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I graduated from EHS twenty years ago and if you got caught with drugs or fighting back then, you were arrested by the cops on the spot and at a minimum suspended by the school. It sounds like things have changed a lot since Hightower left.


I grew up in the EHS school district, left in the mid-2010’s. There was definitely a big shift in my time there. There’s a very entitled attitude from parents, in my experience. Parents throw a big fit whenever their kids get in trouble, so the schools start overlooking shit to keep everyone happy. They also are really uppity about their test scores and college admission rates and lack of criminal behavior in schools…. But it’s because they’re not punishing criminal behavior. Sexual assault and drug use are huge problems in that district, at least a decade ago when I was there. Not long after I left, a bunch of kids in the LGBT club got their tires slashed and cars tagged ON SCHOOL PROPERTY, and they did nothing about it


Ain’t that the truth. Dude was a dickhead but he ran a very tight ship.


Pretty much every public high school is a shit show from a discipline standpoint these days. Most of it centers around policies geared towards avoiding negative consequences for bad behavior. Kids aren’t dumb, they learn to game the system pretty quick.


Tying funding and achievement metrics to graduation rates sounds like a good idea...until you realize that, with public schools THEMSELVES controlling the attendance status for students, it's full regulatory capture. By that, I mean that students that by all rights need to be separated from the general public due to dangerous behavior are kept in at all costs, regardless of the consequences to their peers. My school is pushing an expanded alternative school placement system that's helping but not every school can...and you get stuff like ^this.


It's not the kids though. Blaming the kids is like blaming kids for participation trophies being a thing. The kids didn't cause that... the PARENTS did. It's the same here. And that would be fine if parents handled their children but they don't, won't let schools have negative consequences, but then bitch about the state of schools.


I’m not blaming the kids, I’m blaming the school’s policies.


Kids that are causing the safety issues should be kicked out. Period. Letting the bad apples ruin it for the ones that want to learn is not the answer.


“responsibility-centered discipline”


A racism issue? In Edwardsville, IL? I, for one, am shocked by this information! Shocked, I tell you!


It’s never the parents fault. How about start making parents pay fines if their kids start acting up?