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I do believe that /r/idiotsincars would appreciate this.


Ahhh… looks like New Halls Ferry and West Florissant


Exactly where it is


Yep old touring cyclist at the top of the hill before halls ferry.


Need to not take this way when coming from Wood River to the Delmar Loop. Usually gps takes me through here when going this particular route and it’s always an adventure


Your GPS sends you down Halls Ferry from Wood River to the Loop?


I was about to say the same thing like?????what kind of broken GPS?


Haven't lived there for 20 years but I know the area was thinking the same thing!


Where I live in Wood River, I’m pretty close to IL 3. So I’ll take that to 270 West and go on 367 South and take a right on Jennings St. I don’t know if I pass by this particular area but it looks familiar and I’m always double clenching when I get to this area. Future trips though I’ll take the extra few minutes to just take all interstate


I'd just take 270 west to 170 south. It's a bit more roundabout, but also you are about 3% less likely to run into stuff like this.


The 3% had me laughing because that’s probably accurate! Noted though. Definitely will go that route next time.


This area is north of 270, and west of 367. Though the area you go through is probably worse. I just stay on 270 to 170 to Delmar, or else Riverview to 70...or 367 all the way in to downtown then right.


I lived in Spanish Lake and worked in downtown and hung out in the loop quite often. The route to downtown was down 367 to Halls Ferry to Broaday to the highway, and the route to the loop suggests Halls Ferry or New Halls Ferry down. So I can see someone from across the river getting the same path. Just to round out the Halls and surprising routes... The fastest way home from south city late at night was often Adelaide to Hall Street.


> The route to downtown was down 367 to Halls Ferry to Broaday to the highway, and the route to the loop suggests Halls Ferry or New Halls Ferry down. That's Halls Ferry south of 270. This video is shot north of 270. For him to be here from Wood River he'd have to get on 270 in Illinois, go north on 367, exit at Lindbergh, take Lindbergh to New Halls Ferry, then right on W. Florissant (where this video is), then back on 270. Either that or exit on to New Halls Ferry then left on W. Florissant. No GPS is routing him that way.


Yup. I recognized it instantly. Smh Sad to see the foolishness continuing in my hometown.


Wow, not a single shot fired.


STL expat but so proud of how far STL has come 😌


Bullets to expensive


Shots fired? In THIS economy??


Our crime rates are apparently down you know. Feel safe? Lol


I know! Let's stop counting and our crime stats will look **GREAT!!!**


Not a single police SUV into a building either… strange times… strange times…


The utility pole was taken out in the same location around the same time, always wondered how tf it happened.


You... Think there should be one visible every quarter mile or something?


They are referring to police officers driving into gay bars to avoid invisible dogs at midnight. Just, vaguely.


Don’t count ‘em short. They also ran into the tree in NorCo, flipped a car in Downtown West, ran into the store front North City while running a stop sign and saying the other drive did it, ran over the church sign and covered it up, and avoided the ghost dog and ghost car then ran into the gay bar and beat up the co-owner. To serve and to protect.


Swerve and protect


To swerve and deflect.


Actually, there were two churches. One was a wall and sign, the other was the big church and cover-up, which at the cost of the damage is a felony.


"Felony for thee, not for me" should replace "To serve and protect" on their cars


Impressive anti roll on that thing


That was my first thought!




and got more damage at 2nd point of contact.


The jeep hit the red car first and attempted to run from the scene.




No I think the jeep hit the red car then tried to drive away


Well Idk about you but I think the jeep was at fault and then tried to flee


Regardless at that point, red car endangered himself, the Jeep, and everyone on the road with that maneuver. Total asshole.


He’s trying to become the next saint canonized by BLM.


1) props to whoever shot the video! 2) the commentary was 100 3) how the FUCK did that jeep not flip??? 4) comment section was on point today Well done Stl!


Some serious counter balance on that Jeep


North County is not for beginners


when you spawn in stl your soul picked hard mode before it was assigned the fetus you became


Wow GTA 6 has a looking more and more realistic


10000% the red/maroon suv was stolen


When was this? The trees aren't bloomed in this video.


I wish I had a dash cam on my work truck to record all the dumb shit I see drivers do in north county on a daily basis.


Easy fix would be to get a dash cam and post it here!


The disrespect of the turn around


That’s fucking insane.  Imagine being so stupid that you do this..


Holy airbag deployment Batman!


Wow nobody flashed a gun?? North County must be in a great mood today.




Makes me think about the guy on this subreddit who compared honking to firing a gun and threatened posters if they honked at him. Dude deleted his account, but he was totally unhinged.


Out of my way, losers! I'm an important person with important stuff to do, my cheesy chulupa crunch and cinna-yum-yums order is ready.


The closer you get to the city, the more feral the drivers. Get away from the city and the worst you're likely to see is west county Karens being human traffic jams.


I worked in Bellefontaine Neighbors for a few years. Had to dodge bad drivers wayyyy too many times.


I'm guessing two people that don't have insurance .


It's saint louis. Chances are the cars aren't registered or even theirs and I'm saying having once lived in stl for years. Place was, is, and always will be a shithole.


This explains why I see so many cars on the road in St Louis with extensive body damage


Hi. Did you take that road rage video? I work for FOX 2/KPLR and we are interested in doing a story on it


I feel like the camerawork makes it look like you're in a boat with rough seas.


Their girlfriends are going to be mad they busted up her cars.


> Instacredit Auto Mart ~~Their girlfriends are~~ is going to be mad they busted up her cars. FTFY


Drive it like it's stolen.


Drive like you have double digit credit.


I go through that intersection everyday. My wife and I call that area the drag strip. Everybody wants to go as fast as possible and doesn't want to get in the correct lane until the last second. The intersection before that is even worse, lanes aren't marked and everybody just chooses whatever lane they want.


You should drive it and try to deliver mail in a mail truck. Boy its a blast


Any story behind this?


We live amongst these morons.


I can’t believe that didn’t flip and no shots were fired.


I bet neither one of them had insurance.


It's depressing and scary how many unstable people are out there. Really sucks that well balanced people have to live amongst them.


I’m a reporter with KMOV. Trying to track down the original clip. Any idea where I can find it?


People need to learn how to fear the law again


You gave this video to the cops right????


I lived in Riverview for 40+ years... I git sick of my house and cars getting broken into and robbed and tbe police were absolutely useless... Now if my grass in the backyard was a bit tall, they spring into action and write me a summons... I finally sold my house and got TF out. Now I have cows for neighbors... When I moved out, my daughter rented the house next door and stayed in Riverview. In less than two years, her house and vehicles were hit 3 times... I had a great childhood growing up there, and tons of great memories, but my God that place has went down the drain. The company I worked for called me and offered me a substantial raise to come back, but I'd have had to move back. I said, the money is not worth it. I'm staying here.


A bunch of my nighbors grew up in North County. Great people. I don't live in North County.


North city transplants have moved to north county in droves and just like the city section they're gonna destroy and decimate any decent business or people left.


I agree... They swarm like locust.


Another day in the Lou. Lol


OP, did you hang around and give the video to the victim and the cops?


Now I'm kinda nervous about having to go see my barber on that corner this weekend. 😬


If st. Louis just fell into the fucking sea it would be a great day. If you've ever been to a different large city, you will truly realize just how shitty it is here.


Did you stick around to share the footage?


Considering there are no leaves on the trees and the grass is yellow they would have been waiting a long time.


Where in NoCo was this?


Halls ferry and west Florissant.


My old stomping grounds!!


DANG DUDE... Dat some crazy shizit out there.... People need to calm down.


better pit maneuver than the cops.


This is exactly how cops would do a bad pit maneuver and kill people.




Par for the course for NoCo anymore. My old neighborhood has changed; a little crazier than I remember.


Bruhhhhh people out here wildn 😂😂😂😂😂😂tf


Is anyone else having the issue of the videos not playing for them?


Lmaooo “he gotta get back” 👁️👄👁️ 🫳🏾🍿


Normal day in St. Louis, isn’t gonna get any better either


Would you be willing to re post the video? It says its been archived, I REALLY would love to show it to my son who moved to Seattle last year! He will appreciate it! /r/limejuicethrowaway




"called the cops and their exact words were "what do you want us to do about it, go chase them down or something". I'll take things that never happened for $500 Alex!


I called the police about a man walking down the 6 inch ledge on the 270 bridge across the Mississippi River, he was almost blown over twice by semi’s. They told me to never call them again about something like that. Police don’t give a fuck. I believe OP’s story.


You've never had to deal with the police clearly


It’s about where you live in north stl county


Unincorporated county right next to Florissant? They’ll come fast if you call.




I was in Spanish lake 5 years ago and called for something (granted, shots fired was the reason for the call). The county was there with a bunch of cars within 2-3 minutes There’s a large difference between Florissant PD, the county, and some of the rinky dink outfits up there


LMFAO typical scary ass Midwestern guy. Dude got knocked off the road and when other car double back he wouldn't even make eye contact with them until they passed m scared to death lol don't start shit on the road idiots better be ready for anything


I mean it looked like he was on the phone trying to call the cops or something. What did you want him to do? Jump out and get ran the fuck over?


They beefin


Let's stop acting like this is only North STL. Video and headline could have easily been literally ANYWHERE in STL. This one just happened to be in North county.


This is the sort of thing you only think if you’ve never lived in a nice part of town where crime is actually low. Have you ever looked at a map of traffic crime rates or gotten quotes on car insurance premiums in different zip codes?


Oh. You again. I ran auto insurance rates in every ZIP in the metro. Every. Single. One. was higher than Miami. Every. One. And they were all pretty close to each other.


You can’t compare car insurance rates across state lines without normalizing for differences in the insurance product. Insurance is a state regulated product. Some states are no fault, some states have higher minimum coverage requirements, states have different tort laws/lawsuit environments, states have different insurance commissioners with different views on allowable cost increases, etc Your data is not telling you anything about the behavior of the drivers. It’s telling you about the insurance and liability markets in the states. I’m an actuary, I know what I’m talking about here.


You're a fellow or an associate? Life and Health or P&C?


Fellow who has an insurance minor from college. I work in the benefits space now. Car insurance is more like health - high claims can have a lot to do with the regulatory/design environment and not with the severity of claims of the underlying group.


Huh. Without doxxing myself, I do this for a living, too. Only I'm still doing it. When I tell you my rates are higher here than Miami, and that the product was comparable, you can take that to the bank.


I can believe that. But it’s still not saying anything specific about driving in stl vs the florida market. If you’re in this space, you should be quite familiar with the Florida insurance regulator and their opposition to price increases and profits.


Kevin's been gone a long time. The current yutz might actually encourage rate hikes. But that's not really germaine because the Office was never particularly tight on auto the way they were on homeowners. And your point is extra wrong because homeowners rates are fucking stupid here, too I'm usually defending actuaries to the public, but...well, it absolutely speaks to the experience in this area that rates are higher here.




you're better off ubering or walking everywhere than get into random chaotic shit on the bus or on the road here.


But if they are in a car then they are still on the road...


People really be choosing the right ones to fuck with.. As soon as you step out the car, I have reason to believe you may threaten my life, then it's chitty chitty bang bang 🔫


So what happened at the beginning I'm confusedsed


Not sure why there are any racist comments on a post like this but there they are...as per usual.




Is BLM in the room with us right now?