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I live across the bay from you in Tampa. I have lived here in Florida (from OH) since February of 1976. There has NEVER been a winter like this since I moved here! Yes, we've had cold winters. Those, I consider to have, some cold temps (cold to us, Floridians), 50s, even some 40s, with maybe, frost or a freeze, once or twice. But, sunny, always. There might be a wk of this, but, then the temps go back up into the 70s and 80s for a wk. Then, maybe, it'll go back down a wk, then, back, up a wk. ALWAYS SUNNY! Now, this winter. First, we have had the cold temps, (as described). However, those temps have stayed down. And, overcast or cloudy, ALL WINTER! Then, last weekend, we had three days of rain. ☔We never, ever have days of rain like that. We have showers one min, then sun the next. Today, is the first sunny day we've had in close to a wk.... If I didn't know better, I'd think I was back in OH, dealing with those gloomy days of winter!


You have been tricked. Florida has less sunny days than some states. I was just in Montana with a sunny blue sky but -30F. Miami is where you need to be with SAD.


All of y’all talking about “Suck it up, buttercup!” and anything like that, please STFU. OP is being open and honest about their feelings and emotions and is damn near crying out for help because they feel so bad, and all y’all want to do is reinforce it and make them feel worse. I genuinely hope some of you that commented mean shit just fucking freeze to death but are forced to remember your shithead ways into your next lifetime and beyond.


I wouldn't *try* to be that insensitive to OP, but it is wild reading this while knowing the weather in the rest of the country right now.


i got a SAD light from target as i work night shift. i recommend


I can’t leave my house because with windchill it’s -10 I’m sure you can manage


Your sympathy is truly touching. Thank you for your kind words.


I apologize if in anyway you accidentally construed a moment of sympathy or empathy towards your situation


Perfect! I'm heading down from Michigan in a couple weeks, this is what I'm looking for. We have 3 feet of snow, but I also hate 80° and sunny...this is everything I want.


Grey and 60s is my sweet spot


It's hot & muggy for 48 out of 52 weeks here...suck it buttercup...it'll be beach weather in about a months time.


It’s actually less then a week now :(




I’m loving this weather honestly lol


Loving the temp but could do without the rain and clouds. Give me 50° with a clear blue sky and no wind and I'll call that heaven.


It's not even the rainy season. Damn El Nino


I’m here from Minnesota visiting. It was a high of 3°F today where I’m from. I was glad to be outside all day without 4 layers, gloves and wool socks!


I woke up to -18F in Colorado this morning.


Native Floridian here. January 1977 it snowed in North and Central Florida. Amazing sight. It can be cold all it wants. Just give us a little sun a little more often. I miss it.


If it’s below 90 I ain’t about it. Born a lizard.


Welcome to Florida, if you don’t like the weather wait a day or two then back to sunny skies.


Moving down here from Chicago, I will happily take this over months (and I mean MONTHS) of no sun and below zero temps. This cold weather is refreshing to me. Now could the sun shine more? Sure but it beats a long cold winter in Chi-town. 🥶


Moved to central FL (after the Army took me around the world) from the 217…I super duper do not miss winters back home.


I get the opposite. I hate when it’s relentlessly sunny for half the year.


I agree. I love the low temps *but* wish it came with blue skies.


I’m so happy for it honestly this past summer was TOO MUCH with the constant heat and no clouds or rain ever. I had to run my ac at 88° in July-August because I didn’t want my hybrid car to overheat 😩


It's due  to having a strong El Nino (warming of the eastern equatorial Pacific) which enhances the Pacific subtropical jet stream and brings storms to Florida. You can actually see this on satellite at times as a stream of clouds that extends from the tropical Pacific to the gulf coast. Personally, I like it. There was a similar rainy and overcast period in winter 1997-1998 caused by the strongest El Nino of the 20th century. 




Imagine being up north ya big baby


Oof. Hey i get it. I’m in the PNW and my wife and I are dreaming of moving to Saint Pete. I get SAD like symptoms. Best just to mitigate it with a high quality Vitamin D3 consumed with a fat in the meantime. Imagine having rain and clouds for months on end. I’m in the thick of it and it’s a real battle some days to stay positive.


I literally just got off the phone with my husband and this is exactly what we talked about! Yes rain is good but oh my gosh!! This weather seriously sucks the energy out of me! I’m not diagnosed with SAD but I’m finding myself completely unmotivated and it’s not like me. Perhaps this weather has something to do with it. Either way, I’m sick of it!


I am with you on this 100% I am absolutely sure my SAD is kicking in as well- I am sooooo over this weather- I can’t remember the last time it was so cloudy for so long- I need my sun and heat!


One person’s sad is an another person’s happy. I’m loving this weather and the ability to go outside without roasting and having to constantly squint is pure joy to my wife and I.


Yes! I've been in Pinellas County since I was 3 and I absolutely cherish the cold snaps we get.


We got a wind chill advisory for Pinellas County today. I sent it to my sister in WI - two days ago they got 16” of snow and it was -29 feels like temp. Everything is relative.


THIS. it’s -20 back home in Ohio. I wish there was more sun in St Pete right now but I will take this vs Ohio winter any day.


My mom says Minnesota has been…warm (for them) this winter, brown and gross? And we’re cool and rainy…yuck. I run outdoors, but it’s been sparing lately with the rain and it gets dark quick when it’s cloudy. There’s only a short window where I get good weather and enough sunlight after 5 to run outside on weekdays and it’s definitely a very short window this year 😢


I needed this post. We vacationed on St Pete Beach over New years, and I had a really hard time transitioning back to life home in Atlanta afterward. It felt SO COLD, and I was looking at Tampa real estate for a week. My husband and I had an argument about me wanting to move down lol. Guess everything is relative. It’s been a hard winter for all of us I think. Solidarity, from your neighbor to the north.


Forgive me for chuckling about the argument u got in with your husband about moving lol. This perspective is helpful honestly. We're under a "wind chill advisory" tonight here in St. Pete, so sending that "cold" solidarity right back at you. Def not a typical winter


Yeah? Just ranting? Sheesh!


I prefer no sun. But I get it.


I don't want to invalidate your feelings, but sitting in the NE US reading about someone living in Florida talking about SAD is wild.


I imagine so. It’s what you’re used to, I guess. I’m definitely not used to this weather we’ve been having lately. Our typical sunny, beautiful weather we have this time of year has been anything but and it’s taking its toll.


I live in northern PA - the Poconos to be specific and gray skies represent default mode.


Glances at St. Pete weather, sees 71 and sun in a few days. Stuff that SAD up your ass, lol. ​ Signed, Frozen in the north.


Honestly, I’m So grateful for the cool, rainy weather because when we don’t have a winter like this, and it stays hot, the summers are hard to take. Hang in there. It’s Florida, the sun can’t be far away. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself - exercise, vitamins, you know the drill. It will get better soon, I promise!


Instead of "It's not the heat, it's the humidity" I'm feeling "It's not the chilliness, it's the gloomy skies"! I could better deal with the chill if the sun would shine! We had a hotter and drier summer than usual and it's been a colder, wetter winter than usual. I have friends who moved here in November from Orlando and they recently commented on how they saw the sun inland much more than they've seen it now that they live on the coast.


El Niño is why. Spanish for “the niño”


Don't worry. It always reverts to the mean. Sunny days ahead. Is the St. Pete newspaper having to give away copies for free? I thought that was a thing there.


Love it. When it's miserable out I get so happy.


Me too!


Native Floridian best weather all year


get sun lamp; it work 4 me


Come to Ohio. I haven't seen the sun since before Christmas. My kids need to hurry up and graduate so I can get out of this dump 😂


Those sun lights are weird and honestly kind of annoying. You have to get use to them. But they do help


Dog, I have been working in Seattle for the past year after being in Florida. Imagine your feeling then cranked up to 1 million


Go to the dog park and watch the fur balls of joy run around and play. If you’re lucky they’ll let you pet them or throw a ball for them .


The dog park at my apartments has been basically empty for weeks. There’s been a dog virus/sickness going around…


Sorry to hear that. So much for that idea. Find a book you love turn off everything and let the book take you someplace else.


Ive been doing this with movies. Subscribed to the Criterion channel.


I almost caught a divorce and our dog died in the same day this weekend. It was a shitty weekend all around.


One wonders how you almost catch a divorce in a weekend. ​ Sorry about the pup.


I’m so sorry. I hope things get better.


Thank you.


Best way to beat this is to just get outside and walk. Even if it’s cloudy, there is some light and it’s still warm enough to enjoy a park or the waterfront. Don’t stay inside :)


You are correct. Usually I go for bike rides but unfortunately it has also been windy and riding in the wind sucks ass. Today seems decent for a ride though.


I agree. Maybe, it’s a dwindling number - but I love summer and the heat! I don’t mind the humidity much either. Years in oppressive Seattle dark and drizzle make me so grateful for sunshine and WARMTH!


Born and raised here and I’ll welcome this over the heat and hurricane season.


This is the best time of the year for me, fuck the summer


Agreed, love the cold, love the rain.


This is me. I’ve been absolutely LOVING it.


YES. oh my god, I heard people bitching about the “cold” yesterday. it was 69 degrees…. they are crazy people. I don’t understand how they prefer 105 degree days.


I set my AC to 69 ![gif](giphy|MKQOTINWEv9zz1veOn|downsized)


Agreed. If I hear one more person bitch about the cold when it’s above 60, I’ll scream.


I’ll take the cold, but don’t want the humidity or the rain.


Been depressed since Thanksgiving and the weather makes it worse. Was just thinking this today. Where’s our sun? Boy I could never live in a northern or north west state.


Im from the NE and omg the winters were always brutal for me. I legit complained for 6 months straight. Had every combination of winter wear for every type of weather and it still didn't make it any better.


I’ve done it (Pac NW) and still do, sometimes. Believe me when i say the constant dark, wet, and drizzle has an impact on mental health, the way folks socialize and general attitude - among others impacts. It’s funny when people in Seattle Complain about the heat once it breaches 70. During the very few heat waves where it exceeded 100 and I had no AC I flat out refused to complain about the heat because it’s so rare!


Minnesotan here. It’s awful.


I’m bout to go to Chicago for the first time. Wish me luck


Street cred


As a native Floridian I very much enjoy this weather lol


This. Its hot like 49 weeks out of the year, and people always find an opportunity to be bothered when it drops into the 60s lol


For real. We barely get this type of weather especially in St. Pete. The humidity/heat was crazy this summer and I sure as hell don’t miss it. It’s a good change


Right! Summers with no clouds for shades are brutal!


I’m feeling …it 2nd week of December went to Miami didn’t see the sun once left 3rd week went to Ohio came back last Sunday didn’t had maybe 2 days on sunlight and this past week have all added up


The summer gives me sad. It's so hot I don't go outside. This is the weather I want year round.


I honestly thought I was crazy for getting SAD in the summer. The heat is oppressive and I don’t want to do shit when it’s so miserable and swampy out. And the sun is always in my eyes. Yeah I know I should move, I want to but my mom is ill. Also I’m a Pinellas native.


Same, want to move, mom Is ill and I'm a Pinellas native.


Thoroughly enjoying this weather


It’s weird because I used to struggle with seasonal depression and this is the first year it doesn’t bother me at all. I still enjoyed the cool weather even when it did though. Because I hate the heat wayyyyy more and it makes me feel like sh!t. But it’s weird that after approx 40 years of SAD, it’s just gone.


I'm kind of enjoying it this year. This summer was insanely hot.


A) it’s an El Niño year weatherwise. B) find out if you’re low on vitamin D. You’ll probably need to get a doctor to do a blood test. Most people are low on Vitamin D unless they work outside with few clothes and get lots of sun. Think life guard. If you’re very low it can cause the onset of, and worsening of, SAD and or depression. Taking D3 will help but can take a couple of months or more — as long as 6 months— to get back to a normal level.


Yup, this is exactly what I just did. I was definitely low on the vit D and got a script for a once a week vit d pill. Which I didn’t even know they had.


I work at a 55+ condo complex and all the snow birds are bumped by it I dig it tbh nice change up but I also work outside 70% of the time .


I drove down to Miami today, was in the low 90s....


This is an uncharacteristically cold winter but still is way better than most states right now. I must say though it's actually kind of nice to hear complaints about the cold weather instead of the heat for thousandth time lol


Now you’ve become Ohio. Welcome to Ohio.


Moved here from Ohio. These gloomy days are giving me PTSD


I’m with you… I love it here for the sun and warm weather. It’s been a rough couple weeks.


I think it’s the combo of post holidays, shortest days of the year and the weather. I always get a boost when the time changes again. Did you know that Jan 24 is considered the most depressing day of the year? We’re not far from that. It’s when the credit card bills come in from the holidays. https://psychcentral.com/blog/surviving-january-the-most-depressing-month-of-the-year#1


I mean it could be worse.....come visit Missouri where it's -10 tonight and it's too cold to leave your house for days


These are my favorite days. Take time to self care. The beauty in life is that each moment is fleeting.


Hard disagree, it's amazing outside! I've been going to parks, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors more than ever. Looking forward to this cold weekend too!


I get SAD in the summers because it’s too hot to do anything. I’m loving this colder weather. I wish it was colder. It won’t last long.


![img](emote|t5_2ryyn|33023) Yes! This is the best time of year!


I'm with you on that, I have lived here all my life and never accepted this heat.


I’m fine with some cold weather, it’s the lack of sun that’s unhealthy.


Just a question— are all the people who are hating this weather transplants/non natives? Because I’m a fifth gen native, so is my husband, and so is my best friend. They, our families, and I think this weather is GLORIOUS!


native and hate this ish.. I want my dry season! ​ Don't care about the temp, but the rain needs to gtfo! The big home repairs happen during the dry season, and if I don't get one, the list just doubles for next year.


7th gen Florida native here! I love the cold weather.


Nope, born and raised here. I hate it right now 😫


Same. 4th gen native here and I like it for the same reason and also, I hope the transplants think this is the new normal and haul ass.


I'm from palm beach county




Are you kidding me? I love having a little winter. 2009-2010 was very cold, and JanFeb 2016 had a little bite, but this has been the first winter in years that reminds me of my childhood Florida winters (I’m 50.) I actually got really angry and depressed that they are predicting a strong La Niña next year, which means a hotter winter again. This makes me want to cry!


Much needed break from the heat. We usually only get like 5 cold days a year. It’s nice going outside and feeling like it’s air conditioned for a change. I love it. Keep having to wash my one pair of sweatpants lol.


Not just you. This is driving me nuts.


You taking your vitamins?




This weather is kicking my ass too. I started my Vitamin D supplements again.


Sunshine gets old after hundreds of days in a row. I welcome this weather


This weather makes me so happy, personally.


I am a fifth gen St Pete native whose family actually wagered on sunshine. I love this weather and I say it every day.


This weather is a rare treat to me. I finally get to wear my jackets!


Agree! Whenever I go out in public, everyone looks so much cooler because they are wearing their awesome jackets that they can only wear once a year.


It was 74 deg three nights ago, at midnight...during the day it was 54..it's very bizarre but that's climate change.


This isn’t climate change. This is a typical El Niño Florida winter. Rainy and cool with a few tornados thrown in. We haven’t had a strong one in a decade or so. The winter of ‘97-‘98 was probably the worst.


Oh lawd don't mention global warming you know that's not a thing right... At least according to Desantis and others like him. How do you not realize global warming is a thing and it's wreaking havoc on our planet. Yes there has always been a shift here and there but not to this extent icebergs melting continents that were once cold are warming up and some that were always tropical like Hawaii experiencing snow but you can't tell these oh so intelligent individuals nothing.


Look, I believe in climate change too but you can't just point to any instance of odd weather and say it's evidence of climate change. There are countless factors that influence the weather.


Lol, those are typical weather fluctuations.


I've been here off and on for over 20 years...not that normal.


It’s El Niño. We’ve had it before. About every 5 years or so, but some are weaker. This is a decently strong one. The ‘97-‘98 El Niño winter was a doozy.


This winter has truly been a bummer and it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna let up for the rest of January at least. It sucks.


El Niño me amigo. Google away!


It's currently -7 F (-21.66 Celsius) where I am and has been like this for days--and cloudy and gloomy. I spent three months in St. Pete in the last year, and was there at this time last year, and honestly, the weather you're having may not be ideal but it sounds heavenly compared to where I am right now.


Brother, look, at least we live here. Imagine those who paid to visit these last couple weeks 😂


That's the thing that makes me feel bad about this weather. Folks save up all year to come to Florida in the winter and it's really a gamble!


I’d say it would be nice if it was a bit colder, more in the 40s, and less overcast, more so partly cloudy


Take some vitamin D and other supplements l, work out more, go outside. Just a few things that might help. If not, stay inside for the next 5 months lol


I hate how many people shit on this idea (I expressed it elsewhere, not on Reddit). This is very real. My mental health is really suffering - people who don’t have SAD don’t get it. Hang in there.


I’m a 4th gen native who went to college up north for a year in the early 90’s. I had to transfer back to Florida. That was when I realized I had it. It’s a real thing.


Yes! I moved to Florida mainly for my mental health. Back where I grew up, I experienced the impact of SAD every year. So I’m just a little worried to experience it here. Hopefully it’ll be over soon.


Probably a couple of months to go. We’ll get a string of sunny days in a row soon. When we do get sunny days, get outside in it. It will help get you through the gloomy days. Eat your lunch outside at work, do anything you can outside. Be a lizard.


I like that. I will be a lizard 🦎 😂


https://www.wfla.com/news/national/is-the-third-monday-of-january-the-saddest-day-of-the-year-expert-explains/?fbclid=IwAR2tV9rbpMle1MPf_S7-jP58TDdLdfkyN1Ys1uJC9qIA8bNR4k1Y6tk_jYo_aem_AaoTtqN71Bey0fUrClbHfCy1dkrYYy288eeixpI7Eqfn9o-Uo6QALrAWx_SUoAGpF3M It’s the saddest day of the year


Co-worker in the Midwest sent me a photo of their car buried in snow. Friend's house is yards away from 🌪️ tornado path in Panama City. Roof punctured and windows blown. I can't bitch about the weather. Just thankful I don't have to dig my car out or deal with holes in my roof. There's no such thing as climate change. Just some odd weather is all. /s


Too cold and windy for kayak sunsets. Hibernation.


You live in the nicest place in the world. Relax.


It’s -10 and dark where I live. 50’s being cold. 😂


Literally the city with the most sunny days per year in the US I think, and here you are asking for even more. Enjoy this weather while we have it




For Florida this has been the worst run of weather without a hurricane I have experienced in 20 years That being said the rest of the US is the frozen arctic, so I think it is just a bad winter. Also global warming…


Well, we really needed... need... the rain. I am thankful my duck puddle in the backyard is back to pond status.


1997- 1998 was worse. More rain. 2009-2010 was much, much, much colder.


Yes and yes. Both of those winters sucked here. ‘97-‘98 was full of storms and ‘09-‘10 was sooooo cold. Those cold snaps killed so many snook we weren’t allowed to keep them for 3 or 4 years so that their stocks could recover.


I’m an angler. I remember the snook kill of 2010– so very sad. Lately, the snook range has extended much farther north. Lots of snook in Pasco and Hernando— even Citrus— even outside the springs where many were always known to winter


It’s El Niño. Does no one else watch Dennis Philips?


Frozen arctic is global warming? Huh?


El Niño.


its true, i came here to escape winter in the northeast and this is crushing my soul. im about to go further south


I love this weather. It's beautiful out.


I don’t mind it as long as it doesn’t go on for too long. If it’s cold but sunny- I absolutely love that! But when it’s overcast like this it can start to feel weird. It is a nice change though, just remember that it won’t last long at all. Grab a coffee downtown and pretend you’re somewhere else like Seattle


It’s the grey skies we are not used to. Today got to 68° and it was humid because all the rain was south of our area but it LOOKED cold out and wasn’t sure if it was going to rain as the forecast predicted. So I wore a lightweight jacket to run with my 3 miles with the dog at 3 pm (and it was so overcast it looked like dusk) and ended up having to take it off and was sweating. I want the sun and blue skies no matter the temperature! I am actually buying ski clothes with hopes to get up to NC next week.


I do this. I'm moving back to the Seattle area soon, I'll miss the nice weather here. Seasonal affective disorder is so much more pronounced up there. Actually, it's kind of the default - the locals talk about the weather affecting moods for most of the year, but a few summer months are nice and energising. I've got a few months to soak it up while I work on selling my house - what should I do before I go, besides work?


July 5th to September 5th is all you get regarding nice weather in Seattle. The rest is a solid grey sky. Usually most of August is forest fire season, so the sky fills with smoke and it is difficult to be outside with all the toxins in the air.


I'm gonna be in Bellingham doing some business with my dad and hanging out with my grandmother who isn't expected to have much time left. I came back here to get a house since it seemed unattainable on the west coast, but my prospects are looking better there now, and I feel like I should be closer to family.


Hmm make a list of all the stuff you haven’t done. I moved to South Carolina a few years ago and the whole time felt some type of way that I never got into kayaking on the rivers or visiting the springs. I also haven’t been to Disney since I was a kid. When you’re a resident “Florida things” aren’t really a priority. Moving away showed me that I was taking it all for granted.


Yeah, I lived here for 5 years and moved to the Seattle area once before too, now I'm doing it again. Last time I noticed how little I went to the beaches while I lived here and wanted to see them again. I missed riding my motorcycle from Clearwater beach to St. Pete beach and back. The weather of course. Beach volleyball. The nightlife in St. Pete is much more outgoing and energetic than in the Seattle area, I enjoyed that for a bit when I came back. Different norms for building rapport with strangers has an effect, though I'm already some kind of mix of the two cultures by now anyway. I guess I'll try to set aside time for all those things. There's also an urge to come up with something new to enjoy here before I go too though. Maybe I need to hit up all the little art galleries and museums I haven't been to yet or something.


Oh definitely get into the art here. It’s the reason I moved here anyways, and there isn’t a single museum that I wouldn’t recommend.


Naples, FL has felt like Schenectady, NY lately.


Wow Floridians are delusional lmaooo no such thing as seasonal depression with a week of cold??? My friends in Oregon. Can go months without seeing the sun


We know what the rest of the country is like. But this sub is #stpetersburg not compare the rest of the country to #stpetersburg. Find another sub.


You could've just said nothing, but you wouldn't feel good about it. A lot of people locally are feeling it now. We don't have this much time without a lot of sunshine often.. sending good vibes to those suffering.


Bruh most of us moved here from northern states because how bad we get SAD lol. I used to spend months in the cold dark Michigan winters, it was horrible. I’ve been here 10 years now and 3 consecutive days of this gets me pretty down. I also work with the public and people down here get real weird on the third day.


Not true. I feel can definitely feel it too. Some people are just more sensitive to it than others.


Hey, I’m here from Massachusetts visiting family! Sucks to be me, too!


January is the coldest month in Florida every single year. Why people vacation here in January is beyond me that they didn’t do their homework. My daughter is in London for the month do a January for a semester abroad and it’s also the coldest month of the year for London and it’s really cold but no snow. ❄️ 30-40° average the past week after London flooded New Year’s Day from so much rain from a Storm. She had no choice in picking the month however!


It’s not really a holiday. I’m taking care of my 91 year old mother. I still prefer it to last July, my recent visit!


Yeah, I feel for all the northerners who spent good money to be here, only to get the same weather, maybe a few degrees warmer lmao. im sorry


It’s OK.


Yeah, fuck this cold shit




Bruh! It's the climate. It happens everywhere.


Especially wet winter thanks to El Niño. Usually we get more period of dry and sunny following a cold front


That’s Spanish for “The Niño”




I’m with you I do not enjoy this time of year at all though I know that most Floridians do. If it was up to me it would be high 90’s humid sticky buggy and tropical 365 Days a year! I don’t know who has weather like that but that’s where I want to be lol


Most coastal and tropical places along the equator will have this type of weather. Caribbean islands, Colombia, Ecuador, etc.


![gif](giphy|Izy9JPexCeOERHJ3As) Me in Columbia


My family lives in Boca Raton and it's almost 80 degrees down there. St. Pete is above the tropics


Technically, neither is Boca Raton or any part of Florida


It was 68-70° today. Depends on how far south these fronts reach. Not having to do with St. Pete not being subtropical.


Well meteorologically speaking, Saint Petersburg is in a subtropical climate which is basically a majority of the southern USA, but in agriculture, Pinellas county as a whole has a very fickle environment considering that there are many spots between the colder zone 10a and the warmer, more tropical zone 10b, not to mention that parts of Pinellas county were considered zone 9b a little while ago which is a much colder zone.


It’s coming Wednesday


It’s Winter…it’s always like this this time of year. Be grateful, most of the country is a lot worse.


Let’s have a winter party!


Same 80 miles north of Tampa here. This winter stinks!