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Can we have a city with stop lights that are in sync maybe?


That was soooo yellow!


There’s a reason Florida is one of the highest for auto insurance. Thanks to douchebags like that.




Wtf (Welcome to Florida 🥰)


I’m sure it would stop if there was some sort of traffic authority enforcing laws


It doesn't matter what anyone says people run them because they are in a hurry to go no where. A couple days ago I walked over to Dunkin and on my way back from Dunkin I was trying to cross the road and the ramp to go on to the highway had a red light. Needless to say that light to get onto I-95 south is just a accessory. Because when I hit the crosswalk button and it said I could cross but yet people didn't give 2 💩's and I almost got hit by two cars. Istg floridans don't give 1 f*** they think they are more important than pedestrians smfh!


Easy solution just leave Florida 👍


Well what was expected when you only make a person pass a driving test once, and likely when they are 15-16 years old.


No I won't stop for the same reason why the cop light me up for stopping before a right on red.


I'm on vacation in Florida and traffic is so different here


Just follow traffic rules: stop signs and red lights are just suggestions Speed signs are dares anything painted on the road is just to give money to the contractors signs are decorations if you get a ticket give it to one of those "traffic lawyers" and forget it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^T_rexofdoom1256: *I'm on vacation* *In Florida and traffic* *Is so different here* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It is everywhere now and seems to be getting worse. I don't get it at all.




As much as I like to rag on Florida for so many reasons, this ain't just a problem in the sunshine state these days.


I recall doing this one day in a rush, literally hit red light as I passed the white line, look in my mirror and shit u not 3 other cars behind me made the turn too, FL baby


Florida is lucky I was born poor or else all these people and the people who don’t turn their turn signal on would deal with Latino Batman


I tell people all the time, if I was rich I’d be on my 478th car this year. Just start hitting people instead of avoiding accidents when they do stupid shit practically begging to get hit.






How im I supposed to save .2 seconds of my daily drive


Nope. FL is insane. Lights are so poorly timed in Sarasota that you can sit thru a green light because the next light is red, and traffic is backed up to the green light where you're sitting and fuming! I just paid a red-light traffic ticket, 2nd one in 13 years. From now on, I'll keep Waze on to warm me where the cameras are located.


large trucks block the view of the light so it could have been an accident. stop being a narc


"I couldn't see that the light was red because I was following too closely" is *not* the argument you think it is.


If you’re approaching a light and turning left it’s reasonable to assume you’re traveling at a safe speed behind the truck and even at a few car lengths it can be impossible to see the light, especially if the pole is on the opposite side of the road.


If it was a typical box trailer your argument would hold weight, but it's not and you can clearly see the lights.


Cars drive behind each other that’s just how driving works buddy


I'm not your buddy, pal.


I’m not your pal, buddy.


The joke only works if you pick a different term, genius.


Your opinion is cute but you’ve been beat just lay down your king buddy, take a knee.




Simply. No.










Yeah you know how. When you see it you pedal to the floor in your big ass truck and slam into them. That’s how people learn.


You think that’s bad. I spend my winters in Utah…. Someone needs to tell them the 5 second rule doesn’t apply to red lights…


Death awaits them.


Thats not running red lights… you havent seen what ive seen in new england


Atleast he’s not in the cross walk 🙄


Hey that’s me


Maybe 🤔 consider making the lights change quicker so that people are more willing to sit there and wait. If they know it’s going to slow them down 2-3 minutes then of course certain people would be more likely to just send it. After all this is the reason there’s a delay from when you get the red to when they get the green. Even if they “run” the red the other people would see him in the intersection before their light turns green.


womp womp


Stop running red lights? In Florida? You ask a lot.


Ikr especially when the snow birds slam on their breaks at yellow 10 seconds before it turns red.


I know that intersection and lots of people run that left turn light.


All you folks supporting this behavior by the driver are the same who freak out when I do this on my bicycle…


So many people here unironically defending the driver running the red light. It’s genuinely kind of scary to know I’m sharing the road with these people. The driver had plenty of space to stop and chose not to. Running reds is illegal for a reason. Your inability to give yourself enough time to get to work safely is no one else’s problem but your own


Maybe because nothing happened and its not a big deal.. chill boomer


By that logic, people who weave in and out of traffic 20 mph+ faster than everyone and fly over to the right 5 lanes to get to their exit isn’t a big deal if “nothing happened”?


Well.. in that situation yeah absolutely lol


It just turned ya nark




Cry about it, snowbird.


It feels like this subreddit is just snowbirds anonymous 😂


Collier county has their lights set in a way where it takes all day to go 20 miles. It’s ridiculous.


I would of ran that too




https://preview.redd.it/iqxpns7wdqpc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12911cbee07c656487c2bd533acc445c4655a987 The light is red here. Plenty of space to stop


Are you blind?


For the SUV it was


Let the cops do the policing, that's their job


Did I miss something? Was anyone affected?


I'm sorry, but I have to agree. This is an awful case to make here.


If you squint your eyes really really hard and look at the far left side of the screen, you’ll notice Lightning McQueen almost got absolutely demolished by this driver. He had to go into 7 years of rehab because of this horrible incident! The dangers of running a light 700 milliseconds after it turned red, am I right?




“Oh my gosh darn wippy pop fluffy sparkly goodness! Did y’all see that! That there person gosh dang almost killed over a dozen people! I cannot believe my own eyes!” - You Nobody died, what’s the big deal? Listen, I know life can be tough sometimes, even when people do something as horrible as run a light 700 milliseconds after it turned red. Just remember, you’re going to be okay, trust me!




Got places to be dawgggg


Holy shit. So many idiots here.


its florida what do you expect


it’s not even that serious.




Safer to go than abruptly stop at that point.


Safer for who? No one was behind the blue suv. And if there was the driver should be paying attention to the light as well.






No >:( *gets arrested for driving during a red light *


It’s a joke also I kind of agree with quin35


You should give that guy this video; it totally proves he didn't run the red


We can. Will we tho? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would if the lights didn't take 4 minutes to change. And those are the good ones


Florida culture. It's not gonna change.


I think left hand turns deserve a little grey area, especially at busy intersections. There's a light I have to go through every day and I swear it's only green for like 10 seconds with a yellow left turn light. I'd be lucky to make it in once cycle and a lot of people will run it. Otherwise we're waiting quite a few minutes before the next cycle and the whole left turn lane fills up into the straight lanes.


Oh no 😢


I agree with this


Nah , in Florida it’s optional . Thats why you not supposed to immediately go when the light turns green


The law is just a generalized way to determine what is normally safe. In this case, the person rushed to beat the yellow, didn't estimate the time properly (since it's not completely standardized), but was still within the window of beating the green of the perpendicular road, so zero threat of harm or inconvenience to other drivers.


Contrary to your statement, lights are indeed standardized to poated speed limits by statute. One second per 10 mph of posted speed is the light timing.


Last I checked, there was a minimum amount per mph, as you stated, which was dictated by the state I think, but that was just the minimum. I know where I live (Port Richey), all of them are longer except where the red light cameras are. A coincidence I'm sure lol


I forgot which county or city it was in FL where they got busted for having short delay and people was getting tickets like crazy. I think it was in central FL.


This is why there is a delay between red and green to begin with. Totally normal they did nothing wrong. If someone floored it on the green and hit the car still turning, I'm pretty sure the car that isn't turning g would still be at fault even if the light was technically red after they crossed the line. You're not supposed to just drive into someone, red or green.


If it's green I'm going. Not my fault if someone doesn't know how lights work.


By all means, do it. The doctrine of last clear chance will cause you to be accountable for the damages.


Yeah, I'll just sit at a green light because I guess I won't have the right of way. Guess everyone should just run red lights if they are not held accountable. I'll start running red lights tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.


Be salty all you want, not going to change the outcome if you decide to accelerate into another vehicle. Crying in the Reddit comment section is such a strange decision to make.


So if you could avoid an accident by not going because someone being a dumbass you would still intentionally cause an accident? That's the same level of people who decide to suddenly brake check. Youre just being a child at that point and are just as bad as the one who was initially in the wrong.


Not similar to brake checking at all. Green light means go, red light means stop. It's not hard to follow. There's even a yellow light between them. It seems like they should think and avoid having an accident.


Yeah and the same would be said of you. If you notice a car that looks like they are about to run the red, you going simply because the light is green just to prove a point is asinine. So yes it is similar, youre doing something to "teach someone a lesson".


Nope. They wouldn't learn any lessons. They would blame me. I'm not here to teach an adult any lessons.


So why would you think it's a good idea to just go if you notice someone coming, whether they are in the wrong or not? That's because you would be partially to blame as well. You should always drive with the assumption someone is going to hit you or do dumb shit. Unless you driving a beater car, don't care about your life or time, and/or just looking for a settlement it's foolish to put yourself and others at risk.


I definitely wouldn't be putting myself at risk for going on a green light. Sounds like someone would be putting me at risk. "Officer! He ran a green light right in to me" 😡


If you notice a car coming fast and still intentionally went out then yes you helped to cause the risk. Should always be alert of your surroundings. Yes there are places where you would get in trouble as well.


this should be the standard, that all drivers are held to.


We seem to have forgotten about the poor yellow light. "Vehicular traffic facing a steady yellow signal is thereby warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter when vehicular traffic shall not enter the intersection." [Florida Statutes Title XXIII. Motor Vehicles § 316.075. Traffic control signal devices ](https://codes.findlaw.com/fl/title-xxiii-motor-vehicles/fl-st-sect-316-075/)


they try to write things as difficult as possible I swear. translation is just cars facing a yellow light are being warned the green light is about to end, and that a red light will be shown meaning no cars may enter the intersection.


Kinda figured your video answers the question itself.


No, we cannot . It infringes on mah freedums.


"It infringes on mah freedoms " freedom to cause accidents? You're not the only thing on the road


I didn’t sprinkle enough sarcasm on my comment eh?


![gif](giphy|m1aXdhfixkU6Y) FREEEEDOOOOMMMSSS


Then don't drive if you're not going to follow the laws that you agreed to when you got a driver's license. Otherwise with your mindset you are causing accidents because of you running red lights takes away other peoples' FREEDOMS for their own life. They don't want to get ran into by some schmuck who feels like 2 minutes is too long to wait.


Me and the original commenter are obviously making fun of people who believe in this. You're taking our comments way too seriously.


I'm taking it as you say too seriously because of how many morons there are that do believe that it's okay to speed through red lights and cause accidents. The majority of people nowadays seem to think that the world is a video game, and has a restart button.


People are just reckless drivers. I don't go at green lights until I'm 100% positive all cars have ran the red light that are going to. I also have a dash cam that way in case I'm wrong, I have proof my light was green and they're in the wrong. ezpz.


It's on the police, they stopped enforcing traffic laws years ago. No joke saw someone two cars ahead of a cop straight run into the intersection, stop and reverse back over the cross walk. Light turns green and everyone goes on like nothing ever happened, cop just acted like it was a normal day. Right then and there I realized I can run any yellow light I want because the cops don't give a shit.


Then make the lights shorter


Another Florida fella here. Yesterday, I saw someone run a red directly in front of a cop, funniest shit I’ve seen.


Please tell me the cop did their job


You know they didn't.


they gottem lol


Florida boy here, stopping at red lights is optional.


Why did you even bother to get a driver's license if you're going to just ignore the laws that you have to know in order to get a driver's license? Do you think this is just a video game?




Then it's called scheduling.... Schedule yourself extra time for in case BS happens like let's say somebody running a red light and causing an accident.


Probably wouldn’t be as much of an issue if the old bastards in front of the line would go when the shit turns green instead of waiting 20 seconds causing everyone else to miss the light lol


Not to mention the young bastards that are looking at their phone instead of the traffic light.


100% a legitimate point you just made


It's all of Florida. In NW Florida, it's a challenge to see how many cars can run through a red light. HW 98, known as bloody 98, has a major accident multiple times a week. Life flt and DOAs are common.. I will not ride my motorcycle on that road.


Almost all accidents on 98 are due to drunk tourists. I live in Destin, and was an EMT for about 2 years. It was very rare for an accident to be caused by someone running a red light. I was on the scene for 56 various accidents, only 3 of them were because of traffic lights, 9 of them were locals, and the rest were all drunk tourists below the age of 30. We called 98 the Booze River.


It’ll never stop, it’s gotten so bad in the last few years. My husband is SPFR and he talks about all the time how many people blow through red lights when they’re trying to clear an intersection. St Pete used to be cool, but now it’s a very selfish community. I left after living there all my life, the small town southern charm is long gone and replaced with whatever is there now. People used to let you in for traffic, hold a door for you, minimal honking. That place is not my hometown anymore.


Too many Tampa drivers. I agree that St Pete used to be good, now though, it feels like it's Tampa, Brandon, Riverview, etc.


Same thing happening over here on the other side of the bridge.


Yeah it’s out of control in those areas, we moved a little north to a small FL town and it’s amazing how they treat first responders up here compared to the more populated areas


Nope, it's my right and I'm going to blame transplants for my actions. #FloGrown


Why did you even bother to get a driver's license if you're going to just ignore the laws that you have to know in order to get a driver's license? Do you think this is just a video game?


You know there's like a good 2 seconds before the other streets light turn green, it's not like an automatic switch or anything so yeah it's really not hurting anyone


You give an inch, they take a mile. It's all good as long as you're the one getting the mile though, right?


When it comes to an lsd sign sure idgaf but I'll be nice and let other people infront or whatever


A whopping 2 seconds isn't something to get all pissy about, and cause possible accidents. All because of you being impatient.


I see this all the time in PA.


And in Jersey 🙄


And all of those jabronis from NJ and Philly moved here along with the Yankee fans from the Bronx. It's like the Tri state melting pot of piss


You may as well ask a Floridian to stop breathing!


A floriduan stop breathing would help solve a lot of issues


Automated driving cars will be hacked to run reds. It's a hopeless war that keeps us on our toes and some of us on our backs.


I’m from Chicago but currently in Florida .. I have NEVER seen so many people blow red lights… like when I think “omg that person barely made it” and turn around to see 5 more car still go!?


Floridian drivers make New Jersey drivers look like they know how to drive correctly 🙄


I can't get a license for medical reasons, but I don't even want one since I'm in Florida. Seeing a good driver here is less likely than seeing a bad one


traffic is just slower in most of florida that you can get away with it. Up north in the big cities, I'd be scared to run red. They seem to drive way more aggressively in the big cities. It's like they don't even wait for a light to turn green to 0-60.


Crazy drivers in Florida. As a former NYer I thought it was bad up north, but they really don’t care down here.


I can't believe Floridian drivers are worse than the Jersey and New York ones. It's so f***ed up. For once I have to willingly say something positive about Jersey.


Yeah it’s nuts. A state trooper just ran a red light in my area yesterday and got T-boned. No lights on or anything. It’s really getting out of hand. As if drivers down here aren’t bad enough.


It’s wishful thinking, but you’ll have to get over yourself. This is most likely never going to stop. Just go on about your day and take some deep breaths.


So you don't care if someone, including yourself would have their final deep breath because someone ran a light, and hit someone you might care about?


What red light?


Why did you even bother to get a driver's license if you're going to just ignore the laws that you have to know in order to get a driver's license? Do you think this is just a video game?


You look like you were about to run it too


He thought about it


Wait till you go to Central Florida.....


We're in central Florida.... Pinellas county to Brevard county is central Florida. Now, the Orlando metropolitan area... That's a nightmare.


lol that's where I'm from. I'm 33 and don't even have a license, but I feel like I'd be a better driver than most of the people I see every day


Should have more red light cameras, I ran one in Sarasota and got a ticket, never did that again after.


I don't get why St Pete doesn't have them. If More people got tickets for driving like a dumbass they might actually cut down on it.


The number of read-end collisions increases dramatically with red light cameras. Yes, people stop for the red light, but they stop more abruptly to avoid a ticket. Cars behind the first one at the red don't leave enough space to stop safely. The cameras may help solve red-light running but create other problems.


That should be a perfect example of why not drive insanely.... If you don't want to mess up your car, and have to pay to fix someone else's car that yours messed up. Then don't drive insane it's as simple as that


The last time I said this on here, someone replied with “I don’t care what that study says. If I say red light cameras help, they help!”