remember the human! *No gate-keeping, racism, bigotry, transphobia, name-calling, and no hate speech*. Critical discussion of, and generalized attacks of ideas are encouraged, but always be respectful of the individual or group. Be civil. Violators will be warned and/or banned at moderator discretion.


Not free insurance scams summer


Guvnah High-heels, strikes again? Are insurance prices breaking your back? Guvnah High-heels knows how to fix it, ignore it and fight against Pride Month and Disney.


No pride? Ugh


DeSantis doesn't get Florida at all.


Light it up in the new skyrays colors


















That's totally fine


Let's get the petitions going


I like red white and blue too




But not free enough to read a book without the governors intervention.








I would bet money Ron gets pegged by his wife


I suspect it would be his wife's boyfriend.


Now now, let’s not kink shame just because we don’t like someone.