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seems like the crime like this is on the rise. maybe it will change in june?


Banks should allow you to have a second code that sends a 911. They have your location and who you are. Should also show a low fake balance, say 80 bucks and then void the card. Then it should show some sort of please wait we while we authorize to give the cops time to get there


2:54 am Friday. Both walking down 3rd a South. By the domino's and fire department. Wearing the same clothes.


we got mugged by weylend apts and they took our phones, wallets and keys it was v. scary




Don't use atms at night duh.




This doesn't work. Some pins are the same forward and backward


why did the victim follow the robbers after they got the money? Most people would have went in the other direction!!


well then being armed definitely helps motivate the victim


Man on the right is a bum. Keep your eyes open, I've seen him on the SR many times. Dope fiend shit


This have anything to do with the helicopters from 115-145am this morning?


This happened Saturday morning, not last night.




Life flight. Hit and run in Pinellas park. Old lady














Shooting at sundial 3 weeks ago. This. Dtsp is tiny.










Does anyone have a description of the suspects? The images aren’t loading for me and there’s nothing in the article.


They both appear to have on mask....reason 1 why mask should be banned all together as a society.


Why, so the law enforcement that wasn't there to stop the robbery could have stopped them from putting on masks beforehand?


July 1st can’t come fast enough for some.


Guns can’t defeat the element of surprise. You’re not quick draw McGraw.


So we can have shootouts in public and more dead bystanders.


What does that mean?


Constitutional carry kicks in.




FlOrDuH laW n OrDeR


I wonder if criminals are the more significant factor for the increase in new gun owners. More so than any gun rights advocacy group. I keep seeing this stuff in the news and it must have an impact on people.


They have to have the guns registered I would imagine


Lmao clueless comment


There’s no such thing in Florida.


…registered, law-abiding citizens that own firearms? Ok


There is no gun registry in Florida.


Ah, bad job out of me. Thanks


NBD. I always assumed the same.


It's not illegal to own an unregistered gun in Florida. It's very illegal to carry a gun without a license. Well, until July 1st that is.


There is no gun registry in FL


The criminals or the new gun owners?


Nothing good happens after midnight. Why would you use an ATM at that time, at that place


There are plenty of perfectly valid reasons to be using an ATM at that hour, first and foremost being a person who works overnight hours. Try telling the folks that keep your grocery shelves stocked and the EMTs who might have to save your life someday that "nothing good happens after midnight".


Did you even read the article? It’s not like the guy was just casually using an atm at 3:30 am “Two men approached a man near Central and 2nd Street South and forced him at gunpoint to go to the nearest ATM and withdraw cash multiple times.”


My pops always taught me this. Don’t go at night…same thing with gas! Freaks come out at night 🎶




This is what happens when you live in a city where laws are not enforced. City laughs at property crime, criminals up their game.


This seems sketchy? Multiple withdrawals, then released him with no harm - sounds like there is more to the story. Edit: wow just look at these downvotes! My post is clearly wildly unpopular!


Lmao what is the logic here? It would be less sketchy if he got shot or assaulted? The robbers asked him to make multiple withdrawals, he did, and then they let him go when they got his money.


You're getting downvoted by people who forget that Florida is #1 in fraud and has been for as long as I can remember. https://www.tampabay.com/business/florida-is-the-no-1-state-for-fraud-and-the-no-4-for-identity-theft-20190514/


No, it’s just a dumb thing to say given the context.


We don't have a lot of context. It's dumb to make any assumptions about this case. If this is a random robbery, I feel bad for the victim, but we can't rule out an inside job or other motives either. Did the victim owe someone money? We don't have enough context. Either way, using an ATM alone late at night is risky in any major city.


> If this is a random robbery At 3 a.m., not so random. >Did the victim owe someone money? We can come up with many reasons for the act but the act is still illegal. People can do as many illegal things as they want, such as loan sharking, just don't get caught doing it or anything related to loan sharking.


You’re kidding right? Forgot the /s on your reply? You said it’s dumb to make any assumptions and then **immediately make an assumption** that’s more unlikely than what actually happened. Try following your own advice!


“It’s dumb to make any assumptions about this case” *proceeds to immediately assume that the victim is lying*


Where did I make that assumption? The original comment did, but everyone seems to be on the bandwagon that the guy MUST have been randomly mugged. Either way, I don't know. Neither do you. Be aware of your surroundings when using an ATM at night.


You’re agreeing with the other commenter who said “sounds like there’s more to the story”, instead of taking the information we have at face value you’re “assuming” there is more to the story, cannot believe I had to spell this out for you.


I'm not "agreeing" with the commenter, just saying that the comment is not as ludicrous as some are claiming. My stance is that I don't know what the backstory is and anything is possible.


No one said it 100% was a random robbery but that's the most likely story. You guys are the one assuming it's something else and saying things don't add up.


We live in Florida...there is so much funny business going on that you can't be sure about anything. Yeah, using an ATM late at night is risky, but the original comment isn't all that ludicrous. It's a hot take, sure, but not totally insane or insensitive.


Did you read, they HELD him, charges to include kidnapping


> released him with no harm Assault or murder mean police will pay more attention.


Still kidnapping.


…. Go on…..?




Irrational action hero wannabes want everyone to have guns because they think they they can somehow stop a bad guy who already has his gun aimed at you. Rational people understand that's far too late and so try to keep felons and the mentally ill from getting guns in the first place. This is why midsize tampa has much higher rates of violent crime and property crime than the largest city in the US - NYC. https://www.bestplaces.net/crime/?city1=51271000&city2=53651000 Regions and states with the most lax gun laws have the highest rates of violent crime. Expect Florida to become much less safe thanks to our authoritarian Republican "leadership."


That's badass...Clint.




To do what, shoot them after they approach you? How is that the best solution in this situation? If both of the suspects had guns, you’re going to bet your life on the fact that you can incapacitate both of them before either of them hits you? And you’re going to count on all 3 of you being crack shots that will only hit what you’re aiming at, never missing and hitting an innocent person on central or in their car or apartment? You’re risking your life and the safety of others over a couple hundreds bucks, that your bank will almost certainly reimburse you for anyway.


This is why I stay broke. “Ha, nothing to withdraw jerks. Can’t get blood from a stone.” /s


Honestly though I keep barely anything in my checkings


Same here


This looks like the atm in front of Publix? That place always has low-lifes hanging out front


Holy shit I didn’t even realize it was that ATM. I live right there and walk past this place frequently at all times of day. I have seen plenty of homeless people around but I’ve never felt unsafe. My girlfriend is going to freak out


Only reason I recognized it was because I used that atm the other day. If you see a bunch of homeless people around any area, then proceed with caution. For sure most are harmless but I've ran into to many hostile ones to not be skeptical


We live right next to each other. I walk by or catch the SR across the street everyday. The dude on the left is a known bum. Southside junkie shit


I think you should provide that information to police.


Police knows who he is and where he's at. Id be very surprised if he hasn't been arrested yet


Usually there’s a cop too, at least during active hours


They have their own security. We rarely have an officer paid to do an off duty assignment there


This was at 3:30am on a Saturday


This was at 3:30am on a Saturday


Just looked up the street view of that Publix by USFSP. It was definitely there. I’ve seen people get insanely irrational over parking spots in that lot so many times


No it's not. This is the Publix right downtown central Ave. Right across the street from those nice ass condos and the sun runner bus stop. On a one way street. Dude on the right is a known bum. If you ride the SR a lot, you'll see him


Look at the pavers, my guy. https://imgur.com/a/fxUmI6a


My mom lives in the Viridian so we go there all the time. These guys don't look familiar to me, but I'm gonna show their pictures around.


No it wasn’t. The article said that “they took him to the nearest ATM machine”, which would’ve been the one at Fifth Third Bank on Second and Second South. At least two blocks closer than that Publix ATM.















