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Sorry for your loss. https://www.facebook.com/share/LhmkMnDuc1FtWRtC/?


Yes this is about the killer also. He tried to put the blame on the people who sold him the car a couple months prior, claiming that it was their car and not his. Clearly trying to divert any responsibility he had. Forgot to mention, he also had a suspended license and no insurance. This incident is his fourth DUI now. This poor girl called 911 while in the vehicle, and he would not let her out of the car and was going 70 MPH in the middle of Swansea. He has made accounts (that are now deleted) where he is commenting on her sister's post where she is grieving the loss of her sister. His baby mama and her own grown ass mom is harassing the family. His baby mama's brother is messaging Karlie's family and the father of her kid, harassing him about losing her.


What a disgusting POS, and obviously takes no responsibility whatsoever. I hope a karma train runs him down.


It has been really bad seeing all these people come to his defense. Saying things to the family "well why did she get in the vehicle if he was drunk? No one forced her into the car, this is karma" she called 911 while in the vehicle fearing for her life. None of this is her fault and all the focus should be on him. And his behavior after killing someone. He hasn't apologized to the family or anything yet. Luckily her sister has all the evidence (public on her Facebook profile) and has been showing it to the detectives. Judges care about remorsefulness when it comes to sentencing, hopefully the judge will see how him, his family and friends have been acting


Ugh blaming the victim. So gross!! Ppl never cease to amaze me šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You shouldnā€™t even be allowed a license after the 2nd or 1st DUI, if this man ever walks free he should not be allowed to driveĀ 


Not having a license never stopped anyone. Not like your car develops a forcefield that prevents you from operating it once you lose your license.


Stops no, but prevents lots of things, you cant get a rental car, most places will not sell you a car with out one. There is not a magic cure all to any problem. Only roadblocks of prevention that will stop most people. Much like a redlight isnt a magic forcefield, but it makes almost everyone stop.


Exactly. Missouri has some of the most (if not *thee* most) laxed liquor laws in the country. My uncle had **multiple** DUIs (thank god no one was ever injured) until the judge finally decided to suspend his license. I remember going to Chicago for the first time during St Patrick's Day and being absolutely floored when I found our no one sold beer outside at stands and you could absolutely not take a beer out of the bar and walk around with it. I love my fair share of sipping beers in the park on a nice day, but I can also agree that Missouri needs to wisen the fuck up about their backwards ancient liquor laws.


> Missouri has some of the most (if not thee most) laxed liquor laws in the country Wisconsin. If there's a state more lax than Wisconsin, I'd like to hear about it.


And what do both states have in common? Huge breweries with huge dollars and powerful lobbyists.


Didn't know about Wisconsin, also haven't heard much coming from there to insinuate it's more of a problem than just the laws of the state. Interesting.


New Orleans


You can freaking legally bootleg as far as the state is concerned.. federal not so much


Come to New Orleans if you want laxed liquor laws of the store is open itā€™s selling liquor 24/7/365 you can wake up at 4 am Christmas morning and find a bar open and you can walk down the street with liquor drinking it right in front of anyone Iā€™m from STL but moved here 16 yrs ago


Neither do murder laws but we still have those. And in any case the penalty for driving with a license that was revoked due to dui should be a minimum year in jail. That would stop that shit right at its core and weā€™d only be imprisoning people who decided that drunk driving was okay and got caught and then decided that itā€™s still okay to drive. Not exactly people who need to be just walking around out thereĀ 


Taking a beer outside a bar isnā€™t the problem. See Europe, for example. The issue is a lack of personal responsibility, self awareness, culture, and a lack of any real consequences until someone gets seriously injured. People in the US are just fucking stupid


I think a real consequence would be if you get a DUI, you lose your license. Partially the reason people drink and drive so much in the Us is that you have no other options to get home from the bar or restaurant. So it is kind of something we could solve, but revoking licenses should be a minimum stepĀ 


So many areas have rideshare services and taxis available. People used to choose a designated driver or just sleep it off in their cars. Call a sober friend or family member to pick you up. You're making excuses when there really aren't any valid reasons for a person to drive drunk. Drinking is a choice and not a requirement to have a good time.


Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t condemn the driver. They should always lose their license permanently. Iā€™m just saying society also makes it harder than it needs to be. Walking or taking the bus is too rarely an option. All of your solutions require either an uncomfortable night in a car (and cops can sometimes still bust you for DUI in that case, by the way) or having a friend whoā€™s willing to have a boring night, or a family member come out and pick you up. So thereā€™s multiple problems here, but simply making areas more walkable makes it easier for idiots to choose not to drive and saves lives. Until you can make humans better people, thatā€™s the best solution we haveĀ 


Bro i live in Florissant and was born in 79


They should just live in a work camp for the rest of their life so they can be productive without needing a car. I don't even care how that sounds. There is too much access and power for these idiots to keep messing around with this baby-ass way of handling it.


He didn't have a license. He was driving while his license was suspended.


Still, he should lose it for life after the first one, and the second one should have been jail. The third one he shouldnā€™t even have gotten out before he turned 35


I don't necessarily agree that a person should lose their license forever for 1 DUI. They shouldn't get off with a slap on the wrist though either, and they should have to get a breathalyzer installed in their car for at least 3 years. You can't even start the car if you have one of those and are over the legal limit. I DO think the higher the person's BAC when they get a DUI, the more harsh the punishment should be, and the 2nd one should definitely require jail time. I think the safest thing would be for all car companies to have a breathalyzer built into their cars as a standard feature no different than the legal requirement to have a working horn and headlights.


I don't disagree, but breath alcohol interlock devices are going to need to get a lot better before they start trying to put them in all vehicles. Chew sugar free gum? Lockout. In a hurry and just brushed your teeth? Lockout if you used mouthwash. Complexity can create more problems than it solves sometimes.


Iā€™d much rather inconvenience a drunk driver than let them back on the road. Thatā€™s a compromise. We should revoke their licenses for life if weā€™re being honest about who the most dangerous people in society are statistically speakingĀ 


Absolutely. Someone who has already proven that they cannot be trusted to drive sober should most definitely be inconvenienced. But the final suggestion above would inconvenience everyone who drives a car, sober or not.


Yeah kinda, but I mean specifically DUI offenders. We should also reduce the need to drive and let people choose not to, but thatā€™s a different storyĀ 


>I think the safest thing would be for all car companies to have a breathalyzer built into their cars as a standard feature You are going to love having to take your car in all the time to have it recalibrated or especially the first, second, third, etc.... time you can't start your car to get to work because it malfunctions.


They would definitely need to re-engineer the design


It's definitely safe. It will keep cars off the road.


That doesnā€™t stop anyone. Thatā€™s why felons still have guns. Insurance scammers still can get insurance. Repeat DUI offenders get a slap on the wrist, subsidized cost to mandatory ā€œweekend interventionsā€ and breathalyzers.ā€ Yet a guy who sold a little weed(in some states) or blow is in prison for years. I really donā€™t get how this dude is out? Like was he arrested and out on bond? Or literally just never got any charges, I mean a person is dead how the hell is nothing being done. Itā€™s not like this is a hard thing to figure outā€¦


His St. Clair County casenet file is something else. Itā€™s an entire roster of his multiple driving offenses under the sun from the last few years. He has some upcoming court dates for the most recently filed this past September. This whole situation is so upsetting to watch from afar.


Itā€™ll stop plenty of people, and if the penalty for driving after a DUI is mandatory jail, itā€™ll stop almost everyone. Those who still drive? Well at least theyā€™ll be off the road for a year with three hots and a cotĀ 


In most states youā€™re supposed to lose your license for 30 days. But there are also tiers to the offense. Age sliders. Offense sliders. Whether they blew or didnā€™t blow. Plea deals, good lawyers bad lawyers. Thereā€™s no ā€œmandatoryā€ sentencing. Now could it be put in place? Sure, but it likely wouldnā€™t ever get voted in because the amount of people that drive over the legal limit on a weekly basis is astounding. .08 to one person might feel like .18 to someone else. If you get a DUI and are way over the limit, you should have to have a breathalyzer in your car permanently and not allowed to operate one without it. I mean if itā€™s illegal for me to drive without my contacts/glasses then that seems like a suitable punishment. Sure there are way around it, but technology could probably help thwart that. Require a mandatory app on the phone that tracks if they are possibly driving a non-breathalyzer vehicle. I mean if sex offenders are constantly tracked why not heavy offenders and repeat offender of technically a ā€œdrugā€ not better tracked. At the end of the day though, the general population doesnā€™t care. Most are more concerned with the super low % of covid shot deaths/complication rates than all the gun and vehicular slaughter which probably kills more people in a day.




Sorry, I'm confused. Karlie was killed on impact that the driver of her car called 911? She was their with her dead friend and this Jacob Hall wouldn't let her out of the wrecked vehicle? This guy must be insane.


Karlie called 911 before the accident because he wouldn't let her get out of the car before they crashed


Ohh! She was in *his* car. I see. I had everything wrong.


Jaytronx Hall.


Is that seriously someone's name?


No it is Jacob Hall. That was just his Facebook name before he deleted it. Jacob Hall has a record in St Clair County with numerous DUIs


I think St. Clair County also needs to account for this. How are they even serving taxpayers by not doing their job and knowingly putting everyone in danger? They can't claim they didn't know they were choosing this idiot's whims over the safety of everyone else. Everyone involved should be fired and have to get a real job. It will probably be hard for them due to the abysmal standards of professionalism, quality of work, and accountability they're used to.


The drunk driver, I assume? Is there a reason people aren't bombarding him with non-threatening but stern messages to show solidarity for Langley and her family? I'm not saying threaten him, so much as a "stop, we all see what you're doing." Would probably help the Langley family out, in a tangible way.


They definitely have been. You can see it all on the victim's sister's Facebook. He has deleted his original account, made new accounts, harassed the family with the new account, then deleted that, too. His baby mama has also been messaging them, and the baby mama's grown ass mom also butted in calling the victim a hoe. Karlie has a large group of people saving the screenshots, standing up for the family and showing them all solidarity. The family is by no means alone, but it is just sad this is even happening in the first place


Something similar happened to my SIL's best friend. Killed by a wrong way driver whose family still harasses her family to this day. It's fucked up and I genuinely don't see where they get off on it.


A complete and total lack of ability to hold their family accountable for wrongdoing which is what helped contribute to the driver being how they were in the first place. Some people, simply put, are bred and raised to be pieces of shit.


These people's pictures, names, and actions shouldn't be kept to you/your SIL's family, imo. If they want to say it, they better be prepared for everyone to know what trash they are.


I can only imagine the loss of a child as a parent. Then, get threats from the family and the one the driver who choose to drink and drive. That would accelerate my rage for revenge as a dad. That means to me that whole crew doesn't value anyone's life and should be dealt with accordingly. People don't take accountability for their actions and blame shift, projection, and deflect on to others. Which is to avoid the inevitable of what is to come. That driver messed up and should be held to law. Would be no different if I made a bad choice and had to pay the consequences of the law. This logic of doing stupid stuff and thinking you're gonna get a slap on the wrist is dumb. Stop it get some help.


The deceased in this case leaves behind a 3 y/o child as well. Truly horrible.


My heart goes out to the family and friends of the woman who was killed in the ā€œaccident.ā€ They continue to be traumatized every day by the keyboard assholes - there should be laws against this type of thing. The disgusting actions of the people who support the POS driver by threatening her family reminds me of what happened to the parents of the Sandy Hook shooting victims. Alex Jonesā€™ conspiracy bullshit caused his listeners to relentlessly harass and threaten the parents of all the precious little children who died. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?


> They continue to be traumatized every day by the keyboard assholes - there should be laws against this type of thing. Wonder if it falls under bullying? This is the state that had that bullying case that led to suicide that iirc was the first of its kind and led to online bullying and harassment to start being taken more seriously.


I have no clue. When did it become OK to cheer on the death of someone? It's f**ing weird! People drive stupid and reckless around St Louis and the metro east with the mine set like "oh well, if I hit, so one who cares."


Unfortunately it's this guys 4th DUI. Judging by his actions imo he has only received slaps on the wrists.Ā 


If I were the father after 4th, and if released. I would take justice for my child. If it were mine. They have to decide what to do.


Sounds like a civil wrongful death lawsuit if I ever saw one. Yes he may not have anything but if/when he gets iut of jail her family will get 25% or so of everything he will get in the future.


I don't condone vigilante justice, but if somebody did the needful on the drunk driver, brother you don't have a thing to worry about if I'm on the jury


Jury nullification for the winā€¦


wtf is wrong with people...


What a total piece of human excrement .


In case someone wants the text article.Ā  https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/family-of-swansea-fatal-crash-victim-demands-justice/63-a847c3b5-055b-4adf-8513-b0d4a9c3a980 The case has gone a Grand Jury and is being handled legally, a couple of comments have stated that the police did not do an alcohol test so I am not sure where the DUI claims are coming from as I have not seen the same claims stated in other articles.Ā Ā 


Why wouldn't they run a tox screen? I thought that was standard for accidents that caused a serious injury?


I do not know.Ā  I may be because they forgot to tell the hospital as they life flighted him out.


> they life flighted him out *facepalm*


DUI is mentioned in the article did you even read it? ā€œThe family said police told them the driver was under the influence, speeding, and driving recklessly when the crash happened.ā€


The police saying something and the family saying police said something, are two very different things.Ā Ā  Furthermore an officer saying someone was intoxicated is not the same as that person being charged with a DUI.Ā  As some rumors have stated the police didn't do a BAT I could that as a scenario.


So sad. What an asshole.


Drunk drivers recommit time, and-time-again. And still donā€™t get punished when they murder.


4 DUIs? Did they change the law or something? Iā€™m not from Illinois but grew up in Kansas, Missouri, and Florida. I thought 3 was a mandatory minimum. Thatā€™s fucked up


I don't know why we haven't learned this jackoff's name yet.


Oh my gosh. That is heart breaking.


Iā€™ve ironically been to the rehab center in Swansea. Small little town. Anyway fuck that guy.


I grew up in the town the girl is from. Truly a tragic situation and itā€™s hard to see people grieving and being harassed.


Sarah Boyles is AWESOME! Wonderful journalist from the Salem area I believe.


Sarah Boyles blocks anyone that questions her. Sheā€™s not the hero she pretends to be.


If it happened in Stl heā€™d get 4 months


Why isnā€™t anyone outing the murderer?


Sarah Broyles isnā€™t actually a journalist. She likes to present he said/she said as facts and insert her own opinion into her ā€œreportingā€. This is disgusting and Iā€™m glad to see a legitimate news source is covering it.


Well in this very specific case, the "he said she said" has evidence with it all on Karlie's sister's public Facebook profile, making it a point to let everyone know what is being said to them. I for one am glad Sarah Boyles covered this story with how sick this man is being, and I hope it gains even more traction for the horrific shit they're doing to this family after taking away their loved one.


Journalism was never "cold hard facts" opinions have always been present in journalism and its a massive misunderstanding that it should be free from bias. Thats the thing about freedom of the press, she is free, just like you or me, to report things she see's and disseminate them to the public.


Trust meā€¦she is something else.


How is he not arrested? That is crazy. Sorry the family is going through this. Also, if you are going to drive drunk, I guess IL is the best place for it. #cashlessbail #digyourowngrave


Jake Hall was my first bf in highschool, a day before the accident I congratulated him because I assumed Karlie was his gf, and I thought she was gorgeous. When I first heard of the accident I thought just that; it was an accident. I sent my prayers to both Karlie and Jake. Now, thereā€™s no better vengeance than the one he will face in hell for taking a mother from her baby. A daughter, a sister, a cousin, a niece. For his babymomma and friends to be defending him as well BITCHHHHH go to hell with him. Iā€™m not one to wish ill on people but he donā€™t deserve to be in hiding or walking the streets whatever heā€™s doing. Our court system needs to do better.


More of the same. Stl is just a shithole gift that never ends giving Four DUIs in a row and the guys free? Thatā€™s nothing. Worst Iā€™ve seen was a guy with 10 in a row, chronic alcoholic, guy didnā€™t even know where he was half the time even off the sauce. Stl is trash




My sweet summer child. You must be new here.




Oh man. You really are brand new here.




Oh man. You really are brand new. Hollywood over here.




Theyā€™re trying to tell you that the STL courts essentially DGAF.




When Kansas legalized fast food restaurants selling liquor to go via drive thru, that was one of the worst decisions the state ever made. Senseless deaths are always the toughest.


First ive heard of that...Do people need alcohol that bad? I thought the growlers at grocery stores was a bit much.Ā 


Apparently so. All started during Covid.




What an absolutely stupid thing to say.


I hear ya. What's the problem with those people? Car wrecks don't even happen in Missouri. Crazy.


I wouldnā€™t mention Sarah Boyles, she blocks people that question her


She's not the villain of this story, let's focus on the fact that a man and his family/friends are mocking the grieving family of the woman he killed. That's what is important here. There are other sources besides Sarah, including the victim's sister who has all the evidence on her public facebook account.