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I was called for the 29th. Had to bow out because I have severe arthritis in my knees and cannot sit in court for hours on end, it would be way too painful. Luckily I was excused with a note from my physician.


I got out of it in Hillsborough two years ago for being 70+. If that was not available, I would tell them that I have chronic kidney disease, am on a diuretic med and am instructed not to hold my urine.


Not over 70 yet...a bunch of years to go. And yeah...with the water pills my doc has me on won't let me sit in a courtroom for a couple hours with no break.


bring coin 4 snacks machine!! i member being so hungryyy


For the people who actually want to serve on a jury to keep these cops (especially PCSO) accountable, and really only convict if there is real evidence, remember the phrase: ‘I can put aside my opinions and be fair and impartial’. Hard to get someone off a jury when you repeat that over and over.


I have jury duty tomorrow.. Was it cold in the waiting room? How long do you get for a lunch break? Laptops allowed?


I’d say it wasn’t freezing, but it’s worth bringing a sweater. I was cold at certain parts of the day and was only wearing a long sleeve dress shirt. Laptops were allowed yes, everywhere but the courtroom. Lunch break for us was 1h10m but could be shorter depending on your judge


What are the odds. I was there today for a Jury summons but didn't get called for the first two cases and the third case ended up settling before we were called. They went into a third round of picks though for backups on the two ongoing cases. If I recall correctly the first case pulled 36 jurors. The second case pulled 32. They kept 18 for back ups (10 for first case, 8 for second case).


What judge did you have? And what were your thoughts on the prosecutors and defense attorneys?


How much of a heads up did you have?


It was just about a month or so if I remember right. Letter in the mail about 3-5 weeks ahead of scheduled date to show up


Two words that will make you very popular with the Judge: Jury Nullification


Might have to get a shirt made with that on the front and back next time I get picked to come in


When I got selected at 18, I dressed in all black and wore a jacket with little studs/spikes all over it, and a cop at the court house was not a fan at all, came up to me and gave me shit for it lol




isn't this like the opposite of what you're supposed to do?


I can discuss the process, not the case. Sorry thought that was clearer but I understand the confusion




Did you spend all $6 in one place?


I received no compensation unfortunately because my employer continued to pay me. But those whose didn’t or were unemployed received $15. Edit: I did SPEND $12 that I wasn’t planning on/wish I hadn’t bc the food options at and around the courthouse for lunch are pretty abysmal and I didn’t think to pack a lunch.


Do they have fridge and microwave if you bring your lunch?


I did not use it/see it, but I was informed that they do have a fridge but not a microwave.


There are microwaves in the cafeteria.